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旅游地土地资源可持续利用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着旅游业的迅猛发展,旅游开发追求片面的经济利益,导致旅游地土地资源的利用出现诸多问题;旅游地土地资源可持续利用是指能够持续满足旅游业发展及当地社会发展的土地生产力和景观环境需要的土地利用,调查土地资源、进行土地利用规划、加强土地用途管制和公众参与是旅游地土地资源可持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

研究目的:基于中国旅游景区功能演变、用地特征及问题分析,构建旅游景区用地分类体系,以期为旅游景区用地纳入区域土地利用提供理论基础,为旅游景区规划的深度编制提供实践依据。研究方法:通过调研和问卷厘清现状景区用地情况,对比借鉴相关用地分类体系,基于此构建旅游景区用地分类方案。研究结果:分析并阐明了旅游景区的功能演变、用地特征和现状问题,构建了2大类、9中类、28小类的景区用地分类体系,并与《土地利用现状分类》进行衔接。研究结论:建立可衔接且具可操作性的旅游景区用地分类体系,是实现旅游景区健康可持续发展与用地规范化管控的关键。  相似文献   

Tourism represents a fundamental economic strategy for many cities, regions and countries around the world. Yet, it is also one of the main drivers of global environmental change and may have deleterious effects on a number of critical environmental vectors such as water. The development of tourism in Mediterranean region raises special concerns regarding water because of summer droughts and large concentrations of seasonal tourists. Nevertheless, tourist destinations are far from being homogeneous in their consumption of water and other resources. In this paper we argue that dense, high rise tourist centers tend to use comparatively less water than disperse, low density residential resorts, taking the case of Benidorm and the Alicante coast (Mediterranean Spain) as examples. Thus we seek to illustrate how water consumption may differ substantially depending on the predominant tourist land use patterns and their associated different densities (i.e., campsites, hotels, holiday resorts, apartments, residential homes, etc.). The observed different water consumption patterns reaffirm the heterogeneous nature and impacts of tourist activities and corroborate that density is a crucial variable for understanding the economic, social, and environmental effects of tourism.  相似文献   

运城市旅游资源非常丰富,对其进行开发能促进地方旅游业的发展,而在开发过程中进行旅游市场分析显得尤为重要。运城市旅游客源市场分析包括客源市场构成分析、游客人口统计分析、游客需求特点分析、运城市游客的空间流动特征分析、游客对运城的满意度及评价分析等。市场营销策略有市场开发前期工作、市场开发的战略选择、促销的具体措施等综合运用各种营销策略。  相似文献   

生态脆弱区土地利用多功能空间格局特征及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:研究生态脆弱区的土地利用多功能对优化国土空间格局、开展国土绿化行动和建设美丽中国具有重要的现实意义.研究方法:以云南省南涧彝族自治县80个行政村为评价单元,运用多边形综合图示法、探索性空间数据分析和地理探测器等方法,系统分析2017年土地利用多功能空间格局特征和影响因素.研究结果:(1)南涧彝族自治县土地利用多功能水平整体性较低,行政村的差距较大,子功能协调发展有待加强,空间极化现象明显;(2)土地利用多功能空间分异明显,多功能空间分布呈现"一主多副"的多核空间分布结构,子功能空间分布呈现不同的形态特征;(3)土地利用多功能空间分异的影响因素主要以社会经济因素和区域政策为主,其中政府资金投入、政策性贷款和劳动技能培训率是其主导因素.研究结论:生态脆弱区应重点关注社会经济因素和区域政策因素,发挥财政资金和信贷资金的作用,加强劳动技能培训,提高土地利用多功能水平.  相似文献   

