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宅基地使用权流转制度改革的制度经济学解析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
研究目的:以“外部利润——同意一致性——宅基地制度创新”为研究主线,对江都市宅基地流转进行制度诠释,探讨蕴含其中的理论价值和政策含义。研究方法:文献资料法、理论分析法、实证分析法。研究结果:宅基地使用制度的外部环境发生了变化,外部利润显著增加,宅基地使用权流转制度具有强烈的现实需求。宅基地使用权的流转不仅能够有效弥补现行农村土地制度的不足,壮大集体经济组织实力,而且能够实现地方政府、集体经济组织和农民的共赢,达到一致同意。研究结论:宅基地使用权流转制度改革是一种较优的政策选择。  相似文献   

地价与房价的因果关系——全国和城市层面的计量研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究目的:系统地探讨地价与房价的因果关系。研究方法:计量经济学方法和比较法。研究结果:从全国层面而言,作为房价与地价一般性代表的房屋销售价格指数和土地交易价格指数之间互为长期和短期Granger因,但房价的变动对地价变动的影响力更大些。而对23个大中城市的计量研究表明,各城市地价与房价的关系不是唯一而确定的,房价的增长更多地受自身因素而不是地价的影响。研究结论:地价与房价的关系是复杂且因地而异的,以一个案例的分析结果来断定两者的关系是有失偏颇的。  相似文献   

重庆市各区县土地利用程度差异及其动态变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据重庆市1997-2007年的土地利用变更数据,对其40个区县进行土地利用程度变化分析,选取变化程度较大且具有代表性的四个区县:江北区、双桥区、铜梁县和忠县,从土地利用的数量和空间格局变化两方面进行深入的分析。结果表明:10年来,重庆市40区县土地利用既有处于发展期也有处于衰退期和调整期的;四区县土地利用方式逐渐由农用地向非农用地发展,园林地面积增加,土地利用结构发生了显著变化,有待于进一步合理化发展;四区县土地利用空间格局分布较均匀。  相似文献   

以北京第一道绿隔所占面积最大的地区朝阳区1997、2001和2006年3个年度的土地变更调查数据为数据源,采用地理信息系统的方法,在对第一道绿化隔离带的土地利用变化特点和景观格局变化进行时空变化分析的基础上,对绿化隔离带在控制城市蔓延及改善景观生态格局这两个主要功能进行了政策实施评价。结果表明,通过第一道绿化隔离带政策的实施增加了林地的面积,在一定程度上控制了北京中心城市的蔓延,改善了城市生态环境,但是控制和改善的程度与预期比尚有一定的差距,绿化隔离带的相关政策仍需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

北京山区林地转化过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据林地变更详查数据和社会经济统计数据,首先分析北京山区近10年来林地变更转化趋势(减少去向)的时空特征,揭示出北京山区林地变化的主要过程和态势。然后,借助土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)驱动力分析方法,对林地转化过程的驱动力进行定量化诊断。  相似文献   

As the industrial structure is reorganized from manufacturing to one that is knowledge-based, the knowledge-intensive service (KIS) industry has grown steadily. Since KIS industries make a significant contribution to regional competitiveness through innovative activities, it is important to examine what factors determine their location. Since KIS industries reportedly concentrate in and around large cities, wherein the land price is high and vacant land is scarce, land use planning is expected to play an important role in the location of KIS. Therefore, this study analyzes the location patterns of the KIS industry and the factors contributing to the industry’s growth in the Seoul metropolitan area, with a focus on land use planning. According to the result, KIS industries tend to locate in traditional KIS centers in downtown Seoul and new centers around Seoul. While the growth of KIS workers in the traditional KIS centers was stagnant, that in the new centers was much higher. Concerning the factors that affect the growth of KIS employment, the factors related to land use planning significantly influenced the growth of KIS activities. Among them, semi-industrial zone and housing site development areas were influential due to the exclusion of residential land use and land use regulation changes that allowed the development of the knowledge industry center. This shows that exclusionary land use control and flexible measures should be properly applied to accommodate new industrial demands and create space for urban employment.  相似文献   

Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and public concern over the environment have brought woodland into the public eye as an environment-friendly alternative land use in British agriculture. Survey evidence indicates that whilst it is the inadequacy of the returns from woodland that acts as the principal deterrent to planting, there are also a number of other factors that discourage woodland adoption. Of these, the perceived lack of flexibility that is associated with woodland figures highly. In part, loss of flexibility occurs due to the strength of controls such as felling licences and Tree Preservation Orders that restrict the conversion of woodland back to agricultural land. This paper develops a simple comparative static model of the way in which such restrictions impact on the allocation and price of woodland vis-à-vis agricultural land. Where felling controls are in operation they may reduce as well as preserve the area of woodland, and retard the efficacy of financial incentives. In this light, policymakers may do well to abolish felling restrictions on new woodland (possibly in conjunction with enhanced woodland incentives generally) if expansion of the wooded area is an explicit objective of future agricultural policy.  相似文献   

The growing demand for a wide range of private and public goods and services from a finite land resource is increasingly challenging for planners at local, regional, national and international scales. The Scottish Government's development of a Land Use Strategy has given salience to resolving conflicts and enhancing synergies in land use. In Scotland, the poorest quality farmland is often designated for nature and landscape conservation and the highest quality farmland often protected for food production. This means that many of the competitive pressures on land are experienced in what we term the ‘squeezed middle’. The paper identifies the multiple (and not exclusively economic) drivers of land use choices and, through an ecosystem services lens, explores three particular areas of land use conflict. These are (i) the continued high level of public support for farming, which has done little to address the problem of low farm incomes; (ii) the pressure to increase woodland planting on farm (and other) land; and (iii) conflicts associated with intensive game management, especially on sporting estates. Using the Scottish situation as an example, the heterogeneity of land use pressures means that there is a danger of the principles of the Land Use Strategy becoming lost in translation from national policy to practical land use decision-making. The appropriate scale for delivery of integrated ecosystem services may therefore be more local than current pilot projects, and may require more active participation of land managers. It may also require policy instruments that are more flexible in adapting to the local context, including payments for ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Development of garden land has attracted political and media attention in recent years, yet there remained uncertainty over whether the issue was nationally or locally significant. Gardens are not a land use in their own right and have no special status in planning law. This enabled them to be considered, until very recently, as previously developed land according to The Brownfield Guide (English Partnerships, 2006). This allowed garden sites to be developed for new housing, thereby helping some authorities to meet their targets for residential development on brownfield land as monitored through their strategic housing land availability assessment (SHLAA). This paper reports the findings of a survey of local planning authorities carried out in 2009 and focused on planning applications and permissions on garden sites over a five year period ending 31 March 2008. The results reveal that garden development was a significant issue in only certain regional contexts, South East, London and West Midlands, and its actual and potential contribution to the local housing stock was variable. Where other forms of brownfield land were in short supply, garden sites might be crucial in meeting targets. The paper examines the policy framework underpinning such applications and shows that where local planning authorities had specific policies on the subject in place they were able to reach more robust decisions on garden site planning applications and there was less likelihood of first stage rejection decisions being overturned on appeal.  相似文献   

兴海县位于青藏高原高寒地带,农牧交错、以牧为主,是国家“三江源自然保护区”的重要县份;分析了土地利用现状、潜力及存在的生态问题,指出搞好环境整治,落实退耕(牧)还林(草)和强化植树种草工作,保护土地资源,是未来土地开发利用中必须牢牢把握的大局。  相似文献   

[目的]为有目标地进行土地利用调整、科学合理促进区域生态景观建设和生态环境保护提供参考。[方法]文章以北京市密云水库区域为研究对象,基于遥感影像解译的1993年和2016年土地利用现状图,分析了研究区土地利用类型的面积变化和相互转换特征;在剖析土地多功能性的基础上,构建了不同土地利用类型的生产、生活、生态用地的功能指数,从而对土地利用类型进行了"三生"空间的划分,并基于格网尺度揭示了研究区域"三生"空间时空变化规律。[结果](1) 1993—2016年密云水库区域土地利用类型主要为林地和水域,其面积变化以耕地、林地、草地和园地为主。其中,耕地和草地的面积减少,主要转换为园地;林地面积增加,主要来源于草地和荒土地;园地面积增加,主要来源于林地、耕地和草地;林地和园地之间相互转化的面积较大。(2)研究期间,密云水库区域"三生"空间相对稳定,生态功能一直是研究区域的主导功能,1993—2016年生产空间和生活空间扩张,生态空间略有缩小;不同级别保护区范围内的土地利用变化规律与总体变化较为一致,二级保护区范围内的变化相对大。[结论]研究结果可以为精细化评估区域"三生"空间时空变化做参考,并能服务于区域土地利用结构调整和可持续利用及区域生态建设。  相似文献   

