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机构投资者报价是询价制度下IPO定价的核心环节,本文从机构报价中的意见分歧角度研究中国股票一级市场IPO"三高"问题,以及二级市场新股上市首日及长期表现。研究发现,我国询价机构的报价存在较大差异性,表明机构报价过程中意见分歧较为严重。进一步研究表明,询价机构报价差异性越大、意见分歧越严重,一级市场IPO定价过高问题就越突出,并导致"三高"问题的出现;同时,机构报价差异性与IPO首日收益呈显著负相关,表明二级市场投资者意见分歧已通过询价机构报价的方式提前反映到IPO定价中;而长期来看,机构报价差异性越大,未来股价下跌幅度越大,市场低迷问题也越突出。本文的研究对于理解中国市场IPO现象、改革与完善IPO定价机制,以及加强中小投资者保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

累计投标询价已经成为全球新股发行的主流趋势。文章对国外学者在询价制的本质、询价规则设计、询价与拍卖效率比较等领域的理论和实证研究结论进行了回顾,并针对我国现行询价机制与主流机制的区别,提出了值得深入研究的一些新问题。  相似文献   

IPO定价效率一直是我国新股发行市场最关注的问题之一,文章以2006年9月16日《证券承销与管理办法》颁布后至2008年12月31日深圳中小板上市新股为样本,从参加询价的机构投资者的数量和类型这两个维度来研究机构投资者行为如何影响新股定价效率。研究发现参加询价的机构投资者数量与IPO抑价率正相关;参加询价的机构投资中基金、券商所占比例与IPO抑价率负相关,而财务、信托投资公司所占比例与IPO抑价率正相关。这一发现丰富了对询价制和机构投资者行为的研究。  相似文献   

李勇  陆文军 《经济师》2009,(12):84-86
自2004年底出台政策,在中国新股发行过程中推行询价制度以来,其中经历过2006年对询价制度改革指导意见,2009年对询价制度的进一步改革和深化,但是改革的力度和深度均不够。追究其原因,中国的询价制度存在一系列的问题,比如初步询价未必要参与累计询价,初步询价过程中不需要缴纳保证金,参与询价对象的资格需要审核,询价对象参与配售锁定期较长等等情况。  相似文献   

利用2010—2012年中国A股443家询价对象的45630组详细报价的微观数据,构建了"信息优势"询价对象与"信息劣势"询价对象的平均报价之差的代理变量,使用Ordered-probit模型,对中国询价制度下A股市场中是否存在"赢者诅咒"假说进行了检验。进而利用询价阶段的详细报价数据,构建了3个衡量机构投资者审慎报价的代理变量,实证检验了中国第三阶段新股发行制度改革对询价对象报价行为的影响。研究结果表明:"信息优势"投资者与"信息劣势"投资者的平均报价之差与IPO首日抑价率成正比;中国证监会于2012年5月实施新股发行制度改革,显著提高了询价对象报价的审慎程度;导致新股发行抑价率高的主要因素仍是二级市场炒作。  相似文献   

张剑 《技术经济》2014,(2):104-111
利用2010—2012年中国A股443家询价对象的45630组详细报价的微观数据,构建了"信息优势"询价对象与"信息劣势"询价对象的平均报价之差的代理变量,使用Ordered-probit模型,对中国询价制度下A股市场中是否存在"赢者诅咒"假说进行了检验。进而利用询价阶段的详细报价数据,构建了3个衡量机构投资者审慎报价的代理变量,实证检验了中国第三阶段新股发行制度改革对询价对象报价行为的影响。研究结果表明:"信息优势"投资者与"信息劣势"投资者的平均报价之差与IPO首日抑价率成正比;中国证监会于2012年5月实施新股发行制度改革,显著提高了询价对象报价的审慎程度;导致新股发行抑价率高的主要因素仍是二级市场炒作。  相似文献   

