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刘茵 《商场现代化》2012,(25):58-59
<正>心理契约的结构维度一直受到学者们的广泛关注,各个研究领域的学者们通过针对不同的研究对象以及不同的理论框架,产生了不同的划分标准。学者们有的从心理契约的内容角度进行划分;有的则通过进一步的因素提取,得出更具普遍性的心理契约结构。本文通过系统的梳理国内外关于心理契约结构维度的研究文献,总结出以下三种观点:二维结构理论、三维  相似文献   

设计出能够对高管实施有效激励的报酬契约,一直被看成解决公司委托--代理矛盾的重要手段.但研究发现高管报酬与公司业绩指标的相关性很低,对高管的报酬激励很难达到预期的效果.随着各学科的相互渗透,心理契约对员工行为的影响开始被关注,心理学被引入到研究中来,高管自愿离职的例证表明,心理契约对高管行为的影响可能甚于报酬激励.文章以我国上市公司为样本进行研究发现,高管报酬契约与心理契约存在互补效应,这为降低企业代理成本提供了启示.重视高管人员的心理契约,将心理契约激励与高管报酬契约结合起来,而不是一味地强调报酬激励,不但可以降低企业支付的高管报酬代理成本,还能激发高管工作的积极性,获取心理契约带来的好处.  相似文献   

高管团队行为整合的构念和测量:基于行为的视角   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
文章回顾了高管团队行为整合构念和测量的两种研究方法,并提出了高管团队行为整合构念的内部结构,揭示了决策参与、开放沟通和团队合作等三个维度.文章的325个高管团队样本来自公共组织、国企、民企和欧美外企等四类组织.文章对获得的数据进行了探索性因素分析和确认性因素分析,以及测量的有效性和可靠性检验,形成了行为整合构念的测量量表.另外还对高管团队行为整合水平进行了不同组织和不同企业发展阶段的对比分析.提供了行为整合量表的参考效度.  相似文献   

传统企业员工的心理契约研究日益丰富,数字化平台企业网约工心理契约的内容和测量尚处于探索阶段。结合现实需求和研究缺口,以心理契约理论为基础,运用质性研究方法探索网约工心理契约的内容,在此基础上开发并检验网约工心理契约量表。以珠三角地区网约工为被试回收3组数据,通过项目分析、探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析等方法,获得由平台责任和网约工责任共同构成的网约工心理契约概念模型以及具有良好信效度的测量量表。有别于传统组织,平台企业网约工的心理契约呈现出单维度的交易型心理契约特征。实证研究进一步发现,网约工心理契约正向影响服务绩效,表明心理契约是影响网约工态度和行为的重要变量。平台企业、网约工、政府和其他利益相关者必须重视网约工心理契约的认知和管理。  相似文献   

本文从委托代理、高管薪酬契约有效性、信息不对称三个理论角度探讨公司高管薪酬激励对盈余管理水平的影响机理,并以2011—2017年创业板上市公司作为实证样本,考察高管薪酬与应计、真实盈余管理这两种行为的关系。结果显示,高管薪酬越高,其应计、真实盈余管理水平越低。进一步地,考虑高管持股的调节作用,研究发现高管持股弱化了高管薪酬的正向激励作用。并且,高管持股比例增加,对应计盈余管理行为的偏好要强于对真实盈余管理活动,这可能是高管考虑到后者对企业长期价值的损害较高。  相似文献   

高管薪酬激励是公司治理中解决委托代理问题的重要途径。上市公司高管薪酬问题一直备受各方关注。分析了创业板上市公司高管薪酬的影响因素,以2010年创业板上市公司相关数据作为样本,并就这些因素与高管薪酬的关系进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,企业绩效、企业规模、股权集中度、高管学历、地区和行业因素对创业板上市公司高管薪酬有显著影响,而董事会规模对高管薪酬的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

