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李珂珂 《金卡工程》2010,14(2):204-204
进入上个世纪90年代以来,国际银行业的并购浪潮愈演愈烈,大有席卷全球之势。跨国银行并购已代替已往的设立分支机构等方式成为跨国银行最主要的直接投资方式。相对于国外银行业在银行并购操作中的成功经验以及国外对于银行并购中法律问题的系统规范,我国银行业的成功并购个例很少,而且银行并购立法还不完善,没有形成一套完整有效的跨国银行并购法律制度。面对激烈的跨国银行并购大战,对其法律问题进行研究,并尽快完善我国的银行并购立法已刻不容缓。  相似文献   

试论对外资并购的反垄断法律规制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
外资并购一方面推动我国经济发展。另一方面却带来垄断等弊端。要参照国外采用的规模标准、市场份额和市场集中度来判断外资并购后是否会形成垄断或实质的竞争,并以此确定外资并购是否具有经济合理性。根据美国、日本和德国的反垄断法立法和司法经验.对禁止企业并购的豁免主要应包括改善市场条件、潜在的市场进入、整体经济和社会公共利益等三种情况。我国应参照澳大利亚和加拿大的做法。即国内外并购的审查立法分别由反垄断法和外资法负责。与此相应的是,对外资并购的审查制度主要由外资法规定。而反垄断法只需对外资并购有关反垄断方面作出规定。  相似文献   

郑秋文 《金卡工程》2010,14(10):176-177
近年来,外资并购中国企业成为外商在华投资的主要方式。外资并购产生了垄断的倾向。于是,关于外资并购反垄断审查与国家安全审查的讨论日益激烈。本文通过对外资并购的现状、发展趋势及反垄断规制进行剖析,总结外资并购反垄断工作对维护国家经济安全的重要意义,进而提出完善我国外资并购制度的对策。  相似文献   

二十世纪九十年代以来,伴随着第五次浪潮,国际银行业并购之风愈演愈烈,席卷全球,其中尤以美、欧、日等西方发达市场经济国家为甚。这次银行并购浪潮表现出了与以往银行并购不同的一些鲜明特点:1、兼并规模越来越大。2、跨圈兼并势头越来越盛。3、混业兼并成为热点。本文从银行并购的一般理论着手,实证分析银行并购的成本与收益,寻求中国银行业的最优并购策略。  相似文献   

及时纠正措施:基于比较视角的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"及时纠正措施"是以资本充足率为核心的银行监管体系中一项主要的预防性审慎监管措施。它保障了监管机构能够及时采取行动,防患于未然,解决了在处置问题银行时监管宽容对金融安全所带来的不利影响,促进了银行业的稳健运行。本文在比较总结美、欧、日等国(地区)"及时纠正措施"立法基础上,就改进我国相关立法提出建议。  相似文献   

本文提出一个框架,分析银行并购对银行稳定的影响机制,认为银行并购可能通过影响单个银行稳定,进而影响银行体系的影响,也可能通过影响银行业市场结构来影响银行体系的稳定.通过对我国银行业并购影响的研究文献分析,发现我国银行业并购总的来说是有利于我国银行业稳定的.  相似文献   

本文首先剖析了跨国并购比跨国新建投资的优势,总结了世界企业(并购)浪潮的特点。然后介绍了我国银行业跨国并购的基本情况,分析了我国银行跨国并购的动因和特点,并与国际间银行跨国并购进行了对比。接着概括总结出我国银行跨国并购决策的考虑因素,包括并购区位、东道国和并购对象的选择,并购银行的跨国经营战略、效率、并购经验等因素。最后对我国银行业未来的跨国并购提出策略建议,包括制定清晰的跨国并购策略、明确跨国并购的并购银行策略、注重对并购方式的选择和把握并购时机。  相似文献   

企业并购的限制及其豁免问题已经成为我国反垄断立法关注的焦点之一。为使我国社会主义市场经济有序健康地发展,有必要规范企业并购的行为,界定相关市场,审查经营者集中度对市场的影响,明确豁免的具体条件和操作程序。  相似文献   

企业并购的限制及其豁免问题已经成为我国反垄断立法关注的焦点之一。为使我国社会主义市场经济有序健康地发展,有必要规范企业并购的行为,界定相关市场,审查经营者集中度对市场的影响,明确豁免的具体条件和操作程序。  相似文献   

论入世后外资并购的反垄断控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
与新建式投资方式相比,我国学术界对外资并购的研究显得相当被动与滞后,有关法律规定也极不健全。本文所关注的是入世后外资并购可能带来的垄断效应,在辩证分析的基础上,从立法、行政、司法三方面提出了较为系统、有针对性的反垄断调整、控制对策。  相似文献   

本文在介绍济贫法与工业革命历程的基础上,阐述了英国四位自由主义思想家对于济贫法的批判思想。亚当.斯密认为济贫法阻碍了劳动力和资本的自由流动;在马尔萨斯看来,人为的济贫法干扰了大自然的人口抑制法则;斯宾塞则指出,济贫法不仅扰乱了优胜劣汰的进化法则,而且扼杀了人类的美好天性;霍布豪斯赞同社会救助,但认为传统的济贫法不足以促进个人自立与发展。最后,笔者提出,自由主义济贫法批判思想具有体现并满足近代资产阶级需要的双重功效,但是这种批判不足以掩盖济贫法制度的正向功能。  相似文献   

