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2015年伊始的"投资乱象"到底源于什么?为什么发生"大股东减持"的上市公司会受到机构投资者的追捧?更奇怪的是这类个股出现了超越市场指数的良好涨幅。为了解释这一异象,本文围绕"新国九条"的出台时间,选取了我国上市公司2012年5月至2015年5月的数据,从大股东减持的角度进行了研究。本文的研究发现,上市公司的大股东把市值管理作为通道,与机构投资者合谋侵占外部投资者的利益。在这种情况下,大股东减持的目的不是为了获得超额收益,而是为了"让筹"给机构投资者。本文进一步研究了"新国九条"对合谋行为的影响,发现文件的出台促进了合谋行为的发生,并且更多的合谋行为与市场气氛无关。最后,本文检验了流通股数量对合谋行为发生的影响,发现前十大股东的持股比例替代了流通股数量的作用,即前十大股东的持股比例越高,合谋行为发生的概率越大。  相似文献   

其他大股东与第一大股东在隧道挖掘问题上是相互制衡还是竞争性合谋?本文认为他们既有可能“相互制衡”,也可能“竞争性合谋”。当其他大股东对第一大股东制衡能力较高时,他们之间倾向于“竞争性合谋”,随着其他大股东对第一大股东制衡能力减弱,他们之间的关系从“竞争性合谋”趋向于“相互制衡”。本文从资金占用、现金持有价值与公司业绩和公司价值这三个层面,检验了上述理论分析,统计证据支持了我们的推测。  相似文献   

在当今,无论是规模宏大还是规模尚小的公司,大股东和管理者都是在公司裁决时不可忽略的成员。公司内部治理结构和公司外部治理环境是影响公司大股东与公司管理者合谋程度的两大重要影响因素。了解自己公司中大股东与管理者的合谋关系,有助于营造公司良好公正的员工工作氛围。  相似文献   

会计舞弊是个古老但又常说常新的话题。已有文献对会计舞弊的研究,多集中在企业的微观层面,较少从社会网络利益相关者角度进行研究;对会计舞弊合谋问题的研究,也仅限于会计和审计的合谋,而较少关注会计与财务舞弊的合谋。本文利用利益相关者理论和合谋理论,对会计舞弊合谋进行了研究,本文认为:在现代资本市场中,会计舞弊已经上升到与财务和审计共同合谋的阶段;已由组织内合谋发展到组织间合谋;并且显现出与权力舞弊合谋的现象。最后提出了系统防范会计舞弊合谋的建议。  相似文献   

本文研究了大股东与中小股东间的代理成本及弹性信息披露对审计收费的影响。我们发现上市公司不存在两权分离的情况下,大股东持股比例较低时,大股东持股比例与审计收费负相关;大股东持股比例较高时,大股东持股比例与审计收费正相关;两权分离程度较低的情况下,大股东持股比例较低时,大股东持股比例与审计收费负相关;两权分离程度较高的情况下,大股东持股比例较高时,大股东持股比例与审计收费负相关。上市公司弹性信息披露程度越高,审计收费越低;两权分离的存在会削弱弹性信息披露程度与审计收费之间的负相关关系。  相似文献   

审计合谋与审计意见的关系:理论与证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
注册会计师在利益的驱动下丧失其应有的执业独立性,主动迎合被审计单位财务造假、提供虚假会计信息,对财务报告做出虚假鉴证与虚伪陈述.注册会计师往往通过对审计意见类型的操纵或变通处理来达到审计合谋的目的,通过对相关案例的剖析,找出审计合谋与审计意见类型之间的相关关系,并籍此对投资者理性分析财务报告信息提出警示.  相似文献   

审计合谋的特征变量、预警模型及其效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
审计合谋是管理当局与审计师勾结的结果,十分隐蔽,但并非不可以在一定程度上预警。本文根据审计合谋的特点,拓展了现有财务报告舞弊预警研究,通过多元回归获取了审计合谋的特征变量,采用多种方法建立预警效果较好的审计合谋预警模型。判定分析结果表明,在预警效果上,多变量预警模型大大优于单变量判定模型,且Logistic模型预警效果依次优于PROBIT模型和LPM模型。  相似文献   

