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We establish the equivalence of competitive industry equilibrium with a central planner's decision problem under uncertainty, when investment is irreversible. The existence of industry equilibrium is derived, and it is shown that myopic behavior on the part of small agents is harmless, in the sense that it leads to the same decisions as full rational expectations do. Our model is set in continuous time and allows for very general forms of randomness. The methods are based on the probabilistic approach to singular stochastic control theory and its connections with optimal stopping problems.  相似文献   


Do individuals make rational, well-planned retirement age decisions? Evidence is not conclusive; some decisions seem to be quite reasonable, while others, including the long-term trends generated by these decisions, seem irrational. In order to be able to predict and influence these important decisions, the process leading up to making them needs to be better understood. The process an individual uses to make a retirement decision may be influenced by a rational allocation of money, time, and effort, as suggested by a utility-maximizing Household Production approach. Alternately, the decision process may be strongly influenced by an anchor, defined by the retirement ages chosen by friends, neighbors, relatives, and colleagues, as suggested by Anchoring and Prospect Theory. Studies investigating anchoring and risk-seeking or risk-aversion behavior, which results when a target is seen as a loss or a gain from the anchor, have found that individuals make irrational decisions under many different circumstances. A set of retirement decision propositions, which hypothesize that the heuristic of Anchoring and the resulting cognitive biases described by Prospect Theory will influence the chosen retirement age, are developed in this paper. Retirement information provided by the employer is a possible moderator that may reduce the influence of the anchor on the retirement decision; a set of moderator hypotheses are also developed in this paper. Propositions strongly supported by existing research predict that, unless sufficient information regarding retirement issues is used by an individual, he or she is likely to choose an inappropriate retirement age.  相似文献   

Morse G 《Harvard business review》2006,84(1):42, 44-51, 132
When we make decisions, we're not always in charge. One moment we hotheadedly let our emotions get the better of us; the next, we're paralyzed by uncertainty. Then we'll pull a brilliant decision out of thin air--and wonder how we did it. Though we may have no idea how decision making happens, neuroscientists peering deep into our brains are beginning to get the picture. What they're finding may not be what you want to hear, but it's worth listening. We have dog brains, basically, with human cortexes stuck on top. By watching the brain in action as it deliberates and decides, neuroscientists are finding that not a second goes by that our animal brains aren't conferring with our modern cortexes to influence their choices. Scientists have discovered, for example, that the "reward" circuits in the brain that activate in response to cocaine, chocolate, sex, and music also find pleasure in the mere anticipation of making money--or getting revenge. And the "aversion" circuits that react to the threat of physical pain also respond with disgust when we feel cheated by a partner. In this article, HBR senior editor Gardiner Morse describes the experiments that illuminate the aggressive participation of our emotion-driven animal brains in decision making. This research also shows that our emotional brains needn't always operate beneath our radar. While our dog brains sometimes hijack our higher cognitive functions to drive bad, or at least illogical, decisions, they play an important part in rational decision making as well. The more we understand about how we make decisions, the better we can manage them.  相似文献   

This article uses the extended case method to explore senior executives’ corporate finance decisions. We quantified firm’s finance practices using a mail survey, and then – to resolve puzzles in managers’ decision processes – conducted face‐to‐face interviews with chief finance officers of large listed firms. The interviews identified six themes as consistent influences on finance decisions: pressures imposed by clienteles; constraints on resources; risk management; heuristics; real options; and sustainability. We conclude that managers are logical and rational in their decisions, but employ a wider range of criteria than assumed in conventional finance theories.  相似文献   

This paper adopts a rational market structure to examine the link between the cash flow effects of management policy decisions and the resulting stock price reactions. The focus is on testing cross-sectional associations between cash flow effects and the underlying characteristics of affected firms. We find that it is not possible to infer the sign of association between the stock price reaction and any characteristics of the firm that are observable before management announces its decision. Our methodological suggestions involve exploiting either a priori assumptions or sample information about the probability distribution of unobservable decision variables underlying the management decision process.  相似文献   

主流经济学以人是理性的假设为基础,进行数学化的推论,能够解释人的理性经济行为,但不能说明人的不确定条件下的非理性决策行为。近年来,在不确定条件下决定的非理性行为的研究取得了一定进展,把非理性纳入经济研究成为补充主流经济学缺陷并推动经济学发展的不可或缺的方面。  相似文献   

