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以2007—2021年我国A股上市的28家商业银行作为样本,基于系统性风险分解视角,实证检验了业务多元化对商业银行系统性风险的影响。实证结果表明,商业银行业务多元化与个体风险存在正“U”形的非线性关系,与关联性风险存在负相关关系,与银行系统性风险存在正“U”形的非线性关系。进一步研究发现,银行规模对业务多元化与银行系统性风险之间的非线性关系有显著的正向调节作用。  相似文献   

为了研究互联网金融对商业银行风险承担的影响,本文以2009—2018年互联网金融对中国30家典型商业银行风险承担影响的数据为基础,运用动态面板广义矩估计方法对互联网金融对我国商业银行风险承担的影响进行了研究与分析。结果表明:(1)互联网金融对我国商业银行风险承担的影响呈现倒U形分布,即互联网金融发展初期通过抢占市场份额,加剧了行业竞争,抢占了商业银行利润,进而加大了商业银行风险承担的成本;但随着商业银行对互联网前沿技术的不断融合、金融产品服务的创新以及风险管控水平的提升,商业银行风险承担的成本下降。(2)面对互联网金融的冲击,不同类型商业银行对风险承担反应具有异质性:在宏观层面,大型国有银行拥有庞大的资产规模和政策保障,对其冲击反应较为滞后;股份制银行和城市商业银行缺乏上述优势,对其冲击反映较为敏感,但股份制银行后期风险承担显著下降;农村商业银行因主要服务于乡村建设,受其影响较为有限。在微观层面,面对互联网金融的冲击,与资本充足率和流动性水平较低的大型商业银行相比,资本充足率和流动性水平较高的小规模商业银行风险承担显著增加。  相似文献   

本文以我国45家上市金融机构为样本,分别使用12种非对称和4种对称Copula模型拟合“系统—机构”二元相依结构,对比基于最优非对称和最优对称Copula-广义Co Va R的估计精度,并从宏观金融和微观机构层面分析影响金融机构系统性风险的重要因素。结果表明:时变非对称尾部相依是“系统—机构”相依关系的普遍特征;我国金融业各子部门的系统性风险排序基本为“银行>保险>证券>多元金融”;金融机构的个体风险与系统性风险的相关性较弱,下尾相依性是识别系统重要性金融机构的关键因素;在危机期间,金融机构的杠杆率对个体风险和系统性风险具有显著的正向影响;稳定和改善宏观金融环境是化解系统性风险的根本举措。  相似文献   

本文基于2010Q2至2015Q3期间16家A股上市银行的面板数据,分别建立大型商业银行、中小股份制商业银行两个PVAR模型,并运用脉冲响应函数和方差分解,实证分析互联网金融对商业银行经营的影响。研究结果显示,互联网金融对商业银行整体的冲击很小,互联网金融更倾向于加剧中小股份制银行的贷款损失风险,中小股份制银行总体上受互联网金融冲击的影响程度更大。  相似文献   

立足技术溢出理论,本文剖析了互联网金融对商业银行全要素生产率的影响机制。在此基础上,借助无导向DEA—Malmquist模型测度商业银行全要素生产率,运用“文本挖掘法”从金融功能的四个维度构建互联网金融指数,并结合2003—2012年36家商业银行的数据进行实证检验。结果显示,互联网金融通过技术溢出效应,显著提升了我国商业银行的全要素生产率,但不同类型商业银行对互联网金融技术溢出的吸收能力具有差异:股份制商业银行的吸收能力最强,城市商业银行次之,大型商业银行较弱。因此,鼓励互联网金融健康发展,规范其有序竞争,对于完善传统金融模式,深化我国银行业改革意义深远。  相似文献   

