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透视CDO:类型、构造、评级与市场   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
担保债务权证(CDO)在美国次级债危机中扮演了至关重要的角色。本文试图对CDO产品和全球CDO市场作较为全面深入的介绍和评述。文章首先归纳了CDO的特征和类型,其次重点分析了两类最重要的CDO产品——现金型CDO和合成型CDO的构造,然后简单介绍了主要评级机构对CDO进行信用评级的方法。此外,文章回顾了全球CDO市场的发展现状,并归纳了CDO产生的历史意义,以及给金融市场带来的潜在风险。  相似文献   

抵押债务凭证(CDO)具有套利、盘活资产以及转移信用风险等优良功能,正是因为这些优良的性能所以其被很广泛的应用到我国银行、企业等各个行业当中。但是,作为一种"外来"金融产品,CDO曾因为引发美国次贷危机而备受争议。目前中国正在积极培养自己的金融创新市场,也在积极开发应用如CDO等金融创新产品。为了保持我国金融创新市场的健康发展,我们有必要对CDO的内在机制和产品风险做深入的分析研究。  相似文献   

中国的CDO市场——机遇与挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
历经多年筹备,中国首例债权资产证券化项目(国开行开元信贷资产支持证券)于2005年年底问世,这代表中国CDO市场发展正式迈出了第一步。文章主要从监管、市场以及机构技术层面分析了国内CDO市场发丧所面临的机遇与挑战。从前景看,资产管理型现金CDO是短期内最可能采取的形式,而其它CDO交易类型还面临着来自监管和市场方面的制约。  相似文献   

债务抵押凭证(CDO)是金融市场重要的风险转移工具,具有信用级别高、收益水平高的特征,其市场规模扩展迅速。但这种金融创新产品因较复杂的基础资产和分层结构,产生出异于传统公司债券的风险特征。很多投资者没有真正了解其潜在风险,且信用评级质量不佳,致使CDO投资者在次贷危机中遭受严重损失甚至破产。因此有必要深入了解CDO所具有的风险特征和CDO产品信用评级的一般方法,纠正现有评级方法的不足,分析其对次贷危机的影响。  相似文献   

典型的CDO结构包括一个特殊目的载体,它接受由债券或贷款或其组合组成的资产池,并发行以此为支持的证券。市场上最早出现的CDO结构被称为现金流CDO,其资产池中的资产由特殊目的载体购买。投资者承担资产池中债务人不愿或不能履行债务责任的违约损失,因而投资者的回报直接与资产池中的债务表现相关。  相似文献   

根据期权价值投资理论,本文分析和借鉴了中小企业间接融资的"桥隧模式"、"担保换期权"以及"路衢模式"的创新经验,总结得出中小企业融资创新的有效渠道之一,是运用金融工具和衍生品打通信贷市场和资本市场,平衡风险与收益。对此,本文结合珠三角中小企业的发展特点,提出以下创新融资模式:基于信用衍生品——抵押债务凭证(CDO)运作方式,并引入合格境外机构投资者(QFII)作为风险投资者,利用银行间债券市场进行CDO交易,以期为金融改革创新提供新思路。  相似文献   

冯谦  杨朝军 《上海金融》2006,(9):23-25,22
我国金融结构中一个突出的弊端是信用过分集中于银行并且在短时间内很难改变资金向银行集中的现实,因此通过信用衍生产品使银行的风险向非银行金融机构转移无疑是解决我国社会信用过于集中的有效方法。但我国现阶段推出的CDO信用衍生产品因定价复杂且具融资特性,并不适合在当前推广使用。比较而言,信用违约互换(CDS)不仅具有非融资性、结构简单等特点而且是构造“合成CDO”等其他信用衍生产品的基础工具,因此,应首先开发信用违约互换以促进我国信用衍生产品市场的建立,推动我国金融结构良性变迁。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了美国次级抵押贷款市场、及次级抵押贷款的证券化产品—住房抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)及担保债务权证(CDO)。美国房地产抵押贷款市场分为三类:优级贷款市场、次优级贷款市场及次级贷款市场。同时美国住房抵押贷款市场分为一级市场和二级市场。一级市场为住房抵押贷款发放市场,二级市场为住房抵押贷款证券化市场。住房抵押贷款发放机构为了回收流动性,将住房抵押贷款出售给房利美和房地美和其他一些金融机构。这些金融机构将住房抵押贷款打包发行MBS。以次级住房抵押贷款为基础发行的MBS又连同其他资产被重新打包,发行CDO。本文还就次级住房抵押贷款证券化过程中存在的问题作了分析。  相似文献   

在国际金融市场中,传统的股指期货、利率期货、货币互换等简单金融衍生品一直保持着良好的运作状态.而美国次贷危机中的MBS、CDO、CDS等新兴复杂金融衍生品却出现了严重问题.与简单衍生品不同,复杂衍生品存在着一些致命的缺陷,其运作机制又错综复杂,注定了其泡沫迟早会破裂.我们试从分析MBS、CDO、CDS等新兴复杂金融衍生品的运作机制人手,来看清楚美国次贷危机的本质,以吸取在金融衍生品创新实践中的经验教训.  相似文献   

