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一、背景资料 (一)国际公共部门会计准则及其制定机构。国际公共部门会计准则(IPSASs)是由国际公共部门会计准则委员会(IPSASB)制定的、适用于公共部门主体编报通用财务报表的财务报告准则。根据委员会的界定,“公共部门主体”包括国家政府、地区性(如州、省、管区)政府、地方(如市、镇)政府和这些政府的组成主体(如部门、代理机构、理事会、委员会)。  相似文献   

正一、政府会计要素国际研究概况(一)国际公共会计准则理事会关于政府会计要素的主要观点国际公共部门会计准则理事会(IPSASB),隶属于国际会计师联合会(IFAC),致力于制定公共部门会计概念框架项目。IPSAS将权责发生制下公共部门报表中的会计要素分为6类:资产、负债、净资产/权益、收入、费用和所有者投入保全调整(类似于IASB中"资本保全调整"要素)。2012年10月8日的征求意见稿"公共部门主体通用目的财务报告的概念框架:财务报表的要素和确认",与国际会计准则理事会(IASB)的概念框架相比,  相似文献   

2001年12月13日,国际会计师联合会 (IFAC)所属公共部门委员会(PSC)又发布5项国际公共部门会计准则,使国际公共部门会计准则达到门项,离 2002年完成20项核心会计准则的制定仅一步之遥。 新发布的5项公共部门会计准则是:(1)租赁:规定了出租方  相似文献   

2001年6月6日,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)决定采用由国际会计师联合会(IFAC)制定的“国际公共部门会计准则”(International Pub-lic Sector Accounting Standards,IPSAS)编制财务报告,且其2000年的财务报表也按该准则进行了审计。 由国际会计师联合会(IFAC)制定的“国际公共部门会计准则”,适用于世界各国以改善决策、财务管理及受托责任为目标的政府机构及其他公共组织。国际会计师联合会对OECD率先采用国际公共部门会计准则给予高度评价,认为…  相似文献   

构建政府会计规范体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、政府会计规范的模式20世纪80年代中期以来,世界各国部在推进政府会计改革。国际会计师联合会(IFAC)公共部门委员会(Psc)从1996年起着手制定国际公立单位会计准则,到目前为止,已发布20个以权责发生制为基础的国际公立单位会计准则,一个综合性的以收付实现制为基础的国际公立单位会计准则——《收付实现制会计基础下的财务报告》,完成了《政府财务报告》研究,发布了《资产减值》等征求意见稿。目前近70个国家已经或准备采用国际公共部门会计准则,或者据其调整本国准则。国际货币基金组~,(IMF)2001年制定、2007年修订的《财政透明度手册》和《政府财政统计手册》要求:各国政府应公开政府结构与职能,公开政府的资产、负债、收入和支出信息,公开政府预算编制、执行信息,并要保证这些信息的真实性。  相似文献   

非交换交易收入(税收和转移支付)是公共部门主体收入的主要组成部分。由此以往没有一个国际通用的财务报告准则对税收收入的确认和计量进行规范。所以,IPSASB制定并发布了《IPSAS第23号——非交换交易收入(税收和转移支付)》。现简介如下:  相似文献   

非常高兴在这个气候宜人的季节,借国际公共部门会计准则委员会(IPSASB)在中国北京召开第三次委员会议的机会,邀请到国际会计师联合会(IFAC)主席德瓦勒先生、执行总裁波尔先生、国际公共部门会计准则委员会(IPSASB)主席赫松先生以及来自不同国家的委员代表和专家们,参加由中国财政部主办的,  相似文献   

国际公共部门会计准则的回顾、基本框架及其启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文通过回顾国际公共部门会计准则 (IPSASs) 的发展史, 从公共部门财务报告的目标、会计核算基础、会计要素的分类、定义、确认和计量, 以及财务报表的列报等方面, 简要地介绍了国际公共部门会计准则的基本框架及其对我国开展公共部门会计改革和会计标准制定的启示。  相似文献   

2012年12月3日至6日,国际公共部门会计准则委员会(IPSASB,以下简称委员会)在纽约召开2012年度第四次委员会议。会议批准了国际公共部门会计概念框架第1阶段,讨论了合并财务报表、财务报表讨论与分析、公共部门主体财务长期可持续性报告等项目。  相似文献   

为推进政府会计改革,探索建立中国政府会计管理与改革战略框架,根据世界银行的中国政府会计管理与改革战略框架研究项目执行计划,2011年5月23—25日,财政部国库司在广东举办了中国政府会计管理与改革战略框架研讨会。国际公共部门会计准则委员会主席安卓斯·贝格曼先生(Andre&sBergm&nn)、南非会计准则委员会首席执行官厄娜·斯沃特女士(ErnaSw&rt)、  相似文献   

A movement towards internationally standardized public sector financial reporting started at the end of the 1990s. This standardization process is led by the non-governmental organization the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). The IFAC has published International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS standards) for all public sector entities from national central governments to local governments. This article analyses the reasons why a developed country refused to adopt IPSAS standards. The analysis is done in the country context of Finland, where the national government accounting board (FGAB) took a negative stand on IPSAS standards. The method of this article consists of a literature review, interviews, a documentary review and of participatory observation in the FGAB. The article describes the reasons for the FGAB's decision and presents an interpretation supported by institutional theory. The choice of the FGAB is compared to the situation regarding the IPSAS adoption in European and especially in Nordic countries.  相似文献   


