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外汇干预作为一项重要的政策工具被各国央行广泛采用,在当前中国外汇干预存在争议的背景下,总结中央银行外汇干预国际经验具有重要意义。本文选取哥伦比亚和新西兰两个代表性国家总结其外汇干预经验,然后基于面板工具变量法,对全球23个国家和地区的外汇干预有效性进行实证分析。结果表明,中央银行正向外汇干预对名义双边汇率和实际有效汇率均有减缓波动的作用,达到了稳定汇率的效果。从现阶段来看,当前外汇干预作为维护汇率稳定、调节内外平衡的政策权限,应该予以保留。我国中央银行要实现合理的干预行为,需要有恰当的干预时机、灵活的干预方式、与之协调的干预目标,以及配套的宏观经济政策和逐步完善的市场环境。  相似文献   

王爱俭  邓黎桥 《金融研究》2016,437(11):15-31
本文将外汇干预、货币政策转型纳入到NK-DSGE理论模型框架中,引入风险规避的外汇交易者,在传统非抛补利率平价表达中加入资本管制因素,研究不同类型冲击、不同外汇干预情景下宏观经济变量的反应。研究结果表明:中央银行进行外汇干预时,采用不同的干预方式对汇率波动程度的影响有所不同;相较于任意干预,基于规则的干预对汇率的调整过程更为稳健,且比任意干预成本更小;在应对冲击方面,任意干预效果不显著,基于规则的干预则具有较强的稳定作用;外汇干预与货币政策在一般均衡框架下具有很强的互动性。中央银行应构建外汇干预策略框架,建立外汇干预目标体系,设定人民币汇率干预区间,并在此基础上选择合理的干预方式,量化干预效果,做好外汇干预的事后评估,以保障宏观经济的稳健运行。  相似文献   

自从1973年布雷顿森林体系解体以来,世界经济金融一体化加速,汇率波动加剧,为了稳定汇率波动、保证进出口贸易和国际金融交易,各国央行都进入外汇市场买卖外汇以干预汇率。本文研究的对象是我国央行外汇市场的干预行为,在论证中明确了我国央行外汇干预的长期目标和短期目标,运用M—F模型分析了不同程度的跨境资本流动管制下央行冲销干预与非冲销干预的效应,发现无论央行进行冲销干预还是非冲销干预,从长期来看都不影响实际汇率水平,即央行干预在长期是"中性"的,但央行外汇干预在短期内可以影响汇率水平。在充分分析我国央行外汇市场干预效应的基础上提出几点建议。  相似文献   

当今各国所采用的汇率制度,即使是浮动汇率制度,也常常伴随着中央银行的外汇市场干预行为,故而被称为管理浮动汇率制度。中央银行的外汇干预具有多种动机,如为了避免汇率过度的短期波动,或是控制汇率的中长期走势,甚至借以改变货币供应量等。本文主要讨论中央银行从汇率目标出发在外汇市场进行干预,以便使市场汇率与目标汇率一致的外汇买卖行为。鉴于中央银行的外汇干预会导致市场预期的变化,而这种变化既可能有助于也可能不利于干预目标的实现,因此,分析市场预期对于提高外汇干预的效果无疑具有至关重要的意义。理论模型分析鉴于汇率在现代…  相似文献   

作者首先对信号渠道外汇干预有效性的研究进行了文献综述,国内外多数研究支持信号渠道假设;其次,对外汇干预的信号渠道假设做了理论分析,外汇干预将影响货币供给、人们对未来汇率的预期,进而影响汇率;最后,通过协整分析方法证明我国外汇干预发出了未来货币政策的"信号",支持信号渠道假设。  相似文献   

外汇远期作为我国主要的外汇衍生品对我国外汇汇率有着重要的影响。外汇远期和即期价格的波动之间也很可能相互影响。本文运用二元Garch模型对2005年汇率改革以后的外汇远期与即期汇率之间的波动溢出效用进行实证分析,分析结果表明,我国的外汇远期汇率的波动对外汇即期汇率的波动影响不明显,尚未起到降低我国人民币外汇汇率风险的作用。  相似文献   

