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本文通过对福州市医保卡、社保卡、公交卡等便民支付卡和移动一卡通的调查和访谈,再结合对日本一卡通Suica、香港八迭通OCTOPU、台湾一卡通iPASS的调查研究,本文认为,福州市发展移动一卡通具有较好的社会效益,符合福州建设智慧城市的发展目标。随后本文探讨出了福州发展移动一卡通的三大障碍:使民卡类型多样,难于完全统一;移动一卡通多局限于小额支付,服务内容较单一;移动一卡通的安全。最后本文分别从企业、市民、消费者和政府角度给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Many brands build market share by acting as a substitute when competitive brands become undesirable or difficult to obtain. Notably, prior research offers competing strategic recommendations for marketers hoping to encourage consumers to engage in substitution. Past research examining substitute selection—measuring consumers’ beliefs about how well one product will substitute for another—suggests that marketers should offer replacements that are similar to the initially preferred product. In contrast, research examining substitute effectiveness—the consequences of substitution—suggests that differentiated brands will enjoy more long-term success. We integrate these two streams of research, explaining why there is a mismatch between substitute selection and substitute effectiveness, replicating and showing boundary conditions for the effects, and testing a managerial intervention that encourages consumers to choose more dissimilar (and more effective) substitutes.  相似文献   

消费者在商场移动支付情境中对"手机钱包"初始信任的影响因素众多,研究发现结构保证因素对处于推广初期的"手机钱包"业务的初始信任影响最显著,其他影响因素依次为感知手机钱包优点、风险因素、个人信任倾向、声誉因素。基于以上结论,企业应通过提高"手机钱包"优点认知、寻求政府支持、引入第三方认证、采取差异化营销策略等措施来构建安全和谐的消费环境。  相似文献   

A number of techniques have been developed for product attribute research, such as depth interviewing or focused group interviewing of a small sample of respondents. One major limitation of such techniques is the long interview time per respondent. However, without prior knowledge of attributes it is difficult to specify the relevant question in advance and a shorter interview may miss uncovering important information. In view of such conflicting demands for less time and more information, a compromise solution can perhaps be found in making use of the ‘critical incident’ method of research investigation. This method seems to offer advantages, especially to the practising marketers. The present study is concerned with developing a conceptual approach to the development and use of the ‘critical incident’ approach to consumer behavior studies. It illustrates that through a semi-structured depth interview approach it would be possible to identify the nature and significance of key elements in the product attributes of importance to consumers. Additionally, the descriminant and predictive ability of such ‘critical elements’ has been investigated through an empirical example.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,金融服务质量已成为评估一家商业银行核心竞争力的重要标准,公众享受优质的金融服务十分必要与迫切。本文以新疆乌鲁木齐市和昌吉市地区商业银行及银行客户为主要调查对象,一方面探查两地区消费者的偏好;另一方面探测两地区消费者对银行服务质量的满意程度。通过基层调研、描述性分析和方差分析,我们发现两个地区的消费者在银行选择和消费的过程中有相似的偏好,两个地区消费者对当地银行服务质量总体满意,在部分服务项目的满意度上有些差异,并以此为基础提出提高银行服务质量和增加客户满意度的相关建议。  相似文献   

This article proposes two new donation strategies that focus on either the amount or the frequency of corporate donations, and verifies that consumers have very different perceptions of and behavioral responses to firms that adopt these different donation strategies. Through three lab experiments and two field studies with adult consumers, the authors show that an amount-focused donation strategy leads consumers to generate more resource- and capability-related associations about the firm’s endeavor in helping charities, whereas a frequency-focused donation strategy leads consumers to generate more commitment- and persistence-related associations about a firm’s endeavor in helping charities. Furthermore, consumers tend to perceive a donation as more instrumental in helping charities and are more likely to purchase from the donor firm, pay a higher price for the donor firm’s products, and make referrals when the firm adopts a frequency-focused (vs. amount-focused) donation strategy to support an approach-oriented (vs. avoidance-oriented) charitable goal. The findings hold important implications for corporate donation strategies regarding how firms should allocate their philanthropic budgets and strategically communicate their donation efforts.  相似文献   

