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开放经济面临着两个重要的宏观制度选择,一个是采取何种汇率制度,一个是对跨国资本流动采取何种管理模式(资本项目开放还是管制以及开放、管制的程度)。长期以来,对如何选择这两个制度的讨论往往是分开进行的,比如:就汇率制度对经济的影响谈论固定汇率或浮动汇率的优缺点,就经济发展和金融自由化过程谈论资本项目的开放。这些讨论都有意无意、或多或少地忽略了汇率制度同跨国资本流动管理之间的搭配问题。事实上,这两个制度的不同配合会使开放经济经受各种冲击的能力大不一样,经济体系的稳定程度也就有所差别。本文试图利用开放经济下的蒙代…  相似文献   

谢文玉 《经济师》2007,(8):14-14,16
文章首先阐述了一般情况下固定汇率制度和浮动汇率制度下的财政政策和货币政策的不同效应,进而界定和评价了中国目前的汇率制度,最后结合中国国情,具体分析了当前中国的财政政策和货币政策。  相似文献   

基于汇率传递的风险溢价渠道,本文将我国利率调控通胀、外汇储备对冲干预汇率纳入新凯恩斯政策模型,构建双目标双工具政策分析框架,比较泰勒规则与双目标双工具规则下通胀目标与汇率目标共存的经济机制与效应。本文模拟显示:(1)双目标双工具政策框架下通胀目标与汇率目标能够共存,此时通过影响汇率风险溢价来盯住汇率不影响通胀;而单工具政策下两目标无法共存,此时降低国内资产的收益率盯住汇率会刺激居民的消费行为引起通胀。(2)国际资本冲击下,双目标双工具政策在固定汇率的同时能保证经济稳定;而当贸易条件恶化时,选择完全浮动汇率制度最优。央行政策损失分析进一步验证了以上结论。(3)随着金融市场化改革深入,外汇储备稳定汇率的有效性将下降,冲销成本会大幅提升。资本账户开放下,双目标双工具政策仍是央行抵御外部资本冲击的首选政策;但是汇率市场化后,通胀目标制与双目标双工具政策效果基本无差异。本文结论的启示是:面对国际资本,需必要的汇率管制;但是面对贸易冲击,可适度提升汇率弹性来减少冲击对产出和通胀的影响。  相似文献   

汇率制度端点解——理论与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,汇率制度的中间区域正在逐渐失去吸引力,而两个端点解(two-corner):超固定汇率(super—fixed)以及自由浮动汇率日渐风行。本文对“中间制度消失论”做了简要的回顾;并对两种端点制度的理论研究加以评述。通过分析阿根廷和墨西哥汇率制度实施的实际经验,本文澄清了有关超固定汇率制度和浮动汇率制度的一些误解,指出了汇率制度端点解的内在缺陷,并得出了有关新兴市场最优汇率制度争论尚未解决的结论以及对中国汇率制度变革的借鉴。  相似文献   

国际货币制度演化的过程呈现出固定汇率制度和浮动汇率制度彼此轮换的特征。固定汇率制度若太固定以至达到僵化的程度,必然引发货币危机;浮动汇率制度若太浮动,则容易招致投机攻击,同样会引发货币危机;中间汇率制度下,固定汇率制度与浮动汇率制度同时起作用,当导致固定汇率制度崩溃的因素和对浮动汇率制度的投机因素一起发生作用时,中间汇率制度也难逃土崩瓦解的噩运。分析每种货币制度下存在的不稳定因素,将有助于对未来国际货币制度的变革趋势作出合理预期。  相似文献   

房价变动、土地财政与中国经济波动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于中国土地制度的特点,以及地方政府依赖土地财政的事实,构建了一个包含金融加速器效应的多部门DSGE模型,模型包括房地产和非房地产部门,同时嵌入了地方政府的土地出让行为和支出结构。通过这一模型本文分析了房价影响GDP的作用渠道和机制。我们发现,外部冲击带来的房价变动,导致了房地产部门投资和土地价格的波动,而土地价格的波动对地方政府财政收入产生了较大的影响。考虑到中国地方政府在基础设施上的支出偏向,地方财政收入的变化又会对投资和资产价格产生冲击,在金融加速器效应的作用下,这一冲击进一步放大,最终导致了总投资和GDP的剧烈波动。本文研究表明,地方政府的土地出让行为联结了房价变动与地方政府的收入,而地方政府在基础设施投资上的偏向和金融加速器效应放大了房价对投资和整个经济的影响,三者共同作用使得房地产部门成为中国经济波动的重要来源。  相似文献   

