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从五大资本比较看中国经济追赶美国   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国经济总量追赶美国是本世纪影响世界格局的重大事件.本文利用五大资本(物质资本、国际资本、人力资本、自然资本和知识资本)的分析框架,分析中国经济追赶美国的内在动力.改革以来,中国之所以经济增长率大大高于美国,是因为支撑经济增长的各类关键性资本有高的积累率和投资增长率.中国进一步追赶美国需要在提高硬件投资效率的同时,强化非竞争性的软件投资,大幅度提高教育投资、健康投资、环保投资和知识投资.  相似文献   

Recreational fishermen derive utility from catch and fishing effort. Building our analysis on the Gordon-Clark model for renewable resources, we show that a lower importance of catch may result in higher catches. While this effect also holds under first-best management, it may destabilize open-access recreational fisheries to the point of stock collapse. Technical progress in recreational fisheries may mask such dynamics as it enables unaltered angler behavior and constant catches during stock declines.  相似文献   

在严峻的就业形势下,如何提高学生的就业率,让学生更快的适应工作岗位,关键是培养企业需要的人才,这就要求我们从课程的设置上紧跟时代的需要,让学生实用、够用。  相似文献   

With decreases in funding support, U.S. public universities have increasingly substituted less costly nontenure eligible faculty for tenured and tenure-track faculty while newly imposed funding mandates require evidence of productivity improvements tied to student graduation success. Universities have been forced into a Catch 22 dilemma as to what faculty mix produces optimal student/funding outcomes. To date, guidance provided by empirical evidence is mixed. This article offers new evidence employing Färe–Primont productivity indexes and parametric estimates to determine how faculty status affects graduation productivity. Results indicate that a reversal in the employment trend is in order so as to increase tenured relative to nontenure eligible faculty and improve student graduation success and, ultimately, university funding.  相似文献   

在构建的结构分解模型中将海洋渔业捕捞量变动分解为资源消耗强度变动效应、经济技术系数变动效应、最终需求水平变动效应、最终需求系数变动效应和最终需求分布变动效应等。根据山东省1997年和2007年的投入产出表提供的数据,运用构建的模型对该省近十年的海洋鱼类、软体动物和甲壳动物等三类海洋渔业资源捕捞量变动的因素分解效应进行了分析。结果表明:海洋渔业资源捕捞量下降与资源消耗强度变动效应、经济技术变动效应正相关,而与最终需求变动效应负相关;最终需求水平变动、最终需求系数变动和最终需求分布变动对三类渔业资源需求量变动均具有增量化作用,其中最终需求水平变动的增量化作用最明显;不论是减量化作用,还是增量化作用,鱼类资源需求的五类变动效应最为明显;经济技术变动效应的六部门分解效应中,工业部门的减量化作用最为明显,渔业和服务业部门的增量化作用最为明显。  相似文献   

Many real world fisheries have an individual vessel quota system with restrictions on transferability of quota or entrance of new vessels into the fishery. While the standard economic reasoning is that these institutional constraints lead to welfare losses, the size of those losses and optimal second-best policies are usually unknown. We develop a dynamic bioeconomic model, in which a scientific body provides an optimal TAC given restrictions on (i) transferability between vessel segments and (ii) entrance of new vessels. Further, we also quantify welfare losses arising from not maximizing economic welfare, but physical yield—which is actually the case in many fisheries. We apply the model to the Northeast Arctic cod fishery, and estimate not only the cost and harvesting functions of the various vessel types, but also the parameters of the biological model as well as those of the demand function. This allows us to determine optimal second-best policies and quantify corresponding welfare effects for our case study fishery.  相似文献   