近年来,资本市场频繁发生的财务报告舞弊案例很多都牵涉到注册会计师的审计合谋问题,使投资者损失惨重,市场信心大降,严重影响了注册会计师审计的独立性.本文在阐明注册会计师审计合谋形成机理的基础上,结合我国实际剖析审计合谋的动因,并提出防范和治理审计合谋的对策.  相似文献   

审计师变更与审计质量:一个理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过建立股东、管理层和审计师三方参与的两委托人-单代理人博弈模型,研究了固定审计费用下不同审计师变更方式对审计质量的影响。研究结果表明,审计师强制性单期变更与审计师强制性定期变更下,审计师与管理层之间的合谋将导致严重的财务舞弊;而在审计师自愿性变更下,股东可以利用解聘现任审计师这一威胁来阻止审计师和管理层之间的合谋,使得审计师和管理层的最优策略均为真实披露公司的盈余信息,并发表标准无保留审计意见。  相似文献   

自Johnson等(2000)对“利益输送(tunneling)”进行前瞻性的讨论以来,国内外都有大量文献对这一主题进行研究,黄志忠和薛云奎撰写的《股权结构和性质对大股东“掏空”的影响》(下称该文)一文即是一例,该文研究了股权比例和股东性质对大股东掏空上市公司策略的影响,研究发现:(1)控股股东持有的股份比例越高,侵占公司资源的可能性越低;(2)在大股东数量少、第一大股东持股比例较低的情况下,大股东可能会合谋侵占公司资源,导致上市公司资  相似文献   

基于2007—2018年我国A股1109家上市公司的数据,研究大股东股权质押、真实盈余管理与审计师风险应对之间的关系,探究真实盈余管理程度是否增强了大股东股权质押与审计师风险应对的正向关系。研究发现:大股东股权质押正向影响了审计费用和审计意见;真实盈余管理程度加剧了大股东股权质押后的负面效果,进而加强了大股东股权质押与审计费用间的正向关系,但对审计意见的影响不显著;进一步的研究发现:上期的审计费用反向助长了当期的股权质押率;存在大股东股权质押的上市公司,审计师出具非标准审计意见的概率会随审计费用的提高而加大。该结论扩展了审计师风险应对的研究范围及影响大股东股权质押的其他因素,对提高审计师风险应对及完善大股东股权质押政策具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This study examines whether auditors are employed as a monitoring mechanism to mitigate agency problems arising from different types of controlling shareholders. In a context of concentrated ownership and poor investor protection, controlling shareholders can easily expropriate wealth from minority shareholders and profit from private benefits of control. However, this agency conflict has been rarely studied, as the most commonly assumed agency conflict occurs between managers and shareholders. Using an audit fee model derived from Simunic (1980), we study the impact of the nature of controlling shareholders on audit fees in French listed firms. Our results show: (1) a negative relationship between audit fees and government shareholdings; (2) a positive relationship between audit fees and institutional shareholdings; and (3) no relationship between audit fees and family shareholdings. These results illustrate the mixed effects of the nature of ownership on audit fees.  相似文献   

Multiple large shareholders may choose to mutual supervise or conspire, thereby affecting the firm's strategy and transactional operations. This paper examines the impact of firms with multiple large shareholders on demand for high-quality audits. Compared with firms with a single large shareholder, firms with multiple large shareholders increase audit cost and increase the probability of hiring a Big Four accounting firm. After a series of robustness checks, this result holds. Furthermore, we find that the shareholding ratio of the largest shareholder tends to increase audit cost and increase the probability of hiring the Big Four. The absolute controlling and non-controlling shareholders tend to increase audit cost and increase the probability of hiring the Big Four. The state-owned firms and large firms with multiple large shareholders tend to increase audit cost and increase the probability of hiring the Big Four. This paper helps to enrich the research on external audit supervision and moral hazard research from the perspective of ownership structure.  相似文献   

