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政府会计监管产生的主要动因在于市场失灵,但与此对应的则是政府失灵,后者导致了监管成本膨胀以及对市场竞争条件的破坏。由此引发了对政府会计监管的再度思考———怎样使政府会计监管更加富于效率和效果?本文认为,转变监管理念,实现行政处罚让位于法律约束是根本途径;而法律约束发挥作用的基础则在于信誉机制,不仅包括管理层和独立审计信誉机制,也包括政府会计监管本身的信誉。  相似文献   

政府财务信息是从价值的角度对政府业务活动及其结果的一种反映,是连接政府与公众的桥梁。政府财务信息包括政府财务会计手段核算和反映的财务结果信息、反映政府财务计划的政府预算信息等,它主要通过政府预算报告和政府财务报告对外披露。政府财务信息披露必须坚持或遵循及时原则、全面原则、适量原则、真实原则、易用原则和平衡原则。  相似文献   

《Accounting Forum》2017,41(2):96-115
Drawing on Stones’ (2005) strong structuration theory, the paper unfolds why and how the key stakeholders of central government accounting in Nepal are involved in the reproduction of routinised accounting practices, resisting the externally-propagated changes. Government accountants (the agents-in-focus) through their capability to control the budget routines have enjoyed a powerful social position in their position–practice relations with the agents-in-context, i.e. professional accountants and international consultants, higher-level officers and administrators, auditors, and politicians. Social position along with historically-imbued dispositions and their conduct and context analysis have enabled government accountants to strategically exercise their agency. Government accountants have articulated duality and a dialectic relation with the agents-in-context, which have resulted in the reproduction of everyday accounting practice and the resistance to the World Bank-led reforms, such as accrual accounting and, more recently, the Cash-Basis IPSAS.  相似文献   

This article describes the change processes the Government of National Unity adopted after the 1994 elections in order to transform the South African public service. It shows that the Government is faced with a number of problems (reasons for change) some of which emanate from the legacy of the apartheid past and others from the current situation. Further, the article looks at the vision, mission and objectives set by the Government for the transformation process, while the current change policies and programmes are also highlighted. Finally, the article explores how the Government is dealing with the ethical issues arising from the transformation.  相似文献   

朱滔 《证券市场导报》2020,(3):49-57,67
以2017年政府补助准则修订为准自然实验,本文考察了准则修订对股价同步性的影响。研究发现,政府补助削弱了公司异质性信息的传递,提高了股价同步性,降低了信息效率;政府补助准则修订要求公司结合经济业务实质进行差别化会计处理,增强了公司异质性信息的传递,因而降低了政府补助与股价同步性之间的联系强度。通过横截面分析,发现在信息不对称程度更严重、受产业政策支持的公司样本中,准则修订能更好地发挥强化公司异质性信息传递的作用。研究表明,高质量的会计准则有助于提高资本市场信息效率。  相似文献   

Using the theory of indigenous alternatives, this paper considers whether the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) complies with Bougainville’s co-produced financial reporting expectations. Textual analysis of the indigenous-led state audit reports from 2008 to 2013 shows that the ABG’s financial statements were disclaimed. The study considers how the deployment of indigenous alternative mechanisms may help improve reporting outcomes of the ABG.


Co-produced policies arranged in the aftermath of jurisdictions that have just endured civil wars may be well-intentioned but their impact may count for little if pedestrian processes, such as financial reporting and the rendering of accountability by an autonomous government, do not meet co-produced reporting expectations. This paper highlights how financial statements of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) from 2008 to 2013 did not meet those reporting expectations. The inability of the ABG to provide an account of its activities appears to undermine calls for Bougainville’s independence.  相似文献   

我国政府消费与居民消费的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
消费对经济增长具有巨大的拉动作用,我国的总消费率和居民消费率偏低已经严重影响到经济增长。对此,政府消费应当发挥对居民消费的拉动作用或者对总消费率的平滑作用。但实证研究表明,我国的政府消费并没有发挥应有的作用。应当通过加大社会保障支出等措施降低居民支出预期,有效拉动居民消费,或者通过政府消费水平的调整,把总消费率保持在一个适度的水平上。  相似文献   

在我国经济结构失衡、人民币汇率形成机制改革的条件下,大量的境外资金以各种渠道进入我国,国内的高储蓄倾向和金融市场的不完善,使得资金大量涌入银行体系,导致银行被动持有大量流动性资产.本文深入探讨了流动性压力对银行不良资产、央行冲销成本以及社保基金等政府隐性和或有债务的影响,并提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

我国政府投资与经济增长、居民收入和就业的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国政府投资对经济增长、居民收入、就业等具有重要的作用。本文运用计量经济学的先进方法,选取我国政府投资的有关数据,通过测算得出:我国的经济增长是投资推动型的;政府投资对城镇居民收入增长的作用效果远远大于对农民收入的影响;政府投资每提高一个百分点,就业增长0.14个百分点。  相似文献   

反商业贿赂与政府采购机制的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府采购已成为财政支出的重要组成部分.巨大的利润空间给政府采购带来了商业贿赂的风险.运用成本-收益理论、政府规制俘获理论和公平理论,分析其产生的根源及可能带来的后果,可采取相应措施消除政府采购中商业贿赂因子的现实途径.  相似文献   

The perceived benefits and possibilities that the production, publication and consumption of Open Government Data (OGD) can provide to citizens and the economy are well documented. In the UK, this has resulted in the introduction of key legislation, such as the Freedom of Information Act 2010, and the Data Protection Act 2018. However, there is insufficient empirical knowledge and evidence to support the extent as to which the intended possibilities of OGD (transparency, releasing social and commercial value, and participation and engagement) have been realized. This article investigates these supposed possibilities and suggests that they may be impossibilities instead.  相似文献   

