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历史文化街区既是城市文化的重要地标,也是旅游发展的重要资源,由此成为新时期文旅融合的重要实践载体。本研究基于符号学视角,选取黄山市屯溪区毗邻的屯溪老街和黎阳in巷分别作为传统与复建历史文化街区代表,基于扎根理论构建历史文化街区文旅融合的符号学理论框架。实证分析表明:传统与复建两类历史文化街区均形成了主题定位、文旅功能、空间布局、物质载体、业态产品、旅游服务六方面的文化和旅游符号,前者以传统文化符号居多,后者以现代旅游符号居多;两类街区文化和旅游符号融合的独特性、凸显性、融合性和适应性等特征差异明显,前者偏向地域文化的独特性,后者偏向旅游介入的适应性。据此提出传统历史文化街区“旅游趋向”和复建历史文化街区“文化趋向”的文旅融合路径,两类街区在文化传承与旅游发展中应加强文化资源符号化、资源功能多元化、符号空间整合化、文化符号全景化,促进文化产品价值化、旅游服务品质化,以实现历史文化街区可持续发展。  相似文献   

消费转向下场景文化价值具备集聚创意人群、促进空间转型发展的功能。识别历史文化街区场景文化价值有利于促进街区空间活力提升、推动城市更新发展。本研究基于场景理论,利用扎根理论研究手段,在实证研究苏州平江历史文化街区的基础上,构建适用于历史文化街区场景文化价值识别方法,研究结果显示:(1)平江历史文化街区场景领袖魅力突出、传统要素凸显,形成迷人的本土化体验性空间;(2)历史文化街区场景文化价值可通过合法性、戏剧性、真实性等3大维度的25个指标进行识别;(3)历史文化街区场景舒适物涵盖自然景观、有形文化和消费娱乐设施等3类,其与环境氛围分别构成场景的“形”与“韵”,经由感知/认知、消费、个人信息加工处理转换为“感”,即个体情感记忆,进而识别场景文化价值。研究通过场景文化价值识别过程丰富场景理论在历史文化街区这一特定空间的应用,也为平江历史文化街区衡量其场景特征与规划定位之间的差异程度提供参考。  相似文献   

历史街区承载了城市的历史信息和文化印记,主要表征为特色鲜明的文化景观。过去40年,快速城市化和工业化改变了城市面貌,也影响了历史街区保护利用的进程。历史街区一旦变成旅游景观,符号化就成为了历史街区进行旅游发展和空间重构的主导逻辑。本研究以前门大街为案例地,通过对马蜂窝网站中游客分享照片的检索和整理,利用符号学和扎根理论方法分析了旅游利用背景下历史街区文化景观符号的意义表达,并对此过程中的符号建构与解读机制进行剖析。本研究从主客体两视角出发,深化既有研究并得出以下结论:前门大街通过指索符号、建筑符号、街道符号和商业符号共同表征这一空间。街道功能多样化和城市地位转变是符号建构与解读的具体语境,符号系统的建构存在多个权力主体,不同价值的符号其建构方式也有所不同。符号的解读需要旅游者的身体参与,当旅游地建构的符号与旅游者获得的符号存在一致性的时候,意味着文化景观符号意义被正确地接受和解读。  相似文献   

游客价值感知是形塑其旅游实践过程中遗产认同的重要因素,研究游客价值感知对遗产认同的作用机理,有利于指导遗产意义的再生产,充分发挥遗产在当代的功能。文章以世界文化遗产地永顺老司城为案例,以访谈文本和网络评论游记为资料,应用内容分析法和扎根理论探讨游客价值感知对遗产认同的作用机理。研究发现:(1)游客价值感知多元表征由土司遗址价值感知、民族交往价值感知、整体形象价值感知、旅游符号价值感知、土司制度价值感知和土司事迹价值感知组成;(2)游客在文化遗产地价值感知过程中通过动机驱使、具身感知、情感湍流、认知升华等生成遗产认同;(3)遗产认同包含文化认同、民族认同和国家认同等,是文化遗产地主客互动建构的结果;(4)游客价值感知对遗产认同的作用实质就是表征与非表征统一的过程,由此完整刻画遗产认同的意义。该研究加强了旅游情境下价值感知和遗产认同的理论联结。  相似文献   