为探究军民融合战略背景下,中国航空制造业如何借助全球创新网络实现自主技术创新和技术“引进来→走出去→走上去”的战略意图,从历史沿革角度回顾分析中国军民融合内涵和演变过程,总结航空制造业军民融合“军转民→寓军于民→军民一体化”发展战略范式,在此基础上,借助全球创新网络理论分析军民融合战略背景下技术创新的内外部驱动力。通过对中国大飞机项目的纵向案例分析,探索并提出通过地理、组织和知识边界拓展构建研发网络,是航空制造业实现技术创新追赶和能力提升的重要途径。同时,中国大飞机市场面临全球化背景下寡头竞争格局,在国际化进程中,应采用整合、并购和合作方式优化配置全球创新资源并坚持以自主创新为主、国际合作为辅的发展思路,建成和完善自主创新体系,突破欧美技术封锁,形成军民技术创新“双螺旋”协同发展格局,进而实现核心技术“走上去”的战略意图。  相似文献   

本文分析了云南花卉业持续发展的面临的挑战,并根据当前形势提出应抓住建立国际花卉拍卖市场之机,发展云南省现代大物流的对策及其意义。  相似文献   

成都市创建国家环境保护模范城市活动进一步改善了城市创业环境和人居环境,全面提升了城市服务功能与综合价值,提高了公众生活质量,使成都市初步走上了环境和经济相互促进,人与自然和谐共生的可持续发展道路,呈现出经济快速发展、环境清洁优美、生态良性循环的良好态势。从成都创建国家环境保护模范城市实践中,我们可以得到以下启示:创建国家环境保护模范城市是构建和谐社会,落实科学发展观,全面建设小康社会,提高城市综合实力与城市竞争力的前提;创建国家环境保护模范城市必须承担发展经济和保护生态的双重任务,并且需要建立持续增长的投入机制;国家环境保护模范城市建设更需要注重生态型社会的建设。  相似文献   

We study a congestion model where a continuum of heterogeneous commuters make a binary choice between riding a bus and driving private vehicles for their commutes. Formulating the model as a large game, we establish the existence and uniqueness of a nontrivial Nash equilibrium and analyze how a gasoline tax affects the allocation of commuters between public transportation and private vehicles at the equilibrium. Based on the analysis, we provide a sufficient condition under which a gasoline tax is Pareto improving. We also prove the existence of a socially optimal policy that minimizes the aggregate loss to all commuters.  相似文献   

We develop a model in which a strategic complementarity in saving decisions arises due to a minimum investment requirement and financial market imperfection. We explore the role of self-fulling beliefs in determining the long run dynamics. The model exhibits a wide range of dynamic phenomena such as a poverty trap, a big push and a sunspot equilibrium, depending on the level of financial market imperfection. They account for excessive volatility and a sudden change in the saving rate and its macroeconomic consequences without any shocks to fundamentals.  相似文献   

The design of strategic rent-extracting trade policies requires information that may be private, such as the cost structure of an industry or parameters of the demand function. As a consequence, under asymmetric information, the design of these policies is problematic. We propose screening menus consisting of different instruments (tariff vs. quota) designed to solve this informational issue. We first use a simple model that examines a Cournot duopoly between a domestic firm and a foreign firm with linear demand and cost functions, with both firms supplying a homogeneous good on the domestic market. In this scenario, if the government does not have information regarding the demand parameter, which is known by both firms, a menu consisting of a rent-extracting tariff for a low demand parameter and a rent-extracting quota for a high demand parameter maximizes the government's objective function. This menu leads the domestic firm to reveal private information. We then generalize this framework to a scenario with imperfect information regarding the firms' marginal cost. Finally, we discuss the issue of quotas generating public revenues and study the case of a menu consisting of a tariff and a free quota.  相似文献   

This paper examines the optimal capital tax policy under quantitative import constraints, and international capital tax credits. For a small capital-importing country, the optimal capital tax equals the foreign tax under a quota, and equals or exceeds the foreign tax under a VER. For a small capital-exporting country, the optimal policy towards capital is a zero tax under a quota, and a tax or a subsidy under a VER. Also examined are the welfare effects of capital taxes and trade liberalization, and the joint setting of the two policies, when both instruments are available to the government.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamic and long run effects of a shift from income taxes to consumption taxes in a growing small open economy. We introduce a government sector that maintains a balanced budget and expenditure at a constant proportion of domestic income to a small open economy Swan-Solow model. Our framework provides a previously unidentified dynamic effect that is robust to endogenising the savings rate. Lowering the income tax rate promotes economic growth and has a tick-curve effect on the current account balance, characterised by instantaneous deterioration, a period of recovery and gradual convergence to an improved position in the long run.  相似文献   

