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In this study we examine the relationship between strategic networks and new product performance from the perspective of ambidextrous innovation (i.e. combining exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation) using a sample of 323 manufacturing firms in the transitional economy of China. Our empirical analyses present several interesting findings: (a) strategic networks are positively related to firms’ new product performance; (b) ambidextrous innovation has a positive effect on firms’ new product performance – that is, the combination of exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation positively affects the firm's new product performance, while the lack of balance between exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation negatively affects the firm's new product performance; and (c) ambidextrous innovation mediates the relationship between strategic networks and new product performance. Our findings provide scholars and managers with a better understanding of the key role played by the simultaneous adoption of exploratory and exploitative innovation in the relationship between strategic networks and new product performance.  相似文献   


This paper has as its aim to analyse multinational enterprises’ location decisions from the perspective of the knowledge-based firm in an attempt to answer the following questions: Are innovative MNEs more likely to be located in areas with a higher degree of agglomeration? Who benefits to a greater extent ? in terms of innovation ? from geographical proximity with other agents: national or foreign enterprises? What role does absorptive capacity play in the relationship between agglomeration and innovation? According to this research work, agglomeration differently influences the innovation of MNE subsidiaries – through knowledge spillovers – depending on the types of agglomerated companies. The analysis performed with a sample of firms located in Spain includes local and foreign companies and uses data from a survey conducted by the National Statistics Institute (INE for its Spanish initials) in 2016. The results show that the agglomeration of similar enterprises favours innovation amongst foreign firms, as opposed to local ones, which absorb both positive and negative effects.  相似文献   

2019年3月,俄罗斯政府发布《2019—2030年国家科技发展计划》,这是俄罗斯历史上出台的第二个科技发展中长期规划,旨在实现普京第四任期提出的重返世界五大科研强国的目标。整体来看,该计划主要呈现四大特点:大幅增加科技发展相关投入;人力资源培养成为第一要务;高度重视基础研究发展;强调打通从基础研究到技术开发再到产品及服务商业化的整个创新链条。  相似文献   

原始性创新是其他创新的源头和基础。中国在原始性创新能力的提升方面面临对基础研究重视不够、科研评价体系僵化、缺乏科研合作等瓶颈。中国应当加大对原始创新的财政支持,完善科研评价体系,建立有效的合作共享机制,并建立多层次的原始性创新人才队伍,以提升中国原始性创新能力。  相似文献   

Although Karl Polanyi Studied a different epoch and focused on Europe, his ideas have inspired an outpouring of studies on contemporary problems and prospects in the neoliberal era. The bulk of these studies pertain to industrial countries or global economic issues. However, the human, environmental and financial impact of market deregulation is arguably more devastating in the ‘developing’ countries than in the core. A question thus arises: do Polanyi's reflections on progressive alternatives to liberalism clarify contemporary debates on development alternatives in the Global South? I contend that democratic socialism – Polanyi's preferred remedy to the ‘demolition’ of society and nature occasioned by market civilisation – is problematical in light of what we have learned from the twentieth century, but his framework for evaluating alternatives – featuring the re-embedding of economy in society – remains as powerful as ever, I support this argument with an exploration of socialism and social democracy – as well as community – based alternatives arising from ‘reciprocity’. Each possibility raises distinctive dilemmas, as an analysis of cases reveals.  相似文献   

构建线性回归模型,利用1996—2010年我国15个制造业行业的面板数据,根据消费者边际效用递减规律是否明显将样本行业分为最终消费品制造业和装备制造业,同时将研究区间划分为1996—2001年和2002—2010年两个阶段,分组、分阶段地对不同类型的技术创新(产品创新和工艺创新)对制造业国际竞争优势的影响进行实证分析。结果表明:产品开发类创新对产业国际竞争优势的巩固与保持具有显著的正向影响;性能改进类创新和工艺创新对产业国际竞争优势的影响取决于消费者边际效用变化的特点。  相似文献   

The optimal distinctiveness perspective argues that firms face competing pressures to be both ‘like’ and ‘different from’ their peers. On the one hand, institutional scholars assert that firms need to be similar to peers in order to gain legitimacy. On the other hand, strategy scholars insist that firms need to strive to be different to gain competitive advantage. In order to enrich the optimal distinctiveness perspective, the present study builds a conceptual model that addresses the relationships among organisational regulatory legitimacy, entrepreneurial orientation, and SME innovation under the context of China’s transition economy. Our empirical results show that organisational regulatory legitimacy has an inverted-U relationship with SME innovation. Further, entrepreneurial orientation strengthens this inverse-U shaped relationship. That is, entrepreneurial orientation magnifies both the positive and the negative effect of organisational regulatory legitimacy on SME innovation. This study echoes to the call to conduct broader optimal distinctiveness research by integrating institutional theory and strategic management. Furthermore, our findings provide new evidence for the strategic balance perspective of optimal distinctiveness.  相似文献   