券商跟投是科创板IPO的创新性制度安排。本文基于2019—2021年科创板上市公司数据,实证检验了券商跟投对询价意见分歧的影响。研究发现,科创板券商跟投比例越高,机构投资者询价意见分歧越小。从影响机制来看,券商跟投有效激励券商加大信息披露,降低了一级市场的信息不对称程度,从而降低了询价意见分歧。异质性分析表明,券商跟投对询价意见分歧的降低作用主要在内外部信息环境较差的发行人中显著,即跟投券商有效提高了企业的信息环境质量,发挥了认证作用。此外,券商跟投降低询价意见分歧后,还提高了新股上市首日收益率。因此,建议监管部门放开券商跟投比例的最高限制,在A股市场全面推行跟投制度,进一步完善券商跟投信息披露配套机制,充分发挥券商跟投的积极作用。  相似文献   

薛爽  王禹 《财经研究》2022,48(1):138-153
信息披露是注册制改革的核心,科创板首次公开披露IPO审核问询与回复,是对核准制下信息披露制度的重大改革。科创板IPO审核问询能否发挥预期的信息挖掘和价值发现功能,帮助投资者评估新股价值,提升IPO定价效率?文章研究表明,科创板IPO审核问询回复函的信息特征显著影响了机构投资者询价意见分歧,具体表现为:回复函叙述性披露内容越多、可视化信息量越大、文本可读性越高,机构投资者询价意见分歧越低。公司研发投入越多,回复函信息特征对询价意见分歧的影响越大。此外,当交易所明确指出回复函存在信息质量问题或者首轮问询后仍多次被问及核心科技问题时,回复函信息特征对询价意见分歧的影响显著减弱。在控制了机构投资者"抱团压价"等非理性因素的影响后,结论依然稳健。文章基于科创板IPO信息披露的分析,从定价效率视角提供了评价科创板注册制改革的经验证据,也为监管方进一步提高审核问询质量,提升IPO定价效率提供了参考。  相似文献   

现行的中国创业板询价机制还未能收获令人满意的效果,卖方阵营与买方阵营之间的利益依旧很难得到协调。买卖双方阵营的收益结果呈现出明显的不对等:保荐机构在帮助发行人获得超募收入的同时获得了可观的无风险制度性收入,而询价机构却要在三个月股份锁定期内承受着二级市场价格巨大波动的风险,未来的改革方向,必须要实现买卖两方的权责利一体化。  相似文献   

任秋娟 《经济师》2011,(3):106-106,108
自20世纪90年代初我国沪深两市股票交易所成立至今,我国的新股发行先后采取了多种定价机制。文章主要对固定价格机制、尝试用的拍卖机制和累计投标询价IPO定价机制进行理论分析和比较,总结出三种定价机制的主要特点、优势与不足,得出与固定价格机制、拍卖机制相比,累计投标询价机制具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

This study addresses the effectiveness of using pricing mechanisms, government-imposed constraints, or a hybrid, as a means of rationing municipal water. We try to test which policies would be most accepted among rural and urban communities in a semi-arid region of Texas that depend on both surface and groundwater sources for their municipal supplies. This study reveals that a hybrid conservation policy that includes mandatory restrictions, fines for overuse, and pricing increases could be more acceptable, and hence more efficient, than a policy that only consists of regulation. Moreover, there is not a significant dichotomy in policy preferences between rural and urban constituents; although those in rural communities would seem to appreciate far less regulatory policy than would urbanites.  相似文献   

This article recognizes the highly differentiated nature of UK mortgages. Applying hedonic pricing models in the generation of interest quality adjusted indices this study would suggest the need for a 0.24 percentage point increase in the retail price index (RPI) (which, at an average RPI of 3%, represents a measurement error of 9%). Moreover, this study finds that lenders tend to restrain increases in observable initial interest rates, but more than recoup this restraint through quality adjustments. These findings question the practice of removing mortgage interest repayments from macroeconomic inflationary target measures. This indicates the need to recognize the indirect inflationary impact of base rate rises on the price of highly differentiated debt based products.  相似文献   

Introducing nonlinear pricing into the teaching of consumer choice theory would provide an extension that introduces the student to a ubiquitous phenomenon and would enable the instructor to develop some interesting behavioral results. After distinguishing linear and nonlinear pricing, the authors derive the tariff, the consumer budget equation, and some behavioral implications for various nonlinear pricing policies. They show, among other things, that under some forms of nonlinear pricing, after a price rise people may buy more of a commodity or more of a commodity than would have been bought under linear pricing. They note some complications arising in the treatment of quantity discounts and premia.  相似文献   