[目的]基于高质量发展视角,剖析我国乡村旅游发展的现状问题,从旅游用地、资源产权、服务水平、市场主体、人才队伍以及政策、机制等方面提出相应对策,以期推动乡村旅游高质量发展。[方法]文章通过文献梳理、实地调研和归纳总结等方法,总结乡村旅游发展的系列成就,分析乡村旅游发展中面临的问题,在理解高质量发展要求的前提下提出乡村旅游高质量发展对策。[结果]我国乡村旅游目前存在区域发展不平衡、产业结构较简单、市场主体较散弱、服务体系不完善、政策协同度不高等五大问题;资源与市场合理化配置、满足多样需求、产业结构优化、资源生态可持续、多维创新、发展成果共享等是乡村旅游高质量发展的基本要求。[结论]基于高质量发展要求,要实现乡村旅游高质量发展,解决用地、消防和产权等长期困扰乡村旅游发展的难题是乡村旅游持续性发展的基石,改善公共服务水平是实现城乡主客协调的途径,培育市场主体是实现乡村旅游有效供给的手段,人才队伍建设是乡村旅游实现分享性的路径,优化政策与机制是乡村旅游管理协同创新的保障。  相似文献   

文章在分析旅游镇的概念与梳理国内外旅游镇研究进展的基础上,结合陕西省旅游镇发展现状的普查结果,将陕西省旅游镇划分山水自然景观类、历史遗址与特色聚落类(含建筑)、特色农业类、社会风情类、红色旅游类及现代康体类等6个主类,并对陕西省旅游镇的功能分区与特色优势进行研究,结果显示陕西省不仅旅游镇资源丰富、类型多样,而且资源在功能分区与组合上形成了明显的地域分异(陕北红色旅游镇特色发展区、关中平原休闲农业与社会风情旅游镇特色发展区、关中平原历史遗址与特色聚落旅游镇特色发展区、秦岭自然生态旅游镇特色区、陕南秦巴汉水风情旅游镇特色区、陕南历史遗址与特色聚落旅游镇特色发展区、陕南休闲农业旅游镇特色发展区)。研究结果有利于预测旅游镇发展方向,并对陕西省旅游镇开发、规划及保护提供决策依据,促进旅游镇持续健康发展。  相似文献   

[目的]乡村振兴战略将乡村旅游作为我国农村扶贫的重要手段,而旅游业的发展对乡村用地格局产生了深远影响。对典型城郊旅游村庄西庄村的用地格局演变展开研究,识别当前旅游用地模式中存在的问题,对合理划定村级“三生空间”和推动乡村旅游转型升级具有重要意义。[方法]文章基于Google Earth高精度遥感图像,运用参与式农村评估法(PRA)、ArcGIS空间分析和马尔科夫模型,对1985—2017年西庄村用地格局演变进行定量研究。[结果]在旅游业影响下,西庄村旅游用地和其他商服用地持续扩张,耕地、园地和林地持续缩小; 用地功能由传统的农业生产和居住向旅游用地和其他商服用地的多功能转变,且各阶段转变的主导类型不同; 以旅游用地为主的建设用地扩展强度呈倒“U”型趋势,不同阶段表现为渐进式蔓延扩展、爆炸式多点扩展、填补式内涵挖潜和稳定有序扩展模式; 旅游区位优势、旅游市场需求、先锋农户带动及政府乡村旅游政策是典型城郊旅游乡村用地格局演变的主导因素。[结论]乡村旅游业发展应结合村级“三生空间”划定,科学划定产业用地空间,控制旅游用地无序扩张,促进乡村空间有序发展。  相似文献   

In recent years, the sustainable utilization of China’s arable land has been confronted with several challenges. The China government has been very strict in arable land protection, and a package of policies and measures have been promulgated. All these endeavors are of great significance for proposing an innovative policy system for sustainable land use in China. However, above stated policies are all designed from the perspective of space control with the purpose of reducing arable land loss or increasing arable land area, few policies have been designed from the perspective of utilization control, namely guide the actual arable land farming in sustainable ways and constraint unreasonable land use behavior such as overuse, rough use, land abandonment. In this paper, we analyze spatial distribution of average land-use intensity (ALUI) at the county-level in Mainland China, which can be used as a significant index for evaluating the rationality of arable land use and providing effective decision-making supporting information for design of regional arable land protection policy. Based on the experimental results, there is still considerable room for yield improvement as the ALUI of ∼73.1 % counties are lower than 0.7 while the 53.60 % counties are lower than 0.6. Furthermore, the ALUI dataset shows significant global spatial autocorrelation characteristic. Boundaries of regions that aggregated by counties with high ALUI are more consistent with that of provincial administrative districts, comparing with that of sub-standard farming system regions. On the other hand, counties with low ALUI are mostly cluster in mountains, hills, or plateaus, where grain yield is mainly limited by regional hydrothermal conditions. In addition, counties with different ALUI status have been divided into six classes, using k-means clustering algorithm. This will facilitate the understanding of appropriate arable land protection and utilization paths for different regions and the rethinking of current support policies on farmland protection.  相似文献   