本文对包含42家企业高管团队的预试样本进行探索性因素分析,提出共享心智模型构建导向的高管团队互动动力特征包含团队凝集、有效沟通与认知冲突三个维度;通过对125家企业高管团队的正式样本调查分析,验证共享心智模型构建导向的高管团队互动动力特征三维度结构,分析结果表明高管团队互动动力特征在团队生命周期不同阶段存在显著差异,随着高管团队生命历程的演进,高管团队互动动力三特征呈现先降后升的趋势,团队凝聚、有效沟通与认知冲突的水平在高管团队形成期进入震荡期后开始下降,随后过渡到规范期、执行期时水平有一定提高,其中在执行期水平最高。  相似文献   

本文以2014—2017年我国A股上市中央企业为样本,基于内部审计全流程监督视角,从事前、事中、事后三个维度检验了内部审计对高管薪酬契约的影响。结果发现,内部审计事前资源投入、事中项目活动和事后意见反馈越多,高管薪酬业绩敏感性越高。进一步地,当外部审计监督力较弱、管理层权力较大时,内部审计对高管薪酬业绩敏感性的影响更加显著。此外,高质量的内部审计有助于降低管理层的超额薪酬与内部薪酬差距,反映了内部审计通过抑制高管过高薪酬有助于实现薪酬管制目标,然而,内部审计对降低高管薪酬粘性的作用较为有限。研究结果揭示了内部审计全过程监督对推动国有企业高管薪酬契约合理化的作用,丰富了内部审计发挥治理功能的相关研究。  相似文献   

高灿 《现代商业》2013,(35):159-159
本文以中国上市公司高管薪酬为对象进行研究。首先,我们讨论了中国的高管薪酬是如何设定的。接着,我们进一步阐述了影响薪酬契约的因素。考虑到从2005年开始实施的股权分置改革及其可能对上市公司高管报酬方式与公司绩效关系带来不可预知的影响,我们挑选2008-2012年上市公司序列数据。研究发现,对于高管而言,薪酬—绩效敏感度变得显著,说明中国上市公司激励机制的有效性在股权分置改革后得到一定的提高。  相似文献   

作为对责任义务的一种认知和信念系统,心理契约深刻影响着员工的态度和行为,进而影响员工的敬业度。通过文献研究发现,心理契约与员工敬业度在引导员工融入组织、投入工作以及共享发展愿景等方面具有共同的指向性,当员工感知到企业很好地履行心理契约时,就会以更高的敬业水平来回报企业。针对物流企业心理契约管理现状和问题,采用实证研究方法验证了物流企业员工心理契约的三个维度(交易维度、关系维度和发展维度)深刻影响着员工敬业度的认知维度、情感维度和行为维度。为了促进企业与员工心理契约的融合,提高员工敬业度,应将建立和谐相容的心理契约贯穿于人力资源管理的整个流程,通过加强员工背景调查,建立人性化、民主化的管理机制,营造良好的组织文化氛围,完善多元化、柔性化薪酬福利体系、良好的培训体系和职业生涯管理体系,提供有挑战性和成就感的工作。  相似文献   

在高管薪酬体制扭曲现实背景和社会比较理论视角下,引入心理学和行为学研究成果,关注薪酬外部不公平性对高管心理感知及行为选择影响。研究发现,薪酬外部不公平易引发高管“黑嫉妒”心理,导致其寻求替代性补偿激励而增加非效率投资。这一现象在民营企业更为突出,主要是因国有企业报酬体系异化所致。宏观经济形势和公司所在地区对薪酬外部不公平性与非效率投资之间关系有显著调节作用。研究还发现受自我期望值、归因模式及注意力基础等因素影响,高管对薪酬外部公平性问题的心理感知存在显著性别差异,女性高管治理有助于缓解男性高管主导的“黑嫉妒”心理和抑制非效率投资。  相似文献   

企业员工的心理契约:国有企业与民营企业差异的探索   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
心理契约是雇员对雇佣双方相互义务的信念,包括员工责任和组织责任两个方面.通过对1022名国有企业和民营企业员工的问卷调查证实,中国企业员工心理契约中的员工责任和组织责任均由3维构成:发展责任、交易责任和关系责任.国有企业和民营企业员工的组织责任存在显著差异,国有企业员工的组织发展责任、交易责任和关系责任均显著高于民营企业;二者的员工责任不存在显著差异,但从具体维度来看,国有企业员工的员工发展责任和关系责任显著高于民营企业员工.  相似文献   

