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价值共创的目标状态是“价值共振”,即用户、企业和社会三方的价值目标趋同一致。以Web of Science TM(Wos)核心集合为数据源,对近20年有关价值共创的文献进行可视化研究,利用CiteSpace软件对价值共创研究领域的知识基础、知识演进、研究热点、研究拐点,以及研究前沿展开分析,从如何实现“价值共振”的视角对价值共创相关文献的关键词进行提取,从用户维度、平台维度、企业维度、社会维度和服务生态系统维度这五大维度对“价值共振”进行界定,并且形成“价值共振”的融合点要素集合。  相似文献   

Publications pushing the “innovation ecosystem” meme have added valuable dimensions to the economic development discussion. The phrase has captured the imagination of policy makers and has motivated public initiatives of substantial magnitude. This paper reviews the concept of innovation ecosystems as it is set forth in the academic and trade literature, and asks, “What is gained from adding ‘eco-’ to our treatment of national and regional innovation systems?”The answer is, “Very little, and the risks outweigh the benefits.” Innovation ecosystem is not yet a clearly defined concept, much less a theory. Moreover, the idea carries pitfalls, notably its over-emphasis on market forces, and its flawed analogy to natural ecosystems.The prospect that the phrase “innovation ecosystem” is here to stay, in investment and economic development circles, implies a research gap, and indicates caution in using the phrase in rigorous research. The paper describes the gap, indicates directions for bridging it, and offers recommendations for prudent use of “ecosystem” terminology.  相似文献   

Given that entire industries face sustainability challenges, it is important to understand the dynamics that lead “firms‐in‐an‐industry” to engage in sustainable product innovation. To provide more insight into the question of how innovation activities spread from individual firm action to an industry‐wide engagement, this paper examines the automobile industry and the development of electric vehicles (EVs). The analysis covers automobile incumbents over a crucial decade for EV development in the industry, focusing on the different strategic motives that especially the so‐called “first movers” used to justify their earlier engagement. We find that EVs became a core pillar of the incumbents' technology strategies through a combination of coercive, normative, and mimetic pressures. Yet, the strategic motives to engage in EVs stayed poles apart between different companies. The insights from our study are relevant for those interested in the diffusion of sustainable product innovation and in incumbent behaviour in sustainability transitions.  相似文献   

Compared with the rich literature on urban sprawl in Western cities, relatively little is known of the driving factors, processes, and future trends of urban sprawl in China. This research analyzes the socioeconomic forces behind two parts of urban sprawl in China: urban decentralization and urban renewal, and reveals two basic characteristics of Chinese urban sprawl: de-densification and expansion of urbanized areas. It uses the term “urban sprawl” to consider the reasons behind urban transformation on a regional level in China. This research begins with definitions of sprawl in Western and Eastern countries, and follows with a dynamic analysis of the social, political, and cultural aspects of sprawl. Three case studies focus on three urban regions in China: Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. This research provides a comprehensive definition of “urban sprawl” in China, identifies the patterns of urban sprawl and growth, and indicates possible alternative strategies for urban expansion. Finally, it offers suggestions on how to effectively control urban sprawl in China, and provides a pathway to achieving sustainable development.  相似文献   

The paper outlines the ideas and theory behind a recently begun research project. The project consists of an investigation of the complexities, and particularly the problems, inherent in introducing technological innovation into production systems in industry. The practical and theoretical need for work of this kind is examined and the character and focus of the proposed investigation sketched. The concept of “discontinuance” is analysed and seen to apply both to the cessation of innovation production by a supplier and the termination of innovation usage by an adoptor. Rogers and Shoemaker's (1971) division of adoptor discontinuance into “replacement” and “disenchantment” discontinuance is considered and reformulated using the terms “replacement adoption”, “negative changeover effects” and “regressive discontinuance”. Finally, a number of models both of innovation development and innovation adoption are considered, synthesized and revised. An initial framework for the comprehension of innovation development and adoption is sketched and some of the potentially important issues therein are highlighted.  相似文献   

