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倪方钰 《生产力研究》2013,(12):112-114
国内外经济形势的变化和苏南所处的发展阶段,使转型成为苏南社会经济发展的主旋律,创新驱动成为苏南发展的重大战略,创新的本质是营造区域创新生态系统。我们梳理了国内外创新生态系统的研究现状和不同定义,剖析了美国硅谷和法国罗纳—阿尔卑斯大区创新生态系统建设的典型案例。通过建立完善的体制、制度,实现不同创新主体和要素间的互动合作,形成新型产业集群,培育开放包容的创新文化,促进创新生态系统建设。  相似文献   

刘畅  李建华 《经济纵横》2019,(3):122-128
创新是引领发展的第一动力,创新驱动发展战略是我国实现转型发展、建成现代化强国的重大战略。创新生态系统是以生物学隐喻的方式研究形成的创新系统范式,被看作是创新3.0时代的核心要义。基于社会与自然协同发展的视角,借鉴五重螺旋理论构建的"政府、企业、科研、用户、自然"五重螺旋创新生态系统,通过各要素间的生态互动、创新联结及知识转化等方式,可形成遗传、变异、衍生和选择等协同创新机制,推动整个系统的协同升级。对此,需要发挥政府创新政策的指导作用,大力支持创新生态系统建设;发挥企业对技术创新的主导作用,全力推动创新生态系统优化升级;发挥科研组织的原始创新优势,助推创新生态系统演化升级。  相似文献   

知识能力是区域创新生态系统最重要的动态能力。因此,根据区域知识能力内涵,结合区域创新生态系统特征设计区域创新生态系统知识能力协同度指标体系。以深圳市为研究对象,运用匹配量化模型分析产业知识基础和学研知识基础匹配程度,运用复合系统协调度模型评价知识创新环境与产业、学研知识基础发展协同程度。结果表明,深圳市产业知识基础与学研知识基础发展不均衡,且深圳知识创新环境和产业知识基础发展协同度高于其与学研知识基础协同度。因此,深圳市创新生态系统构建要重视学研机构知识基础积累,加强区域知识创新环境建设。  相似文献   

协同创新是区域协同发展的内在动力。运用2002-2014年京津冀、长三角、珠三角三大区域省际或各地市数据,应用复合系统协同度模型与数据包络法度量协同创新度和创新绩效,构建了协同创新对创新绩效影响的计量模型;应用空间计量技术对区域一体化与创新绩效的关系进行分析。结果表明,除珠三角外,长三角和京津冀协同创新活动对创新绩效无显著影响;区域一体化程度越高,区域内部创新绩效分布越均衡;“企业自身投入”与“政府资助”等内生要素是促进区域一体化和提升创新绩效的主要动力。因此,应促进区域内部生产要素自由、合理流动,实现创新资源有效溢出,提升区域发展内生动力,加深区域一体化程度,提高创新效率。  相似文献   

本文在共生视角下研究军民融合企业技术创新生态系统的协同演化机制,分析政府干预下"学研机构—军民融合企业"的主从博弈策略,探讨"政企学研"组成的技术创新生态系统在独立生存合作、协同创新合作和联盟共存合作三个阶段的运作机理.主要考虑两种政府干预情境:一种是针对一般技术创新,政府不进行补贴激励;另一种是针对高精尖技术创新,政府会对其进行补贴激励.针对两种政府干预情境和三个演化阶段,采用主从博弈分别确定学研机构的技术创新程度和技术转移费用以及军民融合企业的边际收益.研究表明:学研机构和军民融合企业采用成本分担机制共同进行技术研发,有助于提高技术创新程度;协同创新合作阶段的成本分担机制可使创新生态系统获得帕累托改进;在大部分情形下不存在使学研机构和军民融合企业都满意的创新成本分担契约;联盟共存合作阶段的利润共享机制可以消除创新生态系统的双重边际效应,获得帕累托最优.  相似文献   

以协同创新为中介变量、环境规制为调节变量,构建生产性服务业集聚与技术转移二者关系的理论模型。以我国2002-2015年省域数据为样本,采用多元回归分析法对生产性服务业集聚影响区域技术转移的作用机制进行研究。结果显示:生产性服务业集聚对区域技术转移有正向影响;协同创新对生产性服务业集聚与区域技术转移的关系发挥中介作用;环境规制对协同创新与区域技术转移间的关系具有正向调节作用;环境规制对生产性服务业集聚与区域技术转移间关系的调节作用通过多主体协同创新的中介效应实现。结论可为揭示生产性服务业集聚对区域技术转移的作用机制提供理论依据,为推动生产性服务业集聚、多主体协同创新和区域技术转移提供实践参考。  相似文献   

