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广东省高档温泉度假区游客利益细分研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
广东是中国的温泉旅游大省,随着游客需求的多样化和温泉度假区竞争日趋激烈,对温泉游客进行利益细分非常必要.本文通过对省内4家高档温泉度假区的游客抽样调查,深入探讨了温泉游客的利益取向,运用因子分析、聚类分析的统计方法将游客划分为"公务享受型"、"亲朋情感型"、"康体保健型"3类利益细分市场,并总结出各细分市场的人口统计学特征和出游特征,最后结合实际案例提出针对细分市场进行营销的若干建议,以及今后温泉旅游发展的战略.  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产具有传承文明和记载历史的作用,同时也具有游憩利用与开发的价值.研究发现,追求审美与历史价值、文化价值和教育价值是非物质文化遗产游憩者的3大动机.以游憩者的人口统计学特征和动机为细分变量,将非物质文化遗产游憩者分为小康文化型、经济求知型和平稳审美型3种类型.非物质文化遗产所在地域内外游憩者动机及决策偏好存在差异,所在地域内的本地居民在非遗的3个游憩动机方面的感知与诉求明显高于地域外的游客.这些结论为非物质文化遗产资源利用中的市场细分和针对不同区域文化背景游憩者的市场开发和促销推广提供了思路.  相似文献   

近年来,徐州的休闲农业旅游得到了长足的发展,但产品特色不足,经营者又缺乏专业能力,这成为制约徐州休闲农业发展的瓶颈.因此,本文的目的就是并通过市场细分找出徐州休闲农业的特定目标市场.本文运用STP目标营销模型来细分徐州休闲农业市场,以此供徐州休闲农业经营者作为市场细分、吸引游客及改善休闲农业景点环境设施的依据,从而也使得经营者更明确地掌握市场方向,以达到满足徐州居民旅游需求,并创造经营利润的双赢局面.  相似文献   

安全感是旅游目的地安全状况的“晴雨表”,是游客在旅游目的地的最基本需求.文章通过文献回顾、案例分析和在线网络点评数据挖掘,归纳出游客安全感的影响因素,同时通过对来泉州游客的问卷调查,采用因子分析,提取出游客安全感的5个影响公因子:治安状况、旅游环境、服务内容、地域文化和感知信息.为进一步研究游客安全感的影响因素对游客的影响程度,采用K-means均值快速聚类法,将游客划分为平衡型、谨慎型和冒险型3类;采用多元回归分析验证了游客安全感的5个公因子与安全期望的相关关系,其中,感知信息、旅游环境、治安状况、服务内容4个公因子与游客安全期望成正向影响,地域文化与游客的安全期望成负相关.  相似文献   

国外近十年旅游目的地游客忠诚研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对检索到的国外近十年旅游目的地游客忠诚研究相关文献进行了较为详细的梳理和评析。内容上这些文献主要围绕对三个基本问题的分析而展开:目的地忠诚的概念内涵和识别指标、目的地忠诚的驱动因素、目的地各忠诚细分市场的差异化营销和管理。最后,笔者还对国外该领域现有文献的研究局限作了简要分析,并展望其未来可能的发展走向,以期能为国内相关研究提供参考和启示。  相似文献   

本研究以大样本独立问卷方式对台湾赴大陆旅游的游客进行调查,从人口统计特征的角度做出多维度的市场细分,结合所得的核心细分市场对江苏旅游资源进行有针对性的关联性分析,在此基础上得出江苏旅游资源对台湾客源市场吸引力的相关结论以及针对六大核心细分市场的旅游资源开发提出建议。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的愈加激烈,忠诚顾客管理逐渐成为热门话题.本文通过电话调查的方法,运用分层聚类法从行为和态度忠诚两个维度把旅行社团队旅游产品顾客分为3类细分市场.即真正忠诚者、潜在忠诚者和虚假忠诚者.前者的态度和行为忠诚变量值最高;潜在忠诚者的行为忠诚变量值最低,而虚假忠诚者的态度变量值最低.这些特征很好地验证了已有品牌忠诚模型.文章最后讨论针对3类细分市场应该采取的营销策略,并指出后续研究的问题.  相似文献   

"文化边际域"中东西方旅游者行为比较研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文以2004年7-8月对我国6大旅游热点城市--北京、上海、西安、广州、桂林和昆明入境游客市场调查为基础,从东西方不同的文化背景入手,比较分析了"文化边际域"中不同文化体系的群体在旅游消费行为方面的差异和相似模式.跨文化研究东西方文化的差异有助于促进旅游目的地本土文化的保护和发展,有助于提出更加合理的市场细分和具有针对性的市场策略.  相似文献   

