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当前关于非营利组织的研究主要从非营利组织与政府、企业的协同发展等宏观角度入手,相对忽略了微观层面上组织能力建设在非营利组织发展中的作用的研究。本文在前人研究的基础上,构建了非营利组织的组织学习与组织绩效关联机制的理论框架,并结合浙江省邵逸夫医院组织学习的经验,对组织学习如何影响非营利组织的组织绩效进行了实证分析。得出结论如下:非营利组织的学习过程可分为知识获取、知识吸收和知识创新三个阶段;通过改善非营利组织的学习环境对知识获取、知识吸收和知识创新的促进效果,可以很好地提升其组织绩效。  相似文献   

以组织学习为中介变量,构建了校企合作创新网络特征与知识转移绩效间关系的概念模型,并引入潜在吸收能力作为组织学习与知识转移绩效间关系的调节变量。以河南省为例进行实证分析,验证了概念模型中的研究假设。得出如下结论:不同的校企合作创新网络的结构特征维度和关系特征维度对知识转移绩效的影响是不同的;校企合作创新网络特征对知识转移绩效有显著的正向影响,企业的组织学习能力在整个知识转移过程中起到部分中介作用;企业的潜在吸收能力在组织学习对知识转移绩效的影响中起到部分调节作用。  相似文献   

作为一种非正式制度,习俗在国家的社会经济发展和治理中起着非常重要的作用,在我国的古代社会尤其如此。司马迁较早注意到了俗与治的内在关联,但学术界忽视了其在司马迁经济思想中的重要地位。文章对司马迁的经济思想谱系中“俗”与“治”两大重要范畴进行了关联阐述,介绍了司马迁“因俗以治”治道思想的源流和主张,并结合现代经济学理论对其进行延伸与扩展,探讨其现实意义。研究发现:(1)司马迁的治道思想兼容了道家与儒家的无为而治思想的不同侧面,而其“善因论”的要义正在于“俗之所欲,因而予之”。(2)因俗以治的核心是因循人“生有欲”和“皆为利”的本性及民间习俗来因地制宜、因时制宜地立俗施事,以达至“事少而功多”的理想治理效果。(3)由于司马迁的经济思想带有浓厚的经验色彩和朴素性质,而且中国古代社会缺乏良好的市场环境,因此其在近代以前始终未得到重视和采纳。(4)司马迁“因俗以治”思想给现代国家治理带来了众多启示:一是要尊重风俗习惯并加以因势利导;二是要注重习俗等非正式制度与正式制度的兼容;三是要让好的习俗成为一种稳态均衡而固定下来并延续下去。文章不仅是对司马迁经济思想研究的丰富和拓展,而且对中国国家治理能力的提升也提供了有益的历史借鉴。  相似文献   

While much attention has been devoted to information and communication technologies, a more fundamental change at the start of the new millennium is the increasing importance of innovation for economic prosperity and the emergence of a learning society. The analysis in this paper shows that innovation should be understood as a broad social and economic activity: it should transcend any specific technology, even if revolutionary, and should be tied to attitudes and behaviors oriented towards the exploitation of change by adding value.We build on the idea of inclusive learning, which entails a process of shared prosperity across the globe following local specific conditions, and argue that it is crucial to understand the features of knowledge-induced growth in rich countries, as well as the challenges and opportunities for late-industrialized and less-developed countries. To achieve these objectives, we emphasize the relative importance of infrastructures and incentives, but considering the increasingly important role of institutions towards the development of social capital. This is because learning societies will increasingly rely on “distributed knowledge bases” as a systematically coherent set of knowledge maintained across an economically and/or socially integrated set of agents and institutions.This broad concept has motivated the work behind the present paper, which builds on material presented at the 5th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation (ICTPI), which was held in Delft, The Netherlands, in June of 2001. Under the broad designation of “critical infrastructures,” the Conference brought together a range of experts to discuss technology, policy and management in a context much influenced by the dynamics of the process of knowledge accumulation, which drives learning societies. Thus, this special issue includes a set of extended contributions to the Delft conference, and the aim of this introductory paper is to set the stage for these contributions, with an original contribution on possible views on the role critical infrastructures play to foster innovation in the learning society.  相似文献   