Most employees and their dependents in the United States have health insurance provided by the employer or labor-management health and welfare fund. In this system, employees and their families lose their health insurance when the breadwinner loses his or her job while, at the same time, a Medicaid beneficiary can lose Medicaid eligibility by getting a job, even a poorly paid one. Most health insurance pays the doctor on the basis of fee-for-service and the hospital on the basis of cost-reimbursement, rewarding both with more revenue for providing more and more costly services. The insured employee has little or no incentive to seek out a less costly provider. There are no rewards for economy in this system. It should be little wonder, then, that health care costs are out of control. There are alternative financing and delivery systems with built-in incentives to use resources economically, but, the author of this article asserts, their ability to compete and attract patients with their superior economic efficiency is blocked by many laws and government programs. The author believes that the most effective and acceptable way to get costs under control, and at the same time achieve universal coverage, would be through a system of fair economic competition. He discusses his Consumer Choice Health Plan proposal and describes how one of the main barriers to competition is today's system of job-linked health insurance.  相似文献   

证券监管中行政诉讼风险防范的法律思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强化依法行政的意识,提高防范行政诉讼风险的能力,是近年来中国证券监管系统愈显紧迫的任务与课题。本文从司法受案和审理这一独特视角,结合证券监管实践,对几类可诉行政违法行为和相关疑难问题进行了深入探讨,廓清了理论和实践中存在的模糊认识,有针对性地提出了防范诉讼风险的有效对策。  相似文献   

During the recent financial crisis, U.S. bankruptcy courts and debt restructuring practitioners were faced with the largest wave of corporate defaults and bankruptcies in history. In 2008 and 2009, $1.8 trillion worth of public company assets entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection—almost 20 times the amount during the prior two years. And the portfolio companies of U.S. private equity firms faced a towering wall of debt that, many observers predicted, was about to wipe out most of the industry. But far from the death of private equity or a severe contraction of corporate America, the past three years have seen an astonishingly rapid working off of U.S. corporate debt overhang, allowing corporate profits and values to rebound with remarkable speed and vigor. And as the author of this article argues, corporate America's recovery from the recent financial crisis provides a clear demonstration of the importance of U.S. bankruptcy laws and restructuring practices in maintaining the competitiveness of U.S. companies and the long‐run growth of the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

借鉴美欧经验思考中国的反倾销法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过比对研究发现,美国、欧盟反倾销法在“非市场经济国家出口产品正常价值的确定”、“公共利益的考虑”、“对出口商替进口商交纳反倾销税的作弊行为的制裁”、“反规避的措施”和“承诺”问题上存在微妙差异,而这几个问题在我国反倾销法中或未涉及,或阐述较为粗略。研究这些差异。将有助于完善我国反倾销法以及更好地应对美国、欧盟反倾销调查。  相似文献   

该文梳理了近年来我国促进资本流出的外汇政策,从政策法规制定、税收优惠、金融机构发展和金融市场建设四个方面分析了境外投资发展缓慢的原因;指出要进一步拓宽资本流出渠道,应加快制定《境外投资保证法》,支持金融机构对外投资和提供金融服务;放宽境外机构在境内筹集人民币限制,支持个人资金走出去,并完善“走出去”综合管理信息系统。  相似文献   

Although insurers over services, they are no advisers/consultants. Nevertheless, the jurisdiction has already established an pre-contractual insurers duty to l advise insureds under the validity of the old VVG according to general civil law rules. Article 6 VVG standardizes such duties for the first time and aims to guarantee customers proper advice/consultancy particularly before the contract ends to prevent lapses in coverage. Therewith some considerable questions referring to concurrent laws concerning the law of the general terms and conditions, which aim to guarantee reliable and transparent information for customers in a quite similar way, arise. The author discusses this problem of concurrent laws and develops criteria which show which law is applicable on what occasion. As a result, a possibly contradictory pre-contractual double review is avoided.  相似文献   

后股权分置时代上市公司大股东交易行为研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
股权分置改革,有利于上市公司规范市场行为和完善公司治理,减少大股东通过“隧道挖掘”对中小投资者的利益侵蚀。但在后股权分置时代,如果缺乏有效的制度和法律规范,大股东可能由原来对上市公司的控制变成对公司和二级市场双重控制,市场操纵的模式将发生变化。本文在借鉴国际经验和境外市场曾经出现的与大股东交易相关的案例的基础上,通过对大股东交易目的、动机、影响因素、行为方式和各国法律规范的全面考察,重点对大股东可能出现的违规交易行为或侵害中小投资者权益的交易行为进行了分析,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The author examines how cash balance plans better meet employers' staffing needs than traditional pension plans. He asserts that out-of-date pension laws, rather than employers, are responsible for creating the very "abuses" that so many are complaining about with regard to cash balance plan conversions.  相似文献   

Section 404(c) regulation sets forth the conditions that plan fiduciaries must meet to be relieved of liability for the consequences of employees' control over their accounts. After reviewing applicable laws and regulations, the author concludes that employers desiring to provide employees with education and/or advice services through a third party should be able to do so while still obtaining reliance on the protections of Section 404(c) and without taking on significant additional fiduciary responsibilities.  相似文献   

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