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本文首次在国内利用复合成本函数估计我国国有商业银行和股份制商业银行1998——2003年的成本函数,并计算出各自的规模经济和范围经济。复合成本函数把投入价格的对数二次项和产出的二次项结合起来,具有优良的实证研究性质。实证研究结果表明:时间对我国银行业的规模经济和范围经济影响不显著;国有商业银行和股份制商业银行都存在着轻微的规模不经济和范围不经济,国有银行略好于股份制银行。我国商业银行的两种产出——存款和贷款不存在成本互补性。  相似文献   

In this study a parametric approach employing a flexible translog functional model is used to estimate economies of scale and scope in the four major Australian banks (ANZ, NAB, CBA and WESTPAC). Two hypotheses are tested to determine whether bank economies of scale have changed and also whether economies of scope were exhausted following financial deregulation. The analysis reveals that there is evidence for a continuing difference in banks' economies of scale as a result of deregulation. The empirical evidence also suggests that economies of scope were not exhausted by financial deregulation. In addition, there is continuing evidence of considerable economies of scope in the four major banks. In other words, Australian banks have not fully embraced deregulation and adjusted their joint production in a cost efficient manner. Findings in this study indicate that further deregulation would create a more competitive and efficient banking environment in Australia.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the production technology facing computerized credit unions in Canada. A full system of translog cost equations is estimated in order to test for economies of scale, economies of scope, and other production characteristics in a multiproduct context. The regression results indicate that most of the credit unions in our sample experience significant increasing returns to scale as they expand their level of output. There is also evidence of cost complementarity or economies of scope in their mortgage and other lending activities. As a result, legislation which limits the ability of credit unions to grow and diversify will likely raise the operating costs of this important group of financial institutions. Additional structural tests of the most general translog specification suggest that none of the restrictive production conditions commonly imposed by other researchers using Cobb-Douglas and CES specifications provide a valid representation of credit union technology. The results of many earlier studies are therefore open to question.  相似文献   

利用超对数成本函数,从规模经济和技术进步角度,对中国商业银行1995到2005年的效率进行实证表明,一方面,中国商业银行业存在着规模经济和技术进步正效应,这主要得益于股份制商业银行;另一方面,国有商业银行的规模不经济和技术进步负效应,导致中国商业银行业的效率较低.因此,要保持中国商业银行业效率的不断提高,必须压缩国有商业银行的规模,加快股份制商业银行的发展,改善商业银行的治理结构.完善金融人才的培养机制.  相似文献   

We consider economies and diseconomies of scope for large U.S. banks by employing ordinary and hybrid translog cost functions. We examine the regularity conditions in output space where scope estimates are calculated and reject all models for which these conditions fail. The translog model always possesses violations. For the hybrid translog, violations occur in every case except one. In this one case, we find economies of scope.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the existence and extent of economies of scale and scope among the stock exchanges. Evidence from 38 exchanges in 32 countries and 4 continents around the world for the years 1989–1998 portrays the existence of significant economies of scale and scope. The degree of such scale and scope however differs across size and regions. The largest exchanges show an increasing trend of cost effectiveness. The exchanges in North America and Europe report substantially higher economies of scale relative to the exchanges in the Asia-Pacific regions.  相似文献   

This article tests economies of scale and economies of scope for the property‐casualty insurance companies in Japan. We fit a composite cost function to a set of Japanese firms over the period from 1980 to 1995 and employ an error components model. Our main findings are as follows. First, statistically significant economies of scale are observed in both Japanese firms and foreign firms operating in Japan. Second, economies of scope are also statistically significant for Japanese firms and most of the foreign insurers between the “third sector” products and the rest of the property‐casualty insurance lines.  相似文献   

Although the market for real estate brokerage services has been the subject of intense scrutiny for many years, little empirical evidence has been forthcoming regarding the performance of this market. This paper employs a translog cost function to model the underlying production function for the residential real estate brokerage industry. The results indicate that, except for very large firms, modest economies of scale persist throughout almost the entire range of output. Our results also indicate that while average firm size is increasing, many real estate firms are too small to take full advantage of the cost reductions possible with a larger scale of operation. Equally important, large firms do not command a competitive advantage over smaller firms, as fer as unit costs are concerned.  相似文献   

This study examines the structural characteristics of UK building societies. The analysis views societies as multi-product firms which produce both mortgage and non-mortgage products. A two output, three input hybrid translog cost function is employed to obtain econometric measures of overall and augmented economies of scale; input-specific and augmented input-specific economies of scale; product-specific scale economies; and economies of scope. The empirical analysis offers three key insights into the industry. First, there is evidence of significant augmented economies of scale for both national and regional societies. Second, only national societies are able to reap input-specific economies of scale through the use of capital. Third, for regional and local societies, cost inefficiencies actually emerge in their production of mortgage and non-mortgage products.  相似文献   

本文利用广义超越对数成本函数,分组研究了我国14家商业银行2001—2010年的面板数据,结果表明:股份制商业银行的总体规模经济略好于国有控股商业银行,但在贷款特定产出规模经济方面要逊于国有控股商业银行;国有控股商业银行的范围经济要好于股份制商业银行,在特定产出范围经济方面,贷款与存款、投资与存款存在成本互补,贷款与投资存在较轻程度的范围不经济。  相似文献   