在旅游的过程中,东道主常常被刻写上“他者”的文化意涵.游客带着追求“文化差异”的诉求前往“他者的世界”,在异域邂逅他者.文章以拉萨大昭寺广场及其周边的八廓街作为案例地,以藏族人在八廓街的转经、磕长头行为作为实证研究的切入点,以汉族游客和藏族人两类群体作为研究对象,探讨在西藏旅游发展以及中国后改革时期转型背景下,藏族的“他者性”如何在汉-藏互动过程中被建构.文章认为,藏族的“他者性”并非具有先验的、一成不变的意涵,而是在特定的历史情境与社会互动中不断生产的.文章关注“他者性”建构过程中的两个维度——我者对于他者的凝视,藏族人对于自身的他者性的展演.一方面,转经、磕长头行为使游客将藏族人视为神圣、美好、朴实的代名词,对他者的建构存在浪漫化-理想化的倾向.另一方面,藏族他者并非凝视的被动接受者.随着“职业磕头者”的出现,一部分藏族人将凝视转化为一种文化资本,通过他者性的展演,积极地响应游客建构的文化意义,以此获取一定的物质利益.总而言之,“他者性”的建构是一个动态变化的过程,对“他者”的研究不能忽略我者及他者所处的社会情境及诉求.  相似文献   

文章在文献研究和专家调查的基础上,界定了村落遗产地利益相关者,并借鉴“多维细分法”和“米切尔评价法”,以开平碉楼与村落为例,对村落遗产地利益相关者的分类进行了实证研究.研究结果表明,村落遗产地利益相关者在主动性、重要性和紧急性等3个维度上存在不同差异,而且根据这3个维度可以将村落遗产地利益相关者细分为核心利益相关者、蛰伏利益相关者和边缘利益相关者.每一类利益相关者在村落遗产地旅游发展过程中所处的地位、发挥的作用、扮演的角色等各不相同,对于村落遗产地旅游可持续发展的影响也不一样.  相似文献   

This research studies destination choice based on Plog’s venturesomeness concept, incorporating the effects of four consumption needs from the theory of market choice behavior. An empirical test in the context of destinations in two stages of Butler’s tourism area life cycle (TALC) showed that venturesomeness does not predict behavioral intentions as postulated by Plog. However, results demonstrated that epistemic and emotional (functional and social) needs are predictors of preference for novel (mature) destinations, supporting the original conceptualization of Plog’s psychographic framework. The findings shed light on a long-time debated model in the tourism literature.  相似文献   

This study expands research on geotourism by using the Geotraveler Tendency Scale (GTS) to profile geotravelers. The results demonstrate the GTS's ability to effectively identify different levels of geotravelers. An a priori segmentation was conducted using the respondents’ overall geotraveler score from the GTS as the segmenting criterion. The resulting three segments were labeled “minimal geotravelers”, “moderate geotravelers” and “strong geotravelers”. MANOVA and Pearson Chi-square analysis showed significant differences between the three groups on all items within the GTS as well as significant differences between the segments on the variables of gender, income, country of origin and likelihood to visit national parks. This study (1) confirms the usefulness of the GTS for identifying and segmenting travelers, and (2) provides the sustainable tourism field with a more holistic tool for measuring sustainable travelers. Destination managers interested in marketing to geotravelers can use this tool to identify how many geotravelers come to their area, their level of geotraveler tendencies and what the destination can focus on to attract more of this travel segment. Geotourism is positioned as a sustainable marketing strategy that attracts conscientious visitors whose impacts help promote the “character of place” rather than detract from it.  相似文献   

Self-classification is used as an a priori approach to tourist typology and market segmentation. However, skepticism still surrounds its ability to incorporate the multidimensionality of tourist behavior. This study seeks to empirically verify the efficacy of a single-item self-classification approach. The robustness of this self-classification measure is examined by comparing it to a data-driven multidimensional psychographic approach in terms of its ability to predict the behaviors of tourists toward food-related destination consumption. Results suggest that the single-item self-classification approach performs equally well as the psychographic approach in segmenting food-related consumption behaviors. The implications and limitations of this study are also discussed.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, US travelers have taken an increasing number of trips to Asian countries. Considering the strong growth of the Asian tourism market and the consistent growth in numbers of US travelers to Asian countries, an examination of these travelers to identify meaningful market segments can benefit Asian destination marketers in developing better marketing strategies. This study aims to conduct a distinctive analysis for segmenting the US travelers to Asia market through empirical examination. The study data set, obtained from a Travel Activity and Motivation Survey, identified three lucrative segments: ProTravelers, Safety Conscious Travelers and Traditionalists. The study presents the distinctive characteristics of the three segments and discusses managerial recommendations.  相似文献   

