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我国大麦价格波动特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]大麦价格剧烈波动会直接影响大麦种植户的生产积极性和大麦产业的平稳发展,研究大麦价格波动特征及其影响因素,有助于提升大麦产业链相关主体识别和应对市场风险的能力,促进大麦产业的健康发展。[方法]文章先采用HP滤波法和ARCH类模型分析了2011年4月至2017年2月我国大麦价格波动特征,然后采用脉冲响应函数分析了我国大麦价格波动影响因素。[结果]我国大麦价格波动存在明显的季节性和周期性,样本期内总体上呈现逐渐下降趋势;我国大麦价格具有显著的波动集聚性,我国大麦价格具有显著的不对称性;在该文选择的影响因素中,大麦进口量和国际大麦价格是影响我国大麦价格波动的主要因素。[结论]该文提出必须保障并提高国内大麦合理产能、完善大麦价格监测预警体系、加强国内大麦进口企业整合和推动大麦进口来源多元化的政策建议。  相似文献   
使用基于主成分分析和动态因子模型的框架对我国的消费者物价指数进行动态分析。与传统的研究方式不同,研究试图从非价格指标信息中提取隐含的宏观趋势动态因子,并将其投影在价格指数上,求得最优拟合结果。实证分析结果显示从非价格数据中提取的动态因子可以很好地描述价格指数的变化特征。这也为研究者从实体经济运行状态角度研究宏观经济价格指数以及货币政策的传导机制提供了有效的理论和实践依据。  相似文献   
This research explored the leisure meanings of three African women, former refugees resettled in Canada. Using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, this study revealed that leisure meanings were tightly bound in the women’s Christian faith, church, and faith community in affording them solace, socialisation, and community bonding. Furthermore, learning for leisure emphasised leisure for educational advancement, self-improvement, and knowledge-gain, to keep busy, and for companionship. Physically active leisures afforded fitness and fun, while nature-based leisure, particularly with friends, family, and their ethnocultural communities were important for restoration, nurturing relationships, and fostering social networks. These leisures also served to mitigate traumatic memories and stress. Because of the prominence of their Christian faith and the church as central to these women’s leisure, collaborative efforts by faith-based entities, leisure and recreation organisations and practitioners, settlement agencies, and mental health bodies, are recommended to effectively address the challenges and aspirations of resettled African women refugees through leisure.  相似文献   
In Australia and in many parts of the world, older people participate in line dancing. Our phenomenological study explored whether attending a regular line dancing class might offer a group of older people opportunities for active and successful ageing. Our research investigated the meanings and practices fostered in a community line dancing class in Melbourne. We gathered data via an interview with the teacher of the group, observation of a class and two focus group interviews with 25 members. Data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis that is reported thematically under headings of: Belief in the efficacy of line dancing, Physical and emotional benefits, YouTube clips as instructional reinforcement and promotion, and Socialising. The findings show that participation in the class offered older student’s opportunities for dance and music engagement, active and successful ageing, health and well-being, social connection and purposeful leisure. The teacher of the class modelled serious and successful leisure and advocates for dance as holistic training for older people. We position our participants on a continuum of leisure engagement that ranges from the casual to the serious. Further research is required to support arguments for the efficacy of dance as a leisure pursuit for older adults.  相似文献   
