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In the last two decades, the market of credit derivativeshas expanded rapidly, and the importance of pricing problemsfor credit derivatives has been recognized especially in the last decade.Among these securities, the pricing problems of credit derivativeswith an early exercise, such as American put options,have not received enough attention. In view of this need, this paper develops a continuous stochastic modelof American put options on defaultable bonds.The method of obtaining a solution is based on a new result of the optimalstopping problem for a diffusion process with a jump.Some characterizations of American put options are providedusing partial differential equations.  相似文献   

We compare the durations (the percentage price sensitivity with respect to the default-free short rate) of corporate and Treasury bonds in the reduced-form, intensity-based credit risk modeling framework. In a frequently used intensity-based model for corporate bond valuation we provide an example showing that, given the parameter estimates found in empirical studies, the duration of a corporate coupon bond may very well be larger than the duration of a similar Treasury bond. This finding contrasts with conclusions of previous studies. In a general, intensity-based recovery of market value framework we provide a simple sufficient condition for when the duration of a corporate bond will be smaller than that of a similar Treasury bond. We also provide an upper bound on the duration of the corporate coupon bond.  相似文献   

An exact valuation formula for defaultable corporate coupon bonds is proved. The model incorporates discrete coupons, bankruptcy costs, taxes and the market risk generated by a stochastic risk-free structure. The aim of this paper is twofold: first, we generalise previous pricing models for corporate bonds; second, we provide a comprehensive formula in order to properly disentangle the contribution of several risk factors to credit spreads.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the asymptotic approximation formulas for the price of contingent claims with credit risk, such as credit default swaps and options on defaultable bonds, in a Markovian credit migration model. Often the generator matrix of a credit migration process is assumed to be deterministic; however, a stochastically varying generator matrix is used in this paper. To apply such a model to the valuation of options on defaultable bonds, the small disturbance asymptotic expansion approach of Kunitomo and Takahashi is used in this study.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model to value defaultable bonds in emerging markets. Default occurs when some signaling process hits a pre-defined default barrier. The signaling variable is considered to be some macro-economic variables such as foreign exchange rates. The dynamics of the default barrier depend on the volatility and the drift of the signaling variable. We derive a closed-form solution of the defaultable bond price from the model as a function of a signaling variable and a short-term interest rate. The numerical results show that the model values generated by using foreign exchange rates as the signaling variables can broadly track the market credit spreads of defaultable bonds in South Korea and Brazil. Given an expected level of the foreign exchange rate, defaultable bond values under a stressed market situation can be obtained.  相似文献   

Using a continuous-time, stochastic, and dynamic framework, this study derives a closed-form solution for the optimal investment problem for an agent with hyperbolic absolute risk aversion preferences for maximising the expected utility of his or her final wealth. The agent invests in a frictionless, complete market in which a riskless asset, a (defaultable) bond, and a credit default swap written on the bond are listed. The model is calibrated to market data of six European countries and assesses the behaviour of an investor exposed to different levels of sovereign risk. A numerical analysis shows that it is optimal to issue credit default swaps in a larger quantity than that of bonds, which are optimally purchased. This speculative strategy is more aggressive in countries characterised by higher sovereign risk. This result is confirmed when the investor is endowed with a different level of risk aversion. Finally, we solve a static version of the optimisation problem and show that the speculative/hedging strategy is definitely different with respect to the dynamic one.  相似文献   

Under standard assumptions the reduced-form credit risk model is not capable of accurately pricing the two fundamental credit risk instruments – bonds and credit default swaps (CDS) – simultaneously. Using a data set of euro-denominated corporate bonds and CDS our paper quantifies this mispricing by calibrating such a model to bond data, and subsequently using it to price CDS, resulting in model CDS spreads up to 50% lower on average than observed in the market. An extended model is presented which includes the delivery option implicit in CDS contracts emerging since a basket of bonds is deliverable in default. By using a constant recovery rate standard models assume equal recoveries for all bonds and hence zero value for the delivery option. Contradicting this common assumption, case studies of Chapter 11 filings presented in the paper show that corporate bonds do not necessarily trade at equal levels following default. Our extension models the implied expected recovery rate of the cheapest-to-deliver bond and, applied to data, largely eliminates the mispricing. Calibrated recovery values lie between 8% and 47% for different obligors, exhibiting strong variation among rating classes and industries. A cross-sectional analysis reveals that the implied recovery parameter depends on proxies for the delivery option, primarily the number of available bonds and bond pricing errors. No evidence is found for a direct influence of the bid-ask spread, notional amount, coupon, or rating used as proxies for bond market liquidity.  相似文献   

