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我国绿色产品产业规模每年以20%以上的速度增长,80%的贡献率来自于绿色食品认证企业数量的扩张,企业规模扩张的贡献率不足20%,绿色食品产业发展呈现粗放式增长的特征。从微观的角度来看,我国农业龙头企业普遍实施"局部化"绿色品牌战略,且农业龙头企业"绿色化"规模扩张有停滞的趋势。究其原因主要有三方面:一是绿色农业扶持政策激发龙头企业绿色认证激情,但制约其绿色化规模增长;二是农业龙头企业通过绿色食品联合品牌特性转移消费者"绿色态度",通过品牌联想机制"漂绿"企业形象,通过"局部化"绿色食品战略提高企业经济效益,最终减缓"绿色化"扩张意愿;三是大型农业龙头企业普遍实施非农化战略,通过"漂绿"企业形象,获得更多的政策扶持,但其"绿色化"扩张冲动减弱。因此,政府部门要以促进农业龙头企业进行"绿色化"扩张为抓手,建立绿色食品管理部门考核机制,进一步优化原有的绿色食品产业扶持政策,形成针对大、中、小不同规模农业龙头企业的扶持政策体系,从而促进我国绿色食品产业发展模式由粗放式向集约式转变。  相似文献   

与所处行业的大企业相比,中小企业是人员规模、资产规模与经营规模都比较小的经济单位。中小企业是中型企业与小型企业、微型企业的合称。  相似文献   

大量的文献研究和各国经济发展的经验表明,产业结构与就业结构存在高度的相关性。文章分析了皖江城市带产业转移背景下安徽省产业结构与就业结构的特征,通过Eviews8.0计量软件对安徽省经济增长与就业增长相关性的回归分析,对加快安徽产业结构转型升级和促进就业,发挥安徽省在承接东部地区产业转移,促进中部地区经济崛起的过程中将具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。  相似文献   

技术创新能力差异对产业转移迟滞作用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业转移是区域间各种生产要素的流动。随着经济发展,东部地区在成本和区域产业结构调整压力下,产生了向中西部地区进行产业转移的需要。但这种大规模产业转移现象未明显出现,主要原因之一是东部地区的劳动力成本上升,产生资本技术替代劳动力的需要,而这种替代性受技术创新环境和能力的影响。通过对东部和中部技术创新能力的比较,测度技术创新对产业转移的影响,提出东部和中部地区的技术创新能力差异对产业转移具有迟滞作用。  相似文献   

中东部地区产业结构比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张健  赵宁 《生产力研究》2011,(6):140-141,159
随着金融危机的出现,我国产业结构进一步调整,东部地区向中西部地区的产业转移力度不断加大。通过对东部和中部地区产业结构的比较分析,并据此提出相应的调整政策和措施,可以有效促进中部地区承接产业转移和自身产业升级,实现经济的快速发展。  相似文献   

王美飞  刘雅玮 《时代经贸》2008,6(7):126-127
本文在讨论中部崛起时,从产业转移的角度入手,通过分析东部和中部地区经济结构的地区差异,认为东部和中部之间存在产业结构上的梯度差和互补性,存在产业转移的可能性。利用东部地区面临产业升级的机遇,中部地区应该好好把握这个机会,积极提升自己的产业结构,发展区域经济。  相似文献   

资源是集群企业转型升级的基础。从资源禀赋视角出发,研究了集群企业转型升级的资源结构,从类型和规模两个视角分析了集群企业转型升级资源需求的差异性。研究发现,集群企业转型升级所需资源由市场资源、技术资源、金融资源和人力资源构成;购买者驱动型产业集群企业对市场资源需求明显高于生产者驱动型产业集群企业,生产者驱动型产业集群企业技术资源需求明显高于购买者驱动型产业集群;不同规模集群企业资源需求呈现“倒U”现象,中型企业资源需求明显高于小型企业和大型企业。  相似文献   

产业转移与中部地区面临的环境风险   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
黎金凤 《经济与管理》2007,21(11):30-34
中国“中部崛起”战略的提出,导致东部产业向中部转移成为中部经济发展的新亮点。但在产业转移的过程中,不能忽视随之而来的环境风险。产业转移与环境成本转移存在着一定的内在关系,东部地区传统产业向中部转移的过程中将使中部地区面临一系列的环境风险,对此,应引起中部地区的高度重视,应制定相应举措,努力使这一风险降到最低限度。  相似文献   

