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香港新股发行方式对内地的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,内地新股发行采用累计投标询价方式,其新股溢价现象较为突出等问题有待解决。借鉴香港新股发行方式,内地在完善累计投标询价方式的前提下,应适当增加固定价格发行方式;发行方式的定价过程中要有中小投资者的声音,防止发行方式使中小投资者在一级市场被边缘化;尽快实行新股发行“绿鞋”制度,抑制新股上市后的过度波动;把积极稳妥地培育和规范机构投资者作为中国证券市场监管和发展的主要方向;对定价公开发行的部分可以采取分组发售的办法保护中小投资者利益,引入回拔机制来对询价对象进行制衡。  相似文献   

市场经济下,未上市的企业通过IPO(Initial Publicoffering,首次公开募股)可以使拟上市公司资产扩大,对企业未来发展注入资金。国际上IPO定价方式有三类:固定价格定价方式、累计投标询价制、拍卖机制。当前我国主要采用询价方式,但我国当前IPO存在的主要问题是发行公司和投资者之间信息不对称、IPO抑价明显、机构投资者操纵新股询价等。  相似文献   

固定价格、累计投标询价和拍卖发行机制下的IPO抑价模型可解释我国新股发行市场长期存在的高抑价现象:散户投资者对新股发行的乐观情绪会推高二级市场的IPO交易价格,但却不能在IPO发行定价中得到完全体现。单纯通过变革新股发行机制并不能够从根本上抑制IPO高抑价产生,只有疏导散户投资者的乐观情绪才能彻底解决IPO高抑价问题,权宜之策是将散户投资者的乐观情绪嵌入IPO发行定价之中以消除IPO高抑价现象,允许散户投资者参与询价可以有效缓解这一现象,且具有可操作性。  相似文献   

固定价格、累计投标询价和拍卖发行机制下的IPO抑价模型可解释我国新股发行市场长期存在的高抑价现象:散户投资者对新股发行的乐观情绪会推高二级市场的IPO交易价格,但却不能在IPO发行定价中得到完全体现。单纯通过变革新股发行机制并不能够从根本上抑制IPO高抑价产生,只有疏导散户投资者的乐观情绪才能彻底解决IPO高抑价问题,权宜之策是将散户投资者的乐观情绪嵌入IPO发行定价之中以消除IPO高抑价现象,允许散户投资者参与询价可以有效缓解这一现象,且具有可操作性。  相似文献   

在世界范围内,具有较高效率和风险规避优势的累计投标询价正日益取代固定价格发售成为股票发行的一种趋势,但相当一部分国家仍沿用传统的固定价格发售机制.本文通过数据的收集和计量检验,分析效率与风险之外各国选择股票发售机制考虑的主要因素.研究表明,政府的管制和机构投资者的实力对发售机制的选择具有实质性影响;累计投标询价机制效率与风险优势的发挥是以机构投资者的充分发展和股票发行的市场化运作为前提的,一国股票发售制度的选择和演进必须切合现实国情.  相似文献   

在国外的IPO累计订单定价方式中,承销商在询价过程中可以根据市场和投资者的情况来自主调整价格区间,以反映信息搜集的过程,比如某A公司的初始招股说明书公布的价格区间为(4,4.8),如果在开始询价之后遇到热市以及投资者反映热烈,承销商可以向上调整价格区间到(4.4,5.3)以反映正面信息,最终确定发行价格为5.4元,在这个询价过程中,承销商通过调整价格区间以及最终的发行价格来反映信息搜集,  相似文献   

美式累计订单询价机制的运作及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
IPO发售机制对一国的股票发行及上市公司具有重要的影响,而世界范围内越来越多的国家已开始果用美式累计订单询价这一IPO发售机制。本文首先对美式累计订单询价机制的一般询价过程进行了介绍,并对美式累计订单询价机制的信息收集过程进行了阐述,随后分析了美式累计订单询价机制相对其他IPO发售机制所具有的优点,最后对新服发行询价制下我国证券公司及监管当局提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

