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本文通过梳理绿色金融对碳减排的支持机制和路径,用熵权法计算绿色金融发展水平,从能源消费角度进行碳排放量测算,从因素分解角度分析碳排放影响因素,然后用GMM法、门槛效应模型实证分析绿色金融发展对碳减排效果的影响程度。实证结果显示,人口规模、城镇化水平、能源强度、人均收入水平是导致碳排放增加的主要因素,能源结构、外商投资水平、对外贸易水平是导致碳排放减少的主要因素;绿色金融发展对提升碳减排效果具有显著的驱动力,可通过促进经济增长方式转变、提高技术改造、减少能源消耗、优化产业结构方式实现其正向效应;但在经济发展规模达到一定程度后,绿色金融发展对碳减排的推动效应、支撑效果减弱,推动碳减排的正向效应不足以抵消经济高水平发展中能源消耗量的增加,从而对碳减排带来负向效应,导致碳排放量增加。  相似文献   

正一、引言海平面上升、"雾霾"等环境问题的日益严峻,使企业碳排放问题成为各国关注的焦点,从1997年的《京都议定书》开始,经过2009年的哥本哈根世界气候大会,到2015年的《巴黎协议》,各国不断为碳减排付出努力。我国在此行列中也展现出负责任的大国形象,2009年国务院常务  相似文献   

农业碳排放是全球温室气体排放的主要来源之一。减少农业碳排放高度依赖农业技术创新,需要大量资金投入。从我国绿色金融制度设计来看,需要通过构建完善农业碳排放核算方法和低碳农业项目评估标准、强化农业碳补贴等方式加强对农业碳减排的政策引导,推动数字科技在金融支持农业碳减排领域的创新应用,构建有效的农业碳减排风险共担机制;同时,加快建设碳交易市场,推动农业部门广泛参与碳汇交易,充分挖掘农业碳减排的经济价值,着力提升市场主体内生动力。  相似文献   

据联合国和世界银行预测:碳交易市场有望超过石油市场成为世界第一大市场,而其交易标的物碳减排量成为世界大宗商品也是势在必行."煤炭--英镑"、"石油--美元"的启示让碳交易结算货币成为各个国家发展的重点.通过碳交易结算货币的博弈分析,得出碳减排目标、低碳技术等因素会影响各国货币对碳交易结算货币的主导权的结论.依此模型,我们进一步对欧元、美元、人民币等货币进行比较分析,对其是否能成为或者掌握国际碳交易结算货币主导权的货币进行讨论.  相似文献   

文章基于2011—2020年长江经济带108个城市面板数据,采用双向固定效应模型和门槛效应模型检验长江经济带数字金融对城市碳减排的影响以及二者关系的异质性,进一步建立空间杜宾模型研究数字金融对城市碳排放的空间溢出效应。结果表明,数字金融能够显著抑制城市碳排放的增加,该结论在解决内生性问题后仍然成立且稳健可靠;数字金融发展对第二产业主导型城市以及“十三五”时期的城市样本具有显著的碳减排效应,数字金融发展水平达到门槛值后对碳减排的促进效应更强;长江经济带各城市间的碳排放存在空间正相关性,相邻地区数字金融发展对本地碳排放的影响效应呈现先促进后抑制的倒“U”型关系,其碳减排能力的提升能够有效促进本地碳减排。  相似文献   

通过构建多部门DSGE模型研究企业社会责任(CSR)对碳排放和宏观经济的动态影响以及传导机制。研究表明,企业社会责任冲击对总产出、绿色低碳产出和环境质量都有显著的正向影响,能够有效降低碳排放量,实现碳减排和经济增长的“双赢”。企业社会责任影响碳减排的机制为:第一,厂商提升碳减排技术和调整生产要素配置,将生产要素由高碳产品转移到低碳产品,增加低碳产品供给,从而发挥碳减排效应;第二,政府将CSR嵌套在碳减排补贴环境政策中,会对厂商履行CSR产生的碳减排成本形成“补偿”效应,进而提升碳减排效果;第三,能源部门生产力的提升会增加经济系统的能源供给,激发履行CSR和依赖可再生能源的厂商进行低碳生产,有效降低碳排放量。因此,厂商履行企业社会责任、政府根据厂商履行CSR高低执行差异化的碳减排补贴政策以及能源部门生产力的提升三者协同发展才能发挥企业社会责任的碳减排效应。  相似文献   

