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Outdoor recreation provides a range of health and wellbeing benefits and facilitates engagement with natural environments. We explore older people's participation in outdoor recreation throughout their lives to examine how past experiences shape engagement later in life. A qualitative life history approach, consisting of semi-structured interviews and a focus group in three place-specific (urban, rural, and small town coastal) case studies in Scotland, was adopted. Thematic analysis revealed ways in which childhood experiences shaped adult engagement and highlighted life course transitions where behaviour change was most pronounced. Place and gender were considered as factors which may affect responses. Participants identified the points of getting married, becoming a parent, children entering adolescence, retirement, the onset of disabilities or ill health, and the death of others as “moments of change” in the extent and/or form of their outdoor recreation. The findings highlight potential for targeted interventions to promote outdoor recreation throughout life.  相似文献   
刘洋  杨秋生 《技术经济》2019,35(10):124
城市绿地是重要的绿色基础设施。城市绿地要实现设计目标,保持长久的景观效果离不开持续不断地养护管理,同时管养工作又会带来物资消耗和废弃物排放,对环境造成负面影响。基于生命周期评价方法(LCA),以资源能源消耗和气候变暖潜值作为对环境影响的主要因子,将城市绿地划分为乔木、灌木、地被和草坪层,建立了管养对环境影响的量化模型。以郑州市郑东新区绿地为研究对象,选取34个植物群落(20m×20m)为样本进行了验证,计算得到各植物层管养资源能源消耗和气候变暖潜值特征量以及管养工作标准化加权环境影响指数。结果表明,乔木的管养环境影响指数最低,比群落均值低32%;施肥和垃圾清运是环境影响的主要因素,占群落管养环境影响指数均值的75%以上;与农林业相比,城市绿地管养环境影响指数处中低水平,但资源能源消耗因子的影响指数偏高。基于LCA方法的研究结果可以为城市绿地设计和精细化管理提供量化参考。  相似文献   
Residents’ views are pertinent in urban-park design and management, yet they are often ignored. Social-empirical studies could enhance socially relevant park design. As a compact city, Hong Kong's limited greenspaces are often too small, surrounded by incompatible activities, and fail to meet user demands and expectations. This study explores the response of citizens living in the crowded urban milieu to inadequate greenspace provision. A questionnaire survey gleaned opinion from residents in representative residential neighbourhoods in old city and new towns. Green sites are appreciated more for pragmatic microclimatic and amenity benefits than social and high-order environmental functions. The principal limitations are deficiency in sports facilities and greenery. Respondents favour more trees, dispersed seating design and large parks. The preferences are mainly related to age, income, education and retirement status. The high-density living milieu may have weakened attitude and perception towards urban nature. The findings could inform public policies and programmes on urban parks. They call for an institutional restructuring to facilitate active public engagement in greenspace planning and management.  相似文献   
街旁绿地相较城市公园分布更加广泛,是缓解高密度城区市民就近游憩需要的重要节点。十九大报告提出,要提供更多优质生态产品以满足人民日益增长的美好生态环境需要,街旁绿地建设日益迫切。基于共词聚类法对国外与国内近年来有关街旁绿地理论研究前沿议题分析表明,国外研究关注领域为公众健康、受伤防范、环境正义、空间生态系统服务;国内为景观特色、人性化设计、存量空间优化、空间生态性研究。通过对比两者在研究广度、深度、方法方面的差异,国内研究在认知、目标、方法、内容方面相较国外存在一定不足。参考国外研究的一般经验,并充分结合中国城市发展的总体要求,提出未来中国街旁绿地理论研究可从4个方面推进:一是推进空间分布的公平性及规划对策研究;二是加强围绕提升使用效果的空间研究;三是重视与加强对空间社会性与生态性的协同-交互关系研究;四是注重多学科思想的融入及综合方法应用。  相似文献   
绿地之于人的健康在生理、心理、社会3个维度均存在一定的有益功效。总结绿地发挥健康功效的作用机理,包括满足人类自然基本属性、改善人居环境条件、刺激五感、提供活动支持、激发联想、提供树木的能量和气场6个方面。以此为基础,提出绿色医学的概念和设想,探索一条维持人们、特别是城市居民身心健康的辅助途径,并为提升绿地的健康卫生功能提供依据。  相似文献   
绿色空间正义是城市空间正义的典型代表,意为在人群中公平分配维护绿色空间的责任和享有绿色空间的权益。根据其定义,以北京市东城区为例,从责任和权益2个角度着眼,一方面基于百度街景地图数据提炼街道空间绿视率的空间分布特点,表征街道绿色空间的客观可感知水平;另一方面将街道绿视率和实时人口热力叠加,探讨街道绿色空间的实际被感知程度,从而完成对北京市东城区街道绿色空间维护和享有情况的评估。发现邻近使用者维护街道绿色空间的责任对绿化客观可感知水平的重要性,以及合理的道路断面设计对同时提升街道空间活力和绿视率即绿化实际被感知程度的有效性。由此总结出2点街道绿色空间规划设计建议,即明晰权责边界并保证公共权益优先级,以及加强落地性设计导则中对绿色空间正义问题的关注,并对未来研究提出展望。  相似文献   
Neighbourhood parks provide recreation opportunities and amenity to nearby residents and improve the quality of the environment and life. Their provision and protection could be facilitated by a deeper understanding of their multiple values. The hedonic pricing method, using statistical techniques to estimate the part of a price due to a particular attribute of a commodity, assessed the external effects of neighbourhood parks on the transaction price of high-rise private residential units in Hong Kong. The empirical results derived from 1471 transactions in a district indicated that neighbourhood parks could lift price by 16.88%, including 14.93% for availability and 1.95% for view. Comparing with other landscape elements, neighbourhood parks induced the heaviest investment intention in home-buying behaviour. Harbour view attracted a premium of 5.1%, but mountain view was surprisingly not welcomed. Street view, considered as unappealing, suppressed price. Residents were insensitive to building landscape due to its ubiquity in the compact city. The scarcity of neighbourhood parks in the city has pushed their hedonic value to an exceptionally high level, providing guidance to revamp the policies, planning and management of urban greenspaces in tandem with the sustainable city quest.  相似文献   
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