本文选取2008-2018年A股上市公司为样本,以公司违规处罚作为负面声誉的代理变量,考察分析师在选择跟踪对象时会否将公司负面声誉纳入考量.研究发现,公司违规处罚导致分析师关注度显著降低.机制检验表明,违规处罚通过降低投资者信息需求和分析师供给意愿两条路径影响分析师关注.拓展性分析发现,公司所受处罚越严重、被罚款金额越多,分析师关注度越低;处罚事件对分析师关注的负面冲击具有长期效应;对于非国有企业和处于高社会信任水平地区的公司,违规处罚对分析师关注的负向影响更显著.本文为深入理解我国证券市场中的声誉机制提供了经验证据,亦为监管机构加大违规惩处力度、借助分析师等市场"看门人"的力量提增监管威慑力提供了政策参考.  相似文献   
新冠疫情的出现冲击了世界经济,从经济全球化和全球经济治理体系两个维度分析疫情对世界经济的影响以及世界经济未来走向,研究发现:(1)新冠疫情通过影响全球价值链、贸易投资和就业环境阻碍经济全球化进程,中美矛盾升级、原有治理体系规则未与时俱进和激进政策的不确定性对全球经济治理体系提出新的挑战;(2)新冠疫情强化了世界各国对人类命运共同体的认识,将人类命运共同体融入全球治理体系将是未来治理的重要趋势;(3)新冠疫情可能会使世界经济格局出现新的变化,而中国在此次疫情中高效率的抗疫举措将进一步提升自身在世界经济格局中的地位和参与度。  相似文献   
针对无线传感器网络分簇算法中能量分布不均衡导致的"热区"和簇头负载过重问题,提出了一种基于PSO算法优化簇头选举的非均匀分簇算法。在候选簇头选举和竞争半径计算过程中综合考虑节点动态能量、节点密度和节点距基站距离,将网络进行非均匀分簇,并引入PSO算法进行最终簇头选举。根据节点能量、节点密度和距基站距离确定簇间单跳多跳结合的路由规则,选取代价函数小的节点作为下一跳节点。基于节点信息熵确定融合阈值,进行簇内数据融合剔除冗余数据。仿真结果表明,改进算法的数据传输量比EEUC算法和UCRA算法分别提高了20%和10%,提升了数据的融合效率,有效延长了网络生命周期,簇头能量消耗得到均衡,减少了网络能量消耗,网络的整体性能显著优于其他对比算法。  相似文献   
This study analyses the effects of the Shanghai–Hong Kong Stock Market Connect policy on the price disparity between A-shares and H-shares of dual-listed companies (DLC). Using a difference-in-difference estimation method, we show that the policy decreases the relative twin cumulative abnormal returns of treated DLC by 3% and narrows the price gaps between A-shares and H-shares. We determine that the rising demand for H-shares, which are newly accessible by mainland investors, drives the price of H-shares up. By contrast, the price of A-shares remains unchanged. Further analysis reveals that cross-border capital flow is the main force of the policy.  相似文献   
基于博弈论视角,从理论上构建了金融机构与大学生消费信贷决策的动态博弈模型,并引入信誉机制,比较分析了传统金融机构退出大学生信用卡市场而互联网金融大举进入校园信贷市场的深刻原因,同时借助大学生消费信贷调查一手数据实证检验了信誉机制的有效性,研究结果表明:在单次和有限次重复博弈中,“囚徒困境”普遍存在,而在无限次重复博弈中,尽管利率和交易成本下降有利于促进交易,但信息不对称问题却使博弈只能进行有限次,因此要达成长期合作,必须引入具有“社会性惩罚”的信誉机制来抑制大学生的短期投机行为,然信誉机制对于促进传统金融机构与大学生合作的作用有限,更多的是促进互联网金融机构与大学生消费信贷关系的达成,实证结果验证了该结论。由此得到的启示是,充分利用互联网大数据优势、强化互联网金融市场监管、引导大学生树立正确的消费观和责任意识,有助于破解“一放就乱,一管就死”的监管困局,这对于规范互联网金融校园消费信贷市场具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   
The entrepreneurial ecosystems literature has increasingly explored network relationships between different stakeholders, as well as the role of context. This article addresses the challenge of including a sport context in the entrepreneurial ecosystem literature thereby contributing to the sport entrepreneurship literature by bringing insights from entrepreneurship ecosystem research. In‐depth interviews of football stakeholders in the sport entrepreneurship ecosystem are conducted in terms of understanding the emergence of digital sport start‐ups. The issues raised help explore the changing nature of digital entrepreneurial ecosystems to take into account new sport technological advances. Mixed embeddedness theory is used as the conceptual foundation to understand sport digital entrepreneurial ecosystems. Key management practices are identified in terms of sport start‐ups participating in entrepreneurial ecosystems. The article concludes by making suggestions for future research.  相似文献   
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