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在经济全球化的背景下,以集群式产业链升级为研究视角,紧密结合实际,综合运用产业经济学、技术创新、产业链、产业集群等多学科理论交叉研究方法,在分析集群产业链、产业势力、治理模式和本地化、区域化和全球化三层空间整合互动关系的基础上构建了基于集群产业链的内外互动升级模型,对内生型和外生型集群产业链的发展路径进行比较,丰富和发展了产业集群及产业链的研究内容,为我国集群产业的发展提供思路与理论依据。  相似文献   

制造业和服务业关系的理论探讨和相关实证问题分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经济发展实践中,制造业和服务业之间的逻辑关联主要包括基于产业链的产业互动、服务业对制造业的支撑、制造业活动重心向服务业转移、制造业与服务业融合发展等。  相似文献   

河南省产业集聚区建设与城镇化推进协调互动发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左雯 《经济研究导刊》2010,(32):58-59,79
发展产业集聚区及构建与其配套的生活社区可以从根本上解决河南城镇化进程中的瓶颈因素。鉴于此,剖析了新乡市新型农村住宅社区在实现产业集聚与城镇化互动协调发展中的作用和基本做法,在此基础上提出河南产业集聚和城镇化协调互动发展需要处理产业规划与城市规划、延伸产业链条与完善产业配套、政府引导与市场机制、创新硬环境和提升软实力、产业功能与社会功能之间的关系,并就更好实现河南产业集聚和城镇化协调互动发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

北汽集团是中国汽车企业集川中产业链最完善、产品门类最齐全,技术水平最具竞争力的骨干企业。近年来,北汽集团形成了乘用车与商用车协调发展、传统汽车与新能源汽车并重,整车制造与上下游产业链关联互动,自主创新与合资合作相互支撑的产业格局。2011年,共实现产销154万辆、销售收入2010亿元,利润158亿元,  相似文献   

新知识生产范式下的知识创新具有系统性和互动性特点,大学与产业两大创新主体之间的互动融合和相互协同为知识创新提供了良好土壤。虽然大学与产业在互动合作中有着不同动机和诉求,但从经济、人才、知识和责任4个层面均可以找到大学与产业互动的有效结合点。传统意义上大学与产业的互动合作存在教育、科研和服务3种模式,而学科-专业-产业链作为一种新型的教学-科研-生产联合体,是协同创新背景下大学与产业有效互动的新模式,能够在有效互动过程中实现知识传播、创造和应用能效倍增,促进创新要素在不同创新主体间双向融合与协同。  相似文献   

产业链整合理论探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前,现代企业竞争已上升为产业链层面的竞争,迫切需要产业链理论指导。而产业链理论自身的内涵还不清晰,这已成为产业链研究领域亟须解决的问题之一。基于现有研究成果,进一步明确了产业链内涵,厘清了产业环境要素,探讨了产业链要素之间的互动协调关系,从产业链整体协同的层面构建了产业链整合理论的初步框架——"5+4+3"模型。以此为产业链理论的实践应用提供了一般性范式。  相似文献   

近年来大IP开发、文学IP平台建设、体育IP开发、数字IP生态和互动娱乐等IP产业新业态骤然兴起,电影票房火爆、网络剧收视长虹、优质IP影视互动协同效应爆发,IP产业链呈现几何级数增长的趋势。反观传统媒体发展举步维艰,近年来多家强势纸媒纷纷停刊或放弃报纸业务,主动拥抱新技术和新渠道,加入到网媒、自媒体掀起的媒体革命。IP产业链与传统媒体发展呈现出"冰火两重天"现象,文章系统梳理了我国迅速崛起的IP产业格局与特点,总结了IP产业典型商业模式,并深度剖析了其关键环节,以期为我国IP产业良性发展和传统纸媒转型升级提供参考。  相似文献   

选取我国30个省份2004—2021年面板数据,实证考察产业数字化、绿色技术创新和农业产业链韧性之间的关系。研究结果表明:产业数字化对农业产业链韧性具有促进作用,且存在显著区域异质性;绿色技术创新在产业数字化与农业产业链韧性之间发挥中介效应;绿色技术创新对农业产业链韧性的促进作用受产业数字化单重门槛效应的影响。对此,提出打造农村数字产业集群,完善产业数字化发展环境;强化农业绿色技术创新力度,赋能农业产业链可持续发展;发挥产业数字化资源配置靶向功能,驱动农业产业链数字化转型的政策建议。  相似文献   

尹梦霞 《时代经贸》2012,(2):126-127
构建城乡互动发展机制是政府统筹城乡的核心内容。产业网络化发展可以形成城乡产业之间分工协作、协调发展的有序化系统,在非空间层面上形成有机的产业链,在空间层面上形成具有核心竞争优势的产业密集区,从而促进城乡互动发展。论文以四川省凉山彝族自治州西昌市为例,探究民族地区产业网络化发展的途径,以促进民族地区城乡统筹协调发展。  相似文献   

文章检索分析了国内学者现有的研究成果,发现从统筹城乡发展和产业链两个角度分别展开研究的成果不少,鲜见将区域产业链构建与统筹城乡发展结合起来的专题研究。在评论现有成果的基础上,文章提出构建延展城乡两个地域空间、链接三次产业部门的区域产业链,形成统筹协调的产业体系,淡化城乡差别、整合城乡优势、缓和城乡对立,实现区域内的产业互动与空间共融,推动城乡二元矛盾缓解,实现城乡统筹发展。  相似文献   

We address empirically the factors affecting the dynamics of income inequality among industrialized economies. Using a panel for 32 developed countries spanning the last four decades, our results indicate that the predictions of the Stolper–Samuelson theorem concerning the effects of international trade on income inequality find support in the data if we concentrate on imports from developing countries as a trade measure, as theory would imply. We find that democratization, the interaction of technology and education, and changes in the relative power of labor unions affect inequality dynamics robustly.  相似文献   

