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论六西格玛管理的实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
六西格玛管理可使企业改善经营业绩和获得快速增长.阐述了六西格玛管理的特点、度量指标、实施方法,以及六西格玛项目的选择、六西格玛改进、六西格玛设计、六西格玛培训等.指出,六西格玛管理法以专业化的改进过程为核心,针对不同的目的与应用领域.这种专业化的改进过程包括:六西格玛产品/服务过程改进DMAIC流程,六西格玛设计SSDP流程等;六西格玛管理法在实施上以"倡导者"、"黑带大师"、"黑带"、"绿带"等经过培训、职责明确的人员作为组织保障;六西格玛管理法通过确定和实施六西格玛项目来完成过程改进;六西格玛管理法明确规定了成功的标准及度量方法,以及对项目完成人员的奖励.  相似文献   

六西格玛起源于摩托罗拉的制造工厂,是制造业改善流程,消除由低质量造成的成本浪费的利器。然而近些年,六西格玛管理不再局限于质量管理,已发展成为一种全新的企业管理手段和方法,基于数据的六西格玛管理正成为优化服务业发展的动力。本文从六西格玛管理的角度,应用了因果图、矩阵等工具和层次分析法,对人力资源管理中的影响员工培训体系绩效水平的因素进行了一定的分析,将一个比较抽象的问题进行量化,从而给出建议的优化方案,便于辅助人力资源管理者进行决策。同时,六西格玛管理的实施不仅能够为企业人力资源部门节省成本,还可以为员工提供优质的服务,从根本上提高员工满意度,为企业带来盈利。  相似文献   

文章基于PDCA循环和六西格玛改进方法DMAIC环,设计了一种数据质量闭环管理模型。该模型描述了数据质量管理各个阶段的管理方法及相关工具,为支撑数据质量管理模型,还介绍了数据质量管理平台和数据核查移动应用等信息化技术。最后通过介绍某供电企业数据质量提升案例,证明了数据质量闭环管理模型的有效性。  相似文献   

介绍了如何提高发动机大修质量的整个过程,通过六西格管理绿带项目—《提高发动机大修合格率的方法》对发动机大修流程进行了充分的梳理,运用六西格玛管理工具中排列图、因果图以及minitab软件进行全面分析,找出影响发动机大修合格率的关键因素,通过对关键因素的确认,并有针对性地提出改进方法,使大修发动机合格率得到显著提升。  相似文献   

编者按:本期沙龙的主题词是“六西格玛管理”。 西格玛“σ”是希腊字母,在统计学上用来表示数据的分散程度。对连续可计量的质量特性,用“σ”度量质量特性总体上对目标值的偏离程度。在以缺陷率计量质量特性时,用“σ”度量缺陷率, 6σ(六西格玛)质量表示质量特性的缺陷率仅为百万分之三点四。 20世纪 90年代中期,六西格玛管理开始从一种全面质量管理方法演变成为一个高度有效的企业流程设计、改造和优化技术,继而成为世界上追求管理卓越性的企业最为重要的战略举措。这些公司迅速运用六西格玛的管理思想于企业管理的各个方面,为使企业在全球化、信息化的竞争环境中处于不败之地建立了坚实的管理和领导基础。比如在《财富》杂志的“世界最受推崇企业”名单上一直名列榜首的美国通用电气公司( GE),从 1995年以来一直把六西格玛列为其四大战略举措之首(另外三个是全球化、服务业、电子商务)。基于六西格玛的管理思想和行为准则迅速渗透到 GE庞大组织的每一个角落,为这家百年老企业注入了前所未有的活力,带来了巨大的经济效益。8月24日,在国家经贸委、国家质量监督检验检疫总局、中国质量管理协会的支持下,三家在中国从事六西格玛教育、咨询和实施的机构──北京普罗维智资讯有限公司  相似文献   

运用六西格玛管理方法,设立六西格玛管理绿带项目一“提高库存设备完好率”这一课题;运用DMAIC逐步改进的方法,解决设备管理过程中出现的维修质量问题。对设备整修、整修验收、存放整个设备管理过程进行细致分析,最终提高库存设备完好率。通过对影响库存设备完好率的各种因素及影响程度,进行充分的分析、论证,最终确定影响设备完好率的关键因素X,对关键X影响问题Y(设备完好率)的贡献率进行计算,并提出改进措施。详细介绍了运用六西格玛管理方法中几种分析工具解决绿带问题的全过程,并对主要影响因素的X贡献率进行计算,针对影响库存完好率的关键因素,提出了最终解决问题的方案。  相似文献   

为提升实验室质量、规范内部管理,对实验管理中存在的问题与挑战进行剖析。以实验室所用系统设备作为分析对象,将六西格玛理论应用到实际操作中,结合实验室实际测试数据,应用Minitab软件,通过使用不同数据模型分析、评估实验室系统设备的稳定性,及时发现可能存在的问题,了解实际与期望的差距,这对于提高系统设备性能、优化实验流程、改进实验方法和实施有效质量控制是有帮助的。  相似文献   

