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河南省温县吨粮田高标准基本农田选址研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究旨在提出符合集中连片、设施配套、高产稳产、生态良好等要求的吨粮田高标准基本农田选址思路,完善高标准基本农田建设理论体系,对高标准基本农田建设具有重要意义。文章以河南温县为例,运用GIS空间分析法,基于农用地分等和土地质量地球化学评估两项不同角度的评价成果进行吨粮田耕地质量优势分析。从自然禀赋、基础条件、区域条件3个角度进行吨粮田高标准基本农田选址影响因素分析,并以此建立选址指标体系和进行综合质量评价后按照由优到劣,可实现增产潜力空间由大到小的原则,提出吨粮田高标准基本农田选址思路。结果表明:温县选定5 713.3hm2连片的优质耕地建成旱涝保收、生态良好的高标准基本农田建设示范区,保守估计可增加7.16万t可实现产能,为区域粮食安全提供了重要保障。  相似文献   

Institutions of higher education and work–study abroad programmes have been instrumental in internationalizing sustainable agriculture education. Informal educational opportunities in the form of internships and apprenticeships have become relatively common features of the organic agriculture landscape in the USA. This research examines an international agricultural exchange programme that effectively combines these two emerging fields of study exploring how exchange participants perceive the transferability of their organic farming experience in the USA, to their home countries in Peru and Ecuador. Learning experiences and host farms vary considerably, with some participants being more optimistic than others about how well organic farming practices on their respective farms could be adopted to their home country contexts. While the cross-border/transnational nature of the exchange programme examined is not unique, the inverse flow of people in the exchange (from South to North) examined in this study allows for a new perspective on the value of agricultural exchanges and the perceived transferability of organic farming ideas and practices. Ultimately, this study suggests that the most valuable elements of international agricultural exchange reside not with the diffusion of agricultural innovations, but with how cross-cultural experiential learning promotes critical reflection on place-appropriate production.  相似文献   

Norwegian agriculture has, as in most western-European countries, gone through several periods of change during the last 100 years. Pronounced changes have occurred in production systems and the spatial organisation of farm land, as well as agricultural policy. During the last 50 years, official statistics document a marked decline in the number of active farms. This decline has caused concern, as Norway traditionally has had an agricultural policy that emphasises self-sufficiency and rural settlement. Yet statistics also show that the amount of agricultural land in use has remained the same. This is usually explained through a larger proportion of tenanted land, as technological progress has allowed production levels to be maintained with a smaller workforce. Studies elsewhere in Europe show, however, that tenancy may not promote the same levels of investment and landscape management as owner occupation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of agricultural input subsidies (AIS) and agricultural extension services (AES) on farm labour productivity in plots planted with maize in Tanzania, using panel data from the National Panel Survey in Tanzania. To control for the endogeneity of the two programmes, a control function and instrumental variable approach is used to estimate the effects of AIS and AES on farm labour productivity. The results show that AIS and AES are significant in raising labour productivity in maize-planted plots. Similarly, AIS and AES are also effective in increasing land productivity in these plots. Moreover, each programme has comparable effects on land productivity and farm labour productivity. These findings imply that public investments in AIS and AES are effective in raising farm productivity.  相似文献   

