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刘道云 《上海金融》2012,(1):85-87,118
《证券法》应根据证券市场现状和证券公司业务新发展进行适时修改,以应对证券公司创新业务发展带来的新挑战,强化对证券公司使用人员的监管,满足证券公司结构转型与经营模式升级需求。应赋予证券公司监督管理客户职责法律依据和合理性,放开证券业人员从事股票买卖行为并进行适当规制,改革金融业经营模式和金融监管模式,强化和完善对证券公司非证券业务类子公司的监管,进行证券公司危机处置和证券投资者保护立法,健全证券市场信息披露和报送制度并加强监管证券违法行为。  相似文献   

证券市场规模日益扩大以及制度的日益完善,使得我国的证券公司业逐渐成为市场经济中的重要产业。在经历了2006年到2007年的强势证券市场以及2007年底到2008年底的弱势市场,再到现在的稳态市场的考验,我国的证券业正逐渐走向成熟。区域金融差异理论认为:区域金融发展差异与区域经济差异有较强的相关关系,同时作为金融行业重要组成部分的证券公司经营绩效也成为近几年兴起的研究热点,其研究的侧重点包括证券公司的内部治理、市场结构等方面;研究的目的都致力于如何实现证券公司业整体经营效率的提高,从而在一定程度上实现全国经济的平衡发展。鉴于此,本文从区域差异的角度来(实证)分析目前我国证券公司经营绩效状况,从而为提供我国证券公司区域发展平衡提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

中国证券业的发展趋势及券商发展战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国经济正处于迅速扩张的发展阶段,需要并会促进证券市场和证券业的大发展;由于经济、金融全球化的要求,我国证券业的发展将依次为:市场化、国际化、专业化、集团化。我国“入世”后,证券公司不仅会面临来自国外券商的挑战,由于国际国内金融混业经营走势明朗,还会面临来自商业银行的严峻挑战。我国的证券公司应认清形势,合理定位,重视人才,加快业务创新,强化管理,大力提高公司的核心竞争能力;要加强国际合作,努力走集团化之路。  相似文献   

靳卓原 《中国外资》2008,(8):173-174
我国证券公司作为证券市场的重要中介机构,十几年来,在改革和探索中成长,对证券市场的培育和发展起到了十分重要的作用。但是,近年来,随着市场的结构性调整和改革力度的加大,证券公司的问题充分暴露,积聚的风险也日益凸显,高风险证券公司处置和市场退出,成为了中国证券市场面临的重要课题。建立健全证券公司市场退出法律机制,有利于强化证券公司的自我约束和激励机制,有利于完善证券市场的运行机制和监管体系,有利用推进我国证券市场的国际化。文章主要从建立我国证券公司退出机制的必要性和现状出发,重点分析了当前证券公司退出机制存在的问题,以期促进证券公司健康成长,从而为我国证券市场和经济社会的发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

蔡咏(国元证券有限公司总裁):证券公司经营失败的显性原因是违规、违法经营引发的资金链断裂,诱因是中国证券市场的机构性和功能性缺陷,直接原因是监管失效、监管滞后、违规成本低,而最根本原因则是证券公司治理失效、粗放经营。  相似文献   

目前,证券公司传统基础性业务的收入和利润与证券市场行情息息相关,随着证券市场行情的起伏而出现大幅波动,尚未从根本上改变证券公司经营"靠天吃饭"的窘境,也具有十分明显的顺周期性特点  相似文献   

这里所谓的“顺周期效应”是指伴随着证券市场周期的变动,证券公司经营模式和监管政策发生相应的变化,顺周期而动。也就是说,当证券市场处于上涨周期(牛市阶段)时,证券公司业务模式和经营模式更加多元化,使得其盈利模式也更加多元化,相应地,证券公司监管政策较为宽松,证券监管部门为证券公司发展营造有利的法制和政策环境,提供良好的外部条件;  相似文献   

  中国证券市场作为一个新兴的高速成长的证券市场,期间发生了一些风险事件,部分证券公司由于内部控制不健全、流程把关不严,流于形式等管理问题而造成公司内部的经营风险爆发,客户利益被损害,存在影响资本市场不稳定的隐患,因此被监管部门撤销、关闭或由其他证券公司托管。近几年,证券公司依法自主开展业务和产品创新,扩大业务经营范围,丰富产品种类,使得整个证券市场创新发展的活力得以激发和释放,但内控制度的建立及完善相对有些滞后。我们发现创新业务和创新产品的运行过程中,实际取得的效果与预期相差很远,甚至存在一些之前未曾预料或预测到的风险隐患。  相似文献   