Serving as mental models, psychological contracts guide consumers’ service interactions with their service providers. This study incorporates a psychological contract perspective into the relationship marketing literature, exploring service customers’ beliefs about the terms and conditions of the resource exchange process and the types of relationships they form with service providers. It provides new insights that explain why and how some customers respond favorably to a company’s relationship overtures and investments while others do not. A latent class analysis on a sample of 700 consumers across three different service industries reveals that consumers form four distinct types of psychological contracts: relational, standard, transitional, and captive. To further validate the differences between the contract types, open-ended responses from the respondents were sorted by each class. The distinctive themes that emerged provide a richer understanding of the characteristics of each class beyond those inferred from the quantitative results. Each contract type is also profiled against its underlying level of trust, satisfaction, and commitment to understand the relationship between the contract types and these traditional relationship marketing variables. Marketers can differentiate their relationship marketing strategies and allocate their resource investments more effectively by segmenting consumers according to their psychological contract type.  相似文献   

高等学校教师薪酬体系直接影响着高校教师的发展及高校核心竞争力.从阐述胜任力的内涵和特征入手,探讨和分析了高校教师胜任力的内涵,剖析了我国高校教师薪酬体系目前存在的缺陷和构建基于胜任力的教师薪酬体系的意义,并提出构建基于胜任力的高校教师薪酬体系的四个步骤.  相似文献   

Referral reward programs have been shown in past research to stimulate referrals and also to contribute positively to customer lifetime value and firms’ profitability. In this paper we examine whether, how, and under what conditions providing a reward for a referral affects receivers’ responses to the referral. Based on a multiple motives inference framework, we propose that rewards adversely affect responses because they lead receiving consumers to infer ulterior motives for the referral. Using experiments and a survey, we find support for this hypothesis and show that this effect is stronger for unsolicited and weak tie referrals. We also demonstrate that rewarding both the referral provider and receiver or providing symbolic rewards can eliminate the negative effect of rewarded referrals. The paper makes conceptual contributions to the literature on referral reward programs, word-of-mouth, and motive inferences. The work has implications for managers considering ways to construct referral programs and design marketing activities to increase referrals.  相似文献   

设计是为了美化生活,改变人们生活方式的一种行为。设计的产品为消费者服务,消费者对产品设计的好坏程度,有直接的发言权,而满足消费者的心理,可以说就是成功设计的一半。文章从心理学的角度阐释什么是好的设计,根据李彬彬教授的研究和其他资料的学习整理,分析归纳出好的设计类型。  相似文献   

目前,新农保试点和推广已2年有余,有必要重新审视和反思我国的新农保制度.文章对以下问题进行了反思,包括:2012年新农保制度实现全覆盖的条件是否具备,个人缴费标准应实行定额缴费制还是比例费率制,捆绑式缴费应取消还是保留,“多缴多得”的激励政策如何兼顾公平和效率,个人账户中的政府补贴部分应该继承还是充公,个人账户储存额按一年期存款利率计息是否合理,地区差异的中央财政补助政策是否公平.通过反思,得出了一些结论并提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

现行消费税分析:公平与效率视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,消费税是我国第四大税种,消费税收入集中度极高,14类应税商品中烟、成品油、汽车、酒等四类商品消费税收入占97%以上.消费税具有财政收入、引导消费结构、调节收入分配等多维政策目标.现行消费税设计体现了一定程度的公平性,同时对城乡居民消费的影响都不显著,而对经济增长有显著的促进作用,这说明现行消费税制度在一定程度上体现了治税的公平和效率.基于我国消费税设税目标和我国消费税现状,文章提出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

This article develops and tests a model to explain consumers’ intention to use mobile services. Through triangulating theories from the diverse fields of information systems research, uses and gratification research, and domestication research, the authors put forth an integrated model that explains intention to use mobile services. The model proposes four overall influences on usage intention: motivational influences, attitudinal influences, normative pressure, and perceived control. The authors study the type of interactivity and process characteristics associated with the service that moderate the effects on the relationship between the proposed antecedents and usage intention. The results from empirical studies of four mobile services show strong support for the effects of motivational influences, attitudinal influences, normative pressure, and perceived control on consumers’ intentions to use mobile services. Some of the effects are moderated by process characteristics (goal-directed vs. experiential services) that are associated with the service.  相似文献   