This article revisits the microeconomics of housing tenure choice. It asks, How does a rational consumer make housing tenure decisions? The article builds on earlier papers on the subject in two ways. First, it brings together all relevant components of the portfolio decision in a single and coherent analytical framework. Second, it presents numerical analysis with carefully chosen national data and post-1986 tax reform tax provisions. The conclusion is that occupancy required for ownership to be rational is probably somewhat longer than it was during the 1970s and early 1980s, and is probably longer than many economists suspect. It seems apparent from the numerical analysis that substantial segments of the U.S. population should not be owner-occupiers regardless of anticipated occupancy.  相似文献   

A rational risk assessment model, based on the reasoning of fuzzy set theory, is presented. The model would help managers assess risk exposure due to potential threats to internal control in a computer‐based accounting information system. Such risk assessment is essential in making appropriate decisions about establishing new internal control policies and procedures that may be necessary to protect the integrity and security of the information system. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Business-related decision making seems more difficulty than ever before. Diffusion signals from different market make it difficult for policy makers to adopt clear strategy, and the lack of clear coping strategies will hinder stakeholders in the market from making strong investment decisions as early as possible. To cope with this problem, we propose an innovative model that can analyze production decisions and technology adoption of enterprises been faced with two coupled markets. With the help of this quantitative method, we answer the basic question of the investment path and technology adoption time in a class of enterprises, and further analyze which factors in the related markets have a more obvious impact on the decision. A novel feature of this work is that we characterize the connection mechanism of the two markets so that we can investigate the interaction between enterprises’ decisions and the markets’ signals. Our stochastic model allows for quite general dependence on energy fuel price and investment choice. Turning to the special Monte-Carlo based method, we can determine the optimal time to invest as well as the switching time. We applied this framework to an empirical case of heating technology on a highway, and found that both consumer preferences and energy prices have a significant impact on enterprise's investment strategy, but consumer preferences have a greater impact on the transition time for cleaner technologies. Also, the results have potentially important policy implications and can provide a rationale for supporting cleaner technologies.  相似文献   

Sometime around the middle of the past century, telephone executive Chester Barnard imported the term decision making from public administration into the business world. There it began to replace narrower terms, like "resource allocation" and "policy making," shifting the way managers thought about their role from continuous, Hamlet-like deliberation toward a crisp series of conclusions reached and actions taken. Yet, decision making is, of course, a broad and ancient human pursuit, flowing back to a time when people sought guidance from the stars. From those earliest days, we have strived to invent better tools for the purpose, from the Hindu-Arabic systems for numbering and algebra, to Aristotle's systematic empiricism, to friar Occam's advances in logic, to Francis Bacon's inductive reasoning, to Descartes's application of the scientific method. A growing sophistication with managing risk, along with a nuanced understanding of human behavior and advances in technology that support and mimic cognitive processes, has improved decision making in many situations. Even so, the history of decision-making strategies--captured in this time line and examined in the four accompanying essays on risk, group dynamics, technology, and instinct--has not marched steadily toward perfect rationalism. Twentieth-century theorists showed that the costs of acquiring information lead executives to make do with only good-enough decisions. Worse, people decide against their own economic interests even when they know better. And in the absence of emotion, it's impossible to make any decisions at all. Erroneous framing, bounded awareness, excessive optimism: The debunking of Descartes's rational man threatens to swamp our confidence in our choices. Is it really surprising, then, that even as technology dramatically increases our access to information, Malcolm Gladwell extols the virtues of gut decisions made, literally, in the blink of an eye?  相似文献   

Pricing insurance and warranties: Ambiguity and correlated risks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on the results of a questionnaire study of pricing decisions made by professional actuaries when the probabilities of a loss are either ambiguous or nonambiguous. Theoretical hypotheses derived from the expected utility model were compared with the implications of procedures described by practicing actuaries. Actuaries were asked to act as consultants to a computer manufacturer concerning the price of a warranty. The suggested prices were considerably higher when probabilities were ambiguous than when they were well-specified. These pricing decisions were consistent with the procedures described by actuaries but inconsistent with predictions from expected utility theory when the risks are perfectly correlated. Further insight into the actual decision process is provided by interviews with actuaries and an analysis of comments written on the questionnaire forms.  相似文献   