This paper examines heterogeneity in the response of Indian firms to the emergence of a new segment in the pharmaceutical generics market – biosimilars. The necessary diversity of the knowledge base and regulatory requirements underlying biosmilar products have created significant technological capability and market access challenges for Indian firms. This is but the latest development which adds to an existing catalogue of challenges including the decline of the traditional generics markets, regulatory hurdles in advanced country markets and failures in managing new drug development. Using case studies of three Indian firms we show that dynamic managerial capability is a key driver of heterogeneity in learning processes involved in acquisition of technological capabilities for biosimilars and market access strategies. It further highlights the important role of pre-existing capabilities in enabling and constraining the development of new biosimilar capabilities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The social enterprise sector in the UK is going through a period of rapid growth, and is being seen by government as another important vehicle for delivering public services. As a result the issue of public trust in social enterprise is of growing importance. While there is a growing literature on the governance of voluntary and non-profit organizations, with some exceptions (e.g. co-operatives) there has been little research on the governance challenges and support needs of social enterprises. The research reported here aimed to help fill that gap. Based on interviews and focus groups with governance advisers, board members and chief executives it explores the typical governance challenges faced by social enterprises. Based on the research the paper develops a new, empirically-grounded typology of social enterprises based on their origins and development path, and presents findings about some of the governance challenges that are common across the sector and some that are more distinctive to the different types of social enterprise.  相似文献   

如何强化员工的知识分享和创新绩效来建立企业的核心竞争优势并维持较高的创新水平,是企业面临的重要挑战。本文对社会资本的基本理论及其与个体创新绩效相关的文献进行了回顾,同时就知识分享和组织学习型文化相关的文献进行综述发现,组织环境因素能够对个体创新绩效产生直接影响,但更重要的是通过其与个体因素的交互作用,共同对个体创新绩效产生影响。因此,推导出一个跨层次研究模型,建立了个体层次的知识分享与组织层次的学习型文化对个体层次社会资本与创新绩效交互作用的影响模型与假设。本研究拟使用社会网络分析软件UCINET、统计软件SPSS以及多层线性模型分析软件HLM对实证模型进行分析。以期验证组织层次的学习型文化通过组织共有的思维模式和行为规范来影响个体层次的个体成员的知识分享和创新绩效,使个体和组织得到共同的成长与发展。  相似文献   

在开放式创新背景下,市场学习能力与新产品开发绩效的关系越来越受到关注。基于动态能力理论的“市场学习能力-产品开发流程能力-新产品开发绩效”理论框架展开实证分析,结果表明:产品开发流程能力在市场学习能力与新产品开发绩效间发挥中介作用;技术复杂性提高会强化市场学习能力对产品开发流程效率的促进作用、抑制市场知识探索对产品开发流程反应性的促进作用。  相似文献   

迟铭  毕新华  徐永顺 《经济管理》2020,42(2):144-159
虚拟品牌社区是企业与顾客进行价值共创的重要平台,顾客参与价值共创行为对企业长远发展具有十分重要的作用。现有研究多是基于不同的理论从顾客视角出发探索顾客参与价值共创行为受到的心理动机和个人特征等因素的影响,鲜有从企业视角出发,探索治理机制对虚拟品牌社区中顾客参与价值共创行为的影响。本文立足交易成本理论与社会交换理论,从企业视角切入,引入关系质量作为中介变量,构建虚拟品牌社区治理机制、关系质量与顾客参与价值共创行为的关系整合模型。采用问卷调查法对模型进行验证,研究结果显示:(1)契约治理机制只对知识贡献行为产生显著正向影响,对顾客公民行为的影响不显著,而关系治理机制对知识贡献行为与顾客公民行为均具有显著正向影响。(2)关系质量在契约治理机制与顾客公民行为的关系中起完全中介作用,在契约治理机制与知识贡献行为、关系治理机制与知识贡献行为以及关系治理机制与顾客公民行为的关系中起部分中介作用。由研究结论可知,虚拟品牌社区一方面应综合运用契约治理机制与关系治理机制来有效地促进顾客参与价值共创行为,以弥补单独运用某一种治理机制存在的不足;另一方面也应注重关系质量在虚拟品牌社区中促进顾客参与价值共创行为的重要作用。这些研究发现为促进虚拟品牌社区的可持续发展提供了有价值的启示。  相似文献   