基于东部发达地区产业转移的中部地区工业发展分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
东部发达地区的劳动力、能源原材料指向型工业与其资源禀赋发生了较大的偏离,在产业结构升级的压力下,这些产业需要向外转移。中部地区所具有的区位优势、资源优势和产业基础优势,使其成为承接产业转移的主要区域是合理的。同时,中部地区发展这类产业,对国家统筹区域经济发展来说,又是必要的。国家应从全局出发,审时度势,制定政策措施,促进东部发达地区的这些产业向中部地区转移,以实现区域经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

企业是技术创新的主体,不同规模的企业拥有不同的技术创新资源,当小型企业和大型企业之间实现互补性资源联合时,往往会产生技术创新效应。旨在通过研究小型企业和大型企业所拥有的特定资源来解释产业技术创新中的企业行为,并着重分析了小型企业和大型企业在产业技术创新中的不同作用。  相似文献   


This paper examines how efficiently different groups of firms use their R&D expenditures. To this end, it investigates how the empirical relationship between firms' R&D expenditures and their sales growth varies with different values of firm size, firm age, and the number of firms in the respective industry. Using panel data for Switzerland ranging from 1995 to 2012, the paper finds that smaller, more mature firms show a more positive relation between R&D expenditures and sales growth than both relatively larger or younger firms. The paper argues that, on the one hand, these firms can benefit from various small size advantages in the R&D process, such as more motivated researchers, caused by a stronger connection to the firm's fate. On the other hand, these firms can also benefit from a well-established R&D department that allows absorbing the latest technological developments. The paper further finds that industries consisting of many small firms show a more positive relation between R&D expenditures and sales growth than industries consisting of only a few large firms. The intuition behind this result is that industries consisting of many small firms imply more independent innovative trials, which then together result in a higher probability of discovering successful innovations. In sum, the paper finds that groups consisting of a large number of small, more mature firms spend their R&D in the most efficient way.  相似文献   

白积洋 《经济前沿》2012,3(2):48-64
本文基于中国制造业集聚的数据,从企业规模异质性视角出发,检验中国制造业集聚经济效应。首先考察影响制造业集聚的一般因素,然后重点考察了企业规模因素对集聚经济的影响机制。研究发现:除了运输成本优势、劳动力成本等影响制造业集聚的一般因素之外,企业规模异质性也对集聚经济效应产生影响。最后通过构造隐含企业规模因素的集聚经济新变量,对企业规模异质的集聚经济效应进行检验。本文的研究发现,小型企业的专业化经济和竞争效应大于大中型企业。这一结论不仅反映了不同规模企业对制造业集聚影响的差异,也说明了小型企业对制造业集聚的重要性。  相似文献   

This article suggests that the validity of the Trade-Off Theory (TOT) and Pecking-Order Theory (POT) to explain financing decisions varies among small, medium-sized and large firms. Using dynamic panel data tests on a sample of 3439 Spanish firms over the period 1995–2003, results are partially consistent with both explanations but suggest a greater validity of pecking-order predictions for small firms. In small firms, the negative influence of profitability and the positive influence of investment opportunities and of intangible assets on firm debt predicted by the POT are heightened. However, no differences are observed between small and large firms in their speed of adjustment to the target leverage as suggested by the TOT.  相似文献   

Firms in Moldova face a high level of regulatory burden, as proxied by the number of inspections by public authorities. At the same time, they face high levels of corruption. We examine the effect of frequent inspections on four measures of firm performance: labour and total factor productivity, and levels of tangible and intangible assets. We also investigate how corruption affects the relationship between inspections and firm performance. We perform panel data analysis using firm-level administrative data and survey data from Moldova in 2005–2015. The results show that inspections and corruption each affect firm productivity negatively, but corruption moderates the negative effect of inspections. We also find that inspections and intangible assets are positively correlated, but this correlation is weaker for higher levels of corruption. Finally we examine whether these results differ by industry, firm size and ownership types. Inspections and corruption affect medium and large firms, and state-owned enterprises differently from micro and small firms and private firms respectively.  相似文献   