债权资产证券化(CDO):金子还是废铁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
债权资产证券化(CDO)作为一种技术.为具有不同收益目标和风随偏好的投资者提供了独特的盈利模式。与企业债券和其它结构化产品相比,CDO在评级稳定性和损失率方面的历史表现都较好.CDO向买入并持有型的投资者所提供的相对价值比单独的企业信用产品要高出很多。  相似文献   

美国资产支持证券市场结构与次按危机解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国次按危机不仅给世界多家金融巨擎造成巨大损失,甚至险些在世界范围内酿成了一场全面的流动性危机。文章从信贷资产证券化发起机构、CDO发起流程、信用评级的制定及下调原理,流动性危机的成因这一逻辑顺序全面回顾了美国资产支持证券市场的运作机制以及次贷危机产生的根源,以期为深入研究次级债问题提供参考。  相似文献   

We investigate a structural model of market and firm‐level dynamics in order to jointly price long‐dated S&P 500 index options and CDO tranches of corporate debt. We identify market dynamics from index option prices and idiosyncratic dynamics from the term structure of credit spreads. We find that all tranches can be well priced out‐of‐sample before the crisis. During the crisis, however, our model can capture senior tranche prices only if we allow for the possibility of a catastrophic jump. Thus, senior tranches are nonredundant assets that provide a unique window into the pricing of catastrophic risk.  相似文献   

As an extension of the standard Gaussian copula model to price collateralized debt obligation (CDO) tranche swaps we present a generalization of a one-factor copula model based on stable distributions. For special parameter values these distributions coincide with Gaussian or Cauchy distributions, but changing the parameters allows a continuous deformation away from the Gaussian copula. All these factor copulas are embedded in a framework of stochastic correlations. We furthermore generalize the linear dependence in the usual factor approach to a more general Archimedean copula dependence between the individual trigger variable and the common latent factor. Our analysis is carried out on a non-homogeneous correlation structure of the underlying portfolio. CDO tranche market premia, even throughout the correlation crisis in May 2005, can be reproduced by certain models. From a numerical perspective, all these models are simple, since calculations can be reduced to one-dimensional numerical integrals.  相似文献   

担保债务凭证(CDO)是一种新型金融衍生品,次贷危机爆发后该产品的惨重损失使之成为金融市场中的风险策源地。文章对其高风险性进行分析,发现其高风险来源于设计思路中应当设限而未设限、风险分担设置不合理等问题,且这种高风险性被评级机构所掩饰。文章最后在对美国新金融监管改革法案相关措施进行评析的同时提出自己的建议。  相似文献   

While the Gaussian copula model is commonly used as a static quotation device for CDO tranches, its use for hedging is questionable. In particular, the spread delta computed from the Gaussian copula model assumes constant base correlations, whereas we show that the correlations are dynamic and correlated to the index spread. It might therefore be expected that a dynamic model of credit risk, which is able to capture the dependence between the base correlations and the index spread, will have better hedging performances. In this paper, we compare delta hedging of spread risk based on the Gaussian copula model, to the implementation of jump-to-default ratio computed from the dynamic local intensity model. Theoretical and empirical analysis are illustrated by using the market data in both before and after the subprime crisis. We observe that delta hedging of spread risk outperforms the implementation of jump-to-default ratio in the pre-crisis period associated with CDX.NA.IG series 5, and the two strategies have comparable performance for crisis period associated with CDX.NA.IG series 9 and 10. This shows that, although the local intensity model is a dynamic model, it is not sufficient to explain the joint dynamic of the index spread and the base correlations, and a richer dynamic model is required to obtain better hedging results. Moreover, although different specifications of the local intensity can be fitted to the market data equally well, their hedging results can be significant different. This reveals substantial model risk when hedging CDO tranches.  相似文献   

Asset pricing theory predicts that if credit ratings do not reflect all relevant aspects of a CDO debt tranche’s risk profile (i.e., its total and systematic risk), then ratings-based tranche pricing by some naïve investors creates incentives for CDO arrangers to take excessive non-priced risk. CDO managers’ desire for repeat issuance makes them part of this risk taking strategy to exploit naïve investors. The implication is that the credit quality of CDOs run by large market share managers has a higher tendency to deteriorate in bad times. This paper finds empirical evidence for large market share manager’s conflicts of interest.  相似文献   

A key feature of the 2007 financial crisis is that for many securities trading had ceased; where trading did occur, market prices were well below intrinsic values, especially for ABS CDOs. One explanation is that information had been asymmetric, with sellers having better information than buyers. We first show the information advantages sellers had over buyers in both the issuance of CDOs and, through vertical integration, performance of the CDO collateral that could well have disrupted trading after the onset of the crisis. Using a “workhorse” model for pricing securities under asymmetric information and a novel dataset, we show how adverse selection could explain why the bulk of these securities either traded at significant discounts or did not trade at all.  相似文献   

本文以国民资产负债表为起点,应用资产运营一般模式的理论和一般均衡的方法,通过对现金资产、信贷资产、证券资产和实体资产四个市场的分析,从独特的角度研究了货币危机产生的机理,并据此提出了货币危机预警的有关指标体系.  相似文献   

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