金融加速器理论是关于金融市场通过信贷渠道对于宏观经济波动的周期性放大效应的理论。金融加速器理论有三个重要的假设:资产负债表状况是企业支出的重要决定因素;企业的资产负债表状况在经济衰退时期比其它时期对于企业支出更具解释力;金融加速器影响小企业的可能性大于大企业。次贷危机引发的全球金融海啸波及中国经济,金融加速器"小冲击、大波动"的特点在中国得到了充分体现。同时,中国经济自身的特点又对金融加速器的研究和利用提出了更多的要求。  相似文献   

利率和汇率的相关性是利率政策和汇率制度协调的理论依据.利率市场化和固定汇率制度的组合是一种非协调的利率政策和汇率制度的政策组合.在这种政策组合下,高利率政策和固定汇率制度的隐含担保所滋生的金融道德风险会产生叠加效应,在促进国际资本流入的同时,增加金融机构的货币错配,在长期内会引致双重危机,进而影响一国的金融稳定和经济稳定.  相似文献   

一、汇率制度对金融市场的影响(一)固定汇率制度的影响分析。在固定汇率制度下,外汇市场的运行是相对稳定的,外部的经济冲击一般不会表现在外汇市场上,而是表现在货币市场、证券市场等其他金融市场上。而且,由于固定汇率制度切断了绝大部分汇率与金融资产关联的传导渠道和方式,因此汇率难以直接影响到金融资产价格的波动,金融资产价格的波动也难以影响汇率。贸易余额成为影响汇率与金融资产关联的重要作用。在其他条件不变的状况下,贸易逆差可能会推动金融资产价格下跌的压力。顺差则可以形成推动金融资产,如股价上扬的动力。  相似文献   

实证和理论研究均表明,金融要素会放大随机冲击对经济的影响,即金融对经济波动的加速器作用。在此背景下,本文首先梳理金融加速器理论产生的原因及其传导机制;其次,引入金融机构(银行),从企业资产负债表效应和银行资产负债表效应两个角度阐述金融要素对经济波动的放大作用;再次,从多元投资组合和国际借贷两个方面揭示金融加速器对国际经济周期的传播和扩大作用,并指出金融加速器在我国的存在性;最后,总结了金融要素对经济周期波动的影响,并提出未来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

The 2008 financial crisis is marked by the drop in output of major industrial countries which affected small open economies in various degrees. We examine the role of three different types of monetary policy rules in mitigating or exacerbating the effects of a negative foreign output shock on key macroeconomic variables of a small open economy by numerically solving a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model. We find that compared to the Taylor rule, small open economies that follow either fixed exchange rate regime or strict inflation targeting tend to stabilize real exchange rate and inflation at the expense of substantial instability in the real economy.  相似文献   

The Australian economy has experienced various changes in macroeconomic conditions over the past four decades. These changes have been associated with reduced volatility in key macroeconomic variables: CPI inflation, real GDP and the TWI measured real exchange rate. In light of this fact, my objective in this paper is to determine whether this reduction is associated with good policy or good luck. To this end, I estimate a time varying structural VAR model that is identified with theoretically consistent sign restrictions from a small open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. The primary result is that both non-systematic and systematic monetary policy have changed over the past four decades. In particular, non-systematic responses of inflation, real GDP and the exchange rate have increased since the adoption of a flexible exchange rate in 1983, while systematic responses of the cash rate to inflation have experienced various changes in intensities, exhibiting a trend towards a more passive behaviour since the 2007/08 financial crisis. Taken together, these results suggest that the reduction in macroeconomic volatility is associated with good policy.  相似文献   

In this paper we build an open economy extension of the Gordon (1962) valuation model that suggests a simple forecasting system for three macroeconomic variables; the real growth, inflation and real exchange rate. All the forecasting equations in our system utilize current financial market information in the form of dividend yields and short-term interest rate. Our empirical results indicate that these simple forms of financial market information are relevant for forecasting the time-varying underlying trends in the macroeconomic data for the U.K., Eurozone and Japan, when treating the U.S. as the world market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of public expenditure shocks on the exchange rate and the external accounts in a macroeconomic model of exchange rate determination. It extends the dependent economy approach to the open economy based on the tradables/nontradables dichotomy by incorporating international capital flows and intertemporal adjustment. Consistent with empirical evidence on exchange rate behavior, yet contrary to a major result of the popular Mundell-Fleming approach, this model suggests that fiscal expansion attributable to increased public expenditure usually causes exchange rate depreciation, not appreciation. However, if the increased public spending is on investment, the exchange rate is neutrally affected.  相似文献   