组织创造力是组织创新的基础,是组织保持并提升竞争优势的关键因素。从知识治理视角,构建一个中介效应模型,提出并验证知识治理模式及其交互作用通过组织学习方式对组织创造力的影响,检验创新型文化对影响路径的调节作用。研究发现,正式知识治理和非正式知识治理都能显著提升组织创造力,但二者的交互作用对组织创造力的影响并不显著;探索式学习、利用式学习及平衡式学习对组织创造力具有显著正向作用;不同的组织学习方式在正式知识治理与组织创造力之间、非正式知识治理与组织创造力之间的关系中起部分中介作用;创新型文化仅在知识治理与组织学习之间起调节作用,对组织学习与组织创造力之间的关系调节作用不显著。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,产业结构调整为女性企业家的成功提供了更多的机会,但在经济全球化的背景下,金融危机也不可避免地影响着我国经济发展和企业运行,使女企业家的企业遇到了前所未有的考验.本文从我国女企业家生存发展现状入手,分析新经济形式下女性发展的机遇和可能遇到的障碍,提出女企业家应注意解决的几个问题,并指出广大女企业家要刻苦学习市场经济知识、企业管理知识、现代科技知识、WTO知识、法律知识,使自己真正具有现代企业家的战略眼光、改革意识和创新思维能力,同时,更要抓好本企业全体成员的集体学习和群体智力的开发,努力建设学习型企业,实现企业的更好更快发展,并展望了女性企业家的发展前景.  相似文献   

Recent debates have drawn attention to the legitimacy challenges faced by new forms of global governance. Privatised governance in particular has come under considerable scrutiny. This paper attempts to contribute to this debate through an analysis of the widespread critiques of climate governance that focus on its ‘marketized’ or ‘privatized’ character. Such critiques fundamentally attempt to delegitimise dominant governance mechanisms which can be collectively known as the ‘global carbon market’. The paper argues that to understand the political dynamics of legitimacy surrounding these forms of governance we need to take into account the recurrent tension within capitalism between accumulation and legitimation. This focus enables us to understand the legitimacy problems surrounding climate governance. First, it draws attention to the character of the discourses which are critical of marketized climate governance, which attack it precisely because of the forms of accumulation it enables. Second, many of these governance projects have themselves been developed in part precisely in order to overcome legitimacy crises inherent in capital accumulation, and specifically in the current context in relation to the dominance of finance within contemporary capitalism. Finally, it suggests that one of the strategies of firms involved in such governance is to attempt to overcome this legitimacy-accumulation tension in the way that automobility did in the Fordist era. Climate governance practices should be understood as a pursuit of this sort of coherence which might give rise to an ‘ecological regime of accumulation’ that aims to forestall more radical critiques that argue that capitalism and sustainability are inimical.  相似文献   

在新时代党解决台湾问题的总体方略下,科技合作是推动两岸科技融合发展和祖国统一进程的重要组成部分。引入“知识场域”这一理论视角,构建基于结构性、关系性和实践性的两岸科技合作治理知识场域范式。从基本历程、空间特征、地区实践和共同叙事4个维度分析两岸科技合作治理的时空演进特征。讨论基础研究、专利合作与产业共通标准3类场景的实践效果,评估知识场域演化扰动因素。围绕两岸科技合作治理的内在规律和发展方向探讨现实挑战,对深化两岸科技融合具有重要意义。  相似文献   

With a generally weak investor protection environment and no governance voice in the fund management companies (FMC) to which their investment is entrusted, fund investors in China are left with the internal governance mechanisms to safeguard their interest. Using a panel data of 288 firm‐year observations covering more than 98% of FMC in China from the period between 2006 and 2010, the present paper examines the corporate governance challenges confronting the fledging Chinese fund management industry by analysing how key governance settings affect the performance of the board of directors in protecting the interest of fund investors. The results show that board effectiveness can be enhanced if a listed company is the controlling shareholder. In addition, having a female CEO or board chairperson and a small‐sized board may help to reduce investors’ fees. Other internal corporate governance mechanisms, such as shareholder concentration, having state‐owned financial companies as controlling shareholders and board independence, are found to exhibit no significant impact on the effectiveness of FMC boards.  相似文献   

