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在营销过程中为提高顾客忠诚度,企业一方面要重视顾客的感受,通过细分客户、提高顾客让渡价值等措施,为其提供更好的服务,从而留住顾客,使其成为企业的忠实顾客;另一方面要重视企业内部建设,提高员工的服务意识,重视员工的发展,并实现企业内部信息共享,使企业团结为一个整体,最终实现企业与顾客的双赢局面。  相似文献   

2010年是中国工商银行的“服务价值年”,如何加强员工的服务意识并提高业务水平,是做好服务工作的核心基础。组织业务、服务技能比赛一直是进行员工培训的有效途径和提升员工业务素质的得力手段。一般来说,通过组织各级行的业务和服务技能比赛,  相似文献   

商业银行排队服务系统与顾客等待关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴国平  吴胜 《上海金融》2012,(8):110-111,119
为有效减少顾客等待时间,争取更多的顾客,提高顾客满意度,商业银行主要采用了三种不同的排队服务系统:大堂经理引导排队服务系统、单条队排队服务系统和提供叫号机排队服务系统。实证表明,三种排队服务系统对顾客等待有显著影响。只有通过设置、合理采用排队服务系统,真正减少顾客等待的时间,加大对银行员工的培训力度,增强服务意识,提升业务水平,有效进行客户分流,增加自助设备和大力发展电子银行,才能提高顾客的满意度。  相似文献   

银行如何做内部营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行的一切活动都是为了更好地为外部顾客服务,而要达到这一目的,银行首先要做好对“内部顾客”——即银行内部员工的服务,因为银行为外部顾客提供的产品和服务都是由内部员工完成的,为了更好地支持员工完成外部服务,银行要为员工提供完善良好的内部服务,包括合理的薪金、奖金福利、舒适的工作环境以及同事之间的相互关系、自我价值实现的满足程度等。  相似文献   

顾客服务质量是影响综合超市客流量的重要因素,决定超市绩效。与主要竞争对手相比,沃尔玛(中国)门店绩效不佳,顾客服务质量不高是重要原因之一。在超市内部,员工与雇主就顾客服务质量与薪酬进行博弈,因此薪酬管理是导致顾客服务质量不高的最终因素。本文以提升顾客服务质量为导向,从薪酬管理角度出发,以芜湖沃尔玛为例,分析其在薪酬管理与企业文化融合方面的问题,并提出针对性优化建议,希望对沃尔玛(中国)改进绩效有积极作用。  相似文献   

业务流程再造是一种基于信息技术,为更好地满足顾客需要服务的系统化的企业组织的工作流程改进活动。业务流程再造强调以“流程导向”替代原有的“职能导向”,其基本内涵是,以企业长期发展战略为出发点,以价值增值流程(使客户满意的任务)的再设计为中心,强调打破传统的职能部门界限,提倡组织改进、员工授权、顾客导向及正确地运用信息技术,建立合理的业务流程,以达到企业动态适应竞争加剧和环境变化的目的的一系列活动。  相似文献   

一、综合柜员满意度与顾客满意度的关系 为什么笔者要研究综合柜员满意度?因为在我们所处的服务经济时代,员工满意度的提升正更大程度地直接影响着员工的生产效率和质量(包括服务质量和效率),进而影响企业客户的满意度,并最终影响股东价值.  相似文献   

一、综合柜员满意度与顾客满意度的关系为什么笔者要研究综合柜员满意度?因为在我们所处的服务经济时代,员工满意度的提升正更大程度地直接影响着员工的生产效率和质量(包括服务质量和效率),进而影响企业客户的满意度,并最终影响股东价值。从著名的服务利润链中有最佳的诠释,员工满意度,尤其是直接服务于客户的一线员工的满意度的的确确是客户满意的基石,能够为客户提供愉悦的交往体验的员工必定是一个对自己的工作感到满意的员工。不满意的员工几乎不可能有高的生产效率和积极的工作态度,不会完整地贯彻公司的服务策略,也不会长期地服务于无法令他满意的企业,而员工离开企业的同时,势必也会带走他服务企业客户。如果不能设法让自己的一线员工感到满意的话,我们所有的为提升客户满意所付出的努力都可能付之东流。特别是对于银行、电信等,一线员工的满意度就显得更加关键。因此只有当商业银行综合柜员满意的时候,才能真正提高商业银行临柜人员的效率和质量,才可能让综合柜员积极提供让顾客满意的服务,才能吸引他们成为公司最忠实的顾客,并为公司带来更大的经济和社会效益。二、综合柜员满意度现状及分析笔者为了解商业银行综合柜员的满意度,于2007年6月至7月,对某一商业银行的...  相似文献   