Based on the increasing popularity of the wellness/spa trend and the growing numbers of inbound tourists to Hong Kong, it is crucial for spa industry experts to understand the ever-changing desires of consumers. The study aims to identify the lifestyle dimensions of international spa visitors to Hong Kong and to profile each segment based on their sociodemographic and travel characteristics. The study adopts a quantitative approach to segmenting international spa visitors in Hong Kong by lifestyle. The results of the lifestyle segmentation revealed five clusters of spa visitors. The segments are “health conscious and intellectual”, “average”, “family focused”, “pleasure oriented”, and “carefree”. It is found that the majority of travelers who visit spas in Hong Kong are health conscious and intellectual. In general, visitors prefer day spas, to visit with their partner or friends, and to enjoy body massage treatments.  相似文献   

This study compares the push and pull motivations of East Asian (Japanese, Chinese and Korean) tourists who visit Greece and also proposes market segmentation based on travel motivations that transcend the national boundaries of those countries. Four main push factors were identified: “Knowledge”, “Ego-enhancement”, “Escape & Relaxation” and “Novelty”. Similarly, four pull factors were also identified: “Leisure, shopping and safety”, “Variety and cost”, “Culture & heritage” and “Travel arrangements and facilities”. Cross-cultural differences were found regarding the importance of travel motivations. Chinese tourists scored higher than other nationalities for almost all motivation categories. Although the cross-cultural differences are important, this study proposes another way to tackle the market segmentation by conducting an international segmentation based on inherent similarities across different nationalities of travelers. Three segments emerged from that analysis with the “Novelty Seekers” to be the largest followed by the “Want-it-All” and the “Lowly Motivated”.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to conduct a distinctive analysis for segmenting the New Brunswick travel market through empirical examination. Data was obtained from the Consumer Interests, Motivators and Attitudes (CIMA) Surveys conducted by the New Brunswick Ministry of Tourism and Parks. This study examined the travel characteristics, benefits sought from travel to New Brunswick, intention to revisit, interest in various travel activities when traveling and sociodemographic characteristics of 655 visitors and nonvisitors from Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. The results showed that the activity-based travelers are classified in three clusters: outdoor lovers, active explorers, and cultural shoppers. Statistically significant differences among three clusters were found in sociodemographic, travel pattern, activity participation, trip planning, and benefit-related variables. The study results indicated that activity was a viable basis for market segmentation and implications existed for product packaging, promotional strategies, and advertising strategies when attracting domestic pleasure travelers in Canada to New Brunswick.  相似文献   


Given the intensified competition to attract today's increasingly discerning hotel guests, it is vital for hotel managers to understand the set or bundle of hotel attributes which are demanded by the potential traveler. Unfortunately, marketing research in hotels is still mainly confined to the analysis of guest-related data collected during registration or from guest comment cards. These data, however, have little merit as predictors of customer behaviour and cannot answer the “what if” questions. In recent and past research in hospitality and tourism, researchers have demonstrated the use of product attributes in predicting consumer preferences and segmenting markets (Bell and Morey 1997; Kim 1996). In undertaking this approach to behavioral study, many researchers in the field have been attracted to use conjoint attribute part-worths, (the judgmentally quantified attribute valuesderived from conjoint modeling. This study attempts to utilize the compositional self-explication model as a reference model to assess the comparative superiority of the conjoint model in predicting client preferences among travelers to Hong Kong. It also seeks to reveal subgroup preference variations by using two segmentation approaches. The overall finding indicated that the most important hotel attribute sought by all respondents is Room Rate, followed by Star Rating, Location, Brand and Room Type. In terms of market segments, the results revealed similar preference profiles among leisure, short-haul and infrequent travelers as one group and business, long-haul and frequent travelers as another.  相似文献   


While there has been a considerable body of research on tourists’ place image, there remains limited attention on residents’ place image, specifically, in relation to its segmentation utility. This study seeks to address this oversight by a) clustering the local residents based on the image held of a tourism place, and b) exploring the extent to which the identified image-based resident clusters share similar (dissimilar) demographic characteristics and attitude towards tourism development. Empirical analysis was based on a sample of 481 residents of a Greek city. The findings support the utility of residents’ place image as a psychographic segmentation variable revealing the existence of three distinct resident groups – termed “Nature Loving”, “Apathetic” and “Advocate.” Results also suggest that these resident groups exhibit dissimilar demographic characteristics and dissimilar attitude towards tourism. In comparison with other segments, the Apathetic exhibits the least favourable image and the least supportive attitude towards tourism.  相似文献   


This paper explores the effectiveness of geographic origin as a basis for segmenting visitors to small island nations that depend exclusively on international travelers as tourism markets. International visitation data drawn from the Barbados annual tourist survey, data on five geographic markets (USA, the UK, Canada, Germany, and Trinidad) are examined to determine whether country origin can be used as a segmentation criterion to effectively establish preferred visitor profiles. Visitor characteristics and profiles are found to be distinguishable by country of origin. These have implications for tourism promotion and distribution strategies for small island nations.  相似文献   

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