Portugal and Spain have reformed their national standards to adapt them to the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). This paper explains the process of implementing the IPSAS for consolidated reporting in the two countries and the advantages and disadvantages which have emerged. The results highlight the role of the IPSAS in improving the quality and use of consolidated financial statements (CFS) and will be of interest to other countries that are intending to implement the IPSAS.  相似文献   

政府部门应该以国际公共部门会计准则为依据对PPP项目中的政府保证进行会计确认,反映PPP项目中政府保证的成本及其隐含的风险,增强政府部门的成本意识,避免过度提供保证。根据业绩担保类政府保证的看跌期权性质,建议应用期权定价的技术进行会计计量,将其确认为报表中的金融负债。并可通过建立政府保证基金的方式解决政府保证单独估价造成的成本高估问题。  相似文献   


This article explores the work undertaken by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) in developing IPSAS 42 on ‘Social Benefits’, which was probably the IPSASB’s most challenging project to date. The authors explains IPSAS 42’s approach to liability recognition with the overriding considerations behind the IPSASB’s final decisions. In 2012, the EC identified the lack of a standard on social benefits in the IPSASB’s suite of standards as one of the arguments against the application of IPSASs in the EU, so this article is important in terms of the IPSASs being used as the basis for EPSASs (European Public Sector Accounting Standards).  相似文献   

We evaluate the quantity, quality and harmonization of the financial information published by the states, the Federal District and the federal government during the period 2008 to 2012, following the approval of the General Law on Government Accounting (LGCG). First, the requirements identified by the CONAC and subsequently the International Accounting Standards Public Sector 1 (IPSAS) are used to assess the publication of the financial statements. Second, we presente the rate of compliance with the publication of accounts pointing IPSAS 1, 2 and 17. Finally, the harmonization of financial statements is studied by the Herfindahl-Hirschman index to determine whether the financial statements are comparable between them. The results indicate that the public sector has increased the quantity, quality and harmonization of the financial information published.  相似文献   

The last 30 years have seen public sector accounting in many countries undergo considerable change. More recently, some governments adopted accrual accounting and International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), some adopted modified International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) while others continued with cash‐based accounting. New Zealand (NZ) has, for more than two decades, followed a sector neutral approach to financial reporting and standard setting where the same accounting standards were applied to all entities in all sectors: for‐profit, not‐for‐profit and the public sector. This period included the adoption of IFRS by for‐profit entities with minor modifications for the public sector. The suitability of IFRS for the public sector has been questioned and, recently, standard setters in NZ decided to adopt a sector‐specific standard‐setting approach with multiple tiers for each sector. The for‐profit sector will continue to follow IFRS but reporting standards for the public sector will be based on IPSAS. In this period of change we sought the views of preparers of public sector financial reports regarding the users of such reports and their preferences for the public sector reporting framework. We also sought the views of the preparers regarding the usefulness of each financial statement for users, and whether the benefits of reporting by their organisations exceeds the costs. The findings indicate support for maintaining IFRS as a basis for reporting in the NZ public sector. However, IPSAS modified to NZ conditions is also perceived as an acceptable option by respondents in this study. The income statement is, in the opinion of the respondents in this study, the most useful statement while cash flows appear to hold little value. A high proportion of respondents believe that the benefits of reporting exceed the costs, which contradicts the view that such reports are mainly compliance documents that provide little value. This finding contributes to the continuing debate on costs versus benefits on the recent introduction of IPSAS as the reporting framework for the public sector and the perceived appropriateness of IPSAS in public sector reporting.  相似文献   

This work evaluates the amount, quality, and harmonization of the financial information published by Mexico City, the states, and the Federal Government during the period of 2008–2012, following the approval of the General Law of Government Accounting (LGCG). Firstly, the requirements indicated by the CONAC and subsequently by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) are used to evaluate the publication of financial statements. Secondly, the compliance of the publication of the accounts indicated by IPSAS 1, 2 and 17 is reported. Finally, the harmonization of the financial statements is studied through the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) to determine if the financial statements are comparable with one another. The results indicate that the public sector has increased the amount, quality, and harmonization of the financial information published during the study period.  相似文献   


Public sector or government accounting has been the subject of many research endeavors. However, scholars have repeatedly criticized the lack of a consistent and well-defined theoretical basis for international research. So far, most researchers have drawn from various streams of theoretical perspectives with often unsatisfactory results. The goal of this paper is to put forward the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board’s (IPSASB) Conceptual Framework as a point of reference for establishing a better-fitting theoretical basis for public sector accrual accounting research.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, UK has been progressively adopting a governmental accounting reform purporting to interpret and mimic accounting standards and practices from the private sector. Since 2009, the UK set of accounting standards applicable to the whole of governmental entities is based upon the HM Treasury's official interpretation of the international accounting standards initially designed for commercial enterprises, the latter standards having extensively inspired the International Public Sector Accounting Standards. This article analyses some representational concerns raised by its application of a balance sheet accounting approach to the public administration, pointing to consolidation perimeter, current value measurement of assets and liabilities and the case of public–private partnerships. This theoretical analysis develops relevant implications for representation and control of public spending and borrowing in UK and in general.  相似文献   

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