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论长株潭城市群物流园区规划建设   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
合理的长株潭物流园区规划建设对长株潭城市群发展具有重要意义.通过分析长株潭物流园区规划建设现状与存在的问题,并经过数据分析,提出了长株潭城市群物流园区的合理选址、数量、规模与功能定位,从而减少城市交通与环境压力,节约园区土地使用,增强园区交通便利,提升园区规模与集聚辐射效应,为长株潭两型社会城市群一体化物流发展提供了决策参考.  相似文献   

能源回弹效应的大小在很大程度上决定着能效改善对降低能源消费的有效程度。我国经济总体的能源回弹效应并不高,能效改善能够有效节约能源消费量。能源回弹效应具有行业异质性,细分行业的技术进步回弹效应的最大值为39.82%、最小值为1.64%;细分行业的结构调整回弹效应的最大值为38.68%、最小值为4.14%。能源回弹效应具有阶段性特征,2012~2017年发生能源回弹效应的行业数量明显低于2002~2007年和2007~2012年。因此,我国应着力提高水的生产与供应业等行业的科技创新水平,提升能源利用效率。提高非金属矿物制品业等高能源回弹行业的准入标准,淘汰科技水平落后的企业。顺应行业结构演进的客观规律,积极培育低耗能高附加值的绿色服务业和战略性新兴产业。  相似文献   

物流业作为现代服务业的重要组成部分,已成为国民经济的基础和先导产业.长株潭城市群包括长沙、株洲、湘潭三市,是湖南省经济社会发达地区和核心增长极.长株潭城市群物流业发展的优势大于劣势,机遇大于挑战.发展长株潭城市群物流业,要明确发展重点,完善区域协调互动机制,提高企业竞争力,积极培育和发展物流市场.  相似文献   

一、长株潭城市群环境现状分析 长株潭城市群是中国重工业和制造业集中的老工业基地,在长期的经济建设和发展过程中,积累和遗留了严重的环境问题.  相似文献   

长株潭城市群的建设与当地金融的发展是相互依存的。本文利用SWOT分析法分析了长株潭城市群的金融发展。长株潭既有良好的经济金融基础和拥有政府政策的支持,也存在金融发展水平不理想和城市间差异等弱点。长株潭既面临"两型社会"的建设和长株潭区域经济一体化等有利机遇,也面临着金融生态环境的不够理想和金融风险的威胁。为此,要抓住机遇,扬长避短,才能更好的促进金融快速健康的发展,为长株潭城市群的建设服务。  相似文献   

长株潭城市群的建设与当地金融的发展是相互依存的。本文利用SWOT分析法分析了长株潭城市群的金融发展。长株潭既有良好的经济金融基础和拥有政府政策的支持,也存在金融发展水平不理想和城市间差异等弱点。长株潭既面临两型社会的建设和长株潭区域经济一体化等有利机遇,也面临着金融生态环境的不够理想和金融风险的威胁。为此,要抓住机遇,扬长避短,才能更好的促进金融快速健康的发展,为长株潭城市群的建设服务。  相似文献   

2007年12月,国家批准长株潭城市群为全国资源节约型和环境友好型社会(简称"两型社会")建设综合配套改革试验区,成为全国六个综合配套改革试验区之一.这给长株潭城市群的发展带来了重大历史机遇,同时也对长株潭地区信用体系建设提出了更高要求.作者从株洲区域的视角审视和思考着信用体系与."两型社会"建设的一些相关问题.  相似文献   

金融是现代经济发展的核心,区域经济的快速增长要以完善的区域金融市场为支撑。本文将分别从长株潭城市群区域经济、区域金融尤其是银行的稳定性以及金融运行环境的角度,对长株潭城市群区域金融发展现状进行综合评估,找出制约区域金融经济发展的因素,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

赵海珊 《中国外资》2013,(11):23-23
长株潭城市群"两型社会"综合配套改革试验区是国家促进我国资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设的重大举措。从当前的情况看,长株潭城市群的区域金融生态环境在经济基础、资金融通体系、信用环境、法制环境和体制环境等方面还存在很多不足,为了更好地推进长株潭城市群"两型社会"建设,需要采取综合措施来促进长株潭区域金融生态环境的健康发展。  相似文献   

浅谈长株潭城市群一体化发展模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界银行组织曾提出,城市化水平达到30%、人均GDP达到1000美元的阶段,就意味着公用投资将超过私人投资,城市化将高速发展,经济社会的发展也将加速.我国正处于这样的时期,一方面,在此阶段凭借单个城市的发展已不能解决进一步对外开放和城镇化进程中面临的问题;另一方面,实现区域可持续发展,就要求综合解决人与自然、城市与农村、经济与社会、当代发展与下一代发展的矛盾,所以,必须从更高的层次和更广的区域来寻求解决每个城市或地区的可持续发展问题.湖南如何把握这一机遇,加速推进长株潭城市群的发展,积极推进长株潭城市群一体化,是一个迫切需要解决的问题.本文主要从分析长株潭城市群的现状入手,对长株潭城市群的一体化发展模式提出初步的看法.  相似文献   

This article investigates the rebound effect in residential heating, using a sample of 563,000 households in the Netherlands. Using instrumental variable and fixed‐effects approaches, we address potential endogeneity concerns. The results show a rebound effect of 26.7% among homeowners, and 41.3% among tenants. We corroborate the findings through a quasiexperimental analysis, using a large retrofit subsidy program. We also document significant heterogeneity in the rebound effect, determined by household wealth and income, and the actual energy use intensity. The findings in this article confirm the important role of household behavior in determining the outcomes of energy efficiency improvement programs.  相似文献   