In the United States, entrepreneurs have been cussed and discussed, glorified and vilified, declared to be social misfits and bastions of the private enterprise system. Early in the life cycle of an entrepreneur, he or she may have been classified as being “unable to relate to family or peers,” later as “unwilling and unable to submit to or work with authority” to “jungle fighter” to “robber barron” to “philanthropist.” 5A common but incorrect assumption is that if one cannot adjust to the corporate environment, he or she should pursue an entrepreneurial career. Whether or not one can adjust does not preclude the necessity for the development of the skills and techniques required of a competent executive. The authors hypothesize that an entrepreneur must be a capable executive, and in addition, must possess a number of psychological characteristics to a greater or lesser degree than their corporate counterparts.This does not imply that all entrepreneurs are alike any more than all managers or executives are alike. Nor that the presence of a higher or lower level of a psychological trait or characteristic is itself sufficient for success. There are a number of sociological, psychological, demographic, and economic factors that appear to impact on the decision to enter entrepreneurial occupations. Although neither the absolute level of the impact of a psychological trait nor the interrelationship of the combined factors on the final decision-making process are known, research has indicated that significant differences in the intensity level of psychological traits or characteristics exist between entrepreneurs and managers or executives.This article discusses those traits that entrepreneurs exhibit at significantly different levels than do their corporate counterparts; how these factors may influence the decision to enter entrepreneurial occupations: and how these same traits have the propensity, if ignored, to have a negative influence on both the entrepreneur's organization and personal life-style.Entrepreneurs tend to be 1) tolerant of ambiguous situations, 2) prefer autonomy (autonomy may be described as self-reliance, dominance, and independence), 3) resist conformity, 4) be interpersonally aloof yet socially adroit, 5) enjoy risk-taking, 6) adapt readily to change, and 7) have a low need for support. These factors can lead to serious problems in delegation and communication, two factors of paramount importance to a growing concern. They may also cause intense stress or loneliness for the entrepreneur. Fortunately, the traits of willingness to accept change and ability to adapt to it will help the entrepreneur to accept and respond to problems that arise due to poor delegation or communication. Coping methods and a tolerance of ambiguity will assist the entrepreneur in dealing with stress and loneliness. The main problem is to alert the entrepreneur to the potentiality of these problems—which is what this article attempts to do.  相似文献   

In order to make strategic decisions and improve their firm’s performance, top management teams must have information on the competitive context in general, and the firm’s competitors in particular. During the decision-making process, top managers can have access to “privileged information”—i.e., information of a confidential and potentially strategic nature that could ultimately confer a decisional advantage over competing parties. However, obtaining and using privileged information in a business context is often illegal—and if not, is usually deemed unethical or “against the rules.” Using a quasi-experimental design, this study explores the reasons why an individual might engage in such unethical behavior. We assess the extent to which managers use privileged information with respect to perceived team cohesion and peers’ ethicality. More specifically, our results show that the use of privileged information is predicted by the decision-maker’s perceptions of their team cohesion and their peers’ ethicality. Moreover, we find that team performance, as a group-level nonself-reported factor (measured by the firm’s share price in our simulation), moderates the relationship between cohesion and the use of privileged information. The relationship between cohesion, ethical behavior, and team performance is also discussed. We draw on these findings to make some practical suggestions on how to incorporate practices that could better prevent the unethical use of privileged information in strategic decision-making processes.  相似文献   


Central to current thinking on what makes companies competitive is the notion that “it's not what you do, it's the way that you do it”. The way a task is carried out in a company is itself very much related to the attitudes and opinions of the company's managers. This article focuses on top managers’ attitudes to product design and shows which ones are related to superior competitive performance. An examination of the attitudes shows that there are seven basic managerial orientations to design. The most successful orientation is called the “balanced orientation” and consists of attitudes that underpin a commitment to leading the field technically and making developments market‐relevant.  相似文献   

