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The source of financial development is less investigated in the literature, especially the role foreign direct investment (FDI) plays on financial development. Using data from 50 countries joining the Belt and Road Initiative, this article at first time tests the impact of FDI on financial development in a host country. Empirical results show that FDI can significantly improve the development of financial sector, especially the development of financial markets. FDI is found to be a stronger driver of financial development for countries with higher quality institutions. Moreover, FDI not only increases financial deepening, but also enhances financial function.  相似文献   

Central bank digital currency is one of the most important financial innovations in the global economy. However, the understanding of its cross-border application is insufficient. This study analyses the driving and supporting factors that affect the application of China’s digital currency electronic payment system in One Belt One Road countries. Using country-level data for 2019, this study proposes a systematic development fit index, consisting of six first-level indicators and 41 proxy variables. The index value shows that fit is determined by bilateral investment, bilateral trade, level of financial development, geopolitics, economic foundation and infrastructure development. Among the sample One Belt One Road countries (average index value 56.39), Malaysia (83.98), Singapore (80.5), Thailand (78.76), Russia (76.25) and the United Arab Emirates (75.48) have the most potential to participate in the new monetary system launched by China. The results provide practical implications for Chinese and OBOR governments in making related strategies.  相似文献   


The “Belt and Road Initiative” has involved deepening infrastructure construction along the “Belt and Road”. Using data from countries who have joined the “Belt and Road”, this study examines how infrastructure construction has affected economic development along the route. Findings show that infrastructure construction can promote economic growth and per capita output growth while improving income distribution of residents along the “Belt and Road”. Results also indicate that the effect of infrastructure construction on economic development is heterogeneous; such construction can substantially increase economic growth in developing countries but has no significant effect on economic growth in developed and emerging developing countries. Infrastructure construction can greatly improve residents’ income distribution in developed and developing countries but has no significant effect on residents in emerging developing countries. Collectively, these findings identify foreign direct investment and urbanization as important channels through which infrastructure construction can influence economic development.  相似文献   


Using monthly panel data for China’s 30 provinces from 2007 to 2017, this article analyzes how level of financial support affects the interplay between real estate development and macroeconomic growth. Based on a threshold model, the results suggest that housing price increases substantially impede economic growth, but there is no significant threshold effect for the sample as a whole. On investigating regional cross-sectional variations, we found that local economic situation clearly impacts on this effect, with significant threshold effects detected in subsamples. While housing price may have positive influences on economic growth in the mid-west subgroup with appropriate financial support, more developed regions returned contrary results.  相似文献   

在中小企业融资难与民间资本投资无门并存的背景下,引导民间资本反哺实业,为解决民间投资问题、扶持实体经济的发展提供了新思路。本文构想建立金融特区,架构资金融通的桥梁,以引导民间资金投资实体产业;同时,设计多样化的金融手段,打破以往对金融机构营运的限制,以平衡资金供求关系;并实行独特的运行机制,加大对实体产业的经济支持,以提升民间资本服务实体经济的能力,旨在为全国金融改革提供政策建议,从而为国民经济的健康、稳定发展做出贡献。  相似文献   


In this article, we test the impacts of financial competitiveness and financial openness on bilateral FDI with novel indexes, covering 127 host countries and 122 home countries from 2009 to 2016. We find that the improvement of financial competitiveness and financial openness significantly increases the FDI assets in the home country and significantly increases the FDI liabilities in the host country. In particular, the impacts of financial competitiveness and financial openness are significant both on the intensive and extensive margins. In addition, the above results remain robust in further analyses, such as using sub-index of financial competitiveness, using quantile regression model, considering capital control on FDI and dealing with the endogenous problem. The study demonstrates the financial competitiveness and financial openness are important factors to explain why FDI positions are relatively small in some developing countries.  相似文献   


Based on the theory of optimal currency area (OCA), we calculate the OCA index between China and the OBOR partners with the expressed objective of identifying which partners exhibit monetary and financial compatibilities, and hence present the best potential in terms of cost and benefits. Our findings suggest that among South East Asia region, Malaysia exhibits the highest compatibility and profit potential, followed by Thailand and Vietnam. For the East European area, Poland and Croatia show the best potential in terms of monetary and financial cooperation; with the Czech Republic as close third. Based on our computation, currently Central Asia and the Middle East do not possess the condition or potential for beneficial financial and monetary collaboration.  相似文献   