1、增强员工素质 ,提高服务水平。银行员工是将银行形象传送给外界的重要媒介。员工素质欠佳 ,工作态度不好 ,待人处事的行为不端 ,工作效率低下等 ,都会给银行形象带来损害。银行业是一个经营货币资金的服务行业 ,经营性质决定了其员工必须有较高的业务水平和文化素养。一个好的员工群体体现的是一种团结、进取、创新、积极、向上、谋求卓越的形象 ,其本身就体现了银行品牌形象。员工素质的提高集中体现在员工在业务经营中的服务水平的提高上。提高服务水平主要表现在两个“顾客导向”上 :( 1)服务方式上的“顾客导向” ,即商业银行在经营…  相似文献   

本文在分析电信营业厅顾客满意度现状的基础上,从现场管控、员工满意度、加强培训、创新服务理念、客户维系等五个方面采取措施,提升顾客满意度。通过顾客满意度的提升,不断提高营业厅的服务质量,增强顾客对电信公司的信任,从而确保企业能够获得长期的盈利与发展。  相似文献   

Recent interest in nonfinancial performance measures has raised questions on how such measures influence employee reactions and behaviour. Surprisingly, the question of whether and how nonfinancial measures motivate employees to participate in target setting has remained largely unexplored. Employees can be motivated intrinsically or extrinsically to participate in target setting. Intrinsic motivation to participate in target setting initiates from within the employee and is perceived as an end in itself with the employee as the main beneficiary. In contrast, controlled extrinsic motivation to participate in target setting is controlled by the organization and is perceived as a means to an end with the organization as the main beneficiary. This study investigates the relative importance of nonfinancial measures vis-à-vis financial measures in engendering employee intrinsic and controlled extrinsic motivation to participate and how these two forms of motivation to participate in target setting translate into improved employee job performance. Based on a sample of 149 employees, the Partial Least Squares results indicate that both financial measures and nonfinancial measures are associated with employee intrinsic motivation to participate in target setting. However, only nonfinancial measures are associated with controlled extrinsic motivation to participate in target setting and because this form of motivation to participate is controlled by the organization as a means to achieve better performance, it is only this form of motivation which has a significant impact on employee job performance. These results provide important insights into the intricacies by which performance measures influence employee motivation to participate in target setting and job performance.  相似文献   

商业银行个人客户经理制起源于20世纪80年代的美国,通过专业人员对客户的专门服务,取得客户的信任、支持和协作,以达到企业价值的最大化。当前,各家商业银行倡导以"市场为导向、以客户为中心"的经营理念,也纷纷组建了自己专职的个人客户经理队伍,向有价值的客户提供差别化服务。本文重点介绍了个人客户经理制的核心内容,分析了当前各家商业银行在实施个人客户经理中普遍存在的问题,提出了要通过个人客户经理平衡积分卡来解决个人客户经理的考核,并就考核中应当关注的问题做了简要阐述。  相似文献   

企业人力资本分类研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业人力资本是企业为实现未来的增值,通过有意识地投资获得的,依附于全体员工身上的健康、智力、精神等价值存量的总和。企业普通员工同样拥有人力资本。按照"知识和能力"这一依据可以将企业中的员工划分为普通员工、专业员工和企业家三个层次,分别对应普通型人力资本;专业型人力资本和企业家人力资本;专业型人力资本可进一步划分为管理型人力资本和技术型人力资本。不同类型的人力资本具有不同的工作特征和价值特点。  相似文献   

Tales of great strategies derailed by poor execution are all too common. That's because some organizations are designed to fail. For a company to achieve its potential, each employee's supply of organizational resources should equal the demand, and the same balance must apply to every business unit and to the company as a whole. To carry out his or her job, each employee has to know the answers to four basic questions: What resources do I control to accomplish my tasks? What measures will be used to evaluate my performance? Who do I need to interact with and influence to achieve my goals? And how much support can I expect when I reach out to others for help? The questions correspond to what the author calls the four basic spans of a job-control, accountability, influence, and support. Each span can be adjusted so that it is narrow or wide or somewhere in between. If you get the settings right, you can design a job in which a talented individual can successfully execute on your company's strategy. If you get the settings wrong, it will be difficult for an employee to be effective. The first step is to set the span of control to reflect the resources allocated to each position and unit that plays an important role in delivering customer value. This setting, like the others, is determined by how the business creates value for customers and differentiates its products and services. Next, you can dial in different levels of entrepreneurial behavior and creative tension by widening or narrowing spans of accountability and influence. Finally, you must adjust the span of support to ensure that the job or unit will get the informal help it needs.  相似文献   