Pricing models for options on default-free coupon bonds are developed and tested under the assumption that the bond prices, rather than interest rates, are the underlying stochastic factors. Under the assumption that coupon bond prices, excluding accrued interest, follow a generalized Brownian bridge process, preference-free, continuous-time pricing models are developed for European put and call options, and a discrete-time model is developed for American puts and calls. The empirical validity of the models is assessed using a six-moth sample of daily closing prices.  相似文献   

史永东  郑世杰  袁绍锋 《金融研究》2021,493(7):115-133
本文以2011—2018年中国A股上市公司发行的一般公司债为样本,探究了中债估值跳跃对债券信用利差的影响及作用机制,以此说明中债估值对债券信用风险的识别作用。研究发现:中债估值跳跃能够显著提高债券信用利差,其中,中债估值上跳降低了信用利差,下跳提高了信用利差,且相对于上跳,下跳对信用利差的作用更大。异质性分析发现:中债估值跳跃对信用利差的作用在机构投资者中较大,同时在信息不对称性较严重、流动性较差及违约风险较高的债券中也较大。进一步研究发现:中债估值跳跃不仅包含了公共信息,还含有私有信息,并能改善股票分析师预测表现。本研究说明中债估值能够识别债券信用风险,具有信息含量,对于债券市场信息环境建设和系统性金融风险防范具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper is the first in a series that we devote to studying the problems of valuation and hedging of defaultable game options in general, and convertible corporate bonds in particular. Here, we present mathematical foundations for our overall study. Specifically, we provide several results characterizing the arbitrage price of a defaultable game option in terms of relevant Dynkin games. In addition, we provide important results regarding price decomposition of defaultable options. These general results are then specified to the case of convertible bonds, yielding in particular a decomposition of convertible bonds in an optional and a bond component.  相似文献   

一般而言,投资者会参考一系列指标来综合评估企业债券的信用水平,合理设定这些指标的权重是相对准确地衡量债券信用水平的关键。文章基于有效市场假定,在分类梳理备选信用指标的基础上,将由加权信用指标计算的债券信用估值差异与债券实际收益率差异进行拟合,以此确定最优的信用指标权重组合,以期为简要分析企业信用资质和债券定价判断提供一个参考。  相似文献   

Our aim of this research is to propose a model which estimates implied relative credit reliability from the yield spread of defaultable bonds and evaluates their spread risk. We introduce “yield spread term-quality surface” (YSTQS) which is defined on the space of duration and credit reliability of the issuers, and express their yield spread. First, we review the general pricing theorem of defaultable bonds with unpredictable recovery in the no-arbitrage context based on the external hazard rates. Second, we show that the dynamics of state variables determine the shape of the YSTQS, and they drive the YSTQS if the loss-adjusted hazard rates are described by a function of them. Finally, we show an empirical analysis of our model with daily yield spread, duration, and the credit ratings of corporate bonds.
Tomoaki ShoudaEmail:

In this paper, we consider a portfolio optimization problem in a defaultable market. The representative investor dynamically allocates his or her wealth among the following securities: a perpetual defaultable bond, a money market account and a default-free risky asset. The optimal investment and consumption policies that maximize the infinite horizon expected discounted HARA utility of the consumption are explicitly derived. Moreover, numerical illustrations are also presented.  相似文献   

We discuss risk measures representing the minimum amount of capital a financial institution needs to raise and invest in a pre-specified eligible asset to ensure it is adequately capitalized. Most of the literature has focused on cash-additive risk measures, for which the eligible asset is a risk-free bond, on the grounds that the general case can be reduced to the cash-additive case by a change of numéraire. However, discounting does not work in all financially relevant situations, especially when the eligible asset is a defaultable bond. In this paper, we fill this gap by allowing general eligible assets. We provide a variety of finiteness and continuity results for the corresponding risk measures and apply them to risk measures based on value-at-risk and tail value-at-risk on L p spaces, as well as to shortfall risk measures on Orlicz spaces. We pay special attention to the property of cash subadditivity, which has been recently proposed as an alternative to cash additivity to deal with defaultable bonds. For important examples, we provide characterizations of cash subadditivity and show that when the eligible asset is a defaultable bond, cash subadditivity is the exception rather than the rule. Finally, we consider the situation where the eligible asset is not liquidly traded and the pricing rule is no longer linear. We establish when the resulting risk measures are quasiconvex and show that cash subadditivity is only compatible with continuous pricing rules.  相似文献   

