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论奥巴马的新税政策对我国个人所得税制改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥巴马新税政策的主要目的是通过拓宽税基,让富人成为主要的纳税主体,从而缩小社会收入差距,维护中、低收入家庭利益,减少贫困。它带给我国个人所得税制改革的启示,是在理念上一定要树立起让富人更多纳税的观念,通过调整税制结构,增加个人所得税比重,发挥个税在调整社会收入差距中的作用;通过拓宽税基,抬高个人所得税起征点,让富人成为主要纳税主体,从而实现税负公平,减少社会贫困,最终实现社会公平和正义。  相似文献   

Climate change is only one of several pressure and drivers, such as natural disasters, improvements in technologies and changing customers’ behaviors that water organizations have to relate and adapt to. This places new challenges (e.g. dealing with increased exposure, vulnerability, and uncertainty) to water management and require water organizations to change their perspective on how to deal with water issues. This paper builds on a literature review to identify dimensions and criteria of adaptive capacity and presents a conceptual framework to assess organizational adaptive capacity. The developed framework has been tested within the Municipality of Tomave (Bolivia). The paper results emphasize the incapacity to transform routines as the context is changing leads to the construction of barriers and to the inability of an organization to support the process of change of the society. In addition, the study emphasis that the development of a working system based on cooperation requires first that an organization acquires skills and adapt its routines to the new working system. Furthermore, the development of a participatory process of planning and implementation of policies would help to reduce the trade-offs and conflicts related to water management. Linked to this, the development of a system for monitoring and evaluation of policies implemented organization can contribute to build an iterative mechanism so to allow a redefinition and improvement of such policies.  相似文献   

杨凯旋 《当代金融研究》2021,2021(3):155-171
商标使用意图要件是使用体制国家转向注册体制的关键,对在注册体制下维持和强调发挥商标作用所必需的使用义务以及对相对具体规则进行有效补充等方面具有不可替代性。据此,我国为规制频发的恶意注册和囤积行为,在商标法中增加了使用意图要件的规定,禁止缺乏使用意图的商标注册,并允许就此提出异议和申请无效宣告。然而,本次修改为保证商标法体系的稳定性而过于简略,很容易出现使用意图要件地位不明、意图认定困难、规则适用冲突等问题。对此,有必要在明确商标法注册体制下宣示性与规则性相结合条款与兜底性绝对无效理由条款的法律地位的基础上,吸收国内外实践和立法经验,细化完善意图声明审查、兜底性适用顺位、实际使用豁免无效以及由实际使用衔接注册审查与无效宣告等具体规则,从而增强我国使用意图要件的可操作性并使其发挥应有作用。  相似文献   

土地承包经营权的身份性特征使得其继承与否无论在理论上、立法上还是实践上均未达成共识。土地三权分置改革在立法上的落实,使得土地承包经营权继承与否的问题转变成了土地承包权继承、土地经营权继承还是土地承包经营权继承的新分歧。土地承包经营权继承与否、如何继承,应当从法理基础、规范进路综合分析,平衡政策与法律之间的张力。土地承包经营权与土地承包权在法律属性上的同一性,决定了土地承包经营权继承等同于土地承包权继承。在继承规则构造上,坚持集体成员为权利主体,兼顾土地承包经营权的身份性,限定其继承主体为本集体成员。在继承方式上以法定继承为主,赋予尚未取得土地承包经营权的户内集体成员以优先性,遗产分割区分“分户”与“未分户”的情形,并予以变更登记。  相似文献   

The Indonesian Social Safety Net health card program was implementedin response to the economic crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997,to preserve access to health care services for the poor. Healthcards were allocated to poor households, entitling them to subsidizedcare from public health care providers. The providers receivedbudgetary support to compensate for the extra demand. This articlefocuses on the effect of the program on primary outpatient healthcare use, disentangling the direct effect of allocating healthcards from the indirect effect of government transfers to healthcare facilities. For poor health card owners the program resultedin a net increase in use of outpatient care, while for nonpoorhealth card owners the program resulted mainly in a substitutionfrom private to public health care. The largest effect of theprogram seems to have come from a general increase in the supplyof public services resulting from the budgetary support to publicproviders. These benefits seem to have been captured mainlyby the nonpoor. As a result, most of the benefits of the healthcard program went to the nonpoor, even though distribution ofthe health cards was propoor. The results suggest that had theprogram, in addition to targeting the poor, established a closerlink between provision of services to the target groups andfunding, the overall results would have been more propoor.  相似文献   