This article assesses Canadian banks' ability to realize scale economies and cost complementarities in joint production. The Canadian banking system, with its 10 or so large banks and 50 smaller ones, offers a good database for a study of efficiency, especially since previous work suggests that the system's concentration has had little impact on system competitiveness. This article estimates a system of cost and cost share equations using Zellner's iterative seemingly unrelated regression technique, then evaluates scale economies and cost complementarities from the estimated cost functions' first and second partial derivatives. The article compares a model that classifies deposits as inputs with another that classifies them as outputs. The empirical findings indicate that deposits are better modelled as outputs than inputs; that Canadian banks organize to exhaust available sources of scale economies and economies in joint production; and that conclusions regarding scale economies and cost complementarities differ importantly according to whether deposits are modelled as inputs or as outputs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the cost structure of savings and loans. Most studies of financial institutions have failed to take into account the multiproduct nature of these institutions. Using the multiproduct approach, the existence of subadditivity, multiproduct global and product-specific economies of scale and scope, and substitutability between inputs is investigated. A translogarithmic cost function is estimated using 1982 data on California savings and loans. Restrictive functional forms also estimated are rejected. Standard errors for the statistics calculated are estimated, and various statistical tests are conducted. Previous authors have not calculated standard errors for these statistics. No evidence of subadditivity in the industry is found.  相似文献   

This study provides new and efficient estimates of scale economies in banking. Recent criticism of the incorrect specification of homogeneity restrictions on the translog cost functions is addressed, and correct estimations are provided. The results indicate that such misspecifications do affect measures of scale economies. The study covers 1980 to 1983 for unit and branch banks. The estimation is further enhanced by introducing factor share equations invoking Shephard's lemma and using an iterative Zellner procedure. The results fail to indicate scale economies for the overall sample. Some evidence of small degrees of scale economies is observed in parts of the sample.  相似文献   

基于广义超越对数成本函数的商业银行范围经济实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从业务收益变化的角度,通过构建商业银行广义超越对数成本函数的面板固定效应模型及范围经济的测度方程,对中国不同类型商业银行1997~2006年的范围经济进行实证和对比分析得出:从整体上看,中国商业银行呈现范围经济效应,但中国商业银行的范围经济还没有达到最佳的状态;范围经济与商业银行中间业务及投资业务的发展有关,股份制商业银行的范围经济优于国有商业银行.  相似文献   

The multi-product nature of the banking firm is examined utilizing the translog cost function. This analysis indicates that, contrary to conventional wisdom, natural monopoly, scale economies and product-specific decreasing costs are not robust characterizations of the banking industry. There is, however, evidence that the cost function is characterized by economies of scope. The implications of these results are discussed and extensions of this approach suggested.  相似文献   

A Multi-Product Cost Study of the U.S. Life Insurance Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports estimates of overall and product specific economies of scale, as well as, economies of scope for the main outputs of the life insurance industry. In addition, the paper presents a number of structural tests of the production technology. The results indicate that the estimated cost function satisfies the regularity conditions, that the industry exhibits overall and product specific economies of scale, and that there are significant economies of scope between the main lines of business.  相似文献   

We examine whether the European settlement and custody institutions operate in an efficient way. To do this, we start from an analytically founded discussion regarding the activities performed by the operators in this sector. Based on the insights obtained, we estimate both a translog cost function and a constant elasticity of substitution – quadratic cost function. From the results obtained, there clearly are economies of scale in this industry. Moreover, also economies of scope between the activities performed are present. These findings imply that probably further consolidation is ahead, and that separating certain activities from others can only be done at a cost in terms of efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the importance of using a flexible cost function specification when analyzing economies of scale and estimating the cost effect of banking mergers. The inflexibility of the translog cost function is illustrated and results are compared to more flexible spline and Fourier cost functions. Using these different approaches we predict the ex ante effect on average cost from mergers over 1987–1998 using a balanced panel of 130 Norwegian banks. On average mergers are predicted to lower costs. Predictions using the Fourier or spline approach are in overall agreement with computed actual average merger-cost changes ex post. Cost effects of electronic payments are also estimated and exceed cost reductions associated with mergers.  相似文献   

In light of the policy debate on too-big-to-fail we investigate evidence of economies of scale for 103 European listed banks over 2000–2011. Using the Stochastic Frontier Approach, the results show that economies of scale are widespread across different size classes of banks and are especially large for the biggest banks. At the country level, banks operating in the smallest financial systems and the countries most affected by the financial crises realize the lowest scale economies (including diseconomies) due to the reduction in production capacity. As for the determinants of scale economies, these mainly emanate from banks oriented toward investment banking, with higher liquidity, lower Tier 1 capital, those that contributed less to systemic risk during the crises, and those with too-big-to-fail status.  相似文献   

Previous research of banking costs has been limited by the choice of the functional form, irregularities in the estimated cost functions, and a failure to rigorously examine the difference between banks in branching states and banks in unit-banking states. This paper addresses these shortcomings. Banks are modelled as three-input-three-output cost minimizing firms. A three equation system is estimated using 1985 Functional Cost Analysis data. The findings indicate that banks in unit-banking states experience diseconomies of scale Banks in branching states experience diseconomies of scale at the bank level but economies of scale at the branch level. We also find evidence of economies of scope for branch-state banks but not for unit-state banks.  相似文献   

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