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陈若琳 《金卡工程》2010,14(8):261-262
公司捐赠行为是公司承担作为社会成员的责任方式,它直接或者间接地受益于社会公众,是值得鼓励的慈善之举。但是从另一方面,即公司股东的角度看待,公司的捐赠行为意味着公司资产的减少,也将导致股东利益直接减少。如果股东之所以设立公司或者购买公司股份是为了实现自身利益最大化时,那么公司的捐赠行为必然直接与股东利益最大化产生一个矛盾。本文从这个矛盾为中心点,分析两者的冲突之处与一致之处,并为股东对公司捐赠持有异议提出权利的救济方法。  相似文献   

郑珍清 《金卡工程》2010,14(7):141-141
公司捐赠越来越受到关注,公司捐赠的义务来源是什么,公司在捐赠中应当承担怎样的义务,公司违反在捐赠行为中的义务承担什么样的责任,笔者将从这些问题入手探讨公司捐赠中公司的义务。  相似文献   

董事的注意义务,在通常情况下是指董事在实施行为时应达到一定的标准的义务.它要求董事在管理公司业务时,应当尽一个理性、谨慎的人在同样情况下能够尽到的注意,积极谋求公司利益的最大化.  相似文献   

企业策略性捐赠行为研究:慈善投入的视角   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
策略性慈善捐赠能兼容企业和相关利益者的利益,它将企业的捐赠引向既有利于其商业利益又服务于受益组织或个人的慈善行为。波特以来的学者研究的重点集中于企业如何通过慈善捐赠项目获得收益这一问题,而本文在分析了影响企业“慈善投入”的各种因素后,对企业如何选择最优化的慈善捐赠行为作了深入研究,进而得出了企业慈善捐赠行为选择的相关路径。  相似文献   

本次<公司法>修改草案中,有关董事注意义务的条款得以补充.本文以此为出发点,比较了忠实义务与注意义务的不同,分析了普通法判例中业务判断规则与董事注意义务之间的关系,并论述了我国<公司法>修改中引入董事注意义务及业务判断规则的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

在现代公司法中,董事对公司负有勤勉义务已经成为普遍接受的理论观点和法律规则。然而,兼涉公司法与证券法的上市公司是董事勤勉义务问题集中体现的领域。在实践与理论中,都有关于上市公司独立董事勤勉责任的诸多争论。  相似文献   

寻求董事义务体系构造与董事利益保护机制间的相对平衡,在严格监督董事忠实、谨慎行事的同时为董事提供合理的利益保护机制,无疑是激发董事积极性和创造力,提高企业竞争力的迫切需要。  相似文献   

公司制度发展到今天,大量规定了董事的法定义务,这些法定义务无法由一种法律关系完全推导出来,而董事与公司关系的这种复杂性,造成了董事对公司责任的多样性和模糊性。如何完整规制董事与公司的关系,成为立法上保护公司和股东权益,健进公司治理结构合理化的一项紧迫任务。  相似文献   

现代公司是资产所有权与经营权二权分离的产物,其经营管理是精英即董事之治。董事会既是股东大会的执行机构,又是股份制企业的决策机构,在对外活动和对内执行业务时必须尽到与其知识、经验、能力相适应的注意义务。此种义务是董事作为公司代理人性质和地位的必然要求和体现。  相似文献   

海外乡亲的慈善捐赠在本质上是一种社会行为。根据社会学家马克斯·韦伯社会行为理论,海外乡亲慈善捐赠的行为可以分为四种类型,即目的理性捐赠行为、价值理性捐赠行为、传统捐赠行为、情感捐赠行为。海外乡亲捐赠行为的意向呈现出明显的阶段性,在不同时期、不同环境下海外乡亲慈善捐赠行为的每一种类型所起的作用并不一样,但在总体上呈现出由感性捐赠向理性捐赠嬗变的趋势。海外乡亲在不同时期运用了不同的慈善策略,从感性捐赠到注重理性捐赠的"科学慈善",从注重慈善回报的战备性捐赠到注重效率的慈善投资,是海外乡亲在不同时期慈善策略的演变过程。  相似文献   

借助CATI随机调查辽宁省14市及所辖农村中811名居民,采用独立样本T检验、单因素方差分析来研究人口统计学因素对个人日常捐赠行为和特殊捐赠行为的影响。研究发现:文化程度、职业、收入和政治面貌等因素对城乡居民的日常捐赠行为和特殊捐赠行为均有显著影响;性别、年龄和婚姻状况等因素对城市居民的特殊捐赠行为有显著影响,且不同年龄城市居民间的日常捐赠行为差异显著。最后,提出促进居民慈善捐赠的建议。  相似文献   

Applying behavioural economic theory, we argue that the frequency of philanthropic activity is important in determining corporate philanthropy's economic outcome. Using Chinese data from 2003 to 2016, we find that firms with more frequent philanthropic activities obtain more government subsidies than firms that only engage in one-off charitable donations. Firms with better corporate governance, such as higher management ownership and more independent directors, are more likely to adopt a strategy of frequent donation. Furthermore, firms are more likely to be frequent donors when management or local government officers have a long tenure. Our findings provide insight into the giving process and suggest that firms can maximize the benefit of corporate philanthropy if they strategically consider the donation frequency and donation amount simultaneously.  相似文献   