We consider the design of a nonlinear social tariff for residential water in Côte d'Ivoire, which is a case of a monopolistic private operator supplying a population of heterogeneous consumers. The proposed optimal tariff includes an initial “social” block with a low unit price, and higher consumption blocks with a monopoly pricing rule. This optimal nonlinear tariff is calibrated using econometric estimates of a panel-data residential water demand equation. Welfare changes associated with moving from the actual tariff to approximations of the optimal pricing system are computed under different tariff scenarios. We find that gains in consumer welfare would outweigh losses in producer surplus in a majority of Ivorian local communities.  相似文献   

This paper compares alternative transition paths to efficient water pricing. The analysis is based on representative agent model, where two sources of water supply exist: exhaustible groundwater stock and a renewable substitute. Two alternative water pricing reforms are considered: gradual tariff increase and multipart pricing with first block sold at the initial pre-reform tariff and additional water sold at higher prices (block pricing reform). Under block pricing reform, the amount of water offered at low price gradually diminishes. The results of comparative analysis prove that under the same reform time horizon block pricing is preferred to the gradual tariff increase.  相似文献   

This study uses a travel-cost model to analyse the attendance impacts on Major League Baseball (MLB) of the closest substitute MLB team. It is found that the closer two teams are, the lower attendance is at each team relative to two teams that are farther apart. In addition, when a new team moves into the area of an existing team, there is an additional initial reduction in attendance for the incumbent team. This has implications for actions aimed at changing the number of teams in MLB either by contraction or by possible antitrust approaches that would increase the number of teams, especially in megalopolis markets. Further, and consistent with past demand studies, pricing is in the inelastic portion of gate demand and fan loyalty is a significant contributor to the estimation of gate attendance.  相似文献   

面向市场化的商业银行内部资金转移价格机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内部资金价格市场化是我国商业银行在向市场经济转型过程中改革的重要目标之一,它的实现,意味着我国商业银行将建立以中央银行利率为基础、以外部资金市场、资本市场利率为中介,由商业银行内部资金供求决定的市场价格体系和形成机制.而内部资金的定价机制则是商业银行根据特定的定价目标,对其金融产品进行具体计算的方法,对于内部资金价格机制选择的正确与否,是关系到商业银行内部资金定价目标能否实现的一个重要因素.  相似文献   

The two leading principles of pricing for public enterprises are outlined: Value based and cost based pricing. It is shown that optimal pricing à la Ramsey-Boiteux is closely related to value based pricing which itself is connected with Lindahl pricing of public goods. Cost based pricing is related to the pricing in competitive markets. Opening up of telecommunication to competition implies a change from value based (public good) pricing to cost based (pritate good) pricing. It is shown why specific developments in telecommunication technology make a switch to cost based pricing and a competitive environment appropriate. At the end a proposal is developed for a gradual change towards competition which would meet less political resistance.  相似文献   

Xuan Tang 《Applied economics》2018,50(48):5155-5163
This article considers a monopolistic firm’s optimal pricing decision over two periods among dynamic pricing, preannounced pricing and single pricing. In the models, consumers rationally determine whether to exhibit strategic waiting by weighing their costs against prospectively lower price. Our analysis yields three main results. First, single pricing that completely eliminates strategic waiting surely would be dominated by intertemporal pricing when facing rational consumers. Second, preannounced pricing may actually yield lower revenue than dynamic pricing when considering its effect on the reduction of consumer monitoring cost. Only when monitoring costs under dynamic pricing and under preannounced pricing are equal, is firm revenue weakly greater under preannounced pricing than under dynamic pricing. Third, in dynamic pricing equilibrium, increasing monitoring cost may increase firm revenue, consumer surplus and social welfare simultaneously.  相似文献   

CEO控制权、成长性与审计定价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用中国上市公司2007-2009年的数据,研究了CEO控制权、成长性因素对审计定价的影响。研究发现,由于中国上市公司的代理成本较高,所以CEO控制权与成长性因素分别对审计定价有显著的正向影响,但是由于处于成长初期的中国上市公司较多,CEO控制权对审计定价的影响并不依赖于成长性因素。  相似文献   

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