Policymakers often seek to limit energy prices following market shocks, and instead issue public appeals to reduce demand. This article presents new evidence on how price changes and conservation appeals affect energy consumption, using household‐level data from California's energy crisis during 2000 and 2001. The evidence indicates that when policymakers cap energy prices following market shocks, they preclude substantial—and quite rapid—reductions in energy use. The data also reveal that conservation appeals and informational programs can produce sustained reductions in energy demand.  相似文献   

Majority of the increase in global energy consumption is from China; hence, studying energy issues, especially in China’s manufacturing industry (CMI), is worthwhile and of much interest in the academic field. Based on the translog cost function, we develop a research framework to study the rebound effect of CMI. Considering the effect of asymmetric energy price, we augment the energy-cost function with asymmetric influence constraint of energy price. Again, we add time series data of CMI’s capital, labor, energy, and mid-input to the model to calculate the direct rebound effect of CMI. We find that the rebound effect of CMI is 44.2%, and CMI still has large energy-conservation potentials. Based on the results of this study, some policy recommendations are provided.  相似文献   

In this paper we empirically test if loss-aversion affects household participation in equity markets, household allocations to equity, and household allocations between mutual funds and individual stocks. Using household survey data, we obtain direct measures of each surveyed household's loss-aversion coefficient from questions involving hypothetical payoffs. We find that higher loss-aversion is associated with a lower probability of participation. We also find that higher loss-aversion reduces the probability of direct stockholding by significantly more than the probability of owning mutual funds. After controlling for sample selection we do not find a relationship between loss-aversion and portfolio allocations to equity.  相似文献   

If regulations are used to make cars and fuels cleaner, shouldgasoline taxes be used to manage demand for trips that pollute?Analysis of a well-composed program for Mexico City indicatesthat the emission reductions would cost 24 percent more if atax on gasoline was not introduced. A simple analytical framework is developed to analyze the useof abatement requirements to make cars cleaner, and a gasolinetax to economize on the use of cars. The two instruments shouldbe combined to mimic the incentives that would have been providedby an emissions fee. Thus, cleaner cars and fewer trips areanalogous to competing suppliers of emission reductions; theplanner should buy from both so that marginal costs are equal.Applying that rule, the marginal cost of emission reductionsis, simply, the gasoline tax rate divided by emissions per liter.  相似文献   

构建系统动力学模型,测度人口城镇化对我国粮食消费产生的影响。结果表明:人口城镇化有利于减少直接用粮,但提高了间接用粮,总体上增加了粮食消费;直接用粮的未来自给形势较为乐观,而间接用粮缺口将会长期存在。为此,应推进农业供给侧结构性改革,完善粮食节约机制,合理利用国际粮食市场,以应对人口城镇化所带来的粮食消费影响。  相似文献   

基于生命周期-持久收入(LC-PIH)理论,本文建立居民收入、消费支出、股市市值和购房支出几个变量之间的实证检验模型,以研究我国股市的财富效应。选取季度和月度频率数据,测算我国2003~2018年全口径居民消费和2013~2018年乘用车消费的股市财富效应,实证结果发现全口径居民消费主要受收入的影响,股市的财富效应不显著,检验结果符合持久收入说;乘用车消费除受收入的影响之外,股市的财富效应也显著。基于实证结果,并结合发达国家较为普遍存在的财富效应,提出三点建议:一是稳步提高居民可支配收入,是促进我国消费平稳增长、发挥消费拉动经济增长基础性作用的根本;二是要发挥出股市在消费中的财富效应,需改变我国股市长期存在的牛短熊长困境;三是应进一步提高我国居民通过养老金和企业年金等间接渠道参与股市的比重,使养老金、企业年金等长期资金与资本市场形成良性互动。  相似文献   

基于2011年和2013年两期CHARLS数据构建面板数据模型,分析农村居民养老保险制度中央财政“一刀切”的基础养老金补贴政策与地方财政差异化的缴费补贴政策对农民家庭消费的异质性影响。结果显示:财政补贴有利于整体促进参保农民家庭消费支出,尤其对已领取养老金的家庭,消费增进效应更明显;对于未领取养老金的参保农民家庭,却具有抑制效应。从不同收入阶层和不同地区来看,农村居民养老保险财政补贴对低、中、高收入阶层农民家庭消费的影响依次减弱,对东部、西部、中部地区农民家庭消费的影响依次增强。因此,加大财政补贴力度、优化补贴方式、扩展筹资渠道、强化制度联动能更好地发挥财政补贴改善社会福利的作用。  相似文献   

自我效能是影响投资者决策的重要心理变量,依据中国家庭金融微观调查数据,运用传统的logit回归、Fama-French序贯排序列表、倾向得分匹配方法(Propensity Score Match ,简称PSM)检验自我效能对投资者参与的影响程度,结果显示自我效能对投资者参与有显著的正向影响。自我效能的定义涉及排序区域的选择,基于不同的排序区域给出了自我效能的7种不同定义,发现在不同定义下自我效能对投资者参与的正向影响均为显著。  相似文献   

Environmental taxes have been introduced in many countries. However, few countries have reached the level of environmental taxation that is seen in Denmark today. This paper analyses the individual taxes as well as the combination of all these taxes and duties related to environmental concerns, including taxes on heating, transport fuels, electricity, water, waste, plastic bags, registration of cars, annual car use and pesticides. The distributional effect of taxes is examined in relation to household income, socio‐economic class, residential location and family status. The shifting of the tax structure from high marginal income tax to consumption‐based taxes, especially environmental taxes, might have distributional impacts that have not been considered part of the tax policy. The results suggest that in Denmark taxes on petrol and registration duties for cars are progressive, whereas most other environmental taxes are regressive, especially the green taxes on water, retail containers and CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

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