审计署2008至2012年审计工作发展规划提出要全面推进绩效审计,提高财政资金和公共资源配置、使用、利用的经济性、效率性和效果性。到2012年,每年所有的审计项目都开展绩效审计。可见,政府绩效审计是在财政财务收支审计发展到一定阶段推出的又一新的审计领域,对推动政府审计工作、建立节约性政府、创建和谐社会具有很好的现实意义。本文着力论述了政府绩效审计的必要性,对经济性、效率性、效果性的内涵做了相应的探讨。  相似文献   

We explore the relation between government integrity and firms’ investment efficiency in the context of China’s deepening reforms and its strengthening the social credit system. We find that government integrity is positively associated with the investment efficiency of listed companies in China. Government integrity is negatively related to corporate underinvestment, but insignificantly related to corporate overinvestment. Higher government integrity reduces underinvestment in non-state-owned firms, but this relation is not significant in state-owned firms. Furthermore, we find that the negative relation between government integrity and underinvestment is only significant for firms in industries that receive supportive government policies. This study enriches research on corporate investment by adopting the perspective of government integrity, and supplements the literature on government integrity and its economic consequences. Our study also provides micro-level empirical evidence that strengthening government integrity will promote the economic transformation of China.  相似文献   

This study examines the usefulness of three accounting systems (cash, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) accrual, and Government Finance Statistics (GFS) accrual) for public sector decision‐making. From a survey of internal users, external users, and preparers in Australia, we find that GAAP accrual information is perceived to be relatively more useful and understandable than the other two systems for most decisions examined. The relatively higher ratings for GAAP accrual information differ from earlier studies and may reflect an experience or familiarity effect whereby perceptions of usefulness are enhanced because respondents have become more used to the system. This effect might also explain the lower ratings for GFS accrual.  相似文献   

Financial sustainability in local government remains a pressing problem which has seen a host of public policy interventions, including compulsory consolidation and performance monitoring through financial sustainability ratios. In September 2014, the New South Wales (NSW) Government announced a reform program centred on increasing scale in local government to make councils ‘fit for the future’. We apply factor analysis to the financial ratios informing the NSW Government's reform initiative to identify the underlying factors for observed financial performance data. We find evidence indicating that three independent underlying factors account for the adopted measures of financial sustainability. The public policy implication arising from this study suggests that the reforms imposed by the NSW Government on NSW municipalities may only meet with limited successa.  相似文献   

政府采购作为社会总需求的一部分,它既可产生使其消费成倍增长的乘数效应,也会产生对投资与净出口带来抵消作用的挤出效应,其结果反映了政府采购对宏观经济的调控效益.通过建立政府采购宏观经济调控模型,分析政府采购对宏观经济的调控机制,提出了实施稳健财政政策、适度控制政府采购规模、提高政府采购宏观经济调控效益的政策建议.  相似文献   

公开市场操作:国债与央行票据替代性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为由于国债安全性高、收益稳定,尤其是短期国债具有期限短、变现性强、市场表现活跃等特点,符合公开市场操作的要求,理应成为央行公开市场操作的主流工具。目前,央行票据作为操作工具的局限性显现,国债具有的优势可弥补其局限。长远看,随着短期国债规模的扩大,央行票据将淡出,国债将成为公开市场操作的主流工具。但当前国情下,国债与央行票据短期内不可能完全替代,二者可能在一定时期内并存。  相似文献   

R. G. WALKER 《Abacus》2009,45(2):171-220
Judgments potentially made by various participants in (or observers of) the public sector on the basis of aggregative financial information about governments are reviewed. Distinctions are drawn between judgments that are made routinely , or under certain conditions, by decision makers or observers. It is recognized that (in Australia) the financial information that is relevant to the majority of these judgments is already supplied by other sources (principally budget documents, or in Government Finance Statistics) rather than by public sector consolidated statements. It is concluded that a number of routine judgments could be based on financial information presented in the form of consolidated statements (of varying scope). Alternative criteria for determining the scope of consolidated statements are reviewed. Accountability and control are noted as potential bases. Depending on the adopted objective, it is concluded that tests of control are either not relevant, or inappropriate. It is contended that prior studies that have recommended use of control have focused on processes (trying to find a suitable test for determining the ambit of consolidated statements) rather than on objectives , and examining in some detail what information would be relevant to different users and uses.  相似文献   

The South African War (1899–1902) exposed significant defects in the administration of the British army which precipitated several parliamentary inquiries. The findings of these inquiries convinced the British Government that army administrators, but especially those responsible for supplying the army, had given insufficient attention to the military benefits which might be obtained from the methods and experience of business. The absence of cost accounting systems throughout the War Office and on the field of battle, resulting in problems for financial management and military efficiency, was given particular prominence by the War Office (Reconstitution) Committee (Esher Committee) and the Royal Commission on War Stores in South Africa. The paper broadens the compass of the debate about the evolution of cost accounting in the latter decades of the 19th and early 20th centuries by demonstrating how the advantages of cost accounting were clearly established and accepted by many senior civilian military administrators and politicians as a result of British experience during the South African War.  相似文献   


The South Korean government has been reforming its public expenditure management system since 2004. During this time, South Korea adopted new budgeting processes (for example mid-term expenditure framework, top-down budgeting, performance-based budgeting) and developed a new integrated financial information management system. In the course of implementing these reforms, South Korea has important insights and lessons to share with developing countries.  相似文献   

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