In late 1997, Korea experienced a huge and unusual economic crisis. The three main features of this crisis are the sudden recession, the rapid recovery and a consumption drop as large as the output drop. A large body of literature qualitatively explains the Korean crisis in terms of financial and monetary variables such as exchange rates and interest rates. This paper complements these studies by quantitatively analyzing fluctuations in real macroeconomic variables such as real GDP and consumption. A stochastic small open economy neoclassical model can quantitatively account for the Korean crisis taking TFP and real interest rates as exogenous.  相似文献   

We used a dynamic two-country optimizing model featuring a labor–market friction to analyze the implications of financial market integration for the propagation of macroeconomic policies in an open economy. Our main result is that the labor–market friction we analyzed substantially reduces the magnitude of the effect of financial market integration on the propagation of macroeconomic policies.  相似文献   

金融加速器效应在中国存在吗?   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
本文从金融加速器理论出发,运用门限向量自回归(TVAR)模型在宏观层面上对中国信贷市场与宏观经济波动的非线性关联展开实证研究。通过非线性脉冲响应函数的检验结果我们发现:在1990年1月至2006年5月期间,中国存在显著的金融加速器效应,表现为对于相同特征的各种外生冲击,经济波动在信贷市场处于"紧缩"状态下的反应均明显强于信贷市场处于"放松"状态下的反应。另外,信贷冲击对于信贷市场状态变化的作用最为显著,其次是货币冲击和价格冲击,最后是实际冲击。进一步的检验还表明:信贷市场在宏观经济波动过程中既是重要的波动源,同时也是波动的有力传导媒介,运用金融加速器理论有助于合理解释中国宏观经济波动的轨迹特征。最后本文阐述了实证结论的政策含义和未来研究的侧重点。  相似文献   

The United Kingdom is a highly open economy, and has a monetary policy strategy of targeting inflation in consumer prices. In this paper, we look at the evidence from the UK on inflation behaviour, and examine the propositions from several theoretical models about inflation dynamics in an open economy, focusing in particular on the hypothesized connections between the exchange rate and consumer price inflation. Theoretical open‐economy macroeconomic models ‘cover the waterfront’ on this issue, ranging from ‘exchange rate disconnect’ to a rigid link between nominal exchange rate changes and inflation. We estimate on UK data the open‐economy Phillips curves implied by the alternative explanations. We argue that, of the alternatives considered, only a model where imports are modelled as an intermediate good, as in McCallum and Nelson (1999) , provides a reasonable match with the data. Unlike the standard model, in which imports are treated as a final consumer good, the intermediate‐goods specification provides support for a policy of CPI inflation targeting.  相似文献   

Summary. We consider the nature of the relationship between the real exchange rate and capital formation. We present a model of a small open economy that produces and consumes two goods, one tradable and one not. Domestic residents can borrow and lend abroad, and costly state verification (CSV) is a source of frictions in domestic credit markets. The real exchange rate matters for capital accumulation because it affects the␣potential for investors to provide internal finance, which mitigates the CSV problem. We demonstrate that the real exchange rate must monotonically approach its steady state level. However, capital accumulation need not be monotonic and real exchange rate appreciation can be associated with either a rising or a falling capital stock. The relationship between world financial market conditions and the real exchange rate is also investigated. Received: October 3, 1997; revised version: October 23, 1997  相似文献   

Status Preference, Wealth and Dynamics in the Open Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The implications of status preference in a simple open economy model are investigated in this paper. The open economy is modeled as a continuum of identical representative agents who have preferences over consumption and status. In the paper status is identified as relative wealth, which takes the form of relative holdings international financial assets. A symmetric macroeconomic equilibrium is derived in which status is the source of transitional dynamics for domestic consumption and the current account balance. This result illustrates another way to combine transitional dynamics with interior equilibria in the small open economy Ramsey model with perfect capital mobility. We also show that status preference plays a critical role in influencing the open economy's adjustment to government expenditure and world interest rate shocks.  相似文献   

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