2006年6月19日,在一年多的等待之后,因股权分置改革而中断的IPO再度开闸,全流通背景下的首只新股中工国际(002051)在深圳中小企业板上市。中工国际的发行价格采取向机构投资者累计投标询价的方式确定。中工国际的亮相,标志着证监会“新老划断”三步走战略已迈出最关键的一步。尽管出现在中小板,但是作为“全流通IPO第一单”,中工国际询价结果的标杆意义深远。市场化的询价制度&市场化的价格——全流通第一股中工国际询价方案透视@李心愉$北京大学经济学院 @严薇$北京大学经济学院 @徐超$北京大学经济学院…  相似文献   

刘纪鹏 《证券导刊》2014,(21):59-64
新股发行过程中乱象频出,根源在于目前股市询价机制中的两个不合理:中小投资者的缺位失声与询价对象的机会主义行为。 在现行的询价机制中,参与网下询价的机构投资者和个人大额投资者可以参与新股报价,而普通个人投资者无权参与,这就导致了与中国股市利益息息相关的中小投资者在发行定价环节的失声。  相似文献   

5月21日,证监会正式对外公布修订后的“证券发行与承销管理办法》。《办法》提出,IPO除了以询价方式定价,也可通过发行人与主承销商自主协商直接定价等其他合法可行的方式确定发行价。采用询价方式定价的,发行人和主承销商可以根据初步询价结果直接确定发行价,也可通过初步询价确定发行价格区间,在区间内通过累计投标询价确定发行价。这意味着,未来可能产生不询价、初步洵价即定价等两种新的方式。  相似文献   

机构投资者对IPO定价效率的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对沪深两地1996~2006年A股市场IPO样本的研究发现:IPO抑价率与IPO政策变量及机构投资者参与程度显著负相关。机构投资者参与询价和发行配售,对IPO抑价率的降低起到了显著作用,有利于提高市场发行定价效率。总体上看,现阶段中国A股发行市场定价效率仍然偏低。高抑价率的主要原因在于行政管制使股票发行人和承销商的议价能力发挥不足,根本原因还在于发行制度市场化程度不高。  相似文献   

The U.S. book-building method has become increasingly popular for initial public offerings (IPOs) worldwide over the last decade, whereas sealed-bid IPO auctions have been abandoned in nearly all of the many countries in which they have been tried. I model book building, discriminatory auctions, and uniform price auctions in an environment in which the number of investors and the accuracy of investors’ information are endogenous. Book building lets underwriters manage investor access to shares, allowing them to reduce risk for both issuers and investors and to control spending on information acquisition, thereby limiting either underpricing or aftermarket volatility. Because more control and less risk are beneficial to all issuers, the advantages of book building's allocational flexibility could explain why global patterns of issuer choice are surprisingly consistent. My models also predict that offerings with higher expected underpricing have lower expected aftermarket volatility; that an auction open to large numbers of potential bidders is vulnerable to inaccurate pricing and to fluctuations in the number of bidders; and that both book-built and auctioned IPOs will exhibit partial adjustment to both private and public information.  相似文献   

This article examines the pricing of the initial public offerings (IPOs) that follow insurance company demutualizations. Insurers that convert from mutual to stock form typically cite the need for capital as a key motivation. Given that capital adequacy is a primary regulatory objective for insurers, one would expect that for a given number of shares to be sold, these firms would price their offerings to maximize proceeds. However, the vast literature on IPO pricing suggests various theories as to why it may be in the issuing firm's best interest to underprice its offering. By examining the initial and long‐run stock returns for these conversion IPOs, the existence and degree of underpricing, as characterized by large initial returns, can be determined. It is observed that on average demutualization insurer IPOs post significantly higher first‐day returns than nondemutualization insurer IPOs. These gains would accrue to the initial investors and to those policyholders who receive compensation in the form of shares in the newly created stock insurer. Attractive returns are sustained for both groups of insurers during the first few years after IPO.  相似文献   

In this paper, the pricing of initial public offerings (IPOs) is examined from the underwriter's point of view. It is shown that because of the regulations and procedures governing the underwriting and pricing of IPOs, underwriters can maximize expected income by underpricing IPOs. Thus, it is argued that in addition to other feasible explanations of the underpricing phenomenon (e.g., compensation to uninformed investors, insurance against legal liability, etc.), regulatory and procedural factors contribute to the underpricing of IPOs. This is shown to be true both when uninformed investors are present and absent from the market for IPOs.  相似文献   