保障性住房用地方式比较及改革思路探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:探讨新时期城市土地使用制度的改革思路,满足日益发展的保障性住房建设对土地使用制度的新要求。研究方法:理论分析和实证分析相结合。研究结果:不同保障性住房的土地权属特征及可能产生的影响,提出完善土地使用制度以适应住房保障体系的建议,并以北京市为例进行分析。研究结论:深化城市土地使用制度改革对于保障性住房建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章基于Rrcgis10.0和Fragstats3.4软件,以长春市1984年、2014年土地利用调查数据为主数据,采用景观空间格局的分析方法,从斑块类型水平、景观水平等2个方向分析了该研究区近30年各土地利用景观空间格局动态变化。结果表明:(1)该研究区以耕地为景观基地,林地和未利用地面积减少,耕地、建设用地、交通运输用地和水域面积增加,各土地利用类型间发生了复杂的双向变化,林地低于全国平均水平,土地利用结构不合理;(2)不同的景观指数对于土地利用类型动态效应的敏感性不同,其中最敏感的指数有斑块面积百分比和最大斑块指数,其次是斑块个数和平均形状指数,最不敏感的景观指数为散布与并列指数;(3)整体景观水平上,该研究区的景观多样性增加,破碎度增加,连通性降低,分布趋向分散,除斑块密度外,其他景观指数的动态效应不敏感。并提出合理规划建设用地,限制建设用地的扩展,坚持实施退耕还林、还草政策等建议,以期为区域可持续发展提供有力的科学依据。  相似文献   

As Hong Kong's property prices have been skyrocketing particularly in the last several years, housing has become even less affordable than it was prior to the Asian Financial Crisis, compromising Hong Kong residents’ living standards. The general public mostly blames the supply-side actors (i.e. property developers and/or the government) for such a predicament, and vociferously demands for higher supply of residential flats both in the private and public sectors. The government, in response, proposes the supply of more residential land, among other measures, in addressing the public's demands, with the notion of “higher land supply results in higher housing supply”. Nonetheless, there are other channels, other than land sale, which provide land for housing construction, such as land exchange, which are usually overlooked in public debates. In the light of this, this paper aims to investigate the respective impact of land sale and land exchange on Hong Kong's housing supply. The findings, interestingly, show that land exchange has a much larger long-run impact on housing supply than land sale does; that housing supply responds to short-run fluctuations in property price; and that best lending rate has neither a short- nor long-run relationship with the supply of housing. The reason behind the finding regarding land sale and land exchange is that, the former is initiated by the government which overlooks property developers’ profit incentives and development strategies, while the latter essentially reflects that a particular land site is ripe for development (i.e. profitable) from the developers’ standpoint. Some implications relating to the recently announced government land policy measures are also discussed.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化动态监测是掌握土地资源数量、进行土地利用评价的重要依据。基于遥感和GIS技术提取金堂县2001、2007、2010和2013年4期土地利用变化信息,并应用模型对研究区土地利用时空变化进行分析。结果表明:(1)土地利用类型以耕地和林地为主,建设用地和林地的单一土地利用动态度为正,面积显著增加;耕地、草地、水体和其他的土地利用动态度为负,面积减少;综合土地利用动态度由6.12%增加到13.81%,土地利用变化强烈。(2)土地利用空间变化显著,土地利用空间变化主要发生在金堂县城、赵镇、三星镇和淮口镇等地;土地利用转化明显,耕地和建设用地的变化最强烈,建设用地、耕地和林地之间的相互转化尤其显著。(3)地形因子对土地利用变化具有较大影响,土地利用变化随高程、坡度的增加而减少,且表现较强的相关性,符合二次变化曲线的特征;阳坡较阴坡对土地利用变化的影响大。这一研究结果为区域土地利用评价提供重要依据,有利于实现土地利用的合理布局和调控管理,对区域土地资源的合理开发利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This review explores the role of land use and land use change as a determinant of the soil's ability to sequester and store carbon in the UK. Over 95 percent of the UK land carbon stock is located in soils which are subjected to a range of land uses and global changes. Land use change can result in rapid soil loss of carbon from peatlands, grasslands, plantation forest and native woodland. Soil carbon accumulates more slowly (decadal) but gains can be made when croplands are converted to grasslands, plantation forest or native woodland. The need for land for food production and renewable forms of energy could have considerable influence on UK soil carbon storage in the future. There is a need to recognise the risk of soil carbon losses occurring when land use change to increase carbon storage is offset by compensatory land use conversions elsewhere that result in net carbon release. The protection of peatland and other organic soil carbon stocks, and the management of cropland, grassland and forest soils to increase carbon sequestration, will be crucial to the maintenance of the UK carbon balance. It will be necessary to develop policy to balance trade-offs between soil carbon gains with other land use priorities. These include the sustainable production of food, bio-energy and fibre crops and livestock, water quality and hydrology, greenhouse gas emission control and waste management, all of which are underpinned by the soil.  相似文献   