精益六西格玛是一种先进的管理理念和管理模式,促进了企业的科学发展。在中国石化中原油田分公司第四采油厂推行精益六西格玛管理,安全环保督查大队运用精益六西格玛先进管理理念和科学统计方法实施绿带项目。阐述了项目的实施情况,对项目实施过程中发现的问题进行分析并提出建议:总结归纳督查的施工现场,积累样本数据,系统分析问题的形成及可能导致的后果;运用六西格玛的统计分析方法(工具)使得出的结果更加客观、科学;推行六西格玛管理,是提升管理的有效手段。通过实施六西格玛管理,解决了施工现场安全环保难题,有效提高了施工现场安全管理水平。  相似文献   

实施六西格玛管理,实际上就是实施六西格玛项目.因此,选择正确的六西格玛项目,便成为成功实施六西格玛管理的关键.  相似文献   

六西格玛管理战略与中国企业的国际竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
六西格玛,由于其严谨的方法和实施步骤、以面向最终用户来建立营运体系的管理思想,对于中国企业建立卓越的管理体系、获取并保持在国际市场上的竞争优势提供了一个非常有效的管理思想和实践。   我们不能仅仅从传统的质量管理角度来看待六西格玛,传统的观念只是为了顺应内部的要求,而六西格玛是为了帮助公司节省更多的钱。为了达到这一目的,就需要给流程质量管理下一个新的定义。六西格玛的目的在于提高生产流程管理以达到提高生产力而增值,而质量被分为两个层面:潜在性质量和实际的质量。潜在性质量被视为所能产生的最大增值可能…  相似文献   

工程造价管理信息化解决方案   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
实行工程造价管理的信息化,是进行工程造价管理的有效手段。工程造价管理覆盖建设工程前期决策及实施的各个阶段,目前工程造价管理的软件很多,但在实际应用过程中,这些软件存在着一些共性的缺陷。仅靠单一的工程造价软件是无法进行工程造价管理的。为了解决这一问题,可以从工程造价全过程管理的需求出发,把企业数据库,估算编制、工程量清单编制、电子评标、工程造价指标分析等子系统集成在一个协同平台上,对工程造价信息进行数据处理和交换,集中管理,实现企业工程数据共享。  相似文献   

Innovation management is a subdiscipline of management that studies the rules that govern the generation, diffusion, adoption of innovation, and relationships between innovation inputs and outputs. A great number of innovative products and services depend on software. In the software industry, many small entities act as subcontractors that develop components that are later integrated into larger industrial systems. However, these small entities do not have the resources needed to support long-term R&D activities and they also lack innovation management models which makes the planning and execution of innovation management difficult. These same small enterprises face similar challenges in the software development process. However, the ISO/IEC 29110 standard provides small enterprises with a clear path in implementing a systematic software development process. The planning and execution of innovation management activities may also benefit from a similar approach. This article describes an innovation activity model suited to the characteristics of small entities whose main stream of revenue is software development. Using the existing literature, standards, and the practical experience of companies with a successful history of developing innovative software-based products, this study identifies the activities and practices that lead to the development of innovative products. Interfaces between innovation management activities, software development processes, and work products are also identified.  相似文献   

Reduction of cycle time (i.e., time to market) is a fundamental competitive strategy in many industries. With the current proliferation of personal computer (PC) technology, software developers face intense competition. However, unlike their counterparts in other consumer goods markets, product development managers in the software industry appear to be less concerned with (or even aware of) cycle time than they are with other competitive variables. To explore the role of cycle-time reduction in the process of developing software packages, Erran Carmel conducted a study of 15 software package companies in the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area. The survey results indicate that software package developers are generally unaware of cycle-time reduction as a management concept. Instead, software developers tend to focus on rapid development, with an emphasis on “crunch” periods of intense effort aimed at meeting a deadline. During these periods of peak activity, 87% of the developers in core teams worked more than 56 hours per week and 47% worked more than 71 hours per week. In terms of the organizational variables necessary for cycle-time reduction, all of the survey respondents point to the importance of a small, cohesive, core development team, similar to a cross-functional team. Members of the core team are entrepreneurial and share a common vision of the product's design, use, and long-term direction. As for the development variables associated with cycle-time reduction, the software companies in the survey typically do not use process models or risk analysis techniques. Similarly, they devote scant resources to automated tools. For the majority of the firms in the survey, annual investment in automated software development tools is less than $1,000 per developer. On the other hand, reuse (as embodied in object-oriented design and development) and incremental innovation are important to all of the sample firms. Although quality assurance (QA) activities are not addressed in the innovation literature, QA is a significant cycle-time component in software development. As demonstrated by the industry practice of releasing products with long lists of known defects, the software product category clearly has quality problems. With the current boom in new users, pressure will grow for improved quality. To remain competitive, software developers need to determine how they can better integrate QA activities into the development process while reducing cycle time.  相似文献   