在保持汇率基本稳定、国家政策干预较多的时期,我国跨境资金大幅流入或流出压力主要体现为外汇供求缺口变化方面,相关风险衡量的主要判断依据是部分传统指标,如外汇储备变化、银行结售汇差额等。在未来市场化改革的过程中,常态式政策干预将逐渐退出,人民币汇率双向波动增强,仅靠传统指标可能无法准确衡量我国跨境资金流动风险。本文基于跨境人民币角度,从人民币汇率波动与跨境资金流动关系简要分析汇率双向波动增强后我国跨境资金流动存在的主要风险,并就其评估方法进行研究。  相似文献   

本文对跨国公司如何应对外汇汇率波动进行分析研究,为跨国企业的发展提供一些可行性建议。笔者分别从避免外汇汇率波动风险的意义、外汇汇率波动风险概述、跨国公司存在的问题分析、如何避免外汇汇率波动风险,三个部分进行阐述,为跨国企业未来的发展指明方向。  相似文献   

申麒 《金融博览》2006,(1):27-27
新加坡的汇率制度主要包括以下几个方面: 首先.新加坡金管局会预先确定一个汇率区间(称为政策带).但是并不对外公开。根据新加坡金管局的汇率政策.汇率可以在这一浮动区间内波动,从而使汇率制度具有承受外汇市场短期汇率波动的灵活性,同时也为新加坡元均衡汇率水平提供一定的评估缓)中区间。为了使汇率保持在合理的区间内,新加坡货币当局通常会”逆风干预”:当汇率超出政策区间.货币当局即买卖外汇.使汇率重新回到政策带的范围之内。  相似文献   

本文利用日本央行的外汇实际干预数据对1991-2004年央行干预日元/美元汇率的效应进行了分析。实证结果表明,买入干预的绝对数量对汇率水平影响显著,当干预为日美央行联合买入时,干预对汇率水平的影响更为明显,而单边卖出干预和央行联合卖出干预对汇率水平均不产生显著性影响。同时,日本央行参与入市干预这一举措本身会导致汇率波动的下降,但当干预数量较大时,日本央行的干预将会增大汇率的条件方差。  相似文献   

本文以“三元悖论”为切入点,从总量与结构两方面考察当前结售汇制度对商业银行外汇头寸及外汇交易量的影响,进而考察在货币政策时滞的影响下央行冲销干预的效果以及货币政策的独立性。结论认为:我国外汇储备成因中政策性制度安排(结售汇)作用突出,现行结售汇业务导致外汇交易量受到外汇储备的冲击,冲销干预的有效性十分有限且不确定性很强。在CHIBOR利率的波动中,外汇储备和外汇交易量的作用不可忽视,同时外汇交易量的波动中,外汇储备与CHIBOR利率的冲击作用贡献明显,货币政策独立性受到侵蚀。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of the coordination channel of foreign exchange intervention in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. The theoretical approach is based on a model in which traders' confidence in the fundamentals depends on exchange rate misalignments and central bank intervention. The presence of the monetary authority in the foreign exchange market may increase traders' confidence and speed up the mean reversion of the exchange rates. The empirical section of this paper is based on a Smooth Transition Regression GARCH-M model. The results suggest that foreign exchange intervention via the coordination channel has been effective over the period 2000–2013.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relative effectiveness of foreign exchange intervention in spot and derivatives markets. We use Brazilian data where spot and nondeliverable futures intervention have been used in tandem for more than a decade. The analysis finds evidence of a link between both modes of intervention and the exchange rate. In line with theory, the impact of spot intervention is strikingly similar to that of futures intervention when convertibility risk is limited. We show that both types of interventions also affect the level and the price of hedging risk in the foreign exchange market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the key characteristics of foreign exchange intervention by the Reserve Bank of Australia in the period 1983–1997, which can be broken into five distinct phases. We investigate the changing effectiveness of daily intervention on the $US/$A exchange rate by decomposing the exchange rate response to the intervention into various separate components. We find contemporaneous positive correlation between the direction of intervention and the conditional mean and variance of exchange rate returns. We show that sustained and large interventions have a stabilising influence in the foreign exchange market in terms of direction and volatility. Without these interventions, the market would have moved further and exhibited more volatility.  相似文献   

我国中央银行对外汇市场干预效力分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文主要对中央银行外汇市场干预的有效性进行了分析。中央银行干预外汇市场的基本方式包括冲销式干预和非冲销式干预,前者不会引起国内货币供应量的变动,可以借助利率机制间接强化干预效力。由于我国的利率形成机制尚未市场化,加上对资本项目的严格管制,非冲销式干预难以发挥其应有的作用。因此,增强我国中央银行对外汇市场干预效力的关键是要创造有利于市场干预的制度。  相似文献   

