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陆茸 《经济纵横》2019,(5):11-17
随着大数据时代的到来,人们的行为数据成为能被互联网平台企业收集、分析并出售的新的商品。对于数据商品的价值是如何产生的,以及其中体现了怎样的剥削关系,西方传播政治经济学派代表人物克里斯蒂安·福克斯试图重建马克思的劳动价值理论,认为用户在互联网上产生数据的活动,是一种创造数据商品的"数字劳动";平台资本家通过无偿占有数据商品,实现了对用户无酬劳动的剥削,这种剥削超越了资本主义雇佣劳动的范畴。福克斯的理论有待商榷,数据商品价值是由互联网平台企业的雇佣劳动者,而非使用平台的用户创造的,这种剥削仍属于资本主义雇佣劳动的范畴;数据所有权争论和"隐私悖论"并非源于大数据本身,而是源于其资本主义的运用方式;应充分利用我国的制度优势,深入推动大数据战略的实施。  相似文献   

“技术—资本”互动机制是内含技术和资本两个对立面的总体概念,用以表征技术与资本的规律性互动。“技术—资本”互动机制在历史上的阶段性演进表明,技术的资本主义应用虽然多次为资本主义带来繁荣,但仍无法克服其内在的制度痼疾,一再表现出资本关系的历史暂时性。资本关系的这种历史暂时性决定了,“技术—资本”互动机制的存在有其固有的历史限度。与资产阶级主流经济学持续对此历史限度进行遮蔽不同,马克思主义政治经济学着力揭示这种历史暂时性,揭露技术在社会经济演进中的作用,并展望实现技术合理运用的共产主义超越前景。在数字经济时代,新技术集群的发展使资本主义社会“技术—资本”互动机制遭遇发展困境,中国式现代化道路的成功开辟表明社会主义生产关系的新发展,中国特色社会主义“技术—资本”互动机制正日益展示出超越资本主义社会的光明前景。  相似文献   

随着数字经济时代的到来,资本主义劳工状况发生了巨变。与大工业时代相比,由于数字技术的发展,科学技术和劳动之间的双重效应没有顺承发展,而是被颠覆,从以“适应效应”为主演变为以“异己效应”为主“。异己效应”的凸显促使数字经济时代“劳动—技术”的关系出现逆转,给劳工状况带来了三方面的挑战:劳动主体被“数字技术”所肢解;算法控制替代了原有的契约控制,在剥削被进一步掩盖的同时,劳动的强度不断增强;社会分工被加剧异化,不同时空劳工组织结构被扭曲。通过对这些现象的理论溯源,本文认为,数字技术对劳动和资本的关系进行了重构,数字技术不仅增强了资本支配劳动的权力,而且在资本主义私有制下加剧了劳动和资本之间的矛盾。为了有效重塑数字经济时代资本主义劳工状况,本文提出了两条路径:劳动者联合起来和发展公有制经济。这两个建议是对马克思主义理论的复归,也是在数字经济时代对具体理论的发展。  相似文献   

在现代经济思想发展史上,资本理论一直是经济学理论的核心区域。依据马克思经济学有关资本概念及资本理论的讨论可以看到,马克思正是通过对预付货币资本的内涵、资本主义社会关系的资本本质、以及资本主义积累与竞争的资本性质这三方面内容的层层推进和深入解析,科学地揭示了现实资本主义的经济关系及其运行规律。无疑,这对于指导我们研究当前的社会经济体制具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

“全要素生产率”(TFP)是一个源自经济增长数理模型的概念,其内涵本就随基于模型对经济增长本质探索阶段的演变而变迁。经济增长理论强调土地、资本、劳动力三大竞争性要素,以及技术、制度两大非竞争性要素。而随着数据正式被列入第三个非竞争性要素,经济增长的全要素生产率内涵进一步发生了新的变迁。本文在此两条线索的基础上,沿经济增长数理模型发展脉络:首先,试梳理并阐述了不同模型发展阶段全要素生产率之内涵及其所联结的时代意义;其次,在将数据新生产要素纳入研究体系后,还可继续探索含技术、制度和数据三项非竞争性要素的全要素生产率新内涵,并进一步探索提出数据要素内生模型的可能路径。全文基于全要素生产率新解相关认知,观察新要素特性,揭示经济增长均衡动态变化并最终达成宏观经济新平衡的路径,试对我国当下经济实践建议一二。  相似文献   