目前财务管理所依托的电算化软件由于核算过程与业务上相脱节,已不能适应财务动态管理的要求,网络财务已经正在或即将成为21世纪财务管理的发展趋势。本文从财务管理信息的现状与问题着手,探讨网络环境对现行财务管理模式的影响,网络财务给使用开放式网络的企业带来的新问题,并提出在网络环境下应建立信息技术与财务管理相结合的网络化财务管理系统,将信息技术与财务管理融合,探索新的管理模式和工作方式。  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that pair programmers–two programmers working collaboratively on the same design, algorithm, code, or test–perform substantially better than the two would working alone. Improved quality, teamwork, communication, knowledge management, and morale have been among the reported benefits of pair programming. This paper presents a comparative economic evaluation that strengthens the case for pair programming. The evaluation builds on the quantitative results of an empirical study conducted at the University of Utah. The evaluation is performed by interpreting these findings in the context of two different, idealized models of value realization. In the first model, consistent with the traditional waterfall process of software development, code produced by a development team is deployed in a single increment; its value is not realized until the full project completion. In the second model, consistent with agile software development processes such as Extreme Programming, code is produced and delivered in small increments; thus its value is realized in an equally incremental fashion. Under both models, our analysis demonstrates a distinct economic advantage of pair programmers over solo programmers. Based on these preliminary results, we recommend that organizations engaged in software development consider adopting pair programming as a practice that could improve their bottom line. To be able to perform quantitative analyses, several simplifying assumptions had to be made regarding alternative models of software development, the costs and benefits associated with these models, and how these costs and benefits are recognized. The implications of these assumptions are addressed in the paper.  相似文献   

随着信息产业的发展,软件开发过程中管理的规范化和标准化问题越来越为人们所关注。作为国际上最流行的软件企业成熟度等级认证标准,CMM提供了一个软件工程成果和管理方法的框架。简要介绍了CMM的基本内容和评估方法,并进一步分析了它在企业软件过程改进中的应用。  相似文献   

工程建设企业在管理提升活动中必须正视全面质量管理工作中存在的不足,正确处理全面质量管理内容与形式的关系、全面质量管理体系与HSE体系的关系,采取转变管理思路、健全规章制度、完善管理机制、规范业务流程、量化工作标准、注重务实操作、细化质量标准、强化监督检查、注重体系融合、建立长效机制等一系列措施,通过与先进企业的对标管理和内部管理短板的纵向查找,全面提升工程建设企业全面质量管理水平。  相似文献   

F. Norrgren 《R&D Management》1990,20(3):263-273
The paper reports the actions taken by a large Swedish information technology business to repair defects in the production of system software. Typical problems were late delivery, poor maintainability, lack of documentation. The approach taken to remove the defects consisted in introducing into software production the time- and specification-oriented culture of the factory.
Software writing had usually been delegated to more or less autonomous individuals inside R&D, with the result that expertize was often unrecorded, residing in those individuals' brains, procedures were poorly documented, cross-fertilization with other projects was minimal and lead times were long. The authors identify three reasons for this situation: management ignorance of how the design process operates; professional exclusiveness of design staff; reluctance of managers to exercise supervision over a design engineer's daily tasks.
The solution was to differentiate and rationally define jobs within the design function, set up a flat managerial structure overseeing a group of integrated teams each consisting of a senior system designer plus a junior designer leading four semi-skilled technicians, introduce a well-defined work-flow organization, make use of quality circles, install review procedures, undertake leadership and interpersonal skill training, and take measures to ensure effective communication in all directions.
The new approach has partly been successfully operated for several years. The paper concludes with a discussion of some of the positive and negative lessons which have been learnt during the implementation.  相似文献   

国内外工程项目管理现状比较与探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章在介绍国外大型工程公司项目管理的形式、内容、手段和方法的基础上,对我国工程项目管理的现状及主要差距进行了较详细的分析和总结,并针对国内企业在工程项目管理方面存在的问题以及体制上存在的不足提出了一些较具体的建议.即:建构项目管理学科的培训内容;促进项目管理软件的开发与应用;建立科学的工程项目管理体系;重视工程项目的风险;抓紧培养人才,培育一批工程总承包和工程项目管理企业等.  相似文献   

新疆油田公司通过多年的实践与探索,结合生产管理实际,运用系统理论、过程方法以及PDCA方法建立了标准化过程管理模式,在具体应用中取得了良好的效果。为石油企业如何在建设综合性国际能源公司的大背景下做好标准化工作提供了借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

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