中国经济发展道路及模式,在近10余年成为全世界关注的焦点,但从价值维度研究中国经济发展道路,是当今学术界的一大薄弱环节。本文以两个百年的纵深,从价值维度切入,重点论证并原创性提出了:以全体中国人民的根本利益为价值立场;以全体中国人民的共同富裕和自由全面发展为根本价值目的;确立三个为主(公有主体,按劳分配主体,国家宏观调控主导)和三个共存(多种经济成分,多元要素参与分配,市场决定微观资源配置)的基本经济制度,建设以高质量的实体经济国内循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的现代绿色生产生活体系,建设以国家内生创新为主导、企业自主创新为主体、多元协同创新为补充的关键核心技术进步体系,建设以高质量发展的城乡融合经济体系和区域协调发展的生产力空间布局体系等等,以此四点为价值原则;以人民通过生产劳动创造幸福生活为根本价值实践主题,其核心要义是:国民幸福可持续、国办公业建和平、党揽全局谋长远、民本路线通民心。创建具备上述价值总体的目标路径同向认知体系与实践行动体系有机统一的经济发展系统,就是高质量发展阶段中国社会主义经济发展道路,亦是本文的学术创新。  相似文献   

非线性技术创新评价模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业技术创新是始于研究开发而终于市场实现的动态过程,技术创新系统是由若干系统要素共同作用组成的动态复杂系统,具有开放性、动态性、非线性、不确定性等复杂性特征。传统的线性观点和线性模型已经不能适用于对技术创新系统的分析与评价,技术创新评价研究由线性、静态模式转向非线性、动态模式的发展轨迹,非线性科学的迅速发展,为更好的研究企业技术创新评价提供了重要的理论工具。本文在国内外有关企业技术创新评价方法研究的基础上,对技术创新评价有关因素,特别是对创新能力与创新环境因素作了系统分析。运用托姆尖点突变理论,分析了技术创新能力与技术创新环境对技术创新状态发生变化的内在作用机理。指出技术创新能力是技术创新状态发生变化的本质,而技术创新环境是技术创新状态发生变化的运作,并在此基础上给出了技术创新评价方法步骤。本文的研究旨在为进一步研究技术创新评价问题提供扩散性思维。  相似文献   

By applying an ambidexterity perspective to the business model context, this study examines the effects of efficiency and novelty – two conflicting business model design themes – on technological innovation performance and the relationship between these themes as it relates to enhancing technological innovation performance. From an analysis of data on 173 Chinese manufacturing firms, it is found that both efficiency and novelty themes are positively related to technological innovation performance; the combined dimension (CD) of business model ambidexterity (the interaction between efficiency and novelty themes) is positively related to technological innovation performance; and the balance dimension (BD) of business model ambidexterity (the balance between efficiency and novelty themes) positively moderates the relationship between CD and technological innovation performance.  相似文献   

This work explores the relationship between temporary employment and product innovation focusing on five major European economies (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands) observed between 1998 and 2012. The analysis distinguishes sectors according to their technological characteristics and regimes finding that industries using temporary employment tend to have a weaker product innovation propensity. The negative correlation between temporary employment and innovation turns out to be stronger in those sectors where tacit firm’s specific knowledge is crucial to the development of innovations. These sectors are identified using both the ‘Cumulativeness’ proxy stemming from Peneder’s classification as well as distinguishing between different Schumpeterian regimes – Schumpeter Mark I vs. II – of knowledge accumulation.  相似文献   

This article considers unexpected outcomes of innovation occurring during research processes. Because serendipity has often led to important discoveries, here a model is developed to analyse the conditions for a ‘market for ideas’ to exist. With the help of game theory in particular, it is shown that the creation of such a market is quite unlikely because unfair buyer behaviour and the possibility of expropriation of the innovation renders the seller reluctant to negotiate with a potential buyer. All these factors may hinder the flow of ideas among institutions, generating a loss for society as a whole.  相似文献   

长期以来,在传统的科研管理体制的影响下,产学研管理体制不健全、合作行为短期化和形式化等问题严重制约了科技成果转化和产业化的推进。新一轮全球科技革命与产业变革正加速推动“科学”向“技术”转化,对科技治理体系形成一系列新挑战。为了跨越从基础研究到技术创新的“死亡谷”,国外创造性地发展了一批各具特色的新型研发机构,这些机构已经成为产学研用协同创新的重要平台和成果转化的关键支撑。本文剖析了构建新时代产学研深度融合的现实路径,在成功借鉴瑞士比尔创新园全链条创新服务模式经验的基础上,提出推动新型研发机构建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

