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A Model of the Determinants of International Trade in Higher Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article focuses on a neglected aspect of international trade in services i.e. trade in Higher Education. The purpose of the research endeavour is to draw together the determinants of this trade using its most visible aspect - foreign students. There are many categories of foreign student, but the study is confined to those students who opt to complete higher educational outside the home country. There is much competition among host nations for international students and the factors influencing demand for and supply of university places for foreign students are considered, using medical education as a case study. Little if any attention has been given to theory generation in this field and this study was undertaken to redres the balance. The model presented here clearly illustrartes the many variables which impact on a student's decision to stydy overseas, and their choice qf destination, the most critial one being information.  相似文献   

The international diffusion of knowledge is not a major topic in traditional trade theory, although it has a crucial direct and indirect impact on the development of open economics. In this article, the scale effects and the resource reallocation effects of the international transmission of knowledge are analyzed. Within a model, it is shown that free trade in goods can harm growth in an economy that is relatively well supplied with skilled labor if the international diffusion of knowledge is not intensive enough.  相似文献   

China’s international trade flows have increased by 500 per cent since 1992, far outstripping GDP growth. Likewise tertiary education enrolments have increased by 300 per cent. We simulate these changes using a multi‐sector growth model of the Chinese and USA economies. A decade of trade biased growth in China is found to raise USA GDP by approximately 3–4.5 percentage points and has a large impact on the demand for tertiary education in China. Despite these positive effects of growth, the results suggest that the expansion of China’s education sector per se has practically no long‐run impact on the USA economy.  相似文献   

低碳经济对国际贸易发展的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
低碳经济对国际贸易将带来深刻的影响,其主要影响方面为:随着低碳经济在全球的迅速兴起,国际贸易格局将进行重大调整;低碳经济创新碳金融,进一步拓展国际服务贸易内涵;低碳经济将催生新一轮技术革命,促进国际技术贸易和技术转让的竞争与合作态势;与低碳经济相关的单边贸易措施与多边贸易规则的潜在冲突,可能成为新贸易壁垒。  相似文献   

This contribution concentrates on the response of the trade union movement in Australia to globalization. Firstly, it outlines the evidence of the effects of globalization on labour markets, including the impact on wage inequaliry employment securiry and collective bargaining. Secondly, it looks at the strategic union response to the effects of globalization in terms of trade policy responses, international labour cooperation and traditional industrial campaigns on globalization issues. It suggests that unions can employ a combination of international and domestic strategies to deal with globalization.  相似文献   

周健 《价格月刊》2012,(5):86-89
在国际贸易不断扩大、碳排放增加显著的背景下,低碳经济与国际贸易成为当前探讨的热点话题,笔者选取如国际贸易对低碳经济的影响、低碳经济对国际贸易的影响、发展低碳国际贸易的对策等研究观点加以综述。  相似文献   

We provide estimates of the effects of demand and supply shocks in the global crude oil market on several measures of oil exporters' and oil importers' external balances, including the oil trade balance, the non-oil trade balance, the current account, capital gains, and changes in net foreign assets (NFA). First, we show that the effect of oil demand and supply shocks on the merchandise trade balance and the current account, which depending on the source of the shock can be large, depends critically on the response of the non-oil trade balance. Our results provide evidence of an intermediate degree of international financial integration. Second, we document the presence of large and systematic valuation effects in response to these shocks. Valuation effects overall tend to cushion the effect of oil demand and supply shocks on the NFA positions of oil exporters and oil importers. Third, we quantify the overall importance of global business cycle demand shocks as well as oil-market specific demand and supply shocks for external balances.  相似文献   

Ahmet zam 《Metroeconomica》2021,72(1):173-188
Robinson's derivation of the Marshall‐Lerner condition (ML) is more general in that she considers a situation where initially the trade balance is not in equilibrium with the incorporation of the supply curves of exporters. This paper examines a partial equilibrium analysis of a country's imports and exports markets within a theoretical model which considers both the demand and supply sides in these two internationally traded‐goods markets. The aim here is to show explicitly how the Generalized Marshall‐Lerner condition (GML) of Robinson can be obtained. We examined the two effects of the nominal depreciation of the domestic currency on the trade balance: the volume effect and the value effect and how they counterbalance each other. We found that the standard Marshall‐Lerner condition (ML) was not sufficient when the trade balance was initially in deficit and it was also not necessary if the trade balance showed an initial surplus. Moreover, this study provides a new interpretation for Robinson’ sufficiency condition where the trade balance must improve following a nominal depreciation of domestic currency when the elasticity of foreign demand exceeds the ratio of imports to exports. This paper also examines the situation of a small open economy which could not influence the world prices where the foreign demand for exports and the foreign supply of exports are infinitely large. Finally, there is a discussion on two policy implications for exchange rate regulation: the amount of devaