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运用中国5家股份制上市商业银行2003~2007年的季报数据,首次在其资本结构研究中同时考察权益和负债比率的动态调整问题,结论表明中国股份制上市商业银行权益比率与负债比率的决定机制互相依赖;非债务税盾、银行规模、管理层持股对股份制上市银行权益比率与负债比率的影响都非常显著,而破产成本、国有股比例仅显著影响权益比率,成长性与前5大股东持股比例仅显著影响了不可作为资本的负债比率;中国股份制上市商业银行的存款类负债更多地受到宏观经济变量的影响;选择银行职工人数作为工具变量,较好地解决了模型中规模变量的内生性问题。  相似文献   

随着经济体制改革的深化和金融业的全面开放,我国商业银行面临的形势变得越来越严峻。资本雄厚、经验丰富、管理先进的外资银行将会对我国商业银行的生存和发展构成极大挑战。为了尽快建立现代商业银行制度,提升自身的市场竞争力,近几年来,中国银行业以上市为目标,大刀阔斧地进行股份制改造。在大量银行上市后,投资者更加分散的情况下,股权收益率越来越成为银行管理者和股东关注的问题。而资本结构与股权收益率存在一定的相关性,它通过资本构成和股权结构直接和间接地影响着股权收益率,因此,本文将从这两个层次分析二者之间的相关性。一、我国商业银行资本构成与股权收益率的实证分析(一)模型构建与数据收集1.变量的选择根据《巴塞尔协议》,银行资本分为核心资本与附属资本。本文以核心资本占资产的比重作为资本构成进行分析。而资产负债率指标反映了在银行的全部资产中,有多大的比例是由债务资本所形成的,而其余部分则为权益资本所形成的资产。商业银行的核心资本与会计上的权益资本是同义语,即这个指标也反映了在银行的全部资产中有多大比例是核心资本所形成的资产。因此本文在研究过程中采用该比率作为反映商业银行资本结构的指标。2.模型的构建这里将采用一元线性回归和二次回归...  相似文献   

我国上市公司资本结构影响因素实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭柯 《新金融》2008,(8):54-57
资本结构指在公司长期财务结构中债权与股权的相关比例。资本结构一直是公司财务的核心内容,在理论和实务中都得到了广泛的应用。由于中国资本市场的特殊性,我国上市公司在应用传统资本结构理论时需要进行一定修正。本文基于中国A股上市公司2005-2007年的横截面数据,就企业破产成本、资产结构、避税能力、盈利能力、成长性、公司规模、股利政策以及流通股比率等对资本结构最具影响的变量,对中国上市企业的资本结构和融资偏好进行了实证研究,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

本文以商业银行经营绩效中的两个重要方面——盈利性和成长性为出发点,分析我国上市商业银行资本结构对盈利性和成长性的影响。研究结果表明:资产负债率与经营绩效中的盈利性显著负相关,而与成长性的关系不显著;存款债务比与经营绩效显著负相关,附属资本占核心资本的比例与经营绩效显著正相关;第一大股东持股比例及其性质与经营绩效负相关,前五大股东持股比例之和与经营绩效显著正相关。  相似文献   

李恒  朱倩 《金融会计》2009,(11):32-38
我国商业银行的资本结构一方面表现为国有股比重大,一股独大,股本占比较高的特点,另一方面负债主要为分散的、中短期储蓄存款为主。虽然银行的长期负债如次级债、可转债所占比例还非常低,但银行发行次级债已经成为资本市场的热门话题,截至2009年5月份,我国14家上市银行中已有11家提出了总金额达4300亿元的次级债发行计划。  相似文献   

采用部分调整模型和傅里叶单位根检验对中国14家上市商业银行的最优资本水平进行研究,并估计出存在最优资本水平银行的最优资本比率值和资本调整速度。研究发现,大部分上市银行均存在最优资本水平,但不同类型和资产规模的银行在最优资本比率的目标变量选择方面有所差异。平均而言,大型商业银行最优资本水平较高,股份制银行最优资本水平较低。资本调整速度在银行间差异很大,自有资金比率调整速度最快,核心资本充足率和资本充足率调整速度较慢。  相似文献   

中国商业银行的资本充足率问题与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资本充足率是衡量一家商业银行竞争力的重要标志。中国商业银行的不良贷款率高,资本和资产收益率低,税收负担重,准备金计提比率低,资本补充渠道少,资本充足率不足,资本结构不合理。中国的商业银行应通过提高低风险资产比率和盈利能力、国家注资和股份制改造、发行次级债券和混合资本工具、降低税收等政策,提高资本充足率,改善资本结构。  相似文献   

论文选取2012~2014年国内全部16家A股上市银行为研究对象,在资本监管要求下,从银行经营管理全局视角出发,选择5个指标反映资本结构,利用多元回归模型实证研究资本结构对其盈利能力的影响。结果表明:第一大股东的国有性质和资产负债率与盈利能力负相关;前五大股东持股比例和附属资本占核心资本的比例与其盈利能力之间均为非显著正相关关系;资本充足率对其盈利能力能够产生显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

一、目前商业银行资本经营的现状及原因(一)资本营业的状况1、资本数量较小。首先,高、超负债经营。我国商业银行主要依赖于向中央银行借款和组织存款开展资产活动,不注重资本积累和经营管理中自有资本的作用。其次,资本比率低。按照巴塞尔协议的要求,所有商业银行核心资本比率必须大于等于4%,全部资本比率大于等于8%。从统计数据看,国有商业银行普遍资本比率较低,且有下降趋势。2、资本结构不合理,资本扩充缺乏持续性。表现在两方面:(工)次级资本的比重低,从我国各银行资本构成来看,目前银行核心资本构成有四个方面,即实…  相似文献   

代金宏 《济南金融》2012,(11):76-80
正确地评价上市商业银行的竞争力,并在此基础上找到影响竞争力的主要因素及其对竞争力的影响程度,对提升我国上市商业银行的竞争力非常必要。本文采用因子分析法对我国的A股上市银行进行实证分析。  相似文献   

Debt‐type compensation (inside debt) exacerbates the divergence in risk preferences between the chief executive officer (CEO) and shareholders and, in turn, affects capital structure decisions. An excessively risk‐averse CEO tends to use less debt than the shareholders desire, reduce debt quickly when the firm is overlevered, but is reluctant to increase debt when the firm is underlevered. We find that higher CEO's inside debt ratio (i.e., inside debt as a percentage of total incentive compensation) is associated with lower firm leverage and faster (slower) leverage adjustments toward the shareholders’ desired level for overlevered (underlevered) firms. The CEO's inside debt ratio most conducive to capital structure rebalancing is around 10% of the firm's market debt ratio.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of dynamic capital structure choice in the presence of recapitalization costs. The theory provides the optimal dynamic recapitalization policy as a function of firm-specific characteristics. We find that even small recapitalization costs lead to wide swings in a firm's debt ratio over time. Rather than static leverage measures, we use the observed debt ratio range of a firm as an empirical measure of capital structure relevance. The results of empirical tests relating firms' debt ratio ranges to firm-specific features strongly support the theoretical model of relevant capital structure choice in a dynamic setting.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical examination of the impact of the corporation tax and agency costs on firms' capital structure decisions. Our evidence suggests that the agency costs are the main determinants of corporate borrowing. Consistent with the agency theory, we find that firms that have fewer growth options have more debt in their capital structure. Moreover, our results show that debt mitigates the free cash flow problem and that firms that are more likely to be diversified and less prone to bankruptcy are highly geared. the negative effect of insider shareholding on leverage disappears, however; when all the agency mechanisms are accounted for. In addition, we find that, in the long run, companies that are tax exhausted exhibit significantly lower debt ratios than tax-paying firms. However, in the short run, firms' capital structure decisions are not affected by taxation.  相似文献   