Corruption is a major inhibitor to economic growth, discouraging to domestic and foreign investment and destabilizing of governments. Unsurprisingly, international attention has intensified in recent years with global initiatives to counter corruption and address the proceeds of corruption. These have placed requirements upon national governments to increase transparency, reducing opportunities for use of the legitimate legal and financial infrastructure to disguise and move the proceeds of corruption. This paper reviews the boundaries at national and agency level that can create challenges for those agencies tasked with investigating and returning the proceeds of corruption to the countries from which they came. The paper considers the mechanisms that the agencies in a returning country—the UK—have at their disposal and whether national policy changes can affect their focus and operation. Specifically it reviews the role and future of the International Corruption Unit of the National Crime Agency.  相似文献   


In this article, we estimate the effect of China’s regional financial development on total factor productivity (TFP) growth using large provincial panel data for the years 1990 to 2009. Using the nonparametric stochastic frontier data envelopment approach, we analyze how financial development is related to efficiency improvement and technological progress, the two components of TFP. The study shows that Chinese financial development plays a significant role in promoting TFP growth via technological progress rather than efficiency change. The faster the financial development takes place, the better it could correct the mismatch of resource allocation, thus promoting TFP growth. The results imply that China needs to both further optimize the allocation of financial resources and perfect the regional financial system.  相似文献   


Using cross-country panel data and employing the instrumental variable generalized method of moments (GMM) method, this article examines the effect of social trust on economic exchange between China and its major trading partners over the period 2005–2013. Social trust significantly increases bilateral trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) between China and its partners, and this effect is much stronger in nonmember countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) than OECD member countries. Further exploration suggests that the heterogeneity could be explained by the substitution relationship between social trust and the rule of law: social trust matters more in countries where the rule of law is weaker. We also .find that the impact of trust on trade and FDI is weaker in countries that have greater language similarity to China, are adjacent to China, or are common-law-origin countries. Based on these results, in implementing the Belt and Road Initiative, the Chinese government and companies should not only focus on each country’s legal norms but also attach importance to the role of social capital in international economic exchange.  相似文献   

2013年,山东省深入贯彻落实中央各项决策部署,积极应对复杂严峻的国内外环境,全省经济呈现稳中有进、稳中向好发展态势。金融业继续保持快速健康发展势头,社会融资总量稳定增长,金融生态环境和基础设施不断改善,地方金融业发展活力进一步释放,有力地支持了全省经济转型升级和持续健康发展。但区域经济稳中向好发展的基础尚不够稳固,受宏观经济环境影响,各类金融风险因素明显增多,部分区域、行业和重点企业风险暴露呈多发态势,金融机构稳健性经营面临较大压力。  相似文献   

西方金融危机的深层透视及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引起当前西方经济走向萧条的真正原因不是政策失误、监管疏忽和金融投机,不是次贷危机引起金融危机、金融危机引起经济危机。社会化的产品及其所包含的剩余价值为资本家个人所占有,决定了生产与消费脱节的可能和必然,决定了投资不足和投资需求由热到冷,触发生产过剩并引起经济危机。现代金融资本通过对利润的有力掠夺,进一步破坏消费市场,通过诱导过量生产、制造虚假繁荣,引领经济循环。只有建设社会主义经济方式、合理的微观企业制度基础和科学的金融体制才能避免金融危机、经济危机和停滞衰退。  相似文献   


In this study, we test for convergence in financial development and economic growth in China’s financial deepening reform process by using system GMM method. The results show strong evidence of the mutually interactive and systematic relationship between financial development and economic growth, and the system is in a condition of long-run divergence. The main cause of divergence in the system changed after 2008 from financial depression to asset price expansion. This study provides evidence that the government should intensify financial deepening reforms and pay attention to financial resource flows to prevent excessive asset price expansion.  相似文献   