According to the risk management and reputation insurance theory of corporate social responsibility, corporate donations can help a company to repair its reputation after a crisis. This study uses a propensity score matching–difference in difference (PSM + DID) methodology to investigate the charitable donation activities of companies that have been subject to regulatory penalties. The analysis of a sample of A-share listed companies in the 2004–2016 period shows that companies significantly increase their charitable donations after regulatory penalties, but this effect weakens over time. Further analysis reveals that non-state-owned companies, companies with higher ownership concentrations, and companies receiving severer penalties are more motivated to make donations after regulatory penalties. By studying the reputation repair behavior of companies that have been subject to regulatory penalties, this study offers further support for the risk management and reputation insurance theory of corporate social responsibility. It also enriches our understanding of companies’ active responses to regulatory penalties and provides insights into companies’ motives for making charitable donations.  相似文献   

We examine the market reaction to charitable pledges by individual blockholders of public firms. As this philanthropy may signal a weakening preference for wealth maximization and may be indicative of distraction or relaxed monitoring, these agency costs may overwhelm any reputation benefits. We find decreased firm value and lower pay-for-performance sensitivity, the effects of which are most severe where monitoring needs are high, the blockholder is a director, or when the firm has ex ante high corporate social responsibility ratings. Our results are robust to controlling for prior charitable foundation involvement, busy director–blockholders, dual-class share structures, blockholder exit, and pre-pledge firm sentiment.  相似文献   

股利政策作为现代公司理财的核心内容之一,不仅关系着公司股东的利益还关系着公司的稳定发展,因此合理的股利分配政策无论是对于股东的利益还是对于公司的稳定发展都有着重要的意义。而影响股利政策的因素也有很多,不同的因素对其影响也不同。文章选取了中国酒业上市公司为研究对象,根据2009、2010两年派发现金股利的情况和上市公司年报的财务数据资料,通过实证研究找出影响中国酒业上市公司现金股利政策的主要因素,并通过具体地分析,进一步为该行业股利政策的制定和规范提出具有合理性和可取性的建议,以提高企业的价值,实现股东财富最大化的目标。  相似文献   

企业慈善捐赠能促进社会财富的第三次分配,弥补政府职能的缺位,是企业承担社会责任的主要形式。慈善事业的蓬勃发展,需要完善的捐赠税收优惠制度予以支持和引导。《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》提出“完善慈善捐助减免税制度”,应当从捐赠税收优惠制度的形式优化,实行据实扣除和限额扣除相搭配的税前扣除方式,构建非货币性财产捐赠评估规则,扩大捐赠税前扣除资格保有组织数量等方面完善激励性制度安排,同时从企业捐赠税收优惠监督机制的重构方面完善约束性制度安排。  相似文献   

略谈代表(执行)董事及其对第三人的责任   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代公司的权力由股东转移到董事会手中 ,而实际行使权力的主要是代表 (执行 )董事。其对公司有一定的控制力 ,就应当承担相应的义务。在代表 (执行 )董事造成公司损害同时也使第三人遭受损害时 ,要对第三人承担损害赔偿责任。我国公司法应该借鉴英美法系的做法 ,以完善我国的公司制度。  相似文献   

Causes and effects   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Most companies make charitable donations, but few approach their contributions with an eye toward enhancing their brands. Those that do take such an approach commit talent and know-how, not just dollars, to a pressing but carefully chosen social need and then tell the world about the cause and their service to it. Through the association, both the business and the cause benefit in ways they could not otherwise. Organizations such as Avon, ConAgra Foods, and Chevrolet have recognized that a sustained cause-branding program can improve their reputations, boost their employees' morale, strengthen relations with business partners, and drive sales. And the targeted causes receive far more money than they could have from direct corporate gifts alone. The authors examine these best practices and offer four principles for building successful cause-branding programs. First, they say, a company should select a cause that advances its corporate goals. That is, unless the competitive logic for supporting the cause is clear, a company shouldn't even consider putting its finite resources behind it. Second, a business should commit to a cause before picking its charitable partners. Otherwise, a cause-branding program may become too dependent on its partners. Third, a company should put all its assets to work, especially its employees. It should leverage the professional skills of its workers as well as its other assets such as distribution networks. And fourth, a company should promote its philanthropic initiatives through every possible channel. In addition to using the media, it should communicate its efforts through the Web, annual reports, direct mail, and so on. Cause branding is a way to turn the obligations of corporate citizenship into a valuable asset. When the cause is well chosen, the commitment genuine, and the program well executed, the cause helps the company, and the company helps the cause.  相似文献   

控股股东对公司和其他股东负有诚信义务.在我国,控股股东往往凭借对上市公司董事会和管理当局的控制操纵上市公司财务报告.为保护中小投资者利益,应当追究控股股东对虚假陈述的责任.  相似文献   

"BMW深信企业社会责任决不仅仅是捐赠、公益和简单的慈善事业,更是企业发展、创新和增长企业竞争力的源泉。"——摘自《BMW中国企业社会贡献2007年度报告》  相似文献   

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