The premise of the paper is that the fervor for foreign exchange market intervention by U.S, and European monetary authorities has ebbed in recent years. A pattern of initial belief in the effectiveness of foreign exchange market intervention has recently been eroded, as is revealed by the absence of intervention in circumstances that in earlier times would have invoked it. Only the Bank of Japan among central banks of the developed world has not thusfar abandoned its faith that intervention can change the relative value of the yen as determined by market forces to conform with its notion of what that value should be. To explain why U.S. and European monetary authorities no longer believe that intervention is a tool that works, I review the equivocal record of past episodes, the inconclusive results of empirical research, and the problems of implementation that intervention advocates ignore.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2006,30(11):3191-3214
We test the effectiveness of Bank of Japan (BOJ)’s foreign exchange interventions on conditional first and second moments of exchange rate returns and traded volumes, using a bivariate EGARCH model of the Yen/USD market from 5-13-1991 to 3-16-2004. We also estimate a friction model of BOJ’s intervention reaction function based on reducing short-term market disorderliness and supplementing domestic monetary policy. Important finding of this study are that: (i) we find ineffectiveness of BOJ interventions in influencing exchange rate trends pre-1995, in general, but effectiveness post-1995; (ii) FED intervention amplified the effectiveness of the BOJ transactions; (iii) interventions amplified market volatility and volumes through a ‘learning by trading’ process; (iv) BOJ’s interventions were based on ‘leaning against the wind’ motivations on the exchange rate trend and volumes; and (v) BOJ interventions were vigorously used in support of domestic monetary policy objectives post-1995. Though some of our findings confirm recent studies, our analysis goes deeper to provide new findings with important implications for central banks and foreign exchange market participants.  相似文献   

Intervention by central banks, in terms of buying and selling foreign currency, has been a major activity in recent years. This paper investigates the motivations for such policy and the evidence for its effectiveness. We use high quality daily data on the dollar amounts of intervention by the central banks of the US and Germany. We also use information on agreed G7 target levels for the $/DM and $/Yen nominal exchange rates. Daily, nominal dollar exchange rate returns are well described as a Martingale-GARCH process, and we find little evidence that the different types of intervention have had much effect on the conditional mean of exchange rate returns. There is some evidence that intervention is associated with slight increases in the volatility of exchange rate returns. While little evidence is found for the effectiveness of intervention, the motivations are more clear. In particular, from the application of probit analysis we find that the probability of intervention is determined by the magnitude of the deviation of the nominal exchange rate from the agreed target level and, to a lesser extent, by the current volatility of exchange rates.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of the Reserve Bank of Australia's foreign exchange interventions on the USD/AUD market and 90-day and 10-year interest rate futures markets for the period July 1986–December 2003. Using recently released revised and updated intervention data, we investigate contemporaneous and disaggregated intervention influences and find significant evidence for (i) intervention effectiveness in moderating the contemporaneous exchange rate movements especially if interventions were cumulative and large, (ii) exchange rate volatility reducing effect with a day's lag, (iii) undesirable interest rate movements following interventions in some periods compromising monetary policy effectiveness, and (iv) a volatility reducing effect of cumulative interventions in the 90-day rate, and a volatility increasing effect of large interventions in both the 90-day and 10-year rate futures. These findings are a unique and significant contribution to the prevailing literature as they demonstrate that the RBA's interventions matter not only for the foreign exchange market but also for the debt markets.  相似文献   

An important group of traders in the foreign exchange marketis governments who often adhere to a foreign exchange rate policyof occasional interventions with otherwise floating rates. Inthis article we provide a theoretical model and empirical evidencethat government foreign exchange interventions create significantadverse selection problems for dealers. In particular, our modelshows that the adverse selection component of the foreign exchangespread is positively related to the variance of unexpected interventionand that expected intervention has no impact on the spread.After controlling for inventory and order processing costs,we find that bid-ask spreads increase with U.S. dollar and Germandeutsche mark foreign exchange rate intervention during theperiod 1976-1994. Furthermore, when the intervention is decomposedinto expected and unexpected components, we find a statisticallyand economically significant increase in spreads with the varianceof unexpected intervention, while expected intervention hasno significant impact on spreads.  相似文献   

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