To attain short-term performance, sales managers must motivate their salesforce to close deals (often through use of intra-firm competition). At the same time, to maintain long-term relationships, they must promote a highly ethical selling environment (which may be incongruent with use of intra-firm competition). The present study examines the interactive relationship between competitive psychological climate and ethical psychological climate in predicting salespeople’s ethical intentions and behaviors toward customers. A unique dyadic data set is used to predict salesperson ethical intentions and actual salesperson ethical behaviors reported by customers. For ethical intentions, an “executive control” perspective predicts improved ethical intentions toward customers. However, a “depletion” perspective predicts reduced ethical behavior during actual customer interactions. This result is provocative as fostering an ethical climate in conjunction with a competitive climate is found to reduce ethical behaviors in the eyes of customers, a finding clearly counter to what managers intend.  相似文献   

From the resource-based perspective, organization learning is the foundation of firms creating their special resources and thereby increasing their competitive advantage. Organization learning is indeed derived from individual learning within the organization. However, many firms have adopted downsizing strategies to reduce the redundancy. Nevertheless, it had a great impact both on laid-off employees and remaining ones. The remaining employees lost their trust, loyalty toward the firm and eventually left. The consequence not only affected the firms’ daily operation but also impacted employees’ learning motivation for improving their ability to enhance the firm's competitive advantage. In the post-downsizing era, applying appropriate human resource management practices to motivate employees would be a critical issue. The study began with two psychological constructs: job satisfaction and learning commitment to explore the content of job satisfaction which significantly influenced remaining employees’ learning commitment. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect and analyze the data. The results revealed that the two criterion in job satisfaction “the relationship with colleagues” and “the relationship with the family” significantly influenced employees’ learning commitment. However, this was clearly different from managers’ subjective expectation. The findings provide important implications for both the research field and practical management of downsizing, employee motivation, cross-culture management and strategic HRM practices.  相似文献   

“内部人”或“自己人”是本土组织中较为常见的一种非正式身份划定。然而,“内部人”这种特殊身份往往因为其所蕴含的角色期待,而面临如何行使这一角色的尴尬。一方面,“内部人”跟组织和领导有了不同于“外部人”的关系,而对这一身份倍加珍视,并对组织形成了较为强烈的情感依附;另一方面,本土组织对“内部人”的角色要求达成了长久的共识,内部人必须付出更多以维护这一特殊身份,内部人的责任更大。针对上述现象,文章从角色认同和自我归类理论出发分析,内部人所表现出的员工创新行为究竟是“真有之情”还是“应有之情”在驱使,或是二者兼而有之。文章的基本假设是,“内部人”做出创新行为一个可能的选择不是简单地依靠情感,而是同时“无奈地”通过承担义务的方式来进行创新行为,这一组合机制是其面对自身身份以及身份本身蕴含的角色期望而构建的一种行为选择。这一研究从过去主要关注员工创新行为如何激发,转向对员工情感动机和义务动机组合与员工创新行为关系的研究。这一研究模型将内部人身份、情感承诺、感知义务与员工创新行为结合起来,拓展和深化了员工创新行为的研究。  相似文献   

Like the first-mover in an ultimatum game, the principal is a first-mover with foreknowledge of the agent’s “rational” best response function. The solution to the “principal’s problem” is to choose a contract that maximizes the principal’s expected profit given the agent’s marginal efficacy and marginal effort cost. However, this paper reports experiments that show that principals make large concessions toward an equal division outcome. As in ultimatum games, agents are at times willing to punish principals who are perceived as being overly acquisitive. Variations in agent effort cost and effectiveness that should (theoretically) produce qualitatively different game-theoretic equilibria have little impact on outcomes.  相似文献   

Drawing on Bourdieu’s theory of practice, we consider internationalization as a process of field crossing and apply this framework to nascent international entrepreneurs. The analysis of 37 interviews with French entrepreneurs, managers, and support providers in China allows identifying two types of international entrepreneurs: (1) “Fallen Icaruses”, unable to incorporate and exhibit a global habitus and who fall back to the home field, and (2) “Global Argonauts”, incorporating and exhibiting a global habitus and who proceed with internationalization. Our findings show that social networks can be hostile to newcomers and that incumbents in those networks first assess newcomers’ “compatibility”. We posit that the success of international initiatives by entrepreneurs depends on their ability to cross and fit into different “fields”, and to develop various forms of social relationships in those fields.  相似文献   

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