The authors' study of audit committees in 450 large East Asian companies (150 each in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia) finds a strong positive correlation between the “cash flow” ownership (as opposed to just the voting rights) of large shareholders and the percentage of independent audit committee members. The study also reports a strong positive correlation between the “cash flow” ownership of large shareholders and the percentage of audit committee members with financial expertise and experience. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that larger cash flow ownership provides large shareholders with strong incentives for more effective governance. Conversely, the lower percentages of independent or professional audit directors at companies with large disparities between cash ownership and voting rights is consistent with the authors' hypothesis that entrenched large shareholders prefer inferior governance structures that pose fewer obstacles to their tendency to exploit the wealth of minority shareholders. Furthermore, the authors find higher valuations (market‐to‐book ratios) for companies with audit committees that consist entirely of independent directors and have larger percentage of members with financial expertise. And when viewed as a whole, the authors' findings provide support for the argument that ownership structure affects the composition of audit committees, and that independent and professional audit committees can help increase firm value.  相似文献   

The recent requirement to disclose key audit matters (KAMs) in audit reports aims to improve audit quality and provide extra information to external users. Using a quasi-natural experiment in China and the difference-in-differences approach, we document causal evidence that KAM disclosures provide incremental firm-specific information and reduce stock price synchronicity. The effect of KAM disclosures is more pronounced in firms with controlling shareholders and fewer institutional shareholders. Overall, the findings suggest that KAM disclosures reduce information acquisition costs and facilitate firm-specific information impounded in price, especially when such information is less accessible to outside shareholders.  相似文献   

本文以我国2001—2008年上市公司为研究对象,对审计行业专业性与控股股东代理成本的相关关系进行了探讨。研究发现:审计行业专业性具有降低控股股东代理成本的作用;考虑最终控制人性质因素后,在非政府控制的上市公司中,审计行业专业性降低控股股东代理成本的作用更为明显;结合考虑两权分离度因素的影响,在非政府控制的上市公司中,审计行业专业性对控股股东代理成本的约束作用随着两权分离度的提高而增强,但在政府控制的上市公司,两权分离度、审计行业专业性与控股股东代理成本相关性并不明显。  相似文献   

Based on agency theory, if equity compensation aligns audit committee members' interests with those of shareholders, the audit committee will provide effective oversight and demand more thorough audit coverage and scope. This will result in higher audit fees paid to the external auditor. This study specifically examines the associations between the types of equity compensation of audit committee members and audit fees. Our findings show differential impacts of equity compensation of audit committee in the forms of option grants and stock awards on audit fees. Specifically, equity compensation using stock awards is more effective than using option grants in aligning the interests of audit committee members with the interests of shareholders to provide better oversight of financial reporting.  相似文献   

审计委员会:本原性质与作用机理   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
本文研究审计委员会的本原性质和其在公司治理中的作用机理,并剖析以美国为代表的现行审计委员会制度安排。本文分析指出,审计委员会的本原性质在于,它是代表股东利益直接负责企业外部会计事务,并享有企业内部会计事务的消极权力,从而确保注册会计师对经理人的独立性,以降低企业治理成本。审计委员会的作用机理则需基础于其本原性质而设计。而以美国为代表的现行制度安排下的审计委员会不是符合本原性质的审计委员会,其性质是经理人为履行自身向股东等诚实报告之受托责任而专设的职能管理机构。  相似文献   

The paper investigates the effects of corporate ownership concentration on audit fees in emerging economies, using Bangladesh as a case. Prior studies have indicated that audit fees in Bangladesh are significantly low. Also, the Bangladeshi private sector is dominated by high ownership concentration. Agency theory predicts that in an efficient market, managers in a highly concentrated ownership situation will have sufficient incentives to have more rigorous audits performed. However, managers in emerging economies, where the markets are not as strong, may not have similar incentives. We test whether audit fees in Bangladesh are related to corporate ownership concentration. Our results indicate that audit fees have a significant negative relationship with sponsor and institutional ownership concentrations. This indicates that in Bangladesh, companies actually pay lower audit fees when these are dominated by sponsor and institutional shareholders. For the public shareholders, we find a negative, but statistically insignificant relationship. The results seem to suggest that corporate ownership pattern may be a major factor in explaining the low audit fees in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

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