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生物资产计量模式选择的思考   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
生物资产是农业企业重要的生产资料和不可或缺的资产 ,计量是生物资产会计理论的核心和关键问题。生物资产对象极为特殊 ,要选择符合资产特性的计量模式。其影响因素包括对会计本质的理解、企业会计不同目的的选择、会计的契约观或信息观、相关性与可靠性的选择与权衡、不同计量属性本身的特性、市场环境的成熟程度、信息成本和效益的约束等。IAS 4 1明确规定生物资产在初始确认和各个资产负债表日 ,按公允价值减去预计至销售将发生的费用计量 ,我国对生物资产的计量不能完全照搬IAS 4 1的规定 ,可以选择历史成本计量的基础上 ,辅之以公允价值信息的方式。  相似文献   

企业是一组契约的联结,管理报酬契约是其中最重要的契约之一,其是以会计信息和股票价格为依据的.企业契约的不完全性使得会计政策选择成为必然,这种选择权给经理人打开了机会主义大门,但与此同时也会降低企业的契约成本以实现企业价值最大化,即所谓的会计政策选择的机会主义观和有效契约观.  相似文献   

本文以契约观为视角.从剖析银行业几种典型的契约安排入手,指出会计数据(指标)在银行管制订约程序中发挥着重要作用,并对我国银行管制模式的变迁及其会计政策选择进行解读。最后,就加强我国管制机构与准则制订机构协调,制定高质量的银行会计准则得出几点启示。  相似文献   

公司利益相关者理论认为,公司是一系列与公司活动相关者契约组合体.但是,现代公司契约理论中"受托责任观"和"决策有用观"的会计目标都偏于,向所有者披露相关财务信息,却忽视了公司其他与公司经营管理活动相关的参与者.本文探讨的基础是,在公司利益相关者契约理论之上,公司的会计目标应定位于,向各利益相关者契约主体提供财务、经营管理信息.  相似文献   

盈余管理是企业财务管理的一个重要内容,也是实证会计理论研究的一个重点。西方国家有关盈余管理的研究已经有20年的历史了,我国这方面的研究起步较晚。纵观国内外目前的学术研究,盈余管理主要存在着“经济收益观”和“信息观”两种不同的看法。加拿大会计学家Scott所持的是狭义的“经济收益观”,即盈余管理是会计政策选择具有经济后果的一种具体体现,只要企业经理人有选择不同会计政策的自由,他们必定会选择使其效用最大化或使企业市场价值最大化的会计政策(William R.Scott,FinancialAccountingTheory),它主要是针对会计盈余或利润的控…  相似文献   

契约理论的企业会计政策选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计政策是企业会计信息生成的基础,能产生广泛的社会和经济后果。本文以现代企业契约理论为指导,分析了我国的会计政策选择的现状和存在的问题,并就如何优化企业契约、促进效率型的会计政策、实现缔约各方利益最大化进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

财务信息在契约中的作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
依据现代企业代理理论 ,企业的契约主要可分为信贷契约和补偿契约等。财务信息在信贷契约和补偿契约中有着十分重要的地位与作用。财务信息在契约中的地位与作用 ,导致经营者会计选择的投机性。由于经营者与所有者、经营者与债权人委托代理关系的利益冲突的存在 ,由于财务信息的重要性而经营者通常处于信息处理的有利地位 ,因此 ,经营者通过会计政策和方法选择进行投机的动机和条件都是存在的。完善财务信息系统 ,保证财务信息充分、真实 ,仍是会计改革的关键。现代企业理论及契约的产生 ,给财务与会计提出新的课题 ,为会计改革指明新的方向。首先 ,应充分认识财务信息的应用领域及关键作用 ;其次 ,将会计改革融入企业改革之中 ,使其一方面适应企业改革的要求 ,另一方面为企业改革奠定基础 ;其次 ,会计准则与制度建设要权衡效率与公平 ,会计政策与方法的选择余地应与会计环境、会计素质结合起来考虑 ;最后 ,创造充分、真实财务信息应是会计改革的出发点与落脚点。  相似文献   

利益相关者理论下的会计政策选择研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利益相关者理论是在契约理论的基础之上丰富和发展起来的,其根基并没有超脱企业契约的范畴,是环境推动的结果.企业之所以能够存在,不仅与股东和经理人员有关,而且与消费者、债权人、供应商、员工和政府等紧密相关.企业是利益相关者结成的关系契约,利益相关者的价值最大化是利益相关者理论下的会计政策选择的目标.会计政策选择权属于企业的剩余控制权,从利益相关者理论角度看,会计政策选择权应属于利益相关者.利益相关者通过不同的方式影响着企业,进而通过相应的公司治理结构和具体运行机制进行会计政策选择,并受到一定外在约束机制的制约.以利益相关者理论为基础,遵守会计政策选择的原则、在相应会计政策选择的内外约束机制下,达成利益相关者的价值最大化目标.  相似文献   