皖南黟县是黄山市和安徽省的旅游大县,其品牌产品是古村落文化观光旅游,但近年来,全县的旅游收入和游客接待人数的增长幅度在下降,特殊年份还有回落,古村落旅游本身也存在一些经营、开发、管理、宣传、服务等方面的不足,可持续发展面临一些限制性因素,黟县旅游面对国际国内旅游大环境,结合自身特色,决定把发展乡村旅游作为突破口,优化旅游产品结构,建设“全国乡村旅游第一县”;在对黟县乡村旅游开发背景、条件、意义进行分析的基础上,提出了发展目标、战略原则、发展重点和主要措施。  相似文献   

中原城市群旅游资源丰富,经济状况良好,区位条件优越,旅游业发展前景广阔。在中原城市群经济一体化的背景下,旅游业作为具有比较优势的产业,一体化的要求更加迫切。应树立“大旅游”观,统一打“中原城市群旅游”品牌,联合宣传营销,整合开发旅游资源,提高旅游企业竞争力,同时加强政府主导,培育一体化旅游市场,实现中原城市群的可持续旅游发展。  相似文献   

针对不同地区旅游开发的经济基础,提出了“贫困型旅游地”概念通过分析“贫困型旅游地”的开发现状,提出“贫困型旅游地”应引入可持续旅游观念,并对实施可持续旅游发展战略进行了探索,认为主要应从做好旅游规划、理顺旅游管理体制、加强环境伦理教育、完善旅游法制建设和挖掘旅游文化内涵等方面着手。  相似文献   

This paper places issues of land speculation and property market efficiency within the limited geographical context of a tourist-agglomeration development process in the island of Rhodes, Greece. The study is based mainly on the elaboration of diachronic cadastral data, covering the period from the very beginning of the tourism development in what as of a formerly an agricultural area, until its establishment as an international mass tourist destination. The economic and financial dimensions of land speculation on market efficiency are explored, through a socio-economic perspective. Land property ownership structures, state policies and bank financing practices have produced synergies that encouraged land speculation, with ambivalent effects on space, property markets and tourist activities. Finally, it is argued that land speculation may be regarded as a socially embedded rational action, which leads to an overall inefficient land market.  相似文献   

旅游产业区域结构状况,关系到地区旅游经济优势的发挥和总体协调发展;根据浙江省旅游产业区域结构具有旅游资源地区分布不均、区域旅游发展水平差距较大、旅游设施的空间分布不均等现状特点,提出了建设旅游中心地体系带动区域旅游发展、创新品牌建设提升旅游产品对游客的吸引力、创新区域旅游合作增强区域合力和影响力等优化浙江省旅游产业区域结构对策与措施.  相似文献   

China's economic reforms over the past decades have given rise to the development of a rudimentary urban land market. Although one cannot speak of a land “market” in the strict sense of the word, there is an urban land allocation system in which land lease rights can be acquired through the payment of a land-use fee. If the urban land market is to develop in a sustainable manner, new credible institutions need to be established that can safeguard greater legal security and transparency. For these purposes, it is necessary to establish a management system that can support the legal (tenure security), economic (leases, taxes) and broader aspects (spatial and environmental land use policies) of land administration. To make an urban land administration system socially credible and functional, land-related information should be registered and structured at a detailed spatial level, such as parcels. There is no parcel-based information system in China, but the country has developed a population registration system at a detailed spatial level that could be a starting point to develop integrated information systems, or a so-called “local spatial data infrastructure”. This paper reviews China's population registration system and their spatial units and presents a proposal for an information system that can be expanded or adapted to meet the requirements of an effective land administration system.  相似文献   