郭品  沈悦 《金融研究》2019,470(8):58-76
本文通过构建纳入互联网金融的银行环形城市模型,推演了“互联网金融→存款结构/付息成本→银行风险承担”的传导机制。在此基础上,以2003-2016年我国83家商业银行为样本,建立多重中介效应模型进行实证检验。研究结果表明:(1)互联网金融发展经由恶化存款结构和抬高付息成本两种渠道显著加重了银行风险承担水平,其中,恶化存款结构效应的相对贡献为50%左右,抬高付息成本效应的相对贡献为35%左右;(2)相较于互联网渠道构筑业态,互联网支付结算、互联网资源配置和互联网财富管理业态对银行存款结构和付息成本的不利影响更为强烈;(3)相对于国有、大规模、低流动性和低资本充足率商业银行,面对互联网金融的冲击,非国有、小规模、高流动性和高资本充足率商业银行的客户存款流失更快,平均付息成本上涨更多。  相似文献   

现阶段,商业银行互联网金融产品创新往往陷入"保守-激进"进退两难的困境,效益和风险的平衡难以把握。构建基于互联网金融业务特性的全面风险管理体系,是银行能否运用互联网金融转型升级的关键所在。本研究在对商业银行互联网金融创新实践进行分类归纳的基础上,对银行金融功能进行重构,识别探索互联网金融创新业务风险和传统业务风险之间的蔓延和交互影响特征,以及现有风险管理能力的缺陷,构建了商业银行互联网金融创新的全面风险管理框架,包括宏观体系环境层、中观管理机制层和微观核心要素层三个层次。本文从动态、过程视角入手,研究商业银行互联网金融创新风险管理,以期为传统银行融合互联网金融目标的实现,提供有效的风险防范手段。  相似文献   

谢贤君  郁俊莉 《上海金融》2023,(3):29-43+56
本文分析了跨境资本流动对商业银行系统性风险影响的理论机理,并运用季度面板数据实证检验了跨境资本流动对商业银行系统性风险的影响效应和影响机制。研究表明:第一,跨境资本流动显著提高了商业银行系统性风险。第二,不同结构跨境资本流动对商业银行系统性风险的影响效应不同,外商直接投资和对外直接投资显著抑制了商业银行系统性风险,而证券投资资本流动则明显增加了商业银行系统性风险。第三,跨境资本流入通过增加银行信贷规模、提高银行信贷客户集中度提升银行风险承担水平;而跨境资本流出则通过减少银行信贷规模、降低银行信贷客户集中度这一间接效应抑制了商业银行风险承担水平,但也通过直接效应提高商业银行风险承担水平,且直接效应高于间接效应,从而提升商业银行风险承担水平。“跨境资本流动-信贷规模/信贷客户集中度-银行风险承担”传导渠道有效。  相似文献   

随着“大智移云物”技术的发展,以第三方支付为代表的互联网金融产业在我国快速兴起,并对商业银行传统的支付结算业务产生了巨大冲击。文章通过梳理互联网金融和商业银行支付结算业务的发展历程,解析商业银行支付结算业务发展过程中存在的问题及成因。实证检验发现,互联网金融会对银行支付结算业务产生负面影响;进一步研究表明,相较于股份制银行,国有银行受到的负面冲击更大;最后,本文从积极展开合作、支付方式优化、潜在风险管控以及顶层制度设计四个维度为商业银行支付结算业务的发展提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

通过对上市银行年报信息的文本挖掘,构建了银行金融科技发展指数,并与互联网金融公司的金融科技发展水平相比,从业务规模、信贷风险和贷款收益角度,研究金融科技对商业银行信贷业务的影响。实证检验的结果表明,商业银行与互联网金融企业之间存在错位竞争,银行发展金融科技不仅促进了自身信贷业务规模的扩张,提升了银行信贷的普惠性,还有助于增强银行的风险管控能力。  相似文献   