我国目前的会计政策对一些具体的会计处理往往留有多种备选方法,从而为会计人员的职业判断留下了较大的空间。因而,会计处理过程实质就是会计人员运用职业判断对会计政策进行选择的过程。会计政策的职业判断应该为会计目标服务,即有助于会计信息披露的真实性、公允性和充分性。与会计目标相对应的是企业目标。在通常情况下,企业目标与会计目标是一致的。但在某些情况下,企业目标与会计目标也会产生不一致。而我国目前的会计实务更多是注重企业目标,忽视会计目标,使会计政策的职业判断陷入了误区。例如,上市公司为了达到最近3年平均净资产收益率不低于10%这一“圈钱”配股的资格线,不惜代价,采取各种合法或非法手段,出现了耐人寻味的“10%现象”。诚然,对会计政策做出职业判断完全抛开企业目标是不现实的,但收益的取得必须要有合理、合法的依据。因此,会计政策的职业判断应当在“围绕会计目标,兼顾企业目标”的相对公平的原则下,立足于符合真实、公允的信息质量要求,达到最能恰当地表达企业的财务状况和经营成果的目的。会计政策职业判断的差异会导致会计政策选用的差异,进而导致一定时期费用、成本、收入、利润、资产价值和税收等的变动,影响会计信息的结果。例如:保持较高留...  相似文献   

宋艳 《金融会计》2011,(6):31-32
会计目标指的是人们通过会计实践预期所要达到目的,财务会计作为一个经济信息系统,其基本目标就是向信息使用者提供他们所需要的信息。会计目标是会计理论结构的逻辑起点,同时也是会计计量的理论基石。不同的会计目标对会计信息有不同的要求,同时也导致计量属性选择的差异;反之,不同的计量属性选择对会计目标也有影响。长期以来,会计目标理论对“向谁提供信息和提供什么信息”的不同回答形成了两个有代表性的观点:受托责任观和决策有用观。无论是从会计目标受托责任观的角度来看,还是从决策有用观的角度来看,公允价值计量的应用都有助于会计目标的实现。  相似文献   

江轩宇  林莉 《金融研究》2022,502(4):57-76
利用2006-2019年沪深A股数据,本文考察了会计信息可比性对企业劳动收入份额的影响。研究发现,会计信息可比性的增强显著提高了企业的劳动收入份额,表明会计信息质量的提高有助于员工更好地分享企业的发展成果。进一步研究结果表明,(1)降低资本成本及增大自主研发强度是会计信息可比性提高企业劳动收入份额的两大作用路径;(2)会计信息可比性的增强主要提高了普通雇员的劳动收入份额,对高管劳动收入份额的影响并不显著;(3)会计信息可比性对劳动收入份额的影响存在一定异质性,当企业自身融资约束程度较高、信息透明度较低,或可比公司的会计盈余质量较强时,会计信息可比性与劳动收入份额的正相关关系更强;(4)会计信息可比性通过提高劳动收入份额,提升了企业的价值创造能力。  相似文献   

A substantial literature investigates conditional conservatism, defined as asymmetric accounting recognition of economic shocks (“news”), and how it depends on various market, political, and institutional variables. Studies typically assume the Basu [1997] asymmetric timeliness coefficient (the incremental slope on negative returns in a piecewise‐linear regression of accounting income on stock returns) is a valid conditional conservatism measure. We analyze the measure's validity, in the context of a model with accounting income incorporating different types of information with different lags, and with noise. We demonstrate that the asymmetric timeliness coefficient varies with firm characteristics affecting their information environments, such as the length of the firm's operating and investment cycles, and its degree of diversification. We particularly examine one characteristic, the extent to which “unbooked” information (such as revised expectations about rents and growth options) is independent of other information, and discuss the conditions under which a proxy for this characteristic is the market‐to‐book ratio. We also conclude that much criticism of the Basu regression misconstrues researchers’ objectives.  相似文献   

YAW M. MENSAH 《Abacus》1981,17(2):161-173
This paper attempts to assess the extent to which the conventional income statement fulfils the information needs of the investor in developing countries. Evidence of imperfections in the market in these countries is examined, and it is demonstrated that the conventional income measure does not necessarily permit an assessment of the economic efficiency of enterprises in developing countries. An alternative measure based on the dichotomization of reported income into income due io protection and income at world prices is presented and defended as a suitable model for financial reporting in these countries.  相似文献   