Many service organizations rely on information sharing systems to boost employee creativity to meet customer needs. We conducted a field experiment in a retail chain, based on a registered report accepted by JAR, to test whether an information sharing system recording employees’ creative work affected the quality of creative work, job engagement, and financial performance. We found that, on average, this system did not have a significant effect on any of these outcomes. However, it significantly improved the quality of creative work in stores that had accessed the system more frequently and in stores with fewer same‐company nearby stores. It also improved creative work and job engagement in stores in divergent markets, where customers needed more customization. We found weak evidence of better financial results where salespeople had lower creative talent before the system was introduced. Our findings shed light on those conditions in which information sharing systems affect employees’ creative work.  相似文献   

This article, and subsequent science-fiction prototype, finds its premise in two different foundations: the human-centred design of new technology development, and the co-creation methodologies of business sciences. The connection between these two research fields arises from the emerging need to find means of constructing complex service experiences with multidisciplinary approach. By leaning on both perspectives, the aim of the article is to construct a science-fiction prototype ‘Dreamnesting’. The prototype presents a new service enterprise that engages a user–customer deeply in the co-creation experience and introduces a new technology platform for the interior design task: augmented reality (AR) technology in an intelligent service environment. The prototype has its foundations, at first, in a front-end co-design user study, which aimed at creating novel interior design service concepts that were thought to be used virtually, and to exploit 3D modelling and AR technology. Then, the article converses on relevant building blocks that come to the fore from the economy and business theories, namely: co-creation of value, customer experience and human assets of the firm.  相似文献   

Customer value analysis in financial services   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This study investigates what creates value for customers and how providers can improve value for their customers. A comprehensive analytical model with a four-step approach is presented and applied in the field of financial services. In a first step, the main customer value drivers are identified and five value dimensions are derived, based on qualitative interviews with customers. These results are then compared to value assumptions made by customer-contact employees, and gaps between customer and employee perceptions are analysed. Based on these identified gaps, a multitude of implications for managing company customer value at the normative, strategic, and operational level of management are derived, and finally implications of findings for service marketing practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The measurement and evaluation of employee performance are crucial aspects of the management accounting system because of their effects on employee motivation. It is therefore important for management accountants to understand how such effects occur. Fairness may be a key explanatory factor. This study proposes that the effects of the fairness of employee performance measurement and evaluation procedures on employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment are indirect. The results, based on a sample of 60 French managers, support these expectations. For the relationship between procedural fairness and job satisfaction, the effects are indirect through trust and fairness of outcomes. For the relationship between procedural fairness and organizational commitment, the effects are indirect through fairness of outcome, trust and job satisfaction. The results also indicate that affective effects through trust and satisfaction are substantially stronger than that through fairness of outcome. Fair performance evaluation procedures therefore do more than the mere provision of equitable outcomes among French managers.  相似文献   

Loyalty-based management   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Despite a flurry of activities aimed at serving customers better, few companies have systematically revamped their operations with customer loyalty in mind. Instead, most have adopted improvement programs ad hoc, and paybacks haven't materialized. Building a highly loyal customer base must be integral to a company's basic business strategy. Loyalty leaders like MBNA credit cards are successful because they have designed their entire business systems around customer loyalty--a self-reinforcing system in which the company delivers superior value consistently and reinvents cash flows to find and keep high-quality customers and employees. The economic benefits of high customer loyalty are measurable. When a company consistently delivers superior value and wins customer loyalty, market share and revenues go up, and the cost of acquiring new customers goes down. The better economics mean the company can pay workers better, which sets off a whole chain of events. Increased pay boosts employee moral and commitment; as employees stay longer, their productivity goes up and training costs fall; employees' overall job satisfaction, combined with their experience, helps them serve customers better; and customers are then more inclined to stay loyal to the company. Finally, as the best customers and employees become part of the loyalty-based system, competitors are left to survive with less desirable customers and less talented employees. To compete on loyalty, a company must understand the relationships between customer retention and the other parts of the business--and be able to quantify the linkages between loyalty and profits. It involves rethinking and aligning four important aspects of the business: customers, product/service offering, employees, and measurement systems.  相似文献   

顾客价值导向的服务品牌构建路径研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾客价值需求是服务品牌构建的源点,服务品牌中的价值感知、传播、让渡和传递等关键维度应与顾客价值需求密切相关,基于顾客价值的服务品牌构建的路径包括:确立以品牌为核心的企业愿景和价值;从顾客视角出发进行品牌规划;建立服务品牌战略;360度服务品牌整合营销传播计划与执行;完善服务品牌资产评估系统;持续投资服务品牌。  相似文献   

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