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正在雾霾横行的今天,好好读一读《洛杉矶雾霾启示录》,可借前车之鉴。女儿读大二时,曾当选为环保部"环境友好使者",并参加了那年5月在北京钓鱼台国宾馆举行的中日韩三国环境部长会议,与中外专家一道探讨生态环境保护问题。作为一名环保工作者的孩子,女儿离开大学校园后,依然时时高度关注我国的环境问题,并积极参加环保公益活动。今年春天,一向对环境信息十分敏感的她得知上海科学技术出版社出版了《洛杉矶雾霾启示录》,便第一时间告诉我,并立马决定买来研读。几年前,我访问洛杉矶时,曾经令"天使之城"蒙羞的雾霾已了无踪迹,水晶般的蓝天和棉朵似的白云给我留下了非常深刻的印象。后来,我曾写过《蓝蓝的天上白云飘》一文,介绍那里的大气环境保护和良好的大气环境质量。作为一名环保工作者,我对洛杉矶上世纪曾经发生的烟  相似文献   

正近两年的雾霾天气已经到了不容忽视的地步。近期,辽宁省首次向省内8个空气质量不达标的城市开出"雾霾罚单"。这样"强硬"治理能解决问题吗?能否从财税方面入手治理雾霾?为此,《经济》记者采访了财政部财政科学研究所所长贾康。《经济》:地方政府开"雾霾罚单"治理空气污染,这样能解决问题吗?贾康:雾霾对于我国社会生活的威胁已经不仅仅是少数地区了,社会公众早已经明显不满,政府管理部门不能说不重视,但是客观估计,要真正解决这个问题  相似文献   

近来,城市空气污染引起了中国社会各界的高度关注,雾霾、沙尘暴和PM2.5成为人们挂在嘴边的话题.据报道,在今年1月的31天中,北京仅5天没有雾霾."有关部门"给出的需要18年才能整治雾霾的说法,不仅令人顿生"等不及"的感叹,也想追问为什么治理需要如此长的时间,因为中国的"神舟探月"计划似乎也没有如此耗时过.  相似文献   

雾霾,自2013年全面出现在公众视野至今,严重影响公众身体的健康,阻碍社会与经济的发展,越来越成为公众关注和探讨的对象。与此同时,其治理难的特点也逐渐呈现出来。文章以我国关于雾霾治理的法律现状为出发点,分析立法、执法以及环保意识等方面存在的问题,并提出解决和完善的途径,提高雾霾治理的能力。  相似文献   

张阳 《广东经济》2014,(11):56-57
正治理雾霾,首先要从根本上改变地方政府对于GDP、财政收入、就业率等指标考核的盲目追求,大力推动产业升级,推动市场化改革,淘汰落后产能,彻底改变水泥、钢铁等行业由于"补贴"造成的边亏损、边扩张的不合理状态,政府应将这些"补贴"用于改进生产技术、升级环保设备等,这才是明智之举。2013年12月,全国人民可能都还没忘记一件事:雾霾不再单独是北京上海的"景观"了,连"偏远"的湖南、湖北、浙江等13地均创下  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,空气污染带来的问题逐渐凸显,这会阻碍经济发展,例如扩大收入差距等。空气污染与收入差距之间互为因果的关系会带来内生性问题,但现存有关空气污染与收入差距的研究较少关注其内生性,这可能造成估计结果的偏误。因此本文基于中国2000-2016年地级市PM2.5面板数据,选择较能反映中国收入差距的城乡收入比作为被解释变量,以逆温作为工具变量,对雾霾影响城乡收入差距的作用进行了再检验,并进一步使用中国居民家庭收入调查的个体数据,从健康人力资本角度分析雾霾对城乡收入差距的作用机制。结果显示,雾霾显著地造成了城乡收入差距的扩大,其中城镇居民健康人力资本受雾霾负向影响的程度显著低于农村居民,同时城镇居民健康人力资本对收入影响作用也明显低于农村居民,从而进一步造成了城乡收入差距的扩大。基于以上研究,同时考虑到收入差距会阻碍发展中国家的经济增长,在发展中国家促进经济增长的进程中,必须加大雾霾的治理力度。  相似文献   

选用2013~2014年125个环保重点城市空气质量数据,将城市按照空间和时间分成西部地区、沿海地区、2014年、2013年等多个组,建立空气质量结构模型。经多组分析发现:PM_(2.5)已成当前城市环境污染元凶,PM_(10)、臭氧、SO_2、NO_2也是影响空气质量的重要因素。2014年城市空气污染得到有效的改善,空气质量好的主要城市为海口等,最后提出了改善和治理空气污染建议。  相似文献   