将对未来的估计包含在今天的财务报表中   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐释了将对未来的估计包含在今天财务报表中的方式,而不是为什么应当将对未来的估计包含在今天财务报表中的问题。在今天的财务报表中包含对未来的估计并不是一个新概念,但用处却日益增加。这主要是因为会计准则制定机构认为,反映当前经济状况、并根据对未来的预期更新的对资产和负债的计量方式,将产生有利于做出经济决策的更为有用的信息,这正是财务报告的目标所在。这也是会计准则制定机构关注公允价值会计的原因。如何将对未来的估计包含在财务报表中,取决于资产和负债的计量属性,以及从财务报告角度对资产和负债的定义。现行资产和负债的定义取决于确定产生预期经济利益流入或流出的过去交易或事项,对于预期经济利益流入,还需要关注对预期的控制。因此,并不是所有预期经济利益的流入或流出都予以确认。附注披露能够帮助财务报表使用者理解已经在财务报表中确认的估计,并提供尚未确认估计的相关信息。将对未来的估计更多地包含在今天的财务报表中,将会产生与目前反映的收益有所不同的收益计量方式,但值得讨论的是,这种计量能够对经济决策提供更好的信息。  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests a simultaneous equations model (SEM) for extending accounting based valuation models used in empirical studies. Rather than using analysts’ forecasts, we derive forecasts of operating income from the SEM to calculate the ‘other information’ variable in the Ohlson (Contemp Account Res 11:661–687, 1995) model. The SEM forecasts are based on observable data contained in the firms’ reporting, like order backlog, and other publicly available information. The SEM produces more accurate out-of-sample forecasts of operating income compared to simple benchmark models particularly in years around economic changes and instability, like the years 2001 and 2009. Integrating the SEM forecast as ‘other information’ in market value regressions significantly increases the explanatory power compared to simpler versions without or with single information proxies for ‘other information’. Finally, we find that the SEM forecast is able to explain a major portion of the information advantage of analysts relevant for explaining market values.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to articulate a model for accounting information systems (AIS) research that synthesizes the primary theoretical perspectives of the extant literature. Building on the three orientations used in prior research (technological, organizational and cognitive approaches) and adopting an explicit systems perspective, we develop a model that links system design alternatives to the three orientations and to task performance. The model places a central focus on the accounting task and suggests a matching process between requirements of the task and system design alternatives at multiple levels of analysis. We also demonstrate how the application of the model suggests future research opportunities, organized around four research propositions.  相似文献   

公允价值会计实践的理论透视   总被引:84,自引:0,他引:84  
本文对影响公允价值会计实践的因素进行了理论分析,认为历史成本会计对不稳定的经营环境的不适应性,是公允价值会计实践的根本诱因;决策有用观的财务报告目标,为公允价值会计实践创造了适宜的环境;对经济学收益计量的追求,为公允价值会计实践提供了内在的动力;而相关性与可靠性的权衡,则构成了公允价值会计实践的关键限制。因此,为相关性和可靠性的权衡制定明确的标准,并对决策有用会计信息质量特征进行反思和重构,是推动公允价值会计实践的根本要求和有效途径。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relative explanatory power of the Economic Value Added (EVA) model with respect to stock returns and firms' market value, compared to established accounting variables (e.g. net income, operating income), in the context of a small European developing market, namely the Athens Stock Exchange, in its first market‐wide application of the EVA measure. Relative information content tests reveal that net and operating income appear to be more value relevant than EVA. Additionally, incremental information tests suggest that EVA unique components add only marginally to the information content of accounting profit. Moreover, EVA does not appear to have a stronger correlation with firms' Market Value Added than the other variables, suggesting that – for our Greek dataset – EVA, even though useful as a performance evaluation tool, need not necessarily be more correlated with shareholder's value than established accounting variables.  相似文献   

Abstract:   In recent years, many firms have favoured residual income for value based management. One main argument for this measure is its identity with the net present value rule and that this compatibility with the net present value rule holds true for all possible depreciation schedules selected. In this article, we analyse whether there are other, undiscussed, accrual accounting numbers that enable net present value‐consistent investment decisions for all possible depreciation schedules. Our analysis provides an if‐and‐only‐if characterisation of the entire class of net present value‐consistent investment criteria, based on accounting information. This provides new insights into the residual income concept, hurdle rates, opening and closing error conditions achieved by applying more common performance measure structures, and allocation rules. Moreover, our analysis shows the limits of constructing such investment criteria.  相似文献   

The UK provides a virtually unique environment in which to examine the information content of the partial provision approach to deferred tax accounting. In addition this issue is of particular interest to UK accounting standard setters in the light of trends towards international accounting standard harmonisation. Taking the total amount of deferred taxation to be equal to the partial balance sheet provision plus the potential portion appearing in the notes, this study tests the relationship between these various deferred tax components and market value. It also examines the economic rationale for the potential portion. The study is based on 1,512 company/years from the period 1989–1991. It finds that, while the full amount of deferred taxation is not valued by the market as a liability, there is evidence of the partial balance sheet provision being so valued. There is also evidence that the potential portion is positively related to market value, consistent with its proxying for information about future growth. This result is supported by the positive relation between the potential portion and measures of future capital spending, indicative of an underlying economic rationale for this deferred taxation component. From a regulatory perspective, the study concludes that the main benefit of the partial provision approach is that the balance sheet amount constitutes a reasonably reliable measure of the portion likely to crystallise as a liability, information that would be lost were only the full amount to be disclosed.  相似文献   

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