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We investigate the effect of pre-entry experience on firms’ performance in terms of survival. In particular we focus on entrants from a related upstream industry – semiconductors – into a downstream industry – telecommunications. We examine a sample of 336 de-novo start-ups in the US telecommunication industry and we estimate a discrete time hazard model of firm exit. Our findings show that, after controlling for both firms and founders’ characteristics, firms whose founders had prior experience in a related upstream industry such as semiconductors enjoy a relatively lower hazard of exit with respect to intra-industry spinoffs and other types of start-ups. Additionally, background heterogeneity of the founding team is an important determinant of survival for the firms in our sample. Our results point to the role of interdependences and technological complementarities between two vertically related industries in affecting the performance of new entrants.  相似文献   

We extend earlier analyses of the job creation of start-ups versus established firms by considering the educational content of the jobs created and destroyed. We define education-specific measures of job creation and job destruction at the firm level, and we use these measures to construct a measure of “surplus job creation”, defined as jobs created on top of any simultaneous destruction of similar jobs in incumbent firms in the same region and industry. Using Danish employer-employee data from 2002–2007 that identify the start-ups and that cover almost the entire private sector, these measures allow us to provide a more nuanced assessment of the role of entrepreneurial firms in the job-creation process than in previous studies. Our findings show that although start-ups are responsible for the entire overall net job creation, incumbents account for more than one-third of net job creation within high-skilled jobs. Moreover, start-ups “only” create approximately half of the surplus jobs and even less of the high-skilled surplus jobs. Finally, our approach allows us to characterise and identify differences across industries, educational groups and regions.  相似文献   

The Russian economy faces serious challenges when it comes to such issues as legitimacy of property and protection of property rights. This paper considers institutional aspects of raiding, including the role of Commercial Arbitration Courts and bankruptcy procedures in Russia. It concludes that raiding in Russia has a predatory character not because raiders prey on the weakest, failing, bankrupting businesses, but because they attack healthy and profitable enterprises, firms in temporary financial distress. Raiders use unclear ownership structure of attractive firms and buy necessary decisions from corrupt bureaucrats instead of waiting for a financial crisis to come.  相似文献   

Most scholars have indicated corporations using accounting conservatism to reduce earnings manipulation, although certain scholars believe that firms have more incentive to increase earnings manipulation. Institutional investors play an important external monitoring role, and affect firm's earnings manipulation. Previous studies adopted accruals as an earnings manipulation proxy to detect the relationship among accounting conservatism, institutional investor shareholdings, and earnings manipulation. We further investigate the relationship among accounting conservatism, institutional investor shareholdings, and earnings manipulation by using Benford's law. Our results indicate that firms with more conservative financial reporting have less probability of engaging in earnings-manipulative activities. We also find the negative association between earnings management and institutional investor shareholdings. However, if corporate financial statements tend toward conservatism, institutional investor shareholdings could increase managers' incentive to manage earnings. Our findings have important implications for investors to make investment decisions.  相似文献   

风险投资也叫‘创业投资”,是指对新兴风险创业企业尤其是对高科技创业企业的资本支持并提供相应的非金融服务的一种投资行为。作为收益性高、投资风险大和流动性低的投资领域,风险投资的资本来源主要是金融资本、公司资本、个人资本以及养老(医疗)保险基金等。其主要作用:加速高新技术成果的转化,壮大高新技术产业,催化知识经济的蓬勃发展。尤其在长株潭城市群“两型”社会配套改革试验区的进程中,加速发展湘潭市的风险投资业具有特别重要的意义。本文就此进行了一番探讨。  相似文献   

Business Creation and the Stock Market   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We claim that the stock market encourages business creation, innovation, and growth by allowing the recycling of "informed capital". Due to incentive and information problems, start-ups face larger costs of going public than mature firms. Sustaining a tight relationship with a monitor (bank, venture capitalist) allows them to finance their operations without going public until profitability prospects are clearer or incentive problems are less severe. However, the earlier young firms go public, the quicker monitors' informed capital is redirected towards new start-ups. Hence, when informed capital is in limited supply, factors that lower the costs for start-ups to go public encourage business creation. Technological spill-overs associated with business creation and thick market externalities in the young firms segment of the stock market provide prima facie cases for encouraging young firms to go public.  相似文献   

This study investigates firm growth as the post-entry performance of new start-up firms. Using data on Japanese manufacturing firms founded during 1992–1996, the determinants of growth are identified among new start-up firms. The effect is examined, not only of firm-specific characteristics but also of entrepreneur-specific, industry-specific and local characteristics on firm growth. It is found that younger and small-sized firms are more likely to grow among the start-ups. It is also found that entrepreneur's age and educational background affect the growth of start-ups. It is not shown, however, that industry specialization induces the growth of start-ups.  相似文献   