Provisions of AAS 27 significantly expanding the recognition of assets in local government financial statements have proven to be controversial, particularly through their application to items of infrastructure. In one instance, state legislation was amended to overrule the standard. More recently, the standard itself has been amended to extend the relevant transitional provisions. To assist in explaining why an accounting issue ostensibly resolved through the due process of standard-setting continues to generate controversy, the responses to the exposure draft (ED 50) that preceded the standard were reviewed and analysed. This led to the conclusion that any inference that respondents to ED 50 generally supported the proposals relating to accounting for infrastructure items is, at best, problematic. This paper provides insights to standard-setting processes, particularly the workings of the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board and the extent of its responsiveness to parties affected by its deliberations.  相似文献   

The increasing frequency and scope of financial crises have made global financial stability one of the major concerns of economic policy and decision makers. This has led to the understanding that financial and banking supervision has to be thought of as a systemic task, focusing on the interdependent relations among the institutions. Using network theory, we develop a dynamic model that uses a bipartite network of banks and their assets to analyze the system’s sensitivity to external shocks in individual asset classes and to evaluate the presence of features underlying the system that could lead to contagion. As a case study, we apply the model to stress test the Venezuelan banking system from 1998 to 2013. The introduced model was able to capture monthly changes in the structure of the system and the sensitivity of bank portfolios to different external shock scenarios and to identify systemic vulnerabilities and their time evolution. The model provides new tools for policy makers and supervision agencies to use for macroprudential dynamical stress testing.  相似文献   

论欧盟农业国内支持制度的演进及晚近发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧盟农业国内支持法律制度的历史演进与“共同农业政策”(CAP)密切相关.为了适应WTO农业规则及欧盟农业发展的需要,CAP已历经多次改革,“促进农业发展、提升农产品竞争力”是其改革主线.CAP改革从“价格支持”到“与生产挂钩的直接支付”,再到“与生产脱钩的直接支付”,不过是从“黄箱”转到“蓝箱”再到“绿箱”的过程,是支持方式的改变,高额国内支持并未“实质性削减”.CPA2020新一轮改革延续了历史惯性,继续向“农业、农村可持续发展”的“绿箱化”支持推进,并兼顾“可靠的粮食安全、平衡的区域发展”的政策目标,使得CAP结构更为合理,重点更为突出,效果更为明显.CAP演进与改革,对于我国优化农业补贴结构、启动亲环境型补贴项目、强化农业支持的规范化、法制化,具有重要现实意义.  相似文献   

Given the voluntary nature of internet investor relations (IIR), the decision to engage can be viewed in terms of a cost–benefit framework. This study aims to investigate one potential benefit of IIR: a reduction in the cost of capital (measured as the weighted average cost of equity and cost of debt). Contrary to the majority of related studies to date that have used either an indirect proxy or examined the annual report, this study entails a content analysis of corporate websites using a comprehensive measurement instrument. IIR is found to be significantly and negatively related to the cost of debt. Although the level of IIR is also found to be significantly and negatively related to the cost of equity, this association only prevails after an adjustment is made to the cost of equity of smaller companies. Finally, the level of IIR is found to be significantly and negatively related to the cost of capital, both before and after an adjustment to the cost of equity of smaller companies is made. Although the current study deals with Johannesburg Stock Exchange data, the problem investigated is universal in nature and according to our knowledge, this is the first study to comprehensively examine the impact of IIR on the cost of capital.  相似文献   

彭伟 《财务与金融》2009,(5):17-21,28
从对高校贷款债务的研究方式来看,现有的研究方式显得比较单一。研究方法多属于理论研究,缺乏实证研究,研究的成果往往不容易转化为实践。正因如此,进一步推动高校贷款的理论研究和实证研究的充分结合就显得十分必要。应该增加运用实证研究方法的比重,保证研究的客观性和规范性,本文试图从政府角度研究解决高校贷款问题提出具体的方案和对应的实施细则,对高校如何控制贷款的风险和多大程度上控制贷款风险提供可操作性的办法,更为国家和政府如何调整高校贷款政策、规范高校贷款行为提供必要的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