试论证券经营机构内部控制制度的建立魏必中孔萍陆亚随着我国证券市场的建立和发展,作为连接投资者与证券市场、证券发行人的中介组织的证券经营机构在近几年中得到了进一步的发展。截至目前我国已有专业性证券公司近百家,一个以专业证券公司为主体,包括证券兼营机构在...  相似文献   

林清萍 《会计师》2010,(12):68-69
<正>证券公司被喻为是连接企业和资本市场的桥梁。资本证券市场存在重大不确定性,再加上证券公司身份的特殊性使得证券公司在经营活动中承担许多风险,尤其是财务方面的风险。我国的证券公司尚处于探索成长的阶段,在发展中积累了不少问题。集中体现在证券公司内部控制体制的不健全,已经成为我国资本市场不稳定的重要隐患。为此,我国证券公司应该建立行之有效的内部控制体系,确保我国资本证券市场的快速健康发展。  相似文献   

金融危机给全球金融市场造成了极大的冲击.由于我国的金融市场尚未全面开放,我国的证券公司在此次金融危机中所受影响并不严重.但是,全面开放是大势所趋,而日前我国的证券公司还远未做好迎接金融市场全面开放的准备.以此次金融危机为契机,加快完善我国的证券公司治理,无疑是迫切而意义重大的.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of financial integration in the spread of global financial crisis. In particular, this study shows how the effect of the crisis on real business cycle co-movement varied for capital and credit market integration, using a sample of 58 countries in 2001–2013. During the global financial crisis, the United States – the epicenter of the crisis – experienced a severe downturn in the real economy, and other countries followed suit. We find that during the global financial crisis, the business cycle co-movements between the United States and the rest of the world were stronger when the level of capital market integration between them was higher. However, the co-movements were weaker when the level of credit market integration was higher. These findings are robust even when including investment channels, local fundamental factors, endogenous policy responses across countries, and alternative measures for financial integration and business cycle co-movements.  相似文献   

本文认为,此次全球金融危机的根源在于回购市场挤提引起的银行恐慌。机构投资者是回购市场的需求者,他们向影子银行"存款",影子银行则以资产抵押支持证券保证"存款"的安全。当证券化资产的折价率大幅提高时,就出现了回购市场挤提,引起银行恐慌,从而导致了此次全球金融危机。  相似文献   

美债危机爆发后,中国作为美国在海外最大的债券持有者仍然不得不继续增持美债,一方面是由于人民币汇率长期与美元挂钩,国际贸易和金融交易主要以美元结算以及我国出口导向型经济增长方式短期内无法改变均导致外汇储备被动积累,另一方面更是因为一旦我国大规模减持美元资产,将引起全球外汇市场对美元的恐慌性抛售,并最终危及我国在美金融资产安全。美债危机表明我国经济对美国高度依赖,并凸显了经济增长方式转变以及对高额外汇储备有效管理的重要性与紧迫性。  相似文献   

The global financial crisis clearly started with problems in the U.S. sub-prime sector and spread across the world from there. But was the direct exposure of foreigners to the U.S. financial system a key driver of the crisis, or did other factors account for its rapid contagion across the world? To answer this question, we assessed whether countries that held large amounts of U.S. mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and were highly dependent on dollar funding experienced a greater degree of financial distress during the crisis. We found little evidence of such direct spillovers from the United States to abroad. Although CDS spreads generally rose higher and bank stocks generally fell lower in countries with more exposure to U.S. MBS and greater dollar funding needs, these correlations were not robust, and they fail to explain the lion’s share of the deterioration in asset prices that took place during the crisis. Accordingly, less tangible channels of contagion may have played a more important role in the global spread of the crisis: a generalized run on global financial institutions, given the opacity of their balance sheets; excessive dependence on short-term funding; vicious cycles of mark-to-market losses driving fire sales of MBS; the realization that financial firms around the world were pursuing similar (flawed) business models; and global swings in risk aversion. The U.S. sub-prime crisis, rather than being a fundamental driver of the global crisis, may have been merely a trigger for a global bank run and for disillusionment with a risky business model that already had spread around the world.  相似文献   