We develop a simple model in which firm-specific advertising has cooperative and predatory effects. Our model is set in a static market where firms are naturally segmented into two distinct submarkets: several large firms located in the core, with small firms operating as a fringe. We test the net effect of opposing market size (cooperative) and market share (predatory) effects of both fringe and core firm advertising on the advertising decisions of large firms in several US consumer industries. Empirically, fringe firm advertising leads to an increase in advertising efforts by large firms, implying strategic complementarity. On the other hand, increased advertising by core firms in an industry decreases advertising expenditures of other core firms, indicating they are strategic substitutes. Our findings imply that equilibrium levels of advertising can be greater with asymmetric, rather than symmetric, strategic interactions.  相似文献   

China's recent efforts to attract foreign investment have been viewed favorably by US firms, who have explored a variety of strategies for expanding to China. This paper provides evidence related to a comprehensive set of strategies used by US firms to expand to China. For the 302 announcements of expansion by US firms into the Chinese market, several firm-specific factors are found to affect both the choice of mode entry and the reaction of investors to the announcement of the expansion. The results suggest that firms with a high investment in proprietary assets prefer foreign direct investment (FDI) modes to non-FDI modes, as do firms with high levels of geographic diversification. Firms entering the Chinese market utilize non-FDI modes, while those who have established a presence in China prefer FDI modes. The reaction of the stock market to expansions to China is positive; average excess returns of 0.75% are observed for the two days surrounding the announcement. Both FDI and non-FDI categories of expansion have statistically significant excess returns. Analysis by mode of expansion shows that expansions through joint ventures (JVs) and contracts are the most desirable alternatives. Other modes of expansion do not result in significant excess returns. Finally, a firm's prior financial performance has a significant influence on its ability to profitably expand to China.  相似文献   

We investigate if accruals quality is a valuable indicator of earnings quality for stock market investors. Our particular focus is on the incremental informative value of taking into account managers’ incentives for using accruals. We propose a market-based approach for assessing the usefulness of this indicator to improve investors’ decisions. Specifically, we examine the association between accruals quality and information asymmetry among stock market participants. Our empirical study uses data on European firms and our results are consistent with a positive association between poor earnings quality and high information asymmetry. However, given some previous studies suggesting that accruals-based measures may be noisy indicators of earnings quality, we develop a method to increase the informational content of the accruals quality measure. Based on our results, we find that combining accruals quality with the dispersion in analysts’ forecasts provides a better indicator of earnings quality rather than only accruals quality.  相似文献   

Firms have tendency to window dress their financial statements by reporting earnings to achieve reference points represented by N × 10 k . Such practice of reporting rounded earnings is likely due to (1) firms may believe that investors perceive a reported earnings of $1.99 million to be significantly less than $2.0 million; and/or (2) contracts between firms and stakeholders are likely to express earnings in round numbers. Auditors have employed more sophisticated digital analysis such as Benford's law, as part of their fraud detection processes. This study investigated the window dressing behaviour among firms in the US marine industry. The findings of the study suggest that window dressing is a significant practice among the marine firms. However, the extent of the pervasiveness of such behaviour is less severe among marine firms than among all publicly-listed firms in the entire US economy, suggesting that the quality of financial statements of marine companies is higher than the overall population of public companies.  相似文献   

利用新制度主义理论,通过对284家非国有制造企业的问卷调查,采用多元回归分析方法,探讨了制造企业绿色创新对政府支持的影响机制,以及合法性在其中的中介作用。在此基础上,进一步分样本分析了政治关联和所处行业竞争强度在制造企业绿色创新与政府支持关系中的作用机制。研究发现,制造企业绿色创新有助于企业获得政府支持,且合法性在其中发挥了中介作用;在没有政治关联及处于高强度竞争行业的情况下,制造企业绿色创新通过合法性影响政府支持的效应更强。运用新制度主义理论中的合法性观点,将制造企业绿色创新视为一种获得政府支持的战略,将绿色创新后果的研究从企业经济绩效层面拓展到企业与政府关系层面,不仅跳出了学术界关于制造企业绿色创新能否提升经济绩效的争论,也为更好地理解制造企业绿色创新动力提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

Although biotech start-ups fail or succeed based on their research, few attempts have been made to examine if and how they strategise in this core activity. Using a unique comprehensive dataset on Danish and Swedish biotech start-ups in drug discovery this paper adopts a Simonean approach to analysing the research strategies of small dedicated biotech firms (DBFs), focusing on three interrelated issues: (i) characterising the problem architectures addressed by different types of DBFs; (ii) testing and confirming that DBFs form requisite research strategies, by which we refer to problem-solving approaches developed as congruent responses to problem architectures; and (iii) testing and confirming that financial valuation of firms is driven by achievements conforming to requisite research strategies. These strategies, in turn, require a careful combination of multiple dimensions of research. The findings demonstrate that Schoonhoven's argument that 'strategy matters' is valid not only for the larger high-tech firms covered by her study, but also for small research-based start-ups operating at the very well-springs of knowledge where science directly interacts with technologies. Although more research is needed along these lines, these findings offer new implications for the understanding, management and financing of these firms.  相似文献   