随着我国文化创意产业的快速发展,文化创意型旅游地成为我国一种新型的旅游目的地,测评其游客满意度指数有助于该类型旅游地的游客满意度提升和旅游业可持续发展。文章从游客期望、游客体验、游客评价、后旅游4个旅游活动阶段构建文化创意型旅游地游客满意度指数测评模型,并对典型文化创意型旅游地——北京798艺术区进行实证分析。研究结果表明:(1)798艺术区的游客总体满意度指数为3.6581,游客满意度指数最大的旅游活动阶段为体验阶段(1.7272),而期望阶段和评价阶段的满意度较小,游客满意度指数最大的旅游因素和指标分别为旅游景观感知要素(0.9098)、文化创意景观(0.4448);(2)基于测评模型和案例分析结果,分析文化创意型旅游地游客满意度的形成机理,并提出形成游客满意度主要因素为内部驱动因素(独特的文化创意景观、文化创意体验环境、科学有效的开发与管理等)和外部驱动因素(区域社会文化和经济发展水平、旅游地文化创意形象、创意旅游口碑、外部交通等)。  相似文献   

老商埠区是济南的一处极具代表性的特色历史街区,承载着济南近代发展的历史文脉,需要得到继承和发展。从游客体验的视角,将济南老商埠区的旅游主题定为"以生动的形式,延续商埠文化,感受济南老味道",并以此为主线设计体验旅游项目,完善配套设施,开展体验营销,提升游客的综合体验效果,以旅游带动老商埠区的活力复兴。  相似文献   

王娟  丁宣文 《旅游学刊》2023,(8):110-121
作为世界重要出境游客源国,少有研究对中国出境游客的海岛目的地情感特征及其形成路径开展深入探讨。文章基于品牌格式塔模型,以巴厘岛、冲绳等8个境外海岛18.97万条中国游客在线评论为样本,利用关键词分析、情感挖掘和模糊集定性比较分析等方法,分析游客情感的影响因素与组态路径。研究发现:(1)在品牌格式塔故事、利益相关者、环境和体验4个维度中,所有单要素均不能构成游客情感的充要条件,必须通过条件组合发挥作用;(2)总体情感异质性分析表明,涉及3个不同维度要素的综合作用对游客情感的影响更加显著;(3)海岛间游客情感前因条件组态存在共性和差异,8个海岛形成的31条组态可划分为4大类组合路径,产品及服务质量、物理环境发挥核心支撑作用。  相似文献   

世界遗产地是文化传播的重要窗口,挖掘国外游客的世界遗产目的地形象认知,有助于实现旅游的跨文化交流功能和目的地的国际化发展。本文以世界文化遗产苏州园林为案例地,通过获取TripAdvisor网站的评论数据,从主题词、语义网络、句子情感等粒度角度,展开国外游客对世界文化遗产苏州园林的形象认知研究。结果表明:(1)国外游客对世界文化遗产的认知包括整体形象、语义网络形象和情感形象3个维度,遗产景区的跨文化交流得到实现,积极情感占据主导,表达了国外游客对苏州园林的喜爱和满意程度。(2)国外游客主要关注到世界文化遗产的景观、体验、空间符号和服务等方面,同时关注敏感度存在差异,呈现出体验>景观>服务>空间符号的特征。(3)核心吸引物差异会导致国外游客对世界文化遗产构建的认知网络差异。  相似文献   