现代化农区耕地利用形态转型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]耕地利用转型是农业发展转型和土地利用转型的重要组成部分。探讨现代化农区耕地利用形态转型的一般特征,可以为区域耕地资源优化配置提供科学依据。[方法]基于GIS平台,结合耕地利用动态度、区域差异指数、耕地景观格局变化表征模型,分析黑龙江省垦区建三江管理局1976~2014年耕地利用形态变化规律。[结果](1)建三江垦区耕地利用可以划分为4种典型形态:耕地散布态、耕地密布态、耕地连布态和耕地满布态,耕地形态转型经历了旱地拓张期(1976~1986年)、水田萌发期(1986~1996年)、水田拓张期(1996~2006年)和旱—水转换期(2006~2014年);(2)旱地拓张期,垦殖率由18.55%猛增至45.96%,旱地占土地总面积比重由18.55%升至44.34%,旱地景观格局集聚度不断提升,水田"零星"镶嵌于研究区内;(3)水田萌发期耕地总量稳中有升,水田面积小幅增加,占耕地面积比重由3.53%提升至6.63%,水田景观破碎度较高;(4)水田拓张期垦殖率基本稳定,新增耕地以水田为主,主要来源于未利用地(沼泽地)、草地、林地的垦殖以及旱地转化,水田种植优势明显增强,景观集聚度升高;(5)旱—水转换期,水田比重由29.48%上升至80.90%,主要表现为耕地内部旱地—水田的转变。水田最大斑块所占景观面积比例骤然上升,水田逐渐占据绝对优势地位,逐渐由"破碎化"转向"聚集化"。(6)气候变暖、地貌适宜、经济效益是该区域耕地利用转型的重要原因,但地形地貌、土壤等自然条件以及发展水平、交通区位等社会经济条件的差异,使得耕地利用转型具有区域差异性。[结论]黑龙江省垦区建三江分局在全球气候变暖和国家粮食安全战略背景下,其耕地利用经历了面积逐渐扩展、结构不断调整的形态转型,其本质是农业生产投入规模和强度的提升。耕地利用形态转型规律可以为区域耕地利用调控提供依据。  相似文献   

2021年土地科学研究重点进展评述及2022年展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:总结 2021 年国内外土地科学研究的重点进展,展望 2022 年中国土地科学的发展趋势及《中国土地科学》重点关注方向。研究方法:文献调查法。研究结果:2021年国内研究重点关注百年土地制度变迁、土地要素市场化改革、自然资源资产产权制度改革、宅基地“三权分置”、农地产权制度改革、耕地资源保护、国土空间规划与生态修复、土地利用生态环境效应与低碳转型等科学问题;国外研究重点关注土地产权市场与农业生产效率、土地权利平等、农田保护与粮食安全、土地信息提取方法优化、土地利用的跨学科拓展等问题。研究结论:围绕土地资源服务乡村振兴、保障粮食安全、维护生态安全、落实“双碳”目标等战略需求,2022年《中国土地科学》将重点关注土地市场体系建设与制度变革、耕地资源用途管制与保护转型、国土空间格局优化与修复治理、自然资源资产管理与低碳利用等相关研究问题及选题方向。  相似文献   

Land fragmentation, where a single farm has a number of parcels of land, is a common feature of agriculture in many countries, especially in developing countries. In Vietnam, land fragmentation is common, especially in the north. For the whole country, there are about 75 million parcels of land, an average of seven to eight plots per farm household. Such fragmentation can be seen to have negative and positive benefits for farm households and the community generally. Comparative statics analysis and analysis of survey data have led to the conclusion that small‐sized farms are likely to be more fragmented, and that fragmentation had a negative impact on crop productivity and increased family labour use and other money expenses. Policies which allow the appropriate opportunity cost of labour to be reflected at the farm level may provide appropriate incentives to trigger farm size change and land consolidation. Policies which tip the benefits in favour of fewer and larger plots, such as strong and effective research and development, an active extension system and strong administrative management, may also lead to land consolidation.  相似文献   

研究目的:总结2020年国内外土地科学研究的重点进展,展望2021年中国土地科学的发展趋势及《中国土地科学》重点关注方向。研究方法:文献调查法。研究结果:2020年国内研究主要涉及土地治理理论、土地要素市场化改革、国土空间生态安全、国土空间用途管制和国土空间规划等方面;国外研究主要涉及土地再分配制度、土地可持续利用、土地利用情景模拟等方面;土地管理体制改革、土地产权保护、土地市场与政府行为、土地利用评价与生态保护等议题是国内外共同关注的重点。研究结论:2020年土地科学研究在农村土地制度改革、土地产权保护、土地利用转型、国土空间优化、自然资源资产产权制度改革等方面取得了一定进展,但在土地资源利用管理、国土空间治理、自然资源资产管理等基本理论与关键技术方面还有待加强。2021年,将重点关注面向国家战略的土地制度创新、耕地保护转型与保障措施、自然资源资产产权制度与治理体系、国土空间用途管制与生态保护修复等相关研究问题及选题方向。  相似文献   