商业银行投资者关系管理是上市银行与资本市场沟通的桥梁。在全球金融格局正发生着深刻变革与重构的时期,中国上市银行投资者关系管理部门在某种程度上肩负着通过向全球资本市场介绍自身运营,提升全球投资者对中国金融和银行体系市场化运营理解的使命。上市银行投资者关系管理部门应在推进与境内外投资者全方位沟通的基础上,维护和拓宽上市银行融资渠道;在充分阐述财务业绩的同时,向全球投资者提供多方位信息;提高管理层及相关业务部门对投资者关系工作的参与;加强对资本市场的监测,有效管理投资者预期,妥善处理特殊和突发事件等。  相似文献   

不同证券市场之间的波动存在时变、非对称、非线性相关的特性,尤其是在极端事件影响下,证券市场之间往往会表现出尾部相关的特性。以次贷危机为背景,利用时变Copula模型研究了证券市场间的波动溢出。结果发现无论是金融安全时期还是金融危机时期,均存在美国证券市场对中国证券市场的波动溢出,并且在金融危机期间这种波动溢出效应有增强的趋势。  相似文献   

当前我国法规层面定义了证券"中央登记、二级托管"模式,但实质属于一级托管。证券托管制度的弊端逐渐显现,主要包括:一是交收主体错位不利于DVP结算制度的实施,二是无法有效组织券源满足市场融券需求,三是抑制证券公司的金融产品及业务创新,四是在一定程度上影响了市场的证券结算效率,五是不利于我国证券市场与国际接轨。本文建议:一是构建"看穿式"证券二级托管机制;二是优化顶层设计,健全与完善证券托管法规体系;三是建立证券公司二级托管业务内部管理体系;四是加强对证券公司开展二级托管业务的外部监督管理。  相似文献   

China's growth model suggests that the 2008 financial crisis may have affected the Chinese economy differently from what one observes in mature market economies. In this paper, we examine how Chinese corporate investment responded to the financial crisis by using 1689 listed nonfinancial firms during Q12006–Q32010. We document that (1) the overall impact of the financial crisis on Chinese corporate investment is negative; (2) among three channels conveying the effect of the financial crisis, namely, the demand channel, the financial constraints channel, and the uncertainty channel, the demand channel dominates; (3) financial assets held by a nonfinancial firm are important in explaining the firm's fixed investment behaviour; (4) as compared to non-state firms, state-controlled firms are less affected by the financial crisis and more active in engaging in financial assets investment; and (5) foreign ownership can be seen as a buffer against the negative effect of the financial crisis and foreign-involved Chinese firms are less active in financial assets investment as compared to domestic firms.  相似文献   

With emerging markets now in crisis, companies in developing countries are finding it difficult to obtain financing. Securitization, a transaction structure in which the securities sold to investors are backed by a company's receivables, is one of the few vehicles with at least the potential to provide financing at economic rates in the current environment of uncertainty.
Unlike U.S. securitization issues, emerging markets transactions often use a structure known as "future flows" securitization, in which the securities are backed by receivables that are not expected to be generated until after issuance. This article begins by describing how the process of future flows securitization carves out securities with levels of political risk acceptable to foreign capital market investors. Then it traces the history of emerging markets securitization from its origins in Latin America to its more recent uses during the Asian crisis. Securitization helped bring foreign investors back to Latin America after its debt crisis of the early 1980s. And while the Asian crisis has sharply reduced new issuance for all kinds of emerging market financings, the volume of securitization issues appears to have declined less precipitously than other types of transactions geared to foreign investors. Moreover, investment bankers are now hard at work planning new securitization issues for companies in both Latin America and Asia.
In exploring the longer-term effects of securitization on both domestic issuers and their economies, the author suggests that securitization could play a pivotal role in restoring emerging markets companies' access to global financial markets. Indeed, with a few exceptions such as Malaysia, most emerging markets are now responding to the crisis by taking measures to protect investors, such as requiring greater financial transparency and dispelling legal uncertainties that have discouraged securitization in particular and overseas investment more generally.  相似文献   

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