This research examines whether preference for certain price presentations observed in past research could be explained by either consumers’ math anxiety or their math abilities. Previous research suggests that math anxiety not only increases tendencies to make computational errors but also influences cognitive abilities to make numerical judgments. In four studies we document an effect of math anxiety whereby price promotions, whose net prices are simply derived, like those in a dollars-off format, were preferred over a competing percentage-off format. We explain this effect in terms of consumers’ inability to expend cognitive resources due to their math anxiety rather than their math ability. We also identify a boundary condition with such effects of math anxiety occurring when price information is presented in a computationally complex manner and when consumers are making important product judgments.  相似文献   

在供应链业务外包条件下,当制造商主要依靠外包供应商提供中间产品时,拥有专利技术的制造商面临着是否进行专利技术转让的决策.当制造商在一定的专利技术转让费率条件下进行转让时,制造商在最终产品市场上增加了竞争者,同时,通过收取专利转让费用也减弱了竞争者的竞争能力,使竞争者对外包供应商的供应价格更敏感,促使外包供应商在一定程度降低了价格.这样,不但制造商将获得更多的利润,其他的各方(竞争者、外包供应商和消费者)也将从中获益.另外,在专利技术费用固定的条件下,拥有专利技术的制造商在竞争中获得的利润将减少,因而将不愿进行专利技术的转让.  相似文献   

结合城镇居民养老保险与新农保合并实施和此制度将于2012年实现制度全覆盖的大背景,文章对城乡居民社会养老保险全覆盖的条件、缴费档次调整、居民参保意愿、基础养老金的调待机制、与相关制度的衔接、基金保值增值等问题做出了分析,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The viability of online dynamic pricing, or differential pricing for the same product from the same seller, is still debatable given the contradictory findings reported in both modeling and behavioral price research. This paper examines tactical ways for online merchants to mitigate consumers’ negative reactions when adopting dynamic pricing strategies. In three experiments, we show that using various price-framing tactics, compared to no framing, can induce price-disadvantaged consumers to perceive their ostensibly similar transactions differently relative to their comparative other parties. As the degree of perceived transaction dissimilarity increases, price-disadvantaged consumers’ perceived price fairness, trust, and repurchase intentions are enhanced. We further compare different price framing tactics and demonstrate that they have different effects on consumers across different product price levels, customer segments, and framing formats. The paper concludes with theoretical and managerial implications of the research.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigate consumers’ moral judgments of a firm’s brand reputation when given information about an employee’s non-workplace transgression. To the extent that the employee is perceived to have power in the firm (i.e., control over resources and decisions), the employee’s offensive action damages the firm’s reputation and decreases consumers’ purchase intentions. These effects occur even though the action occurs in the employee’s private life and is unrelated to product quality. The results replicate for three types of products and three types of offenses. The employee’s perceived power in the firm provides the most consistent explanation of customers’ negative responses and is a better predictor than the alternative explanations tested (e.g., perceived status). Results also show that after an offense comes to light, firm reactions that decrease or eliminate the employee’s power in the organization—such as reducing decision-making responsibilities or firing the employee—can help restore the firm’s reputation.  相似文献   

The services marketing literature has traditionally characterized intangibility as the most critical distinction between services and goods, but in practice service production and consumption often involve both intangible and tangible elements. While prior research has examined and debated service intangibility from the firm’s perspective, what is missing is an understanding of how consumers weigh the relative importance of intangible versus tangible attributes in their service evaluation. Drawing on construal level theory, the authors propose that consumers with a high (vs. low) construal level rely more on intangible (vs. tangible) attributes in service evaluation. Furthermore, the effect of construal level on service evaluation is mediated by imagery vividness, with service type (e.g., experience vs. credence services) serving as a boundary condition. The authors conduct two field studies and two lab experiments and find that under a high construal level, consumers rely more on intangible attributes in their service evaluation and choice formation; under a low construal level, consumers rely more on tangible attributes in their service evaluation and choice. The findings not only offer new insights to help reconcile the disparate perspectives on service intangibility in the literature but also have practical implications on service firms’ positioning strategies that vary across time (e.g., advance selling vs. on-site selling) and space (e.g., near vs. distant outlet), as well as which attributes to emphasize in their marketing communications.  相似文献   

This paper examines consumers’ personal information disclosure behaviors and how consumers emotionally respond to and behaviorally cope with requests for personal data. We show through two experiments that individuals’ felt emotions toward requests for information change based on the disclosure strategy chosen. We also provide evidence that individuals rely on falsification as a means of behaviorally coping with personal information requests and that falsification mediates pre-to-post disclosure control perceptions. Implications for marketers are discussed.  相似文献   

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