[目的]为探究地处我国西部毛乌素沙漠边缘地带特色农牧区欠发达资源富集型城市的耕地、建设用地、矿产和用水等资源的保有状态和运行情况,以应对整个区域未来转型发展需求,[方法]基于国家级能源化工基地榆林市土地资源、矿产资源、水资源等统计数据,采用综合指数法,通过构建相应的指标体系和评价模型,针对新型资源型城市榆林市耕地、建设用地、矿产和用水等资源的承载力状况进行计量分析与统计评价。[结果]榆林市耕地承载力均衡,粮食可以维持人们的正常消耗,但耕地发展潜力有限;建设用地承载力因城市化进程持续扩张处于"临界超载"状态;而能源矿产资源得天独厚,富集盈余,能够保证足够的区域发展需求;水资源承载力处于临界超载状态,成为制约榆林市能源化工产业可持续发展的重要因素。[结论]基于分析评价结果,给出灵活运用土地政策提升土地使用效率、推动高端能化产业转型发展、开发和提高水资源利用率等一系列政策建议。  相似文献   

研究目的:总结2018年国内外土地科学研究的重点进展,展望2019年中国土地科学的发展趋势以及《中国土地科学》重点关注方向。研究方法:文献调研法。研究结果:(1)土地经济领域重点关注城乡土地价格与农地流转影响因素、土地市场化改革与政府行为、土地产权制度变迁与征地冲突等;(2)土地管理领域研究热点主要围绕自然资源管理体制改革、农村土地制度改革与土地法律完善、土地权籍与耕地保护管理等实践问题;(3)土地资源、利用与规划领域研究以探索土地资源资产负债表编制、重视土地生态状况评估、深化土地利用视角下的碳排放研究、创新土地利用模式、探讨国土空间规划体系构建及村级规划为热点;(4)土地工程与技术领域在农地综合整治、复垦技术革新、土地污染修复方法等方面研究逐渐深入,土地信息采集、处理技术不断完善。研究结论:2019年,《中国土地科学》将重点关注国家战略实施下的土地制度改革与土地利用转型、自然资源统一管理下的空间治理体系构建、生态文明建设背景下的土地资源系统科学、信息通讯技术驱动下的土地资源智能管控等研究问题及相关选题方向。  相似文献   

This study presents evidence of profound farm‐level transformation in parts of sub‐Saharan Africa, identifies major sources of dynamism in the sector, and proposes an updated typology of farms that reflects the evolving nature of African agriculture. Repeat waves of national survey data are used to examine changes in crop production and marketed output by farm size. Between the first and most recent surveys (generally covering 6 to 10 years), the share of national marketed crop output value accounted for by medium‐scale farms rose in Zambia from 23% to 42%, in Tanzania from 17% to 36%, and in Nigeria from 7% to 18%. The share of land under medium‐scale farms is not rising in densely populated countries such as Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda, where land scarcity is impeding the pace of medium‐scale farm acquisitions. Medium‐scale farmers are a diverse group, reflecting distinct entry pathways into agriculture, encouraged by the rapid development of land rental, purchase, and long‐term lease markets. The rise of medium‐scale farms is affecting the region in diverse ways that are difficult to generalize. Findings indicate that these farms can be a dynamic driver of agricultural transformation but this does not reduce the importance of maintaining a clear commitment to supporting smallholder farms. Strengthening land tenure security of local rural people to maintain land rights and support productivity investments by smallholder households remains crucial.  相似文献   

To protect farmers from health care costs and risks to livelihood, most countries have developed special health and social insurance programmes specifically for farmers. While numerous studies have examined the determinants of participation in these programmes, little is known about how they influence famers' land and labour allocations. Without government‐sponsored health and social insurance, farmers may seek off‐farm employment in order to obtain similar benefits. Conditioning eligibility for social insurance on minimum land holdings and on‐farm work days can lead to delayed retirement and other forms of job lock. We investigate these issues using a unique dataset of 703,287 farms in Taiwan. After controlling for non‐random participation in Taiwan's social insurance programme, we find that the programme increases (decreases) on (off) farm labour supply, and decreases the amount of set‐aside land. This suggests that payments from social insurance substitute for those issued through land set‐aside programmes to some extent, and that failing to account for this substitution increases the cost of achieving both programmes' objectives.  相似文献   