Recently, human activities are more and more invasive with respect to biodiversity. Several studies highlighted the key role played by accountants in contributing to the development of tools able to support company in assessing, reporting, and disseminating, as well as accomplishing, the preservation of natural species and ecosystems (King and Atkins, 2016). Corporate reporting of environmental information might increase the credibility of forest certifications, given that some scholars argued that certified forests are not often run, in a sustainable way. Moreover, certifications sometimes cover harmful forest practices (Elad, 2014) and do not ensure a good quality of environmental reporting and performance. The research question therefore intends to explore how extinction accounting and accountability (EAA) is able to reflect ex post the company's business strategy and, at the same time, influence ex ante its formulation by easing the prevention of deforestation risk and addressing the issue of credibility through specific actions. In more detail, the “Emancipatory Framework for Extinction Accounting and Accountability” (EFEAA) (Atkins and Maroun, 2018) was tested using content and interpretative analyses based on the reports inherent to top four companies working in West Europe in the tissue industry, where the preservation of forest heritage is a “compulsory route” for assuring the business sustainability, in terms of both raw material renewal and brand reputation. The findings highlighted the first attempt to carry out a qualitative research over the management of forest issues. In our study, companies tend to report advantages arising from the use of forest, but this kind of disclosure is too generic without providing evidence over the ecosystem services forests produce. Moreover, firm size affects the quantity and the quality of disclosure. At last, managerial implications and future research avenues are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,发展特色商业经营和文化旅游正日渐成为历史地段更新与保护工作的动力.然而当前商业和旅游的各自发展对历史地段保护造成了"离散"效应:商业旅游部门以经济指标的增长为导向进行更新规划,使许多历史地段面临着被商业化、功利化和肤浅引用的危险,深厚的历史内涵正日益消弭;而规划管理部门对历史文化的保护仍然受到计划因素制约,缺乏对其动态利用和与社会经济发展接轨的预想;指出规划管理应从"离散"走向"综合"--政府部门应当采用一种新型的发展规划模式,并对相关的组织模式和配套政策进行改革,以更好地协调经济发展与历史文化保护之间的潜在冲突,实现对历史文化的可持续利用.  相似文献   

地域文化与区域经济发展的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经济全球化和知识经济的背景下,文化资源已成为能够推动经济社会发展的重要力量源,并愈来愈影响着区域经济增长的过程,推动着区域经济增长方式的转型。作为文化与经济相融合的产物,文化产业被公认为“朝阳产业”、21世纪最具前途的产业之一。随着知识经济的发展,它必将成为区域的主导产业,成为区域经济新的增长点和消费点。区域创新推动着区域发展,以促使区域经济可持续发展而创新又一定是以特定的地域文化为背景的,文化创新是区域创新的源泉,文化创新以促使区域经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

Racing To Invest? The Dynamics of Competition in Ethical Drug Discovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent advances in the theoretical literature have greatly expanded our understanding of the forces that shape the competitive dynamics of research and development, but a paucity of sufficiently detailed empirical data has left these insights relatively untested. We draw on unusually detailed qualitative and quantitative infernal data provided at the research program level by 10 major pharmaceutical firms to explore the usefulness of the modern literature as a source of insight into the dynamics of competition in ethical drug discovery. Our analysis focuses on one particularly compelling aspect of the literature: the suggestion that in “winner take all situations,” competition in R&D becomes a Prisoner's Dilemma, leading to overinvestment in research. Without adequate measures of the social return to innovation, we can say nothing about whether there is “too much” or “too little” research undertaken by the industry, but our results do not support the suggestion that R&D investment in drug discovery is driven by the “tit-for-tat” or simple reaction function models hinted at by the institutional literature. First, R&D investment is only weakly correlated across firms once common responses to exogenous shocks are accounted far, and second, rivals' R&D results are positively correlated with own research productivity, which we interpret as evidence for extensive R&D spillovers rather than the depletion externality implied by “winner take all” models. These results are not, of themselves, sufficient to reject the hypothesis that investment behavior in the industry is driven by strategic considerations since there is theoretical support for a wide variety of observable behavior as equilibrium outcomes of strategic interaction. Nonetheless, they suggest that the more extreme forms of rent dissipation identified in the literature are probably poor characterizations of the reality of competition in pharmaceuticals. Our results point both to the need to develop theories that incorporate richer models of possible payoff structures, adjustment costs, and firm heterogeneity and to the need to collect empirical data that is comprehensive enough to enable one to test them.  相似文献   

我国经济已由高速增长阶段转变为高质量发展阶段,实现高质量发展是新时代我国经济发展的根本要求。高质量发展与创新驱动紧密关联,必须多举措协同提升区域创新能力。区域创新能力是指一个地区将知识转化为新产品、新工艺、新服务的能力,代表了创新要素在一定区域内聚集、整合以及推动区域可持续发展的基本能力。为了有效提升区域创新能力,必须强化区域创新的综合保障、构建区域创新综合生态体系、促进创新创业项目孵化与成果转化、强化区域制造业发展相关的创新活动等。以南京市江宁区为例对此进行了分析,该区积极实施战略科技引领计划,不断强化创新工作,通过促进区域创新平台建设、区域创新的服务支撑体系构建、高端创新资源在区域的聚集、区域制造业创新发展及合理布局等,不断增强区域创新能力,有效支撑了区域高质量发展。  相似文献   