文章运用ROST工具探索重庆旅游形象在游客心中的感知特征,通过词频和语义网络分析发现,重庆的火锅、地标景点(洪崖洞、磁器口等)、立体交通体验以及夜景文化是游客最关注的几个方面,美食尤其是火锅成为城市旅游的重要吸引物,但重庆丰富的历史文化遗产资源尚未得到充分地挖掘和推广。对此,文章建议重庆要进一步强化美食品牌塑造、提升文化旅游影响力,同时优化交通服务与网红景点建设,以推动旅游业高质量发展。  相似文献   

文章将构成上海历史街区的12个历史文化风貌区作为研究对象,借助包含官方宣传意图的官方宣传文本以及反映游客实际偏好的网络游记文本,利用计算机共现处理平台在统计各历史文化风貌区关注次数与共现次数等多重指标的基础上,探寻官方与游客的关注偏好及共现偏好差异所在.研究结果表明:(1)官方与游客的关注度及共现效应存在显著关联性,即关注度较高、关注偏好较强的历史文化风貌区,其共现偏好及共现效应也较为显著;(2)满足触摸街区历史记忆、感知街区人文内涵是游客造访历史街区的核心动机;(3)重视街区建筑与人文生态的环境保护,实现景点联合宣传的带动效应,是官方宣传核心之所在.  相似文献   

The gaze places host and tourist in an “authority field” which is unfavorable to the development of harmonious interpersonal relationships and cultural interactions for both sides. Mutual, equal and just host–guest relationships should be established through dialogue, which will improve tourists’ understanding and experiences, awaken the hosts’ cultural consciousness and establish a new type of cultural interaction. The paper is based on analysis of the work and life experience of Joseph Rock in southwest China during 1922–1949. It uses content analysis to examine more than one thousand photos which contain visual representations of his gaze. The changing values of tourism to the ego and culture were revealed through a change in emphasis from “I–It” to “I–You” relationships as Rock turned from gaze to dialogue.  相似文献   

Classical poetry is an important part of Chinese culture. This study explores its roles in contemporary Chinese tourism based on participant observation of tourist destinations in the Three Gorges and surrounding area along the Yangtze River and content analysis of tourism guidebooks. Classical poetry is used to guide Chinese tourists in terms of what to gaze at and how to gaze. Specifically, first, poets and their poems create historical and cultural value for a place, which forms an essential foundation for its attractiveness as an object for Chinese tourists gaze. Second, poems may be used to enhance tourists' aesthetic appreciation of a landscape along the spatial and temporal dimensions, creating transcending poetic experiences. Such influence of classical poetry exemplifies the cultural continuity in China that should be well understood and considered in contemporary tourism. Implications in tourism development and marketing, aesthetic experience creation, environmental interpretation, and literary tourism are discussed.  相似文献   

旅游是文化传播的载体,旅游者是文化传播的主体。本文基于情绪评价理论和社会认同理论,构建基于民族自豪感和文化认同的中介效应模型,考察海上丝绸之路(以下简称"海丝")旅游体验价值对旅游者文化传播行为的影响机制。研究结果表明:旅游体验功能价值和符号价值通过民族自豪感和文化认同影响旅游者的文化传播行为。旅游者在海丝文化旅游体验中形成的集体身份认知诱发民族自豪感,进而将海丝文化符号与民族集体记忆建立情感连接,形成文化认同;在民族自豪感和文化认同的驱使下,旅游者将高度的情感能量转化为具体的文化传播行为。旅游者体验到的民族自豪感和文化认同越多,则实施文化传播行为的可能性越大,文化传播行为又强化了旅游者对自身群体身份的认同。因此,应进一步凝练海丝文化元素符号,凸显海丝文化成就,提高旅游体验价值,提升旅游者民族自豪感与文化认同,进而促进文化传播。  相似文献   