“双碳”目标是经济高质量发展的内在要求。蓬勃发展的数字经济在促进我国经济高质量发展的同时,是否也能促进我国区域碳减排?文章选取2011—2020年我国30个省份的面板数据,以人才聚集为中介变量,运用计量模型实证检验数字经济发展对我国区域碳排放的影响。研究发现,数字经济发展能够显著降低我国区域碳排放,且作用机制分析显示,人才聚集是数字经济发展促进我国区域碳减排的重要机制;从不同区域来看,数字经济发展可以显著促进我国东部、中部地区降低碳排放,而对西部地区碳排放影响并不显著。  相似文献   

矫健 《证券导刊》2009,(17):66-67
随着哥本哈根气候大会的临近,作为世界最大的碳排放国,中国将面临较大的碳减排压力。而积极进行能源结构调整,投资核电是具有吸引力的选择。核电未来的发展空间巨大。  相似文献   

采取合理可行的控制碳排放政策是发展低碳经济、实现节能减排目标的必由之路。通过对相关研究文献的梳理,发现近年我国碳减排政策研究主要集中在碳排放权交易制度、碳税政策及通过调整产业政策控制碳排放等方面,主要涉及政策可行性研究、国外经验借鉴及我国政策的构建等方面。未来的研究应关注碳减排政策类别的多元化研究、政策环境研究及政策实施影响因素研究等。  相似文献   

当前,国际上缺乏统一的碳排放评价制度,阻碍了碳减排与碳交易的开展。本文从基本要素与评价活动出发构建了企业碳排放审计评价机制,进而分析了碳排放审计的步骤。具体而言,评价企业碳排放量需要确定企业组织边界、设定碳排放指标及收集数据、量化具体指标、计算排放指数等基本要素。而碳排放审计活动则涉及建立审计项目组、制定审计计划、实施碳排放审计评估、检查企业的盘查评估报告、提供企业碳减排建议、出具审计报告及归档等内容。  相似文献   

开征碳税的必要性、路径选择与要素设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球变暖已经成为学术界和政策制定者共同关注的热点。用碳税等经济手段促进二氧化碳等温室气体减排,已经成为一些国家应对气候和环境问题的重要选择。本文分析了我国实施碳税的必要性,概括了国际上实施碳税的一般路径,提出了我国引入碳税的策略选择,并对碳税的要素进行了框架性设计。  相似文献   

Despite increasing global attention on corporate carbon emissions, few studies have examined the value relevance of carbon emission information in the international context. This paper examines whether carbon emission information voluntarily disclosed by a firm affects its market value. After controlling for a firm's likelihood to provide voluntary carbon disclosures, we find that the level of carbon emissions is negatively related to firm value. This negative impact is more prominent for firms in countries that have a national carbon emission trading scheme and stringent environmental regulations. Furthermore, corporate governance is found to reduce the negative value effect of carbon emissions, indicating that shareholders have favorable perceptions regarding the carbon management ability of firms with good corporate governance. Cultural contexts such as uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation also affect the value effect of risks and future liabilities associated with carbon emissions. We find that the value-decreasing effect of carbon emissions is weaker in countries characterized by high uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientations.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine whether carbon risk matters in acquisitions. Using a firm's carbon emissions to proxy for carbon risk, we examine whether an acquirer's level of carbon emissions is related to the decision to engage in acquisitions and achieve subsequent acquisition returns. The results show that firms with higher emissions have an increased likelihood of acquiring foreign targets while, at the same time, having a decreased likelihood of acquiring domestic targets. Acquirers with large carbon footprints seek out targets in foreign countries that have low gross domestic product (GDP) or weak environmental, regulatory, or governance standards. We also examine the relationship between carbon emissions and announcement returns. We find that cross-border acquisition announcement returns are higher when acquirers with high carbon emissions acquire targets in countries with fewer regulations or weaker environmental standards. Focusing on the interplay of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and carbon emissions, we find that investors censure acquirers that promote CSR while also having high carbon emissions, thus resulting in worse abnormal returns. This is particularly the case if the target country is wealthy or has stronger country governance or strong environmental protection. Our findings add insight on the channels through which a focus on reducing carbon risk can add value for shareholders.  相似文献   