中国经济改革的经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国经济改革最根本的经验就是发展社会主义市场经济,社会主义基本经济制度与市场经济相结合,实现国有经济的市场化与发挥国有经济的主导作用相结合,国家的宏观调控与市场机制的基础作用相结合,提高效率与促进公平相结合,坚持独立自主同参与经济全球化相结合,坚持公共部门的公益性与利用市场运作相结合。中国经济学的建设与发展要坚持以马克思主义为指导,建设具有中国特色的经济学理论,走自主发展的道路。  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine how the two dimensions of income inequality and ethnic diversity affect the formation of political coalitions and the reallocation of income. I construct a legislative bargaining model to analyze when coalitions form along the income dimension and when it forms along the ethnic dimension. The results of the model suggest that the agenda setter selects a partner with a lower aggregate income: a smaller population size and a lower income level. Further, I extend the model from a one-round to a two-round game. The extended model shows that forming an oversized coalition is a possible equilibrium outcome and is consistent with the empirical findings.  相似文献   

On the Second-best Policy of Household's Waste Recycling   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
This study analyzes the second-best household's waste recycling policy. If we assume the first-best economy with no illegal disposal or transaction costs, then unit pricing, an advance disposal fee and a recycling subsidy are required in order to achieve the social optimum such that both the sum of unit pricing and an advance disposal fee and the sum of unit pricing and a recycling subsidy are equal to the marginal disposal cost. Furthermore, the first-best outcome can also be obtained by a producer take-back requirement system.In the real economy, however, various factors prevent the first-best optimal outcome. In this study we consider two factors, one being the transaction cost associated with a recycling subsidy (or refund) and the other being illegal disposal by the consumer. If a recycling subsidy (or a deposit-refund system) is adopted, a transaction cost associated with it will be generated. Alternatively, if unit pricing is adopted, some of the consumed goods may be disposed of illegally. We show the complete trade-off between unit pricing and a recycling subsidy. In other words, we can not adopt unit pricing and a recycling subsidy simultaneously. As a result, there are three candidates for the second-best policy: unit pricing with an advance disposal fee, a deposit-refund system, and a producer take-back requirement system.Which of these three policies is the second-best policy will depend on the relative magnitude of the price of a recycled good and the marginal transaction cost associated with a recycling subsidy (or the refund in a deposit-refund system). Generally, if the price of a recycled good is positive and the marginal transaction cost is relatively high, unit pricing with an advance disposal fee is the second-best policy. However, where the price of a recycled good is negative and the marginal transaction cost is relatively high, a producer take-back requirement system is the second-best policy. Further, where the marginal transaction cost is relatively low, a deposit-refund system is the second-best policy, regardless of whether the price of a recycled good is positive or negative.  相似文献   

Nickitas DM  Keida R  Nokes KM  Neville S 《Nursing economic$》2004,22(5):258-63, 250, 227
At a time when nurses are becoming an endangered species, nurse executives have a unique opportunity to respond by forging new and responsive relationships with graduate students who express interest in nursing administration and leadership as a preferred career choice. In this article, a case example demonstrates how a senior faculty member and a graduate student formed a partnership, conducted research, and nurtured an appreciation of the nurse educator role. Using this experience, senior nurse executives can too form partnerships with graduate students as a way to recruit into nursing leadership roles.  相似文献   

屈文洲 《经济管理》2006,(24):73-77
本文在借鉴国外市场成熟经验的基础上,立足我国债券市场的实际情况.对我国本息分离债券市场制度设计的四个重点问题——债券品种设计、合格交易商选择、交易结算模式设计、交易制度规划进行了研究和探讨.构建了未来我国本息分离债券市场的基本框架。  相似文献   

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