研究目的:以黄河三角洲为例,研究景观格局分析方法与土地利用转换矩阵在土地利用特征研究中的应用。研究方法:景观格局分析和土地利用转换矩阵。研究结果:近20年山东省来东营市的土地利用主导变化过程是耕地、城镇建设用地、农村居民点用地增加,天然草地大量减少,土地利用类型有向单一化发展的趋势。这种土地利用模式对黄河三角洲地区发展、湿地保护是不利的,应该引起足够的重视。研究结论:将景观格局分析法和土地利用转换矩阵结合,可以快速的对一个地区的土地利用特征进行定性理解和定量分析,为政府管理部门提供数据支持和决策依据。  相似文献   

文章在分析国外自然资源管理体制演变趋势和我国国土资源的特点基础上,从国土资源管理的行政资源配置、行政决策管理、行政职能分工、行政管理关系、行政权力转移形式等方面提出了我国国土资源管理中行政结构关系调整的基本思路.  相似文献   

提高耕地质量对保障粮食安全更为重要   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究目的:探讨提高耕地质量和粮食生产能力的重要性和措施。研究方法:比较分析法和数据统计法。研究结果:耕地质量对社会经济发展和粮食安全的保障具有重要的促进作用;由土地退化、土壤污染等原因造成的农用地质量下降和农业生产能力低下,已对国家粮食安全构成严重威胁。研究结论:现阶段应多管齐下,大力提升耕地质量和粮食生产能力,不仅要高度重视土地污染问题,转变传统粮食供给观念,而且要加大工业反哺农业政策的力度,改变强调数量为主的占补平衡观念,代以新补耕地数量、产量不低于被占用耕地数量、产量的双向衡量标准,保障社会经济的全面发展。  相似文献   

研究目的:总结2019年国内外土地资源利用与空间规划方面的研究进展,展望2020年国内研究趋势.研究方法:文献调查法.研究结果:2019年国内研究主要集中在土地资源的自然与生态属性、低碳土地利用、土地利用转型、自然生态空间用途管制制度、智慧型空间规划、国土空间规划体系等方面;国外研究侧重于土地资源配置、土地质量、土地利用变化、土地规划的公众参与技术与生态影响等方面.研究结论:2019年土地资源利用与空间规划在自然资源资产、国土空间用途管制、国土空间规划、土地资源资产核算、土地生态系统服务价值评价和土地利用转型潜力评价等基础理论和实践研究方面取得了一定进展.2020年及未来将重点关注自然资源优化配置、土地利用转型、自然资源资产、资源集约利用、国土空间用途管制、自然生态空间管制、国土空间规划编制技术、村庄规划等研究方向.  相似文献   

研究目的:以福建省建溪流域为例,基于2010—2016年的景观类型数据和农用地整理数据,分析农用地整理对区域景观动态和生态风险的影响。研究方法:单一变量法,景观格局指数,生态风险指数。研究结果:(1)2010—2016年间通过农用地整理工程增加的耕地主要在海拔高于300 m的区域;(2)农用地整理工程中的新增耕地主要来源于草地、园地和林地,也有部分城镇村及工矿用地、交通用地等由于村庄合并或矿区土地复垦等原因被整理为耕地;(3)每一种农用地整理工程类型都是一种风险源,其释放的风险压力主要有景观单一化和景观破碎化两种;(4)2010—2016年建溪流域的生态风险值介于2 386.11~2 394.76,2010年后生态风险指数逐年降低。研究结论:本文对大尺度上关于农用地整理对景观生态的影响研究有借鉴意义,可以为区域尺度的土地利用优化设计和农用地整理设计规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