This study analyzes consumer rationality/irrationality and financial literacy in the credit card market. Through literature review, it reveals that consumers, as a whole, make a rational decision when they borrow using a credit card and bear the high interest rate. However, consumers make various mistakes in their individual financial decisions and credit card behavior. Financial literacy, affected by cognitive ability, financial knowledge and financial education can improve consumers’ behavior. This article presents new insights on the implications for consumers, credit card issuers, policymakers and researchers. It has both practical and academic contribution to the credit card market.  相似文献   

The psychological background of technical analysis usage is investigated to further explain the popularity and common usage of technical analysis as an investment decision tool. Attitudes toward technical analysis of professional futures market traders and neophyte investors, represented by finance students, were examined. Technical analysis is one of the most popular methods supporting investment decisions and it is much more popular among future market traders than among neophyte investors. The concept of processing information was used to explain this phenomenon. Neophyte investors are more experiential and intuition-driven while using technical analysis models, while futures market traders are more rationally driven. Technical analysis methods help professional traders on futures markets, which are less transparent than regulated stock markets, to process information; those methods are perceived by them as rational, cognitive tools supporting their decision making.  相似文献   

基于EVA(经济增加值)设计长期激励契约和激励比率,引导经理适度举债经营和投资决策能使双方利益趋于一致问题而建立的3个命题进行的逻辑推理证明:(1)在新兴的中国资本市场,高管激励机制不要盲目搬用西方激励方法,长期激励方案具有引导经理准确应用融资优序理论并适度举债,既能激励经理更为努力工作,又能将经理利益与股东利益更紧密融合在一起;(2)合理确定长期激励比率和建立适当的奖励薪酬金额上下限模型,为具体设计激励方案提供理论依据;(3)长激励方案能引导经理的投资决策选择投资项目的条件与股东财富最大化一致.  相似文献   

从前景理论看纳税遵从决策与征管策略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,以理性和自利为假设前提的预期效用理论虽然可以解释一般的纳税遵从决策,却无法解释那些并不完全理性、自利的遵从行为,20世纪80年代以来前景理论的引入弥补了这方面的不足。前景理论的反射性效应、确定性效应和分离性效应原理解释了纳税人的实际决策与理性决策相偏离的现象,为税收征管策略的选择提供了重要的理论基础和政策启示。  相似文献   

We examine the role of bilateral political relations in sovereign wealth fund (SWF) investment decisions. Our empirical results suggest that political relations play a role in SWF decision making. Contrary to predictions based on the FDI and political relations literature, we find that relative to nations in which they do not invest, SWFs prefer to invest in nations with which they have weaker political relations. Using a two-stage Cragg model, we find that political relations are an important factor in where SWFs invest but matter less in determining how much to invest. Inconsistent with the FDI and political relations literature, these results suggest that SWFs behave differently than rational investors who maximize return while minimizing risk. Consistent with the trade and political relations literature, we find that SWF investment has a positive (negative) impact for relatively closed (open) countries. Our results suggest that SWFs use—at least partially—non-financial motives in investment decisions.  相似文献   

This paper reproduces the slope of the uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) regression for ten country pairs within one standard deviation under rational expectations. We propose an infinite horizon dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with incomplete markets. Heterogeneous investors experience varying risk aversion as a result of habit formation.The underlying mechanism of the model relies on varying international diversification in the investors' portfolio choice decision. In response to their changing habit levels, investors' hedging desire varies over time. This leads to adjustments in interest rates. The habit-induced investment decisions are negatively correlated with movements in the exchange rate. This results in a negative correlation between interest rates and expected exchange rates, as implied by a negative UIP slope.Depending on the magnitude of habits, the model is capable of reproducing positive as well as negative UIP slopes, as seen empirically in the data.  相似文献   

税收遵从决策是纳税人行为选择的一个复杂过程,其中起作用的因素很多,除了经济因素,还包括非经济因素。按照经典的逃税模型——A-S模型①所揭示的主要因素是稽查概率和罚款率,除此之外影响纳税人遵从决策的因素还包括:税收遵从成本、税制、纳税人个体特征、对政府的满意程度以及税收文化等。  相似文献   

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