全面创新管理视角下企业技术创新能力成长模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张文彬 《技术经济》2012,31(7):34-39,65
在对我国11家重点工业企业进行实地调研的基础上,提出全面创新管理视角下的企业技术创新能力成长模型,包括用户拉动、开放创新、全面创新、人才激励4个模块。认为企业技术创新能力的提升来自于如下方面:将创新与市场需求紧密结合;建立产学研、上下游、国内外有效结合的合作创新网络;实现技术创新、管理创新与制度创新的有效互动;充分发挥人才的创新潜力。  相似文献   

(Expected) adverse effects of the ‘ICT Revolution’ on work and opportunities for individuals to use and develop their capacities give a new impetus to the debate on the societal implications of technology and raise questions regarding the ‘responsibility’ of research and innovation (RRI) and the possibility of achieving ‘inclusive and sustainable society’. However, missing in this debate is an examination of a possible conflict between the quest for ‘inclusive and sustainable society’ and conventional economic principles guiding capital allocation (including the funding of research and innovation). We propose that such conflict can be resolved by re-examining the nature and purpose of capital, and by recognising mainstream economics’ utilitarian foundations as an unduly restrictive subset of a wider Aristotelian understanding of choice.  相似文献   

基于1998-2019年中国省级层面数据,从最优研发结构视角实证检验基础研究发展对技术创新的影响。结果发现,基础研究发展与技术创新之间呈倒U型关系,存在一个最优基础研究占比。基础研究与应用研究融合发展有利于推动技术创新;在不同经济发展阶段,为促进技术创新所要求的最优基础研究占比不同,东部地区所要求的最优基础研究占比高于中西部地区;任何偏离最优基础研究占比的实际基础研究占比都会拖累技术创新。东部地区实际基础研究占比低于其最优基础研究占比的幅度大,因此东部地区技术创新损失程度高于中西部地区。  相似文献   

陈睿  井润田 《技术经济》2012,(12):13-21
通过构建被调节的中介效应模型,探讨了团队异质性对团队成员创新绩效的影响机制,考察了团队层面的创新氛围的跨层次中介效应以及领导观点采择能力对此中介效应的调节作用。结果显示:在领导观点采择能力较高的R&D团队中,专业差异、团队任期差异通过创新氛围的中介作用对成员创新绩效产生较强的正向影响,年龄差异的负向影响较强,团队异质性的影响非常有限;团队异质性对成员主观绩效的影响大于对客观绩效的影响。  相似文献   

从空间关联视角再审视政府创新补贴的效应,并基于2001—2017年我国省际面板数据,运用空间面板模型分析了政府创新补贴对中国工业自有研发支出的影响。结果表明,政府创新补贴显著激励了本省市工业自有研发支出,同时,也正向影响相邻省市工业自有研发支出。在控制了内生性问题后,该结论依然成立。另外,在不同所有制和创新水平下,政府创新补贴对工业自有研发支出的空间影响效果存在差异。根据研究结论,本文提出加大政府创新补贴力度并充分考虑溢出效应、融合政府激励和市场驱动以及营造支持成功创新的环境等4项政策建议。  相似文献   

聚焦生态文明型的高技术产业绿色技术创新,基于2006—2017年省级面板数据,采用Super-SBM模型测度环境约束下的中国高技术产业绿色技术创新。利用系统GMM模型对影响高技术产业创新的动因进行实证检验,并构建VAR模型探索其长期效果。结果表明:高技术产业绿色技术创新具有自身“累积”效应;国际研发对高技术产业绿色技术创新具有促进作用,但高强度环境规制对其有“成本挤出”效应;在短期,内部研发尚未促进高技术产业绿色技术创新,但环境规制带来的“财税激励”能够推动绿色技术创新;仅高环境规制地区内外部研发能够产生协同效应。  相似文献   

创新政策是自主创新战略顺利实施的重要保障。综合分析了我国创新政策目前存在的问题,并且指出创新政策研究和创新政策管理中存在的问题是导致这些问题的主要原因。国外创新政策研究方法、管理体系、监督机制与我国有较大的差异,对其进行了详细介绍和系统分析。最后建议从完善创新政策理论基础、建立创新政策研究方法体系、构建创新政策综合管理体系、优化创新政策制定实施过程的管理机制4方面提高我国创新政策的水平。  相似文献   

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