笔者不止一次接触过污染企业的代表,希望"手下留情",并拿出诸多"客观"原因。比如说,是某地地方政府找他们去投资,除了"零地价",政府还承诺为环保配套"埋单"。由于政府资金不到位,等企业投产时环保还没上,于是允许企业先挖个人工湖排污,等将来有条件时再治理。笔者听到的最极端例子,是一家沿海企业内迁时,排污没跟上,竟向地下钻洞,把污水排到几百米的深处。  相似文献   

正上海财经大学高等研究院环境与自然资源研究中心主任赵金华教授指出,发达国家历史上也出现过严重的大气污染,美国1955年和1970年发生过洛杉矶光化学元素烟雾事件,英国伦敦1952年的烟雾事件导致1.2万人死亡。发达国家治理大气污染的经验,虽然过去了三四十年甚至更长时间,仍然不过时,很值得我们今天学习借鉴。一、解决雾霾污染问题,首先要有直接针对空气质量的立法。伦敦的污染事件直接推动了1956年英国清洁空气法案的通过,美国于1963年开始实施清洁空气法案。在这些关于空气质量的法案通过之后的数十年间,英国和美国的空气质  相似文献   

彭红利 《经济论坛》2014,(4):152-155,173
近年来,随着大规模、持续性的雾霾天气频频侵袭中国,"雾霾"渐渐成为社会舆论热词。以雾霾、PM2.5为切入点的环境保护与治理问题日益成为政府和社会公众关注的焦点。企业作为环境资源最大的消费者和环境污染的主要来源,对治理环境有着不可推卸的责任。文章基于雾霾天气治理的视角,分析了雾霾天气治理中企业行为的转变及其雾霾天气治理中的利益相关者,总结出我国面临环境问题时企业应承担的社会责任。  相似文献   

This study develops a discrete choice locational equilibrium model to evaluate the benefits of the air quality improvements that occurred in the Los Angeles area following the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA). The discrete choice equilibrium approach accounts for the fact that air quality improvements brought about by the 1990 CAAA will change housing choices and prices. The study also provides new evidence for the distributional welfare impacts of the 1990 CAAA in the Los Angeles area. Findings suggest that the air quality improvements that occurred in the Los Angeles area between 1990 and 2000 provided substantial general equilibrium benefits to households. The analysis reveals noticeable differences between partial and general equilibrium welfare gains, demonstrating that ignoring equilibrium effects will likely misrepresent the benefits of large environmental changes. In addition, we find that the equilibrium welfare impacts of the 1990 CAAA in the Los Angeles area varied significantly across income groups.  相似文献   

基于中国271个地级以上城市2007—2016年的PM2.5浓度数据,实证分析了雾霾污染对外商直接投资的影响,创新性地使用年均降水量作为缓解雾霾污染内生性的工具变量,在2SLS的统一框架内估计雾霾污染对外商直接投资的影响。主要结论有:雾霾污染与外商直接投资之间存在正相关关系,地方政府进行大力的环境治理可以减少环境污染,能够缓解外商直接投资压力;2012—2016年间雾霾污染对外商直接投资的影响要显著高于2007—2011年间的,可以预见未来治霾能够更加有效地缓解外商直接投资压力;大中城市雾霾污染对于外商直接投资的影响要显著小于小城市,内陆城市对于雾霾污染治理的难度要大于沿海城市。政策启示在于,雾霾减排将不可避免地深刻影响地方政府的行为,雾霾减排可以缓解外商直接投资压力,地方政府应该积极地投入到环境治理之中,促进环境治理和地方经济增长良性循环。  相似文献   

Metro, a regional planning authority, has written and implemented the nation's strongest and most comprehensive smart-growth plan in Portland, Oregon. For a region expected to grow in population by 80 percent in the next five decades, Metro's plan calls for a mere 6 percent expansion of land area; high-density housing in the form of apartments, mixed-use developments, and single-family homes on small lots; pedestrian-friendly design codes; 125 miles of rail transit; and almost no new highway construction. Though smart-growth advocates promise their policies will reduce congestion, clean the air, provide affordable housing, protect open space, and reduce urban-service costs, Metro's plan does the opposite of all these things. Metro planners predict its plan will quadruple the time Portlanders waste sitting in traffic by 2020 and increase smog by 10 percent. The artificial land shortage posed by the urban-growth boundary has already turned Portland from one of the nation's most affordable housing markets to one of the ten least affordable ones. The plan's demand for infill development is sacrificing valuable urban open space to protect abundant rural open space. Rail transit and high-density developments both require huge subsidies. Portlanders initially supported Metro's efforts because they were told that planning would save Portland from becoming like Los Angeles, the nation's most congested and polluted urban area. In fact, Los Angeles is also the nation's densest urban area and has the fewest miles of freeway per capita, making it the epitome of smart growth. This actually led Metro to conclude that its goal is to “replicate” Los Angeles' development patterns in Portland. The result is that Portland-area residents are increasingly hostile to Metro's plans.  相似文献   