China's banking system has seen increasing convergence in exposures to different asset types. These concentrated commonalities have far reaching implications on systemic financial risk. Based on the commonality structure of banks' balance sheets, we construct a bipartite financial network and design novel indicators to analyze the systemic risk of China's banking system and its relation to the real economy. Results show that (1) considering the interconnectivity, indirect loss arising from common exposure is much higher than direct loss; (2) concentrated common exposure to mortgage is demonstrated to be the most significant source of systemic vulnerability in China; (3) the derived contagion network shows the property of “small world”, which plays an important role in generating systemic risk, amplified non-linearly by multi-rounds of contagion; (4) a bank's systemic importance/vulnerability depends on complex interaction between asset volume, leverage rate, and its commonality of asset composition to other banks. The model proposed in this study provides a new structural perspective to investigate the systemic risk, and a macroprudential instrument to complement existing stress testing that contributes to more efficient and precise regulations. Moreover, we contribute a ranking framework to assess each bank's systemic importance as well as vulnerability corresponding to specific real sectors.  相似文献   

本文以中国2016年之前上市商业银行作为中国银行业的代表,测算银行业系统性 风险VaR。整体来讲,我国银行业系统性风险较低,但VaR在2015年较高。虽如此,我国银行业资本持有量能够抵御银行体系的系统性风险。在系统性风险VaR贡献度方面,本文实证分析表明,在样本期间内,浦发银行、中国银行、农业银行、交通银行贡献度较高。银行体系系统 性风险VaR受GDP增长率和沪深300指数收益率的显著影响。  相似文献   

Depositor discipline is the only viable and universal source of banking market discipline in China. This paper investigates whether the depositor discipline of banking works in the context of an emerging economy under financial repression and implicit government guarantee, such as the Chinese economy; how banking market discipline is affected by Internet finance development; and whether the impact of Internet finance development on market discipline changes across heterogeneous banks. The results suggest that, in general, measures of bank risk are negatively associated with the growth of deposit volumes. Internet finance development alters the sensitivity of deposit growth ratios to some bank risk measures. For non-state-owned banks, fewer measures of bank risk are significantly negatively associated with the growth of deposit volumes, and the attenuation impact of Internet finance development on market discipline for bank capitalization instead relatively increases. For large banks, market discipline works significantly, except in the case of the bank capitalization variable; moreover, these significant market disciplines are strengthened with the development of Internet finance.  相似文献   

With a financial market dominated by indirect financing, China's banking system played a critical role in the government's response to COVID-19, which piqued our interest in the short-term impact of COVID-19 on the risk of China's banks. Examining the stock price of A-share listed banks and the number of confirmed cases in China and the US during the short time window surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic's outbreak, this study reveals that COVID-19 increased the A-share banking price volatility in both China and the US, reflecting a strong spillover effect of the US economic and financial system. Furthermore, COVID-19 in China has a smaller impact on the stock price volatility of China's state-owned banks (SOBs) than that of medium- and small-sized (M&S) banks, reflecting the higher risk resistance capability of large SOBs. Further analysis confirms that the impact primarily reflected systematic risk rather than idiosyncratic risk, as small and micro enterprises and M&S banks received more targeted financial support from the government. In contrast, large banks took on more responsibilities in the emergency financial stimulus, narrowing the idiosyncratic risk gap between the two types of banks and allowing the banking industry to better play its core role in the recovery of real economy in China. These findings will assist us in better understanding the effectiveness of financial assistance policies during the epidemic and will provide insights for future policymaking during similar crises.  相似文献   

综合运用格兰杰因果检验和分位数回归技术对我国影子银行的各种影响因素进行实证分析。结论表明,我国影子银行是在金融二元结构和利率管制格局下,金融活动主体为规避监管、分散风险以及投机套利而进行金融创新的产物。利率管制是促成我国影子银行发展的根本原因,经济结构变迁、经济周期运行及宏观调控政策在总量与结构层面作用于金融资源供求关系,通过扩大或收缩监管套利空间,也对影子银行规模变动产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