基于套利理论与ICIR模型的债券市场发行定价偏离研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于套利定价理论与利率期限结构理论,运用Tobit多元线性回归模型,得出债券发行定价的主要影响因素为债券无风险利率、债券期限溢价、债项信用评级、债券主体信用评级和债券赎回风险溢价,在此基础上再通过改进的CIR定价模型(ICIR)对2006~2010年各债券定价偏离现象进行研究的结果表明,在1%的显著性水平上,ICIR模型测算的债券理论价格通过了二级市场的定价检验,ICIR模型对债券发行定价偏离进行检验具有较强的合理性;同时,从发行年份来看,近五年来,债券定价偏离总体呈逐年下降趋势,债券发行定价与ICIR定价与二级市场定价逐步接轨,市场化程度越来越高。  相似文献   


This article examines the pricing of catastrophe risk bonds. Catastrophe risk cannot be hedged by traditional securities. Therefore, the pricing of catastrophe risk bonds requires an incomplete markets setting, and this creates special difficulties in the pricing methodology. The authors briefly discuss the theory of equilibrium pricing and its relationship to the standard arbitrage-free valuation framework. Equilibrium pricing theory is used to develop a pricing method based on a model of the term structure of interest rates and a probability structure for the catastrophe risk. This pricing methodology can be used to assess the default spread on catastrophe risk bonds relative to traditional defaultable securities.  相似文献   

在完全有效市场条件下,信用风险是反映信用类债券特征的最基本信息,也是决定价差的关键因素。本文通过对中国信用类债券中短期融资券的价差分解发现,虽然信用风险显著影响短期融资券定价,但市场风险才是影响其价差的最主要因素。此外,市场流动性不足降低了市场运行效率,导致流动性溢价总体为负。上述研究结果表明我国短期融资券市场化的定价机制虽已初步形成,但市场效率总体仍然偏低。  相似文献   

A formula for the price of default-free discount bonds of all maturities is found using a Black- Scholes type of arbitrage model which is based on the assumption that a portfolio of three default-free discount bonds of distinct maturities can be managed to be a perfect substitute for any other default-free discount bond. The formula relates the price of bonds to the real rate of interest, the anticipated rate of inflation and the equilibrium prices of interest rate and inflation risks. Bond prices are shown to be the expected value of the sure nominal proceeds of the bond discounted to the present at a random discount rate. It is shown that the unbiased expectations hypothesis is in general inconsistent with this model.  相似文献   

We examine the predictable components of returns on stocks, bonds, and real estate investment trusts (REITs). We employ a multiple-beta asset pricing model and find that there are varying degrees of predictability among stocks, bonds, and REITs. Furthermore, we find that most of the predictability of returns is associated with the economic variables employed in the asset pricing model. The stock market risk premium is highly important in capturing the predictable variation in stock portfolios, and the bond market risk premiums (term and risk structure of interest rates) are important in capturing the predictable variation in bond portfolios. For REITs, however, both the stock and bond market risk premiums capture the predictable variation in returns. REITs have comparable return predictability to stock portfolios. We conclude that there is an important economic risk premium for REITs that are not captured by traditional multiple-beta asset pricing models.  相似文献   

We consider the credit risk model of Collin-Dufresne and Goldstein (2001). According to this model, the price of a defaultable bond can be efficiently computed using a variational formulation that consists of an integral relation and a Volterra integral equation. In Collin-Dufresne and Goldstein (2001) this integral equation is justified by a probabilistic intuition, but is not proven formally. In this paper we analytically derive the variational formulation used in Collin-Dufresne and Goldstein (2001). This analysis allows to give a correct characterization of the solution of the integral equation. Furthermore the approach proposed in this paper could also be employed for other models of credit risk.  相似文献   

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