在经济思想发展史上,资本理论一直是经济学纯理论争论的核心领域。依据马克思经济学有关资本概念及资本理论的讨论可以看到,马克思正是通过对预付货币资本的内涵、资本主义社会关系的资本本质、以及资本主义积累与竞争的资本性质这三方面内容的层层推进和深入解析,科学地揭示了现实资本主义的经济关系及其运行规律。无疑,这对于指导我们当前的社会主义市场经济体制建设具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

杨善奇  刘岩 《经济学家》2021,(12):31-40
数据已经成为数字经济时代最重要的生产要素,只有经过智能算法处理过的数据才能成为有价值的信息.智能算法具有二重属性,既可以充当生产资料提升劳动效率,也可以充当监控手段,成为资本控制劳动的工具.本文基于马克思主义政治经济学基本理论,从任务分配、劳动过程监管、绩效考核和非雇佣化无酬劳动四个方面考察智能算法对劳动过程的控制和重塑,智能算法就像是一个隐形的大脑和与之串联的"神经系统"监管和支配着劳动者的一言一行,充当虚拟管理者的角色主导并控制整个劳动过程,深化劳动对资本的隶属关系.因此,应该反思数据和智能算法技术的资本主义过度使用,对数字垄断资本进行引导和规制,保护数字劳工的合法权益.  相似文献   

通过马克思对资本主义构建的基本元素,如资本、劳动、剩余价值及其各种变换形式的分析入手,来探析马克思对经济社会学的贡献;同时对比韦伯对资本主义的全新理解,揭示他们在根本上是处于不同的方面上看待社会,甚至在对劳动、阶级等的分析手法上根本上是处于两个不同的时代,然而我们并不这样就认为韦伯处在了古典时代。  相似文献   

在颇具挑战性的数字化时代,用户成为企业获取持续创新优势的重要源泉,如何激发用户参与产品创新成为企业创新管理亟待解决的重要问题。基于TOE框架,采用fsQCA方法,分析数字技术应用、产品技术创新、组织职能协调、用户创新能力、同侪竞争效应和用户参与产品创新的组态效应及相互关系。通过对93家用户参与产品创新企业数据的分析,结果表明:存在市场驱动型、驱动市场型和数字驱动型3种高用户参与产品创新条件组态,具有多重并发性,遵循殊途同归原则;在企业开展用户参与产品创新过程中,用户创新能力、数字技术应用两个前因条件相对重要;高用户参与产品创新的条件组态与非高用户参与产品创新的条件组态存在因果非对称性。  相似文献   

涂攀 《新经济》2022,(2):37-41
马克思的异化劳动理论展现了他对资本主义经济根源的分析,并且准确把握到了资本主义发展的内部矛盾,具有革命性意义.一方面,马克思通过对古典政治经济学的考察,批判了旧的劳动概念和逻辑构造,把资本和工资等概念放到了资本主义发展的实际过程中,有其深厚的实践根源.另一方面,马克思科学考察了异化劳动的基本内涵,揭示了这一概念在实现人...  相似文献   

Xin Zhang 《Geopolitics》2017,22(2):310-331
As China tries to catch up from a semi-peripheral status in the hierarchy of a capitalist world-system, three decades of fast economic growth have recently shown serious signs of capital glut, overproduction and decreasing returns to capital, indicating the beginning of a phase of contraction and stagnation in the long-cycles of capitalist accumulation. The combination of “capital logic” and “territorial logic” in Giovanni Arrighi’s framework gives both the Chinese state and Chinese capital strong incentives and pressure to actively engage in a “spatial fix” by reconfiguring its geographic vision in order to further capital accumulation and expansion on a larger spatial dimension, culminating in the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative, including the Maritime Silk Road Initiative (MSRI). The official promotion of the MSRI hopes to revitalise the historical precedents of the “Silk Road” so that the modern-day hyper-connectivity across Asia, Africa and Europe will facilitate the formation of a China-led reorganised world economy, operating under open and equal participation, possibly leading to common development for all countries involved. However, the nature and impact of such a grandiose initiative, especially its core mission of “connectivity”, is still highly contingent on the hybrid nature of Chinese capitalism in the world-system and how China engages capitalism at the global scale.  相似文献   