This article develops a new probabilistic approach to the problem of optimization of a firm's capital structure. The main idea of the approach is straightforward. As a possible firm's bankruptcy is the principal factor restricting the amount of borrowed capital, we assess the probabilities of bankruptcy at various time horizons in the future dependent on the proportion of debt capital and other indices of a firm's current financial position and then calculate how these probabilities influence the firm's value.We identify a set of factors determining conditions of existence and the value of the optimal debt/equity ratio. These include the characteristics of a firm's debt (proportion of short-term component of the debt, cost of service, and maturity horizons of long-term component), characteristics of a firm's ability to pay the debt, and some macroeconomic factors.We represent dependencies of optimal debt/equity ratio and gains in a firm's value on the main influencing factors.The approach is based on real data of real firms and does not use superfluously formalized models. We believe it can be used in practical capital structure decisions although specific calculations must be fulfilled for each firm that needs such decision.  相似文献   

论文以中小上市企业自身内源融资能力、资本结构因素为观察点,以中小上市企业信贷融资成本为研究对象,选择2007-2013年共7年的深市中小板55家上市公司作为研究样本,实证分析了中小企业内源融资能力、资本结构对中小企业信贷融资成本的影响。结果显示中小企业的内源融资能力越强,资本结构对债务融资的依赖性越弱,中小企业的信贷融资成本越低。因此中小企业应提高自身的内源融资能力,优化资本结构,从而降低自身信贷融资成本。  相似文献   

We show that risk characteristics of projects' cash flows are endogenously determined by the investment decisions of all firms in an industry. As a result, in reasonable settings, financial structures which create incentives to expropriate debtholders by increasing risk are shown not to reduce value in an industry equilibrium. Without taxes, capital structure is irrelevant for individual firms despite its effect on the equityholders' incentives, but the maximum total amount of debt in the industry is determinate. Allowing for a corporate tax advantage of debt, capital structure becomes relevant but firms are indifferent between distinct alternative debt levels.  相似文献   

Numerous empirical studies find evidence that managers behave as if they pursue target debt ratios. A possible alternative to the use of conventional, separate issuances of debt and equity to effect desired adjustments toward a target ratio is the simultaneous issuance of such securities. We extend prior research on such issues by exploring their use in the pursuit of capital structure targets. We find that the issuance of securities in general and the use of simultaneous issues of debt and equity in particular are at least partially influenced by where a firm's capital structure is relative to the average position in its industry. Further, shareholders' reactions to the announced plan to issue and to the issuance of securities are influenced, in part, by whether the issue moves the firm toward or away from the average capital structure in the industry. We also find evidence that the infrequent use of simultaneous issues relative to unaccompanied debt and equity issues is explained by their comparative flotation costs.  相似文献   

This paper provides a test of whether capital structure decisions are at least in part motivated by managerial self-interest. It is shown that the debt ratio is negatively related to management's shareholding, reflecting the greater nondiversifiable risk of debt to management than to public investors for maintaining a low debt ratio. Unless there is a nonmanagerial principal stockholder, no substantial increase of debt can be realized, which may suggest that the existence of large nonmanagerial stockholders might make the interests of managers and public investors coincide.  相似文献   

Most discussions of corporate capital structure effectively assume that all debt is the same. Yet debt differs by maturity, covenant restrictions, conversion rights, call provisions, and priority. Here, we examine priority structure across a sample of 4995 COMPUSTAT industrial firms from 1981 to 1991. We analyze the variation in the use of capital leases, secured debt, ordinary debt, subordinated debt, and preferred stock both as a fraction of the firm's market value and as a fraction of total fixed claims. Our evidence provides consistent support for contracting cost hypotheses, mixed support for tax hypotheses, and little support for the signaling hypothesis.  相似文献   

Using a matched-pairs methodology, we present empirical evidence of systematic changes within a corporation that are associated with calls of convertible debt. We find that calling firms experience significantly greater growth than noncalling firms in the same industry, as measured by retained earnings and long-term debt. Also, the converted debt provides a significant source of new book equity, and calling firms issue significantly less other new equity. The pattern of growth in balance sheet accounts is consistent with the pecking order hypothesis and supports the notion that some firms call convertible debt to reduce their total cost of obtaining additional external financing. The evidence also shows that, on average, calling firms experience a significant decline in their leverage ratio based on book value but no significant change in their leverage ratio based on market value of equity. This is consistent with the call's being used as part of the firm's management of its capital structure.  相似文献   

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