基于空间网络视角,利用联合专利数据刻画我国产学研协同创新网络演化特征。研究发现,随着产学研主体不断增加,创新网络逐渐覆盖全国,但区域创新联系呈现出创新中心区与非中心区非均衡性。由于空间网络关系的路径依赖越来越明显,技术知识传递的非对称性分布加剧,协同创新活动呈现创新中心区位锁定,导致网络协同创新效应难以形成,整体上协同创新网络重心呈“单核”向“三核”分布格局演化,国家创新系统长期依赖少数中心区域,中心区域技术知识辐射的局部效应与区域平衡发展的矛盾不断凸现。因此,应合理配置创新资源,优化协同创新网络空间形态,推进国家创新系统向均衡创新生态系统演化。  相似文献   

基于国家知识产权局产学合作发明专利数据,采用负二项回归和逻辑回归模型,研究了多维邻近性对我国跨区域产学协同创新的影响,包括对协同创新绩效的静态影响和对协同创新关系形成与维持的动态影响。研究结果表明,技术邻近与地理邻近的静态和动态影响分别呈倒U型和正向关系;社会邻近能促进协同创新关系形成与维持,不会显著促进协同创新绩效提升,但能够正向调节技术邻近对协同创新的影响;网络邻近对协同创新绩效及其关系形成与维持的影响呈正向关系,且正向调节技术邻近对协同创新关系形成与维持的影响,负向调节社会邻近与地理邻近对协同创新绩效的影响。  相似文献   

以协同创新为中介变量、环境规制为调节变量,构建生产性服务业集聚与技术转移二者关系的理论模型。以我国2002-2015年省域数据为样本,采用多元回归分析法对生产性服务业集聚影响区域技术转移的作用机制进行研究。结果显示:生产性服务业集聚对区域技术转移有正向影响;协同创新对生产性服务业集聚与区域技术转移的关系发挥中介作用;环境规制对协同创新与区域技术转移间的关系具有正向调节作用;环境规制对生产性服务业集聚与区域技术转移间关系的调节作用通过多主体协同创新的中介效应实现。结论可为揭示生产性服务业集聚对区域技术转移的作用机制提供理论依据,为推动生产性服务业集聚、多主体协同创新和区域技术转移提供实践参考。  相似文献   

运用协同创新和三螺旋等理论,划分协同创新网络成员多样性及其维度。以452家中国制造业高技术上市公司为样本,研究协同创新网络成员多样性与企业探索式创新的直接关系,并探讨技术多元化在两者间的中介作用。结果表明,协同创新网络成员主体多样性和区域多样性均显著正向影响探索式创新,技术多元化在主体多样性与探索式创新间发挥完全中介作用,在区域多样性与探索式创新之间则发挥部分中介效应。  相似文献   

This paper examines the working definitions of the term 'technology' across a range of disciplines such as industrial relations, organizational behaviour, operations management and development economics. The precise 'subdefinition' of technology in use depends on the disciplinary problematic. We develop a conceptual device called the technology complex to reveal the pattern that is observable when a large number of subdefinitions are compared. The technology complex is a list of the distinctive 'elements' that comprise the disciplinary subdefinitions of technology and it orders this list of elements from the 'physical' to the 'cultural'. The technology complex captures the idea that a working definition of technology will be some selection from the elements of the complex. The technology complex also captures the idea that in its most general sense 'technology' is 'knowledge related to artefacts'. We apply the technology complex to the issue of determinism in technological and social change using the examples of aircraft design and robotics. We argue that there is not an 'either—or' issue between the social and the technological influences on change since the terms are not distinct: 'technology' always includes some aspect of the social. We show how what appears to be 'technological determinism' in the examples of aircraft design and robotics use can be understood through the technology complex.  相似文献   

This paper examines the working definitions of the term 'technology' across a range of disciplines such as industrial relations, organizational behaviour, operations management and development economics. The precise 'subdefinition' of technology in use depends on the disciplinary problematic. We develop a conceptual device called the technology complex to reveal the pattern that is observable when a large number of subdefinitions are compared. The technology complex is a list of the distinctive 'elements' that comprise the disciplinary subdefinitions of technology and it orders this list of elements from the 'physical' to the 'cultural'. The technology complex captures the idea that a working definition of technology will be some selection from the elements of the complex. The technology complex also captures the idea that in its most general sense 'technology' is 'knowledge related to artefacts'. We apply the technology complex to the issue of determinism in technological and social change using the examples of aircraft design and robotics. We argue that there is not an 'either—or' issue between the social and the technological influences on change since the terms are not distinct: 'technology' always includes some aspect of the social. We show how what appears to be 'technological determinism' in the examples of aircraft design and robotics use can be understood through the technology complex.  相似文献   