This paper builds three‐sector general equilibrium models to investigate how a shrink of rural–urban human capital disparity generates an impact on skilled–unskilled wage inequality in China. In the basic model where the urban skilled sector and the urban unskilled sector have no upstream and downstream linkage, we find that the wage inequality will be narrowed down if the urban skilled sector is more capital intensive than the urban unskilled sector. To capture the characteristic of China's state capitalism, we build an extended model where the urban skilled sector acts as an upstream industry for the urban unskilled sector, and find that the wage inequality will be reduced if the substitution elasticity of unskilled labor and intermediate product in the urban unskilled sector is large enough. When we consider the factual characteristics of the Chinese economy, our models predict that a shrink of rural–urban human capital disparity will be helpful to reduce the skilled–unskilled wage inequality in China.  相似文献   

国际金融危机的爆发引起了人们对银行资本缓冲经济周期行为更为广泛的关注。本文构建动态面板数据模型对银行资本缓冲与经济周期及相关决定性因素的关系进行估计。研究结果表明,2002-2009年,中国上市银行资本缓冲具有逆周期行为,该特征并未因商业银行产权性质不同而存在显著差异,其主要来源于银行资本金及风险加权资产与经济周期之间显著相关性的共同作用,政府注资、上市融资等资本补充渠道是短期内提高银行资本缓冲的重要外源途径,建立市场化的长效资本金补充机制、确定适度的资本缓冲区间是后金融危机时代我国监管当局和商业银行的重点议题。  相似文献   

Based on the panel data on 276 prefectural-level cities from 2011 to 2018, this paper uses longitudinal fixed effects models, panel threshold effects and instrumental variables to explore the relationship between digital economy development and human capital structure advancement. In addition, this paper examines how the development of the digital economy is related to human capital levels. The results show that digital economy development significantly boosts human capital structure advancement, as well as low-level and high-level human capital. However, the effect of digital economy development on midlevel human capital is not statistically significant. In terms of heterogeneity, we find that digital economy development significantly promotes human capital structure advancement in eastern and central-western regions of China, as well as in core and peripheral cities. Effects on the various levels of human capital show significant differences. Furthermore, digital economy development has a positive effect on human capital structure when industrial structure advancement is low. Past a certain threshold, however, the effect reverses. This paper suggests that each region should accelerate the development of digital infrastructure, rationally promote industrial structure advancement and boost the effectiveness of human resources to achieve high-quality economic development.  相似文献   

The Cambridge controversies about the theory of capital were ultimately underpinned by a clash between two different visions of capitalism, the neoclassical view, according to which distribution depends on the supply and demand curves of capital and labor, and the post Keynesian view, according to which distribution depends on political and institutional factors instead. I shall argue that the distinction between “meritocratic capitalism” and “patrimonial capitalism,” which underpins the discussions surrounding Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century, is also connected to those two different visions of capitalism, which were behind the Cambridge controversies. These two visions of capitalism have important implications for our understanding of political power over workers, and also to our understanding of political power over land and its natural resources. The role of land and natural resources was not discussed in the Cambridge controversies, but is addressed in Piero Sraffa’s Production of Commodities, and is implied in Piketty’s inclusion of land in his definition of capital, which brings in a geographical dimension to our understanding of capitalism and capitalist crises, as I shall argue.  相似文献   