Global trends in land-use changes, including urbanization and abandonment of rural areas, have important repercussions for the supply and demand of ecosystem services (ES). In this study, we assessed and mapped the supply and demand of three ES (water provision, climate regulation, and outdoor recreation) along an urban-rural gradient in the Madrid region (Spain) from 1990 to 2012. We mapped ES supply, based on land use/land cover (LULC) data, using InVEST models and complementary methods, and ES demand, using population density and demand indicators. Then, we explored spatial supply-demand mismatches at a municipality spatial scale. Despite an increase in ES supply in some areas, a general increase in ES demand led to increasing dependence by the Madrid metropolitan area on outlying areas. We found that the number of municipalities that exhibited mismatches between the supply and demand in ES increased throughout the study period, due mainly to urban sprawl. Our results suggest the need for comprehensive land-use planning at the regional scale, taking into account that many ES flows reach beyond municipality boundaries. Finally, we discuss the utility of analyzing spatial mismatches in the supply and demand of ES for land-use planning and decision-making.  相似文献   

基于随机前沿分析的中国城市土地利用效率时空分异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:测度并探索城市土地利用效率的时空分异,促进城市土地集约高效利用。研究方法:"一步法"随机前沿生产函数模型、核密度估计、空间自相关分析。研究结果:2009—2016年中国城市土地利用效率整体提升,但仍处于中低水平;城市土地利用效率在空间上由东向西递减,效率越低的区域其内部不均衡性越明显;城市土地利用效率空间集聚态势显著,集聚程度趋于加强;高效率均质区域集中于东部地区,并出现向中西部延伸的趋势,低—高关联类型主要分布在东、中部交界地区,高—低关联类型在空间上表现为沿交通干线的带状分布,低效率均质区域集中在中西部地区。研究结论:应注重土地利用投入产出的技术效率,通过投入要素优化和技术能力提升实现城市土地利用的报酬递增,同时要制定区域差别化的效率提升策略。  相似文献   

依据常德市1998 ̄2004年土地利用详查数据,运用多种数学模型对该市的土地利用类型及土地空间格局进行了定量、全面的分析研究;研究表明:①在1998 ̄2004年间,常德市耕地面积每年都在减少,是研究期内面积减少最快的土地利用类型;②武陵区、安乡县、汉寿县、石门县的土地利用处于发展期,而鼎城区、澧县、临澧县、津市市的土地利用处于调整期;③研究期内,该市的多样化指数排序并没有发生变化,武陵区土地类型多样化程度最高,石门的土地类型集中化程度最高。  相似文献   

罗凯 《南方农村》2013,(7):76-78
农业旅游学是一门交叉于农业与旅游之间的交叉学科,指的是研究农业旅游运动规律的学科。它以农业旅游为研究对象,研究如何将其开发、建设成审美对象、旅游对象并加以开发、利用;它运用农学和旅游学这两大学科来研究农业旅游问题;农业旅游运动规律具有季节性、地区性、市民性和参与性等四个特征。  相似文献   

Effective land-use is a prerequisite for sustainable urbanization. Land-use efficiency is intimately related to factors such as economic growth and industrial policies; however, limited studies focus on the spatial effects of urban form on land-use efficiency. Our empirical analysis includes 336 Chinese prefecture-level cities located in 31 provinces and four regions. We use five landscape metrics (patch density, mean patch size, edge density, mean shape index and patch cohesion index) to characterize urban form. Overall, China’s urban form metrics demonstrate significant regional differences from 2000 to 2015. Furthermore, land-use efficiency also demonstrates significant regional disparities. We prove the importance of the spatial effects of urban form on land-use efficiency using spatial regression models. Moreover, the impact of urban form metrics on land-use efficiency is sensitive to regional heterogeneity and city sizes. An urban form characterized by high patch density and large urban patch size is not conducive to increases in land-use efficiency in small cities although it is conducive to such increases in large cities. This research facilitates policymaking in the areas of spatial regulation and spatial planning in connection with national land-use.  相似文献   

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