毛菁  王玉 《投资研究》2011,(10):20-29
从1970年的商业票据危机到2008年的全球金融危机,历史上发生过多次因金融创新的复杂性诱发投资者逃离进而演化为金融危机的事件,而危机的最终化解多借助于央行的危机救助。本文基于投资者逃离模型,从金融创新及其产生的投资者不确定性出发讨论金融危机中投资者逃离行为,并通过对投资者逃离行为的分析探讨央行危机救助的时点与方式。本文认为,就金融危机的事前预防而言,央行应在创新工具运用的过程中引导金融机构开展充分的投资者教育及对创新工具的总规模进行适当限制从而降低危机发生的概率和破坏性;就金融危机的事后救助而言,央行危机救助的时点应放在投资者对未来的不确定性突然增加并开始调整原有策略的时刻,救助的主要措施是承诺在一定条件下购买资产或注入流动性,从而降低投资者不确定性,促使投资者改变逃离市场的策略或者至少避免投资者逃离成为群体行为。  相似文献   

The empirical occasion of this paper is an experiment by the Sharp electronics company in the application of semiotics to the management of aesthetic design. On the assumption that the visual “signs” incorporated into products are freely translatable to and from linguistic messages, a verbal-visual “dictionary of translation” was built up from designers' own accounts of the reasons behind their design decisions. The aim was to construct a form of accountability for design so as to render it transparent to managerial control. This exercise is viewed as an example of the continuing pressure upon management science (“consumer behaviour” in this instance) to produce languages of accountability through which expertise can be made to report to the inexpert. It is suggested that the market for such languages of accountability is rooted in virtual universality of the “task-discontinuous status organisation” (Offe, 1976). Organisations of this kind are characterised by horizontal discontinuities at which the hierarchy of expertise gives way to one of managerial technology. It is these which pose the problem of agency to which languages of accountability appear as an answer. The problem is that such languages are constrained by their market to represent expert practice as intelligible to, and controllable by, a stratum of general managers. Where this is not the case, as is arguably so with aesthetic design, attempts to control practice on the basis of a misleading picture of that practice are likely to result in dysfunctionalities. In the case of the Sharp experiment the outcome was a naive attempt to convey a complex textual message through the choice of a colour for one of the company's products. The paper then discusses the alternative of allowing languages of accountability to emerge from the culture of practice itself. The problem here is that the resulting forms of accountability are likely to allow generous space for professional self-interest. A third possibility is then indicated: that of negotiating forms of accountability between practitioner and user on the model of community participation in architectural design.  相似文献   

The insurer’s duty to enable the customer to come to an appropriate decision, providing advice and information, is a central topic of the reform of the German insurance contract law. The obligations of intermediaries given by the Directive 2002/92/EC on insurance mediation are transferred to insurers and thereby enlarged in some aspects. The duty to give advice in §6 I 1 VVG depends on the objective circumstances of each individual case depending upon either the complexity of the insurance contract and problems in understanding its terms, or the characteristics and situation of the customer. Therewith, the regulation both refers to former jurisdiction and exceeds it by implementing a duty for the insurer to ask for the demands and the needs of the customer. Without reason in the special case the customer has to disclose his need for advice to obtain it. During the term of the contract the insurer is only obliged to give advice if he knows or — acting diligently — could know the needs of the policy-holder. On a European level further duties to inform and advise could help to achieve an effective internal insurance market.  相似文献   

Non‐financial S&P 500 companies are now estimated to hold a total of $2.1 trillion of “cash,” a figure that is larger than the annual GDP of all but eight countries. In this report, J.P. Morgan's Corporate Finance Advisory team notes that while many observers have attributed the buildup to offshore cash growth alone, onshore cash levels are also up significantly. To be sure, the companies that have shown the greatest increases also tend to be highly successful, with strong cash flow and business performance. And the managers of such companies tend to prefer to retain much if not most of this cash to take advantage of investment opportunities and to maintain the flexibility to respond to the next economic downturn. Also adding to the cash build‐ups, the executives of large MNCs with significant overseas cash holdings typically try to avoid the higher tax bill triggered by repatriating funds to the U.S. Nevertheless, investors continue to expect growth and high returns on capital; and corporate distributions of capital in the form of dividends and stock buybacks can play an important role in encouraging companies to operate efficiently. While pursuing both of these goals—preservation of enough cash to weather downturns and invest in all positive‐NPV projects, and commitment to paying out excess capital—boards and senior decision makers should continuously reexamine their cash holdings and capital allocation policies to ensure they are appropriate not only for today's environment, but throughout the economic cycle.  相似文献   

振兴东北老工业基地对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
老工业基地改造是中央重振东北的战略性举措,是东北经济发展的新机遇。老工业基地改造有三大要点:注重制度因素;抓住改造重点;推进民营经济。重新振兴东北不仅限于老工业基地改造,而是一个综合性的社会发展目标,其要旨为:重视新区建设,拓展发展空间;发展循环经济,实现资源转化;推进民营银行,拓宽融资渠道。  相似文献   