以长三角地区41个城市为研究对象,基于要素流动、空间溢出、政府干预等视角,运用多步多重中介效应模型、空间杜宾模型、面板门槛模型,分析互联网产业集聚对资源错配的作用机制。研究表明:①互联网产业集聚能够有效缓解劳动力错配和资本错配;②互联网产业集聚和资源错配间存在链式中介效应,表现为互联网产业集聚能够促进第二三产业协同集聚,从而抑制无效的劳动力流动和资本流动,提升劳动力流动和资本流动质量,进而缓解劳动力错配和资本错配;③互联网产业集聚具有空间溢出效应,能够显著改善本地区和邻近城市劳动力错配,同时,改善邻近地区资本错配;④政府干预具有显著的单门槛效应,互联网产业集聚对劳动力错配和资本错配的缓解在一定程度上受政府干预的影响。鉴于此,研究提出,长三角地区应进一步推进互联网产业集群建设与产业协同集聚发展,发挥互联网产业集聚对要素流动量与质的调节作用,同时,政府干预也要适度。  相似文献   

In this paper I address some elements in Piero Sraffa's thinking that are connected to his conceptualization of the phases of capitalism. Sraffa describes various stages of capitalism using similar categories to the ones employed in the model of the economy provided in Production of Commodities. This is done by distinguishing the role of population, land and (circulating, intermediate and fixed) capital in each stage. Sraffa changed his conceptualization of fixed capital over the years, until he reached its final formulation. The conceptualizations of fixed capital that Sraffa discusses, together with his remarks on money which are made through an analogy with circulating and fixed capital, provide some elements that shed light on Sraffa's view of the dynamics of capitalism.  相似文献   

赵婷婷  张琼  李俊  王拓 《技术经济》2021,40(9):159-171
在"十三五"的收官之年,基于当前和今后一个时期国内外环境变化,中央提出,要建立以国内大循环为主体,国际国内双循环相互促进的新发展格局,对开放水平和开放质量提出了更高要求.本文旨在考察数字化转型是否有助于促进企业外循环,并且提出其影响机理和实现路径.机制分析表明,数字化转型增强了企业的数据资本,数据资本赋能企业,降低参与国际分工的交易成本,助力企业打通外循环,提高企业外循环水平.经验研究证实,数字化转型能够助力企业打通外循环,提高企业外循环水平,对企业直接参与外循环的促进作用显著大于间接参与外循环.异质性分析表明,与小微型企业相比,数字化转型对大中型企业外循环的促进作用更大;对于大中型企业而言,数字化转型着力助推其直接参与外循环,对其间接参与外循环的促进作用不显著;与非主要商业城市相比,数字化转型对位于主要商业城市的企业直接参与外循环的促进作用更大;与主要商业城市相比,数字化转型对位于非主要商业城市的企业间接参与外循环的促进作用更大.  相似文献   

In the Dutch statistics on government finance a micro/macro link is established. The paper describes why and how this has been done. It appears to be of relevance to the users of the statistics to present two different data sets: one according to an accounting/administrative point of view and one fitting in the National Accounts. The main features of the way in which these data sets are derived from the underlying bookkeeping documents are given and it is shown how they relate to the accounting and juridical structures of the various government agencies. It appears that in order to arrive at homogeneous data sets, adaptations are in order, mainly bearing on the entries; for the National Account data further transformations, relating to transactions as well as transactors, will appear necessary. It will be enunciated how the relation between these data sets is shown in the statistics on government finance and how, in the same course a micro/macro link is provided for.  相似文献   

马诗卉  肖婷婷 《技术经济》2023,42(9):97-105
随着数字技术逐渐加入社会生产过程,数字经济对产业内部结构将产生深刻影响,为研究数字经济对服务业内部结构的影响,在2011-2019年地级及以上城市面板数据的基础上,构建实证模型进行实证分析检验。研究结果表明,数字经济对服务业结构的影响效应为“高端促进”,而非“低端锁定”,在一系列稳健性检验后,结果仍然成立。在作用机制上,数字经济通过提高地区人力资本水平促进服务业结构升级。空间效应检验结果显示本地的数字经济发展能够带动邻地的服务业结构升级。数字经济对服务业结构升级的影响受人力资本水平的调节,当人力资本水平超过门槛值时,表现出持续增强的促进作用。本文的研究证实数字经济是服务业结构升级的重要推动力,能够为数字经济时代破除经济“结构性减速”、优化产业内部结构提供有益启示。  相似文献   

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