The electricity generation industry has been under close regulatory and public scrutiny for decades for the significant impacts its activities have on the environment. The industry is responsible for a large proportion of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which has intensified public and regulatory scrutiny of late. Therefore, electricity generation firms face immense pressure to show environmental responsibility. Firms respond with environmental disclosures in their annual reports, in stand-alone-reports, and on websites. In this study, we use comprehensive disclosure indices to measure the quality (or comprehensiveness) of the CO2 emissions related disclosure and the overall environmental disclosure of 205 electricity generation firms in 35 countries. We find that firms in countries with a high commitment towards the environment and a carbon emissions trading scheme (measures of social concern for environmental protection and emissions), are likely to disclose more comprehensive environmental information. In addition, we find that firm size, age of the assets, listing status, and media exposure influence disclosure. Environmental performance, measured by CO2 emissions, is not significantly related to environmental disclosure among our sample firms. The theoretical implication of these findings is that social beliefs (that are different in different countries) prompt a legitimating disclosure response from firms that is not significantly affected by their performance against that social belief.  相似文献   

Carbon trading is an important component of global responses to climate change. Using agent-based modeling, this study constructs a global carbon trading model (GCTM), and simulates the effectiveness of the trading mechanism. Results show that: (1) quota allocation is the fundamental premise of carbon trading; (2) under the carbon trading mechanism, the cumulative per capita emissions of developed countries are still much higher than those in developing countries; (3) carbon trading could be an important policy choice to meet China’s future emissions targets; and (4) to maximize incomes in the long run, China can set aside part of current quotas and use them in the future.  相似文献   

伴随着中国东盟自由贸易区的建成,区域经济—体化与金融合作的进程加快,缩小区域内金融发展差距成为一体化的重要任务.本文选取运用σ检验与β检验测度中国东盟金融发展的趋同效应.结果表明,中国东盟自由贸易区各国金融差距较大,其趋势变化没有呈现趋同性,缺乏金融合作的基础,而核心国家之间的差距较小,金融合作的基础较好.我们建议根据金融发展的差距在金融合作上选取子区域分步推进和分层次渐进的策略.  相似文献   

碳税和碳交易作为主要的碳减排政策工具被大多数重视碳减排的国家所采用。基于对比碳税与碳交易在理论基础、效果成本、减排效果、监督机制以及未来适应性等方面的差异,结合两种政策的执行现状和中国国情,中国应建立碳排放交易与适度碳税相结合的复合政策,降低碳排量,以应对日益凸显的环境问题。  相似文献   

There are several theoretical reasons why globalization willhave a narrowing as well as a widening effect on the genderwage gap, but little is known about the actual impact, exceptfor some country studies. This study contributes to the literaturein three respects. First, it is a large cross-country studyof the impact of globalization on the gender wage gap. Second,it employs the rarely used ILO October Inquiry database, whichis the most far-ranging survey of wages around the world. Third,it focuses on the within-occupation gender wage gap, an alternativeto the commonly used raw and residual wage gaps as a measureof the gender wage gap. This study finds that the occupationalgender wage gap tends to decrease with increasing economic development,at least in richer countries, and to decrease with trade andforeign direct investment (FDI) in richer countries, but findslittle evidence that trade and FDI also reduce the occupationalgender wage gap in poorer countries.  相似文献   

For a simple economic model of transfrontier pollution, widely used in theoretical studies of international treaties bearing on joint abatement, we offer in this paper a scheme for sharing national abatement costs through international financial transfers that is inspired by a classical solution concept from the theory of cooperative games—namely, the core of a game. The scheme has the following properties: total damage and abatement costs in all countries are minimized (optimality property), and no coalition or subset of countries can achieve lower total costs for its members by taking another course of action in terms of emissions or transfers, under some reasonable assumption about the reactions of those not in the coalition (core property). In the concluding section economic interpretations of the scheme are proposed, including its connection with the free-riding problem.  相似文献   

Based on an international sample, this study examines the association between corporate carbon assurance and carbon disclosure. We find that companies that adopt carbon assurance tend to have better carbon disclosure quality than their unassured peers. Cross-sectional analyses demonstrate that the positive relationship is stronger in stakeholder-oriented countries. We also document that carbon assurance plays a substitutive role for country-level carbon regulation and social trust. Further analyses suggest that carbon assurance has differential impacts on specific types of carbon disclosure and the quality of carbon disclosure increases with the percentage of reported emissions assured and the level of carbon assurance.  相似文献   

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