Temple stays are emerging global cultural attractions that provide tourists with unique experiences and influence perceptions of value and satisfaction. This study examines the influence of escape, entertainment, esthetic, and educational experiences on perceptions of functional and emotional values as well as tourist satisfaction with temple stays. The results of the study show that escape and entertainment experiences are important predictors of both functional and emotional values. Esthetic experience influences emotional value, whereas educational experience affects functional value. Both functional and emotional values influence tourist satisfaction. Theoretical and practical implications of the study results are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a research model demonstrating tourists’ value-seeking processes through the tourism services and travel experiences of a destination. The model suggests that tourist happiness is assessed by tourists’ perceived experiences, which are formed by two motivational values: smart tourism technology (STT) and destination value. Despite a large quantity of research attention on destination tourism, the relation between tourists’ destination experience and STT has been less enthusiastically studied. Therefore, this study proposes to test an integrated model with attributes of STTs and destination values that contribute to tourists’ life happiness. The results of this study, from a survey of 191 foreign tourists in Seoul, South Korea, indicate that tourists are likely to put more value on what they perceived from their destination travel experiences than what they perceived from their experiences with STT services when they evaluate their overall happiness. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Cultural tourism has received increasing attention. Tourists play a crucial role in constructing rewarding intercultural experiences and cultural understanding. The current study explored the concept of tourists' cultural competence from a cosmopolitan perspective and proposed a framework for understanding the mechanism of tourists' interactions with cultural experience environment. A total of 33 participants were interviewed and data were analyzed using grounded theory. Cultural openness, understanding, consciousness, and participation were identified as elements of tourists' cultural competence, which can facilitate positive cultural behavior. This research contributes to the literature of cosmopolitanism and tourists’ cultural behavior. Managerial implications for tourist management and education are also discussed.  相似文献   

The food service industry has already observed that a merely good quality of products/services cannot make a business successful and has emphasized the importance of delivering unique and memorable experiences. Grocerants meet customer demand by filling the roles of grocery stores and restaurants, while offering novel and special experiences to customers. This study explores the unique experiences staged in grocerants by applying the experience economy and associates such experiences to brand prestige, customer perceived value, and loyalty. Data was collected at grocerants in Korea, using a mall-intercept survey. Our results identify the positive effects of entertainment and escapist experiences on brand prestige which significantly triggers functional, hedonic, social, and financial values. The three values (functional, hedonic, and financial) also affect loyalty. Overall, the proposed theoretical framework sufficiently accounts for customer loyalty. This study was the first attempt to investigate grocerant patrons’ behaviors and thus includes a high degree of originality.  相似文献   

Despite older adults’ potential for engagement in e-commerce, there is limited understanding of what makes them achieve well-being while using a travel website. In addressing this research gap relating to older adults’ travel website experiences, this study highlights the important role of trust generating value in the context of travel websites. Specifically, this paper examines the relationships between trust, functional and hedonic values, well-being, and word-of-mouth (WOM). We analyzed 300 older adults in the United States (US) who used travel websites and purchased package tours, employing the structural equation modeling technique. The results show that trust significantly influences both functional and hedonic values, both of which result in well-being. Interestingly, hedonic value has a stronger effect on well-being than functional value, leading to WOM.  相似文献   

This paper utilises a motive-based segmentation to understand tourists to cultural heritage sites in Arizona, USA. The data for this study were collected through mail survey from a representative sample of 671 tourists to three Native American cultural heritage sites. Using cluster analysis based upon motives for cultural history learning, three distinct segments were found: (1) ‘culture-focused,’ (2) ‘culture-attentive’ and (3) ‘culture-appreciative’ tourists. These groups differed significantly in terms of behaviour, experience and interpretation. The culture-focused segments spent longer at the sites, stayed more nights away from home, considered visiting archeological sites as their primary activity, and placed more importance on interpretation. In addition, the culture-focused groups were more satisfied with their trip, appreciated the preservation of archeological resources and reported more learning experiences. Overall, the study supports the notion that heterogeneity exists within cultural heritage tourist markets. Implications of these findings in conceptualisation, management and marketing cultural heritage tourism are discussed.  相似文献   

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