“人单合一”模式的演化路径可以用“人”“单”之间相互作用关系的变化过程进行描述,这一路径也可概括为“人的价值实现”从无到有地创生涌现,再形成一种独立力量,对“人单合一”体系以及各组织要素进行反向影响和塑造的过程。无论是表面上的二重性特征,还是在内涵层次、演化路径和发展趋势方面,“波粒二象性”与“人单合一”都具有紧密的对应契合性。文章在分析比较“波粒二象性”与“人单合一”对应契合关系的基础上,结合“人”与“单”之间由“分化对立”到“互补转化”再到“整合创新”关系转化的过程,分析阐释了海尔“人单合一”管理模式的演化路径及其价值实现机理。“波粒二象性”不仅为“人单合一”的内涵转变以及发展路径提供了机理解释,而且从跨学科的视角出发,为组织的管理实践与创新变革提供了思路启示。  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of the resource-intensive brewing industry has led to U.S. and state-level initiatives to encourage sustainable craft brewing practices. These efforts raise questions about brewers' current brewing practices and the conditions and factors that might influence a brewer's decision to adopt sustainable practices. We conducted an in-depth survey of Iowa craft brewers in 2019 to evaluate current sustainability practices within breweries. In addition, we elicited brewer perceptions regarding consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay for sustainably produced beer. We analyze these factors together with data on brewery production characteristics and the brewer's personal beliefs and demographics. While most breweries in our sample track key environmental metrics to some degree, many of them lack environmental plans. Further, we find significant variation in the degree to which brewers believe there is opportunity to leverage sustainable brewing practices to charge consumers a higher price. We also provide insight on relationships between environmental practices and potential resources provided to breweries. These findings improve our understanding of craft brewers' tradeoffs regarding sustainable brewing practices that could apply more generally to other resource-intensive sectors.  相似文献   

Innovation ecosystem is an increasingly popular but all too often ambiguously utilized concept across academia, policy and business. In their recent well-argued critique of the concept, Oh et al. (2016) called it a “flawed analogy” that is potentially dangerous for its lack of rigor. In this letter, we reflect on this critique and examine pathways to resolve some of the issues pointed out. We suggest that, at its best, the ecosystem analogy combines salient features from natural ecology to inform the design of system-level innovation management activities. This requires a great deal of conceptual and empirical rigor, and we outline a number of ideas for future research in this regard.  相似文献   

“大数据”是当今社会继矿产资源、人力资源之后的一个新兴重要资源。秦皇岛是全国第一个将数据产业化的城市,并在开发区建立了“数谷”数据产业基地。在不断发展的同时,诸如电费过高、光纤不足、周边环境和公共交通有待完善等问题也随之暴露。文中通过在基地内发放调查问卷搜集数据,运用 SPSS19.0进行数据分析,再用AMOS17.0软件构建秦皇岛数据产业升级的结构模型,并对潜变量之间的路径关系进行结果分析。研究表明,对产业升级影响最大的因素是公共政策,其次是创新能力、市场需求、产业聚集和人力资源,最后结合路径图及结论,提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

The pharmaceutical industry has been subject in recent years to an expanding set of regulatory constraints and related policy actions adversely affecting its level of innovation. The experiences of this industry provides some important insights for recent national policy discussions on declining innovation in the U.S. and the need for economic “revitalization”. The first section of the paper considers the societal benefits resulting from new drug therapies and other kinds of industrial innovation. An analysis of the basic characteristics of the R and D investment decision is then undertaken along with recent trends in various determinant factors. The last half of the paper evaluates the effects of government regulatory, patent, and reimbursement policies on R and D incentives and the level of pharmaceutical innovation. The paper concludes with several recommendations for policy changes to improve the incentives for industrial innovation in this and related high technology industries.  相似文献   

文化发展与科技创新两者交织融合,科技创新是文化发展的重要引擎,文化发展也成为科技创新的引领。文化与科技融合本质是由科技突破和技术创新所带来文化产业在生产方式、消费方式、产业形态和产业结构等方面的变革,融合的核心是价值链重构,融合广泛发生在产业、市场、企业和生产要素等领域。目前,我国文化与科技的融合相对滞后,发展压力与发展机遇并存。从路径上来说,可从产业、市场、企业和人才四个方面实现文化与科技的融合。  相似文献   