互联网金融对商业银行信用卡业务影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于上市商业银行2007~2013年信用卡业务数据,运用结构方程模型考量互联网金融对商业银行信用卡业务的影响,结果表明,互联网金融通过网络银行业务的中介作用,实现对信用卡业务的溢出效应,在一定程度上促进商业银行信用卡业务的发展,但互联网金融的替代效应却不显著。有鉴于此,商业银行应积极开拓互联网金融,加快其自身业务的发展。  相似文献   

Italian economy is among the biggest economies in the Europe which suffered from the repercussions of the global financial crisis during this last decade. The weakness of Italian banking system coincides with the common debate about the implication of derivatives in the distress of banks’ soundness. Thus, the aim of our research is to examine the effect of derivative instruments on the banks’ soundness in Italy. To reach our goal, the CAMELS approach is employed to define the soundness of Italian commercial banks. To overcome the endogeneity issue of variables, an appropriate econometric procedure, namely the dynamic Generalized Method of Moments (GMM system) is applied using data from 22 commercial banks in Italy over the period 2005–2015. Explanatory variables are defined by derivative instruments (forwards, swaps, options, and futures), bank‐specific variable (bank's size as non‐CAMELS variable), industry‐specific variables (CR3, CR5, and HHI as indicators of bank's sector and market concentrations), and country‐specific variables (GDP and inflation). The main results reveal that the majority of the CAMELS indicators are favorably affected by derivative instruments especially forwards and options. The most important conclusion is that using derivative instruments does not threaten the financial soundness of commercial banks in Italy. As major implication decision‐makers and experts—after the global financial crisis—should not consider derivatives in part as responsible of the fragility of the Italian banking system.  相似文献   

The rapid development of Internet finance has certainly affected the operation of commercial banks. This paper investigates the impact of Internet finance on commercial banks. First, a theoretical influence mechanism of Internet finance on commercial banks is explored, and the Internet finance index and integrated performance index of commercial banks are constructed using factor analysis. Then, a static panel and a dynamic panel model are established to empirically examine the impact of Internet finance on the profitability, security, liquidity and growth as well as the comprehensive business performance of commercial banks. Finally, the heterogenous impacts of Internet finance on city commercial banks, joint-stock banks and state-owned commercial banks are discussed. The results show that the development of Internet finance has a positive impact on the profitability, security and growth of commercial banks, and has a negative impact on the liquidity of commercial banks. In addition, Internet finance has promoted the improvement of the comprehensive business performance of commercial banks. Moreover, the impact of Internet finance on different types of commercial banks is heterogeneous with the impact on state-owned commercial banks being the weakest and the impact on city commercial banks is the most significant.  相似文献   

数字技术可以帮助市场主体重构组织模式,数字经济时代的金融业也因此迎来变革。本文基于2014年至2019年我国县级行政区数据,研究发现,数字金融的发展显著减缓了我国银行业金融机构实体网点的扩张势头,这种效应主要体现在股份制商业银行和城市商业银行上,并主要影响这两类银行的基层机构。同时,我们发现数字金融的发展加快了农村合作金融机构的转型和网点退出,但对国有“六大行”没有显著影响。进一步研究发现,数字金融的影响效果会随着经济发展程度提高和地区金融可得性增加而增强,但随着在位银行的市场势力提升而下降。本文为理解数字经济时代银行业的变迁提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

本文基于我国对影子银行的定义测算其规模,并在此基础上采用2002—2014年的月度数据和结构VAR模型(SVAR)实证研究了影子银行对宏观经济发展和金融体系的影响。结果表明,近些年我国影子银行发展规模均以较为平稳的速度增长;影子银行短期内对经济增长有负面影响,但总体来看其发展对我国宏观经济具有积极作用;影子银行发展对我国金融发展具有一定的促进作用,但其规模过度扩张将会增加商业银行流动性风险,弱化其信用中介功能,对金融稳定产生负向冲击效应。最后在总结研究结论的基础上提出政策建议。  相似文献   

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