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法定存款准备金制度作为中央银行实施货币政策的"三大法宝"之一,其在货币信贷数量控制、货币市场流动性和利率调节,以及促进金融机构稳健经营、限制货币替代和资本流出入等方面发挥着重要作用。截至目前,央行已连续六次上调存款准备金率,商业银行的存款准备金率已达到历史高位。由于当前金融领域存在的一个突出问题就是持续贸易顺差、FDI(对外直接投资)和国际投机资本的大量进入导致外汇占款持续增加,造成被动性的货币投放增加,导致流动性不断扩张,通货膨胀压力加大。存款准备金率连续上调就是为了回收因外汇流入过多导致的过剩流动性,实施紧缩政策以应对日益强化的通货膨胀预期。  相似文献   
住宅房地产在购销及保有环节涉及众多的税种,这些税种的税收功能存在突出差异。营业税具有突出的财政收入功能,但在收入调节方面有制度上的缺失;土地增值税具有鲜明的产业调控色彩,但征收办法的缺憾使其不能有效发挥作用;预期征收的房产税具有调节收入的功能,但在税制设计上存在征收制度和利益分配重构等制度困扰。建议针对相关税种的功能特点进行有针对性的制度改良,以促进我国住宅房地产业的健康发展。  相似文献   
医疗保险风险调剂机制在全民医保制度构建中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何毅 《保险研究》2011,(9):31-37
自荷兰、德国等国发端的医疗保险风险调剂机制在世界“全民医保”浪潮中越来越受到重视,并逐渐成为各国政府整合分散医保基金的重要手段。我国以“全民医保”为目标的新一轮医改是建立在财政分权、县域统筹等制度背景下的,医疗保险基金“碎片化”问题十分突出。科学引入医疗保险风险调剂机制,改变现有粗放的“调剂金”管理模式,有助于我们既兼...  相似文献   
传统的开放宏观经济学认为一国的外部财富是贸易调整的结果,但是随着各国持有外部资产负债总量的迅速攀升,汇率和资产价格波动所产生的估值效应对外部财富的作用越来越显著。近年来,众多学者基于估值效应发展了一个新的外部调整渠道——金融调整渠道,极大地改变了人们对一国外部失衡调整的理解和认识。本文试图系统地评述这一外部调整机制的最新进展,以期为所有关注中国国际收支以及全球失衡问题的国内外学者提供新的研究视角和方法。  相似文献   
张晓雅 《价值工程》2012,31(13):76-78
轨道精调是无砟轨道施工中最关键的一道工序,它对轨道的线型最终位置能否达到设计及验标的要求起着决定性的作用。本文根据广珠城际客运专线无缝线路轨道静态调整施工作业,对采用轨检小车进行轨道静态精调作业的施工组织、设备配置运用和技术方案进行了总结和归纳,形成了CPIII的复测与平差、施工人员系统培训、精调作业、复测与二次精调的基本作业流程。  相似文献   
This paper presents evidence that bank managers adjust key strategic variables following a risk and/or valuation signal from the stock market. Banks receive a risk signal when they exhibit substantially higher (semi-)volatility compared to the best performing bank(s) with similar characteristics, and a valuation signal when they are undervalued relative to the average bank with similar characteristics. We document, using a partial adjustment model, that bank managers adjust the long-term target value of key strategic variables and the speed of adjustment towards those targets following a risk and/or negative valuation signal. We interpret this as evidence of stock market influencing. We show that our results are unlikely to be driven by indirect influencing by regulators, subordinated debtholders, retail or wholesale depositors. Finally, we show that the likelihood that banks receive a risk and/or valuation signal increases with opaqueness, managerial discretion and specialization.  相似文献   
随着社会经济水平的提高,公务员的工资水平也需要及时进行调整。由于公务员工作性质的特殊性,其工资调整机制必须综合考虑多方面情况进行慎重论证。美国政府通过采用公务员与企业职工工资水平进行比较的方法对公务员工资进行调整,经过实践证明是具有可操作性的方法。文章在充分研究美国政府公务员工资调整机制的基础上,结合目前我国公务员工资调整中存在的问题及难点,提出我国政府管理者在制定公务员工资政策时需要参考的方面。  相似文献   
We develop and empirically test a model of expatriate managers' work adjustment. In this model we relate the fit between work-related abilities and needs of expatriate managers as well as the fit between the job requirements of, and incentives associated with, an international assignment to the level of expatriate managers' work adjustment. We test this model with data gathered by means of an electronic survey among 118 German expatriate managers. The empirical findings largely support our theoretical model. The paper enhances our understanding of expatriate managers' work adjustment and its antecedents and contributes to the theoretical and empirical basis of research into expatriate management.  相似文献   
房地产泡沫和经济危机对中国房地产企业有着重要影响,本文采用案例研究方法考察房地产领先者万科公司在此背景下的战略调整能力,利用边缘竞争理论和企业家精神及战略领导力等理论,研究王石领导的万科有效进行企业战略调整能力。本文发现,企业家具有的战略执行力在动荡环境下能够发挥出更为前瞻性的作用。而房地产企业所具有的组织结构有序性和无序性结合,从资金、土地和营销方面获取过去优势、并为明天做准备的时间边缘平衡以及掌握开发的时间节拍,并通过布局的转化与过渡的时间节奏平衡,将推动企业有效应对危机。  相似文献   
Prior management and manipulation of financial accounting information research has overwhelmingly been focused within a private sector setting. This study adopts a public sector focus in empirically examining the use of a specific discretionary accrual (i.e., depreciation) to adjust the financial performance of New South Wales (Australia) local governments. Findings indicate a significant positive association between absolute unexpected depreciation and absolute local government income before capital contributions, and a significant positive association between absolute unexpected depreciation and capital contributions. Overall, the results make significant contributions to various literature streams with implications for various stakeholders interested in local governmental financial performance.  相似文献   
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