国土空间监测网络布局优化方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究目的:服务于自然资源综合监管以及全国国土空间的多级综合动态监测,以县域为基本空间单元,采用多目标优化求解方法,优选具有国土空间代表性的典型县域监测样点,使得选取的每个样点县均能同时代表某种类型的农业生产空间、城乡建设空间和生态保育空间,形成国土空间监测网络优化布局方案,为构建国土空间监测网络提供参考依据。研究方法:基于2015年土地利用变更调查分县数据,结合自然本底、社会经济统计数据,构建空间采样数据集;采用土地垦殖率、城乡建设强度、生态覆盖度三个指标表征国土空间类型,选择与其相关性较大的自然、社会经济指标作为辅助变量,采用重复二分聚类方法进行国土空间分区;根据监测点对不同的农业生产空间类型、城乡建设空间类型、生态保育空间类型的代表性,以及地理空间分布的均匀性,设定多目标优化函数,采用多路空间模拟退火方法进行多目标优化求解,从全国县域单元中优选出能够同时对不同类型的农业生产、城乡建设、生态保育空间均具有代表性的样点县,形成国土空间监测网络布局备选方案;基于专家知识,充分考虑管理实践对监测样点布设的现实要求,从多套理论方案中优选出国土空间监测网络布局的优化方案。研究结果:基于成本最小原则,优选出34个县域监测样点,形成了国土空间监测网络布局参考方案。研究结论:人类对自然资源的开发能力日益增强,国土空间格局正在发生剧烈演变。为动态获取国土空间变化信息,掌握国土空间演变规律,及时制定国土空间优化调控策略,优化国土空间开发格局,亟需加快构建覆盖全国的国土空间多级综合监测网络。本文面向全国国土空间监测网络建设优选出的34个县域监测样点,能够以最少的样本数量实现对主要国土空间类型的全面覆盖,可为全国国土空间监测网络优化布局提供参考。同时,研究提出的国土空间分区和监测样点优化布局方法可为重点区域国土空间监测网络构建提供借鉴。  相似文献   

关于耕地数量与质量平衡的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用农用地分等定级成果,分析建立耕地的数量、质量占补平衡新机制的目标、措施和方法.结果表明:耕地基准面积应作为考核区域耕地数量、质量是否平衡的指标;依据不同等别的农用地的粮食综合生产能力,即不同等别的农用地以其粮食综合生产能力作为主要的可比性指标,确定农用地等别折算系数;建立耕地储备库,实行先补充、后使用的机制,耕地储备库按基准面积统计管理,建设用地项目补充耕地时必须先取得耕地储备库的指标;采用标准样地对比法评定建设占用耕地、土地开发复垦整理新增耕地等农用地宗地评估,可以弥补农用地分等定级与估价工作比例尺过小、难以实地定界的不足.  相似文献   

Increased AIDS mortality and other preexisting conditions have contributed to agricultural productivity declines in the districts of Masaka and Rakai in Uganda. These two districts were the most fertile in Uganda and also had the highest HIV seroprevalence rates in Africa. 66% of study households experienced land use decline to some extent over the past 5 years. The 11% decline in poultry production and 32% decline in cattle production was reportedly due to poor management and loss of grazing land from overpopulation and larger scale farms. The most frequently reported reasons for crop reductions were death and sickness; these was estimated as affecting 8% of families with children under 5 years in the study area. Morbidity and mortality as a reason for the decline was reported two times as much as poverty and decline in international coffee prices. Other reasons for loss of productivity were food shortages and insecurity, loss of income, and reduced ability to respond to educational and medical needs. Cassava is replacing the culturally preferred matooke banana as a crop that is more disease-, pest-, and drought resistant. The banana weevil has been a recent problem. Marginal farming systems have been the most affected by declines in land use and livestock production, but fertile areas have not been spared the impact from AIDS and adult mortality. Poverty has decreased the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers in the districts. Policy has had an impact on agricultural practices: population growth and inheritance have added to loss of individual land holdings and contributed to fallow periods and infertility. Appropriate land management practices have not been adequately promoted in the agricultural extension service. Civil wars and the drop in coffee prices have reduced the number of farm laborers. Common grazing land has been turned over to large commercial ranches. Government should maintain research and monitoring of declines in food and cash crop production and manpower needs. Policy must be designed to respond to the complicated factors affecting productivity. High AIDS prevalence areas and marginal areas where reduced production effects would be the most severe must be given priority status. Development of cash crop alternatives must be examined and perhaps supported on an experimental basis by donor agencies. Maximum productivity should be encouraged by rural extension and education agencies. A number of other specific recommendations were made for individual survival strategies to maintain high agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

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