Since the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been implemented for five years, it is time to ask whether the BRI contributes to Belt and Road (BR) countries’ economic growth, and how are the five elements of connectivity implemented between China and its partner countries since the BRI was proposed. This study focuses on the development of the five elements of connectivity between China and the BR countries from 2008 to 2017 using a comprehensive connectivity index extracted from principle component analysis, and then investigating if the connectivity has contributed to the economic growth of the BR countries with quantitative analysis of the fixed effect econometrical model. It is found that Russia, South Korea, and Singapore presented the top three levels of connectivity with China with regard to the overall connectivity index, varying from 1.4 to 2.4. Madagascar and Panama have the lowest level of connectivity with China, with values of ?0.8 to ?1.1. The result of the fixed effect model shows that the connectivity of the BR countries with China contributes to their economic growth. This provides quantitative evidence that the connectivity between BR countries and China has a significant influence on the economic growth of those countries.  相似文献   

中央银行独立性是决定货币政策可信度(信誉)的一个重要体制性特征因素。在中国,央行独立性受到政治基础结构、司法独立性、经济金融基础结构和社会文化环境等制度结构方面的现实约束,即便照搬西方国家经验在立法层面确立央行独立性,这种外生的法定独立性也不能转化为真正的实践准则;在当下的中国要改善货币政策可信度,不能期望进一步提高央行独立性来实现,而应寻求其他路径。  相似文献   


This article intensively studies the stock market volatility spillover effects between China and the countries along the Belt and Road (B&R) based on the covered selection of Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc (MSCI) index by using multiplicative error model to measure stock market volatility with daily price range. The results show that during the whole sample period, there are bilateral linkages of volatility between the stock markets of China and all of B&R countries. Most of B&R and China’s markets are sensitive to positive news but the asymmetry is trivial. Financial crisis intensified the volatility spillover effects across countries while the markets’ volatilities tend to be influenced by the negative shocks from foreign markets. The B&R markets as risk absorbers exhibit significant sensitivities to the negative news from Chinese market during the crisis period.  相似文献   

This article reviews theories of investment behavior and examinesempirical studies of investment in developing countries. Theemphasis is on understanding the interactions among macroeconomicpolicies, structural adjustment, and private investment. Thearticle deals with the effect of exchange rate policy on investment,the relationship between public and private investment, theimportance of market imperfections and financial constraintson capital formation, and the effect of economic instabilityon irreversible investment decisions.   相似文献   


Existing public policy approaches to the social impact investment market take a linear view of both social innovation and economic markets. This article analyses the rhetoric of the market to explain both the persistence of a linear view and its inadequacy for dealing with the complexity of bridging social and financial goals. It then outlines complexity-sensitive theories of social innovation and economic markets and their import for social impact investing.  相似文献   

杨晓敏 《金融论坛》2007,12(5):41-47
通过在金融资产结构与经济增长模型中引入能够综合反映制度变迁的制度变量,证明国家制度变迁对一国金融资产结构与经济增长会起到促进或制约的作用.当制度供给与金融资产结构和经济增长对制度的需求达到均衡时,国家制度安排会优化金融资产结构、促进经济增长,否则便会出现规模与效率的"反比"现象,从而回答了我国金融资产规模与效率之间为什么出现悖论的问题.我国应积极发展非银行金融机构,实现金融体系多元化,对内开放,满足我国经济对多层次、多样化金融的需求,完善金融市场准入制度,优化市场参与主体结构,促进股票市场和银行协调发展.  相似文献   

发达国家金融结构演变的新趋势及其借鉴意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何昌 《金融论坛》2006,(4):59-63
本文使用全部私人市场资本化总量与全部私人信贷总量之比和股票市场资本化总量与存款货币银行信贷总量之比两大指标,来描述发达国家的金融结构;用金融发展总水平这一指标来描述发达国家金融发展的水平。无论从对23个样本国家时间序列数据的分析还是从结合金融发展的分析来看,发达国家金融结构演变都显示出了股票市场主导的金融市场融资比重增加和银行主导的金融中介融资比重下降的趋势。其中,少数发达国家出现了由中介为主体到由市场为主体逆转的趋势,和/或者出现了由银行为主导到由股票市场为主导逆转的趋势。作者还提出了这一新趋势对我国金融结构转变的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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