技术生态位及生态化对企业技术创新的作用机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济要求以技术创新为动力,实现技术的生态化。企业是技术创新群落中的主体。因此,要实现整个国家技术创新体系生态化,首先就要实现企业技术创新生态化。技术因子是企业发展的控制参数,主宰企业对环境的适应,它在企业发展中的重要性构成了企业生态位中少数几个序参量之一,并且形成企业技术生态位。而技术生态位通过差异化竞争实现分离,提升了企业技术创新能力和企业技术创新的生态化。基于生态位的技术生态化具备了"适者生存"的技术选择机制和开放性、适应性的自稳过程及自适应能力特征。这些特征是企业技术创新的生态化实现机制,并要求企业在技术创新过程中实现生产工艺生态化、全寿命周期分析及全过程的生态化管理。  相似文献   

政府技术采购促进技术创新的模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府技术采购在国外已经成为了一项卓有成效的推动技术创新的政策工具。归纳出了国际上进行政府技术采购的3种模式,即招标采购模式、合作伙伴模式和政府引导模式,并通过对它们的比较,分析了各模式的适用范围、主要内容和对我国政府技术采购的借鉴意义。 ?  相似文献   

我国包括国家关键技术在内的技术发展活动处于一个复杂和特殊的国际环境中,技术强国由于各种原因,在对我国技术出口上设置了严格的限制政策。长期以来,我国在进行国家关键技术选择时主要以专家集体决策为主,且很少系统考虑我国技术受限因素。目前,国内在考虑技术强国技术出口限制因素的国家关键技术选择及创新的理论方法上,是一个难点和空白点。把技术强国对我国的技术出口限制因素作为我国国家关键技术选择与发展考虑的重要因素之一,深入研究了我国基于技术受限的国家关键技术选择模型及其优越性。最后,对我国基于技术受限的国家关键技术创新与发展问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

The globalization of the economy is a process driven by the enterprise. As enterprises form networks of alliances they tend to create huge oligopolistic structures on a global scale. Although these global enterprises are not subject to national norms, it is evident that a new alliance is growing up between the enterprise and the state. In the context of fierce international competition, enterprises need the support of the state, which is able to ensure that its 'national champions' enjoy optimum conditions for development; in return, successful enterprises are the state's best guarantee of national independence. But through this alliance the enterprise has acquired a totally new legitimacy, approaching that formerly reserved for the state, while the state finds itself engaged in global economic competition, which lacks adequate regulatory procedures. There is also a growing disassociation between globalized economic power on one hand, and political power conjned within national borders, on the other. There is a need to formulate a new regulatory framework, in order to overcome a situation where actors representing particular interests impose their own rules on actors representing the public interest. Such a framework would encourage the emergence of a transnational civilian society able to mobilize itself in the face of global economic, technological and environmental problems.  相似文献   

The globalization of the economy is a process driven by the enterprise. As enterprises form networks of alliances they tend to create huge oligopolistic structures on a global scale. Although these global enterprises are not subject to national norms, it is evident that a new alliance is growing up between the enterprise and the state. In the context of fierce international competition, enterprises need the support of the state, which is able to ensure that its 'national champions' enjoy optimum conditions for development; in return, successful enterprises are the state's best guarantee of national independence. But through this alliance the enterprise has acquired a totally new legitimacy, approaching that formerly reserved for the state, while the state finds itself engaged in global economic competition, which lacks adequate regulatory procedures. There is also a growing disassociation between globalized economic power on one hand, and political power conjned within national borders, on the other. There is a need to formulate a new regulatory framework, in order to overcome a situation where actors representing particular interests impose their own rules on actors representing the public interest. Such a framework would encourage the emergence of a transnational civilian society able to mobilize itself in the face of global economic, technological and environmental problems.  相似文献   

技术转移担负着技术引进和科技成果产业化的重任,是国家创新体系的中间环节,也是我国科技与国际前沿接轨的重要路径。当前,随着经济与科技的结合日益紧密,以及科技自身形态的演变,针对专利、发明等智力产品的战略投资和经营市场正在形成,并呈现出规模化、体系化和产业化趋势。技术发达国家的技术垄断态势进一步加剧,并以此构筑贸易壁垒,对其它国家技术安全和经济安全造成严重威胁。在此情况下,我国必须针对技术转移现存问题制定相应对策。  相似文献   

Trade and the Transmission of Technology   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
This paper integrates earlier studies on the link of productivity and research and development (R&D) in different industries of a closed economy with the more recent emphasis on R&D-driven growth and international trade in open economies. In this framework, technology in the form of product designs is transmitted to other industries, both domestically as well as internationally, through trade in differentiated intermediate goods. I present empirical results based on a new industry-level data set that covers more than 65 percent of the worlds manufacturing output and most of the worlds R&D expenditures between 1970 and 1991. The analysis considers productivity effects from R&D in the domestic industry itself, from R&D in other domestic industries, as well as in the same and other foreign industries. I estimate strong productivity effects both from own R&D spending and R&D conducted elsewhere. The contribution of R&D in the industry itself is about 50 percent in this sample. Domestic R&D in other industries is the source of 30 percent of the productivity increases, and the remaining 20 percent are due to R&D expenditures in foreign industries.  相似文献   

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