We study bidding by anchor investors in a two‐stage initial public offering (IPO) process and document a negative, causal relation between allocation to anchor investors and underpricing. We find that anchor investors are likely to invest in hard‐to‐place offerings characterized by valuation uncertainty. We also document a positive relation between allocation to reputed anchor investors and returns up to lock‐up expiration. Our evidence provides support for information revelation and targeting specific investors’ theories of book building. Anchor‐backed IPOs earn superior returns mainly due to monitoring. Who bids in an IPO seems to matter just as particular types of bids do.  相似文献   

American depositary receipts (ADRs) are negotiable instruments representing foreign company shares traded in US dollars in the US capital market. We present comparative analyses of the pricing and aftermarket performance of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) by ADRs and a matching sample of US firms over the 1990–2001 period. Offered by large, well-known multinationals, ADR IPOs go through a detailed scrutiny, and incur significant costs, during the pre-IPO period to recast financial statements in conformity with SEC rules and the US GAAP. This mitigates the information asymmetry between the IPO firm and investors. We categorize the ADR issuing country as developed or emerging, and our sample includes several cases of privatization of state owned corporations. The analyses indicate that (1) ADR IPOs are significantly less underpriced than comparable US IPOs; (2) IPOs from developed countries are more underpriced; and (3) Privatization IPOs are less underpriced than non-privatizations. The lower underpricing of ADR IPOs persists even after differential IPO attributes, the traditional proxies for information asymmetry and, the unique characteristics associated with ADR IPOs, are accounted for. We conclude that extant literature offers only partial explanation for this puzzling phenomenon.  相似文献   

本文从新股发行价格对各类信息的反应效率这一角度来研究核准制下新股发行定价效率问题.针对影响新股发行定价的信息因素具有多层次、多维度的特点,本文建立了一个有内在逻辑关系、能够较全面反映新股发行价格影响因素的理论框架,并采用协方差结构模型分析方法进行实证研究.结果显示:在核准制下新股价格基本上反映了内在价值因素和市场环境因素,具有一定的信息效率;而对发行因素反映的较少,缺乏这方面的信息效率.总体而言,我国新股发行定价的信息效率仍较为有限.  相似文献   

In the U.S., and increasingly in other countries as well, IPO securities are marketed to investors in a process known as "book-building"—one that amounts to polling institutional investors to establish a demand schedule for the issue and then allotting stock to individual investors according to the strength of their professed interest. Although book-building methods require use of discriminatory tactics that have attracted strong criticism from investors and regulators, this article defends such practices by demonstrating that book-building is more efficient than alternative methods. It effectively allows issuers to increase the net proceeds of their offerings by making better use of information about market demand conditions.
In the process of explaining the efficiency of the book-building method, this article also offers a plausible explanation for a phenomenon that has long puzzled economists: the systematic underpricing of IPOs. The key to the success of a book-building effort lies in the use of a strategic pricing and allocation policy designed to offset the investor's incentive to understate his or her interest in an IPO. By committing to favor investors who provide strong indications of interest with relatively large allocations of underpriced shares, the investment bank can limit the distortion of investor's incentives in bidding and so increase the level of proceeds the issuing firm can expect to generate from its IPO.  相似文献   

This paper examines the intraday patterns of IPOs in Hong Kong during the period 1995–1998. The results reveal that the well‐known under‐pricing phenomenon of IPOs occurs only at the opening trading of new issues and vanishes afterwards. The return volatility of IPOs is found to be high during the first trading session, and declines rapidly during the rest of the first trading day until the end of the trading day. The intraday return volatility of IPOs is found to follow a double U‐shape pattern, which is similar to that of the general market. A great deal of trading activity was recorded during the first five minutes of the trading day. Consistent results are obtained for IPOs registered during the pre‐crisis and post‐crisis periods. This paper has practical implications for investors. Investors can benefit from the under‐pricing only if they subscribe for new shares in the primary market. There is, however, no profit‐making opportunity for day traders who buy shares on the first trading day. This shows that the Hong Kong market is efficient in adjusting for the IPO under‐pricing. In addition, it is likely that, because of Hong Kong's share allotment method, only big investors who apply for large numbers of shares can benefit from this under‐pricing phenomenon.  相似文献   

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