运用GIS技术与Logistic回归模型,采用2000~2005年环首都经济圈区域土地利用数据、基础地理数据以及社会经济数据研究了影响该区域土地利用类型变化的驱动机制。分析结果显示,耕地、林地、草地变化模型具有较高的拟合水平,且进入模型的因子与各土地类型变化情况有很高的相关性。该区域耕地、林地变化受自然、社会经济、通达性三大类因素的影响,而草地变化则主要受社会经济及通达性的影响。  相似文献   

基于大连市土地利用空间数据,选用斑块数、斑块分离度、景观多样性指数、优势度指数、均匀度指数、生态环境指数等景观特征指数,从斑块和景观两个尺度对大连市土地利用空间格局进行定量评价,揭示其对区域生态环境的影响。结果表明:(1)旱地景观是大连地区面积最大、分布最广、连续性最强的基质景观;其次,林地景观的面积比例也较大;水田、草地和水域的面积比例较小。(2)城乡用地景观的斑块数最多,其次为林地;旱地景观斑块分离度最小,为0.03其次为林地景观,为0.08;沼泽景观的斑块分离度最大,为2.06。(3)大连市的生态环境指数为0.43,与辽宁沿海其他城市相比较,其生态环境质量的总体状况较好,但仍有提升空间。  相似文献   

以广州番禺区2001~2007年来土地利用调查数据及有关社会经济统计数据为依据.利用多元相关与回归分析方法.分析了该区内农用地利用结构的变化和影响因素,结果显示:番禺在研究期内农用地利用结构变化幅度大,耕地、林地减少而园地及其他农用地增加;对各类农用地变化产生显著影响的社会经济因素各不相同,其中经济密度、人口、人均粮食、第一产业在GDP中的比重与农地利用结构变化关系密切,农用地利用结构变化是市场调节和政府调控作用的共同结果。  相似文献   

The role of land tenure in agricultural development has been a subject of intensive research, particularly within the context of land and agrarian reform. The complexity of the world's major land tenure systems is well recognized and no attempt is made here to go beyond an overview as this paper limits itself to the impact of land tenure on land use in low income situations. Present land use is determined by a host of factors, of a physical/biological and socioeconomic nature. In applying land evaluation, the question it is necessary to ask is to what extent, when and where land tenure conditions act as a considerable constraining factor impeding a more optimal use of land resources. Even in what used to be low-population density areas (such as Sub-Saharan Africa) it appears that the frontier phase is becoming exhausted and the intensification of agriculture proceeds; it becomes imperative to examine land tenure in relation to land use implications. It is shown that so far a multi-disciplinary approach has often been lacking in treating land tenure and related issues.  相似文献   

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