R&D investment are an important engine of growth and development. Yet economists have often claimed underinvestment, based on the consideration that these projects are more costly to finance, especially, due to the asymmetric information between inside and outside investors. Coherently, a recent empirical evidence has shown that firms intensively active in R&D are less leveraged and rely more heavily on internal finance. Motivated by this evidence, we study the effects of asymmetric information and financial frictions within a GE economy of Schumpeterian tradition. The model and equilibrium concept are rich enough to represent investment and innovation decisions, technology adoption/diffusion through patent licensing and, most importantly, firms' financial decisions. In this representation, R&D-intensive firms might effectively rely more on internal sources and equity than on debt financing, relative to what would happen in frictionless markets. Further, financial decisions affect aggregate investment and income dynamics.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of start-ups (active for 1 up to 5 years) and young firms (active for 6 up to 10 years) on industry-level efficiency growth in six EU countries, covering the period 2002–2009. Using semi-parametric estimates of meta-frontier efficiency, it is found that surviving entrants gradually raise their efficiency level in all countries considered. Firm-level efficiency growth decreases with firm age, whereas reallocation towards efficient firms contributes more to industry-level growth as firms mature. The relative contribution of start-ups appears to have been important as they actually contributed positively to overall efficiency growth which, over the period under consideration, was negative in most countries, even before the ‘Great Recession’. There are indications of ‘cleansing’, due to the exit of less efficient firms, during the ‘Great Recession’.  相似文献   


This paper employs the VARMA-MGARCH-ABEKK model and Granger causality on 15 years’ daily time series data to examine investment opportunities in the oil and gas industries for ASEAN5 countries relative to the US counterpart. It shows that the latter leads the former in decomposing integration into cross-country effects on returns and conditional return volatilities. The empirical results show that investors can gain an international intra-industry diversification benefit in Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam by holding US oil and gas assets in their portfolios whereas Asian oil and gas assets may result in negative shocks due to the increase in return volatilities for Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam. However, Thailand are insensitive to the cross-country intra-industry diversification. While making trading decisions, investors should be aware of the impulse responses of ASEAN oil and gas markets from the shocks in the US and the Asian markets and their asymmetric spill over effects.  相似文献   

We investigate the incentives of private firms to adopt new technologies. Econometric investigation is performed on a pooled sample of individual US airline firms over the period 1971 to 1986 for which extensive information on available jet aircraft technology and fleet choice have been recorded. Given the incidence of successive commercial aircraft innovations and variation in production attributes across firms, we are able to consider a wider array of ‘time-dependent’ and ‘time-independent’ adoption influences than in previous firm-level studies. To the extent that our study provides useful general insights into adoption decisions by firms, the results have implications for US global competitiveness policy. One key finding is that firms subject to increased product market competition exhibit a higher propensity to adopt technological innovations.  相似文献   

中国上市公司治理结构的实证研究   总被引:311,自引:9,他引:302  
我国上市公司的市场价值与其治理结构有无联系?投资者愿为治理良好的公司付出多大的溢价?本文旨在对上述两大问题进行全面和系统的实证研究,揭示当前上市公司存在的治理弊病,为建立具有中国特色的公司治理体系提供依据。为此,我们充分考虑了公司治理的内外部机制,并结合中国的市场环境,归纳出一系列变量来描述公司治理在我国的具体实践。基于这个变量体系,我们运用主元因素分析法编制了一个可反映上市公司治理水平的综合指标——G指标。我们的实证研究发现:( 1 )治理水平高的企业其市场价值也高;( 2 )投资者愿为治理良好的公司付出相当可观的溢价。  相似文献   

Until recently, factors determining the decisions made by microfinance institutions (MFIs) to extend loans to business start-ups had not been explored. Recent evidence shows that MFI performance with regard to funds issued for small business start-ups depends on MFI-level characteristics such as profit orientation. We argue that these decisions do not only depend on MFI-specific practices or characteristics, but also on the role ethnic diversity plays. Using data on microfinance lending activities for business start-ups, we examine the impact of ethnic diversity on microenterprise start-ups. Results show that ethnic diversity negatively affects the provision of financial capital for business start-up. Furthermore, results also suggest a negative association between ethnic diversity and the share of female borrowers recorded by MFIs. We examine social networks and outreach as potential channels through which ethnic diversity affects business start-ups.  相似文献   

This study investigates how mispricing and financing constraints affect ?rms’ future capital investments. We find that when the financing constraints are high, overpriced (underpriced) firms invest more (less) subsequently under previous non-optimal investments. The overpriced (underpriced) firms with precautionary motives invest significantly less subsequently when they are financially constrained. The overall evidence suggests that share mispricing, financial constraints and precautionary motives play a critical role that enables investors to less effectively monitor managers’ real decisions, thus limiting firms’ capital investments.  相似文献   

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