"贫困问题"始终是一个世界性的难题,威胁着人类的生存与发展,而消除贫困是人类面临的共同任务。随着旅游业的蓬勃发展,它对社会经济的拉动作用逐渐凸显,人们逐渐开始把寻求解决贫困问题的目光投向旅游业,期望借助旅游业的带动作用找到解决贫困问题的方法。只有真切理解旅游扶贫发展的本质,在旅游扶贫发展实践中才会有的放矢。旅游扶贫发展的对象首先体现在旅游扶贫发展的目标地区方面,其次体现在旅游扶贫发展的目标人口方面。旅游扶贫发展在培育经济增长点,探索脱贫致富新路等领域具有积极意义,但是旅游扶贫发展作为一种特殊的开发、开放扶贫方式,它需要具备一定的发展因素。  相似文献   

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has made minority recruitment a major goal. Minorities, and especially African-Americans, have not been entering the accounting profession in proportion to their numbers in either the general population or the population of college graduates. Two competing explanations have been advanced that attempt to explain this failure@8ihuman capital theory, and structural/class theory. This paper reports on the results of a survey of a sample of 445 African-American accountants that attempts to test the validity of these two theories by assessing the respondents' personality characteristics, job satisfaction and turnover intentions. The distribution of personality type for the sample of African-American accountants was found to be similar to the results of a previous study conducted on groups of Anglos and Hispanics. Additionally, the job satisfaction and turnover intention results for the sample were found to be similar to those reported in previous studies. As a result, the findings fail to support the human capital theory, and implicitly lend support to the structural/class theory. Finally, anecdotal evidence from the respondents in two open-ended questions was examined. It indicated that African-American accountants' failure to advance in the profession was perceived to be attributed to a less than total commitment to diversity and the existence of glass ceilings in many organizations.  相似文献   

贫困地区金融供求分析与建立普惠金融服务体系的建议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
引入普惠金融服务体系,建立健全适应"三农"特点的多层次、广覆盖、可持续的农村金融体系正成为社会各界有识之士的共识.本文从贫困地区的金融需求和金融服务状况入手,阐述了建立普惠金融服务体系对满足贫困地区特殊的金融需求、改善贫困地区金融供给难以适应金融需求的现状、完善农村金融体系的重大意义.提出了构建普惠金融服务体系的具体思路.  相似文献   

In multinational corporations, growth-triggering innovation often emerges in foreign subsidiaries from employees closest to customers and least attached to the procedures and politeness of the home office. But too often, heavy-handed responses from headquarters squelch local enthusiasm and drive out good ideas--and good people. The authors' research into more than 50 multinationals suggests that encouraging innovation in foreign subsidiaries requires a change in attitude. Companies should start to think of foreign subsidiaries as peninsulas rather than as islands--as extensions of the company's strategic domain rather than as isolated outposts. If they do, innovative ideas will flow more freely from the periphery to the corporate center. Basing their arguments on a rich array of examples, the authors say that encouraging such "innovation at the edges" also requires a new set of practices, with two aims: to improve the formal and informal channels of communication between headquarters and subsidiaries and to give foreign subsidiaries more authority to see their ideas through. The challenge for executives of multinationals is to find ways to liberalize, not tighten, internal systems and to delegate more authority to local subsidiaries. It isn't enough to ask subsidiary managers to be innovative; corporate managers need to give them incentives and support systems to facilitate their efforts. The authors suggest four approaches: give seed money to subsidiaries; use formal requests for proposals as a way of increasing the demand for seed money; encourage subsidiaries to be incubators for fledgling businesses; and build international networks. As part of the last approach, multinationals also need to create roles for idea brokers who can link entrepreneurs in foreign subsidiaries with other parts of the company.  相似文献   

如今世界多极化和经济全球化的趋势在曲折中发展,各种思想文化相互激荡,西方敌对势力加紧对我国实施西化、分化的政治图谋.如何引导大学生正确认识当今世界错综复杂的形势,把握国际局势的发展趋势;如何正确认识我国的民族在实际发展中的差异和合理解决这种差距.现阶段的民族理论与民族政策课程的教学面临着不少新的挑战和问题,如何才能使这门课充满着生机和活力,更好地贴近实际,贴近生活,贴近学生,确实需要我们认真思考.笔者根据自己在教学中遇到的问题,谈一些自己的想法.  相似文献   

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