Although emerging economies claim that industrialized countries need to reduce their carbon emissions first, stabilization of the future global climate system requires immediate action by all countries. In a stylized two-country intertemporal general equilibrium model, we derive welfare maximizing emission caps in emerging and industrialized countries, taking account of country differences in technology, environmental preferences and propensity to save. Simultaneous target setting is compared to a sequential one in which the industrialized country commits itself to binding targets first. In the latter case, when the industrialized economy has stronger environmental preferences and a lower relative pollution production share, the industrialized economy can increase its joint economic and environmental welfare by setting a laxer target. On the other hand, when the emerging economy has considerably higher environmental preferences, our results suggest that the industrialized economy will choose a more restrictive target in a sequential setting than in a simultaneous one, contrary to first thought that a first mover is always pursuing a ‘symbolic’ policy with a lax target.  相似文献   

Our point of departure is that a group of industrialized countries invest in research and development (R&D) of greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement technologies. R&D investments influence the future GHG abatement choices of both industrialized and developing countries. We distinguish between investments that reduce industrialized countries’ abatement costs and investments that reduce developing countries’ abatement costs. Unlike earlier contributions, we include global trading in emission permits. This changes the nature of the game. With global permit trading, industrialized countries should in many cases invest strategically in technologies that only reduce abatement costs at home. This comes in addition to investments abroad. Second, we show that R&D investments always decrease total emissions. Finally, we find that the developing region receiving investments always benefits.  相似文献   

Recent studies in industrialized countries have shown that equivalence scales are income-dependent. We investigate whether this dependence also holds in poorer, services oriented countries, by considering the case of Cyprus. We also examine whether household economies of scale and relative children costs differ from those found for industrialized countries.  相似文献   

选择南靖县河坑村为研究对象,首先采用文献研究结合田野调查与村民口述史的方法,就传统农耕时期、工业化农业时期,以及商业化旅游开发时期村落的农业生态系统与生产、生活方式等进行梳理,绘制出对应的物质循环与能量流动示意图。通过不同时期生物、环境、人在整体结构中的位置与流动,分析村落自然环境与社会因素的因果循环关系,从中揭示传统农耕时期独特的生存智慧,厘清各种现实困境的历史过程与起因。立足生态系统的能量学视野,就河坑村世遗土楼保护与村落可持续发展提出自己的建议。  相似文献   


This paper uses the Consensus Economic Forecast poll to investigate how forecasters in the foreign exchange market form expectations and whether the expectation formation process differs between industrialized and emerging countries. In order to explain the expectation formation of forecasters in countries and country groups, we analyze around 50,000 forecasts for 22 OECD member currencies. We find that differences between the way forecasters in industrialized countries and emerging countries form exchange rate expectations. However, we show that one important difference is due to a difference in forecasting behavior of emerging countries. Controlling for this feature lets the forecasting behavior in emerging countries resemble more the ones found for industrialized countries, but not for all forecast horizons.  相似文献   

This paper uses a coalition formation model to explore how equity considerations affect countries’ cooperation on global environmental issues, e.g. on climate change. When developing countries are exempted from obligations to reduce their emissions, I find that opening them for abatement projects financed by industrialized countries changes the incentives to cooperate in a way which can increase emissions and decrease welfare. Equity- concerns in industrialized countries regarding the difference between their per capita emission levels and those of developing countries lead to increased abatement but do not qualitatively change the incentives to cooperate. Inequality-aversion with respect to differences to abatement targets across industrialized countries generally induces larger coalition sizes and stricter abatement. Here, the inclusion of developing countries improves upon the prospects of cooperation.  相似文献   

采用无隔膜电催化氧化法作为生化预处理方法对不适于生化处理的中低浓度含醛废水进行预处理,并对影响工业化运用的因素进行了分析。实验表明,该方法对中低浓度含醛废水有较好去除效果,同时优化工业运行所需参数,使工业化运用获得较好的经济可行性。  相似文献   

生产性服务业与制造业互动关系研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
关于生产性服务业与制造业的关系有多种观点,但二者相互依赖、唇齿相依的双向互动关系越来越成为学界的共识。从专业分工与外包、生产价值链、生态群落的角度,可以剖析生产性服务业与制造业互动的机制,并总结出二者互动共生的模型:中心型互动共生模型、金字塔型互动共生模型、平行型互动共生模型以及嵌套型互动共生模型。一个重要的挑战是,中国新型工业化道路中如何通过二者互动,使生产性服务业促进制造业的转型升级,并选择促进生产性服务业与制造业互动的战略路径。  相似文献   

This paper explores the idea that a properly designed sectoral approach could be the answer to two sets of constraints that hinder international agreements on climate change, namely a genuine concern from developing countries for economic growth and competitiveness issues from industrialized countries. Our sectoral approach builds on three premises: (i) cap-and-trade systems are established in industrialized countries and intensity targets in developing countries, (ii) sectors subject to international trade abide by the rules of the countries in which they trade and (iii) a fraction of the revenues from permits in industrialized countries go towards carbon mitigation in developing countries. We design an economic model that features interactions in three carbon-intensive sectors (two of which are internationally traded) and two countries (an industrialized country and a developing country). Two scenarios are constructed: an Enhanced Sectoral Approach, which refers to our proposal, and a Global Cap, which implements a uniform CO2 price. We compare the two scenarios in terms of total welfare and equity. It is shown that, for a minor global welfare loss, the Enhanced Sectoral Approach ranks high in terms of equity for emerging countries. This approach also eliminates competitiveness and leakage issues.  相似文献   

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