马黎  沈德坤 《价值工程》2013,32(1):71-72
中西方承载着不同的文化,体现着不同的信念,使得中国与西方的古典建筑有了不同的"文化主题"。中国近现代建筑艺术是伴随着封建社会的解体,西方建筑的输入而形成的,即继承与革新成为中国近现代建筑文化的主题。国际上"生态建筑""、绿色建筑""、可持续发展的建筑"等概念在建筑界不仅仅成为一种时尚,更深层次的是反映了一个时代的精神。  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that innovation is an essential ingredient of corporate success and, when pervasive, strengthens the economy while warding off foreign competition. Many point to a perceived weakening of this process in U.S. firms as a contributing factor to the steady decline of productivity growth vital to our nation's stability. They clamor for government programs to encourage technical venturing, embracing the “R & D hypothesis” which declares that privately sponsored research is the wellspring of innovation, and thus the key to a producer's prosperity — leading to more vigorous industries.In response, Washington is seeking ways to spur private spending on R & D during this era of diminished Federal backing for research. Such initiatives are handicapped by a lack of data establishing the existence and extent of the apparent slump in industrial creativity. Also there is scant information available to management that demonstrates a close correlation between fortunes of the firm and activities characterized as innovations. Without such evidence, business appears reluctant to abandon its cautious attitude towards support of R & D that cannot be readily commercialized.Little is known about innovation's economic impact or bearing on the survival of an enterprise. The connection between industrial research and the launch of desirable products is too abstruse to permit the assumption that in-house R & D inevitably spawns viable innovations. We do not have data which permit rational decisions for the effective management of innovation by firms, or the design of a workable model for the process. This information gap has a deleterious effect in industries traditionally dependent upon research, and leads to strategies — aimed at fostering innovation — that are inadequate, badly timed or ill conceived.An innovation stems from a series of management decisions motivated by the quest for profits and tempered by industry conditions — government incentives notwithstanding. Companies pay for R & D which promises revenues that would not otherwise appear, and back a new product when the expected return is comparable to that from less risky alternative investments. They require an easily administered method for verifying, in accounting terms, the outcome of an innovation so its contribution to profits can be contrasted with the yield from product improvements or line extensions. Management could then weigh a proposed innovation the same way it evaluates other commitments.Authors of public policy need to monitor the pace of innovation on a regional or national scale so that they can determine when stimulants are called for — to restore this activity to the desired level. The traditional indices of innovation's intensity are imprecise, and misleading if the purpose be to identify a trend. “R & D expenditures” must be viewed with circumspection for they are not always incurred in pursuit of innovations, especially with increasing outlays for compliance with government regulations. “Patents awarded” or “technical articles published” are scant proof of seminal activity, and “government contracts awarded” is not a useful statistic. A true “index of innovation” is needed to guide public policy — one founded on data tied to the launching of products.In conclusion, this article suggests a technique for quantifying innovation inside the firm, as a planning tool of management and to provide the data base for a meaningful “index of innovation”. It describes the index, to be derived from data reported by a representative sample of geographically dispersed companies. A procedure is outlined for generating such data in firms, collecting it by a central authority, and calculating the index.  相似文献   

在生态文明建设当中,企业承担着重要的责任,不仅是社会对企业的要求,同时也是企业自身可持续发展的内在要求。现代企业应当结合人与自然和谐相处的科学发展观,加快推进企业生态文化建设的发展和创新。  相似文献   

The linkages among entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation and economic growth are only vaguely understood presently. This paper is an attempt to improve that understanding. The first step in establishing the linkages requires the formulation of knowledge about the psychological make-up of entrepreneurs. These questions are pertinent: What motivates humans to become entrepreneurs? Are entrepreneurs “rational economic men”? How important are monetary rewards to entrepreneurial creativity ? The second step requires information about how the human brain functions. The brain is bi-hemispheric and both sides of the brain play an important role in human decision-making. Nevertheless, we have a cultural bias in favor of the functions performed by the brain's left side. The third step requires an understanding of the process of creation and innovation. Several stages in this process have been identified. The stages of preparation, incubation, and illumination involve the brain's right hemisphere while the verification stage involves the left hemisphere. The final step integrates the first three. We assume that entrepreneurship is an essential determinant of economic growth, that the entrepreneurial function involves creation and innovation, and that entrepreneurship can be taught. This article is intended to provoke thinking and research incorporating new insights from several disciplines. These insights appear to bear more on entrepreneurship than is generally acknowledged.  相似文献   

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