Policymakers in the legislative and regulatory arenas face increasing public expectations that authorities will both promulgate and implement strict environmental programs. At the same time, the aggregate cost of such programs is rising and is impacting economic sectors previously untouched. In this context, a major study used an integrated interdisciplinary perspective to determine what economic benefits would result from air pollution controls. Specifically, the study developed estimates for the health benefits of reducing ozone and fine particulate matter concentrations in the nation's most polluted region—the South Coast Air Basin centering on Los Angeles. This paper presents the economic methodologies and results of that study. It also discusses how health and atmospheric sciences informed the economic assessment.  相似文献   

Policymakers in the legislative and regulatory arenas face increasing public expectations that authorities will both promulgate and implement strict environmental programs. At the same time, the aggregate cost of such programs is rising and is impacting economic sectors previously untouched. In this context, a major study used an integrated interdisciplinary perspective to determine what economic benefits would result from air pollution controls. Specifically, the study developed estimates for the health benefits of reducing ozone and fine particulate matter concentrations in the nation's most polluted region—the South Coast Air Basin centering on Los Angeles. This paper presents the economic methodologies and results of that study. It also discusses how health and atmospheric sciences informed the economic assessment.  相似文献   

通过分析、阐述日本治理人为大气污染源的具体做法和措施,以及介绍日本大气质量监测管理体系和信息发布睛况,可以了解到:日本政府坚持污染治理原则,严格执法,加强技术开发,推动全社会共同参与,实现了污染治理和经济增长的同步发展。日本治理大气污染的成功经验,值得借鉴和吸收。  相似文献   

京津冀地区是全国雾霾污染的重灾区。本文分析了京津冀地区13个城市的雾霾污染空间相关性,发现其具有显著的空间溢出效应,呈现出“高—高”型集聚和“低—低”型集聚的特征。基于京津冀地区13个城市2000—2012年的面板数据,使用三种类型空间权重矩阵构建空间杜宾模型发现:京津冀雾霾污染与产业结构、城镇化水平显著相关;产业结构与其呈“倒U型”曲线,目前产业结构和城镇化水平对自身及其邻近地区的雾霾污染具有明显的加重作用;城镇化水平对邻近地区雾霾污染具有双向效应。产业结构调整优化和城镇化水平质量的提高会缓解京津冀雾霾污染,实际人均GDP、对外贸易依存度、FDI、人口密度等也会对京津冀地区及其周边地区的雾霾污染产生影响。  相似文献   

This paper reports a laboratory experiment that studies several features of a tradable emission permit program recently implemented in the Los Angeles area. The experiment focuses on the new Electronic Bulletin Board trading institution, in which firms publicly post proposed terms of trade. Potential trading partners can review this information online, and transactions are executed following bilateral negotiation. The experiment includes trading restrictions implemented in the regulations due to the geography of Los Angeles. We find that the bulletin board market performs well and that prices reflect market conditions as accurately as in the continuous double auction trading institution.  相似文献   

This paper briefly analyzes the state of vehicular pollution and control measures in Hong Kong. Vehicular emissions contribute largely to Hong Kong's air pollution and will become more important as the vehicle fleet expands. Hong Kong is unique in that a large fraction of its vehicles use diesel engines. The analysis here explicitly accounts for the composition of emissions and quantifies the relative magnitude of emissions by each of the five main sources: private cars, taxis, light buses, heavy buses, and lorries. The paper analyzes alternative pollution control policies with respect to effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

大气污染生态补偿法律机制对于促进区域大气污染联合治理、实现大气污染治理法律正义、创新与完善生态补偿法律机制等具有重要意义。我国现有法律法规就大气污染生态补偿进行了原则性规定,特别是山东、陕西、湖北等地方性法规更是对大气污染生态补偿进行了探索性规范,为大气污染生态补偿法律机制完善提供了有益经验。但从总体来看,我国大气污染生态补偿法律机制尚存在缺乏专门法律支撑、生态补偿主体过窄、补偿方式单一、补偿标准不合理、法律责任不完善等问题。为促进生态文明战略与强化大气污染生态补偿的法律保障,我国应以科学理念为指导,采取有效措施推进大气污染生态补偿法律机制完善。  相似文献   

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