This paper tries to shed some light on the seeming paradox posed by the findings in the industrial organization literature that (1) the bulk of firms in an industry are not only very small, but also sufficiently small so that they are operating at a sub-optimal scale of output, and (2) entrepreneurs are apparently not deterred from starting new firms even in industries where scale economies play an important role. A dynamic view of the process of firm selection and industry evolution is that new firms typically start at a very smal scale of output. Because this level of output may be sub-optimal, the firm must grow in order to survive. The empirical evidence supports such a dynamic view of the evolutionary nature of industries. Viewed through a dynamic lens, the often-observed asymmetric size distribution of firms becomes more understandable. The persistence of an asymmetric firm-size distribution skewed towards small enterprises presumably reflects a continuing process of entry into industries and not necessarily the survival of such small and suboptimal enterprises over a long period of time.  相似文献   

利用2005—2010年我国沪深两市A股非金融保险行业1654家上市公司的高管年度薪酬数据,结合企业特征,对不同类型企业的高管薪酬结构与企业绩效的关系进行了实证研究,细化锦标赛理论和行为理论在不同类型企业中可能形成的差异化实施效应。结果显示:我国不同类型的企业都比较适宜采用锦标赛理论制定高管薪酬激励政策,竞争性的高管薪酬结构对于提升企业绩效具有正面作用,均等化高管薪酬结构不利于企业的价值创造;相对于民营企业、小规模企业、低成长企业而言,我国国有企业、大规模企业、高成长企业更宜采用锦标赛理论设计企业高管薪酬结构。因此我国不宜对非金融保险行业国有企业的高管薪酬进行过度均等化的管制,否则会负面影响企业绩效提升和企业价值创造。  相似文献   

文章将产业政策分成供给型、需求型与环境型,依托中国战略性新兴产业分析了不同政策通过政策资源的直接配置以及企业间配置两种作用路径对企业(产业)绩效的影响。研究发现:与供给型政策相结合的补贴行为通过以上两个路径抑制了企业绩效提升;产业政策对不同大小企业的影响存在差异,供给型政策资源的配置在小企业间并未呈现显著的集中特征,但在大企业间政策资源更为集中;供给型政策主要通过政策资源在企业间的配置路径降低大企业绩效,而通过补贴直接配置路径抑制小企业绩效提升;整体看环境型政策对投资、补贴等行为没有显著影响,但对大企业而言,其对政策资源在企业间的分散配置具有负向作用,而这一影响在小企业中则为促进作用。研究还发现,需求型政策有利于资源再配置,供给型政策则尚未显示出积极的资源再配置作用。  相似文献   

The effects of mergers and acquisitions on the firm size distribution   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper provides new empirical evidence on the effects of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on the shape of the firm size distribution, by using data of the population of manufacturing firms in the Netherlands. Our analysis shows that M&As do not affect the size distribution when we consider the entire population of firms. When we focus on the firms involved in an M&A event, we observe a shift of the firm size distribution towards larger sizes. Firm size distribution becomes more concentrated around the mean, less skewed to the right hand side, and thinner at the tails as a whole. The shift toward higher sizes due to M&A is not uniform but affects firms of different sizes in different ways. While the number of firms in the lower tail decreased, the number of firms in the central size classes increased substantially and outweighed the increase in the number (and mean size) of firms in the upper tail of the distribution (consequently the overall market concentration measured by the Herfindahl index declines). M&As lead to a departure from log-normality of the firm size distribution, suggesting that external growth does not follow Gibrat’s law. Our counterfactual analysis highlights that only internal growth does not affect the shape of the size distribution of firms. On the contrary, it suggests that the change in the size distribution is almost entirely due to the external growth of the firms.
Hans SchenkEmail:

This paper studies firms' job creation decisions in a labour market with search frictions. A simple labour market search model is developed in which a firm can search for a second employee while producing with a first worker, and this creates the equilibrium size distribution of firms. A firm expands employment even if the instantaneous payoff to a large firm is less than that of staying small – a firm has a precautionary motive to expand its size. In addition, this motive is enhanced by a greater market tightness. Because of this effect, firms’ decisions become interdependent – a firm creates a vacancy if it expects other firms to do the same, creating strategic complementarity among firms and thereby self‐fulfilling multiple equilibria. An increase in productivity can cause a qualitative change in labour market tightness and the rate of unemployment.  相似文献   

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