就创新资源寻求型跨国并购而言,知识治理在激励目标方知识员工中发挥重要作用,促成其自愿留任、服务于企业创新战略,但理论研究尚缺乏对如何进行知识治理的解释。基于知识治理研究框架,选择4个具有代表性的成功案例,对跨国并购中双元创新和知识治理过程进行总结、提炼。研究发现,双元创新方式影响知识治理模式选择,企业在并购整合中采取开发性和探索性创新并重以及侧重二者其一的3种双元创新方式,并形成对应的混合型、威权型和合作型3种知识治理模式。双元创新方式对知识治理模式的影响路径为双元创新方式决定知识治理目标,而治理目标决定治理机制组合;影响机理为正式、非正式治理机制分别与开发性和探索性创新特征更为匹配,因此并重或侧重型双元创新须选择与之对应的机制组合。  相似文献   

知识是创新孵化的关键要素。结合知识基础理论与组织学习理论,着重分析孵化网络知识治理对创新孵化绩效的影响。研究发现:孵化网络知识治理包含正式知识治理与非正式知识治理,均对孵化创新绩效有正向影响,其中,在孵企业的获得式学习发挥了中介作用;创业警觉不仅正向调节获得式学习和创新孵化绩效的关系,而且调节获得式学习的中介效应。研究结论部分解释了在孵企业存在差异化创新孵化效果的内在原因,有助于指导孵化器实施孵化网络知识治理,激发在孵企业获得式学习行为,提升创新孵化绩效。  相似文献   

While the relationships between technological change and organisational change have been widely observed in specific cases, little has been done to generalise about such interrelationships over the longer term. The paper uses historical evidence to categorise the principal changes in governance (covering the control, structure and process of systems) in the industrial epoch, which are seen as the successive predominance of markets, (corporate) hierarchies and then networks. These correspond to the successive importance of labour processes, capital processes and information processes. There appears to be a link with the three ‘industrial revolutions’ that have arisen at century-long intervals since the later 18th century, though the causal interrelationships remain uncertain and by no means necessary. Network alignment is suggested as a means for bringing about the coevolution of governance and technology in development processes. A number of mechanisms for matching technological with organisational change are suggested by the governance literature, although no one theory of governance appears able to explain the observed historical phenomena.  相似文献   

动态能力是新创企业生存发展的重要基础。新创企业组织学习应以动态能力提升为导向,围绕创业机会的识别、获取与开发进行。新创企业组织学习主要受创业者知识基础、心智模式及其战略共识以及新创企业知识管理能力、组织文化与社会资本的影响。因此,创业者应时刻保持学习的状态并积极引领组织学习,强化知识管理基础,做好组织学习规划,加强员工组织学习相关指导与培训,将新创企业打造成学习型组织并加强社会资本开发与利用。  相似文献   

This article re-examines a case of corruption that was perpetuated during a period of authoritarian rule in the Philippines: the subversion of ‘coconut levies’, a tax on coconut production imposed by strongman President Ferdinand Marcos from 1971 to 1982. Literature on the case has formed the basis for locating the political origins of the country’s struggles with long-run economic transformation in terms of the extent of ‘rent-seeking’ and articulations of ‘neo-patrimonialism’ in this middle-income developing economy. The article interrogates how extant analyses of the case have explained associated malign developmental outcomes with reference to institutional design and governance conditions. It forwards a re-interpretation that focuses on the distributional contest underpinning levy mobilisation, including the types of state-engineered privileges contested, and how access to these were politically determined and regulated during and after the Marcos period. This approach, in which developmental possibilities of rent-creating state interventions are not universally denied but considered with reference to configurations of power and structures of political bargaining, will be shown to address limitations of preponderant analyses and bear relevance to developing countries where, because of structural reasons, neo-patrimonialism may be endemic but rent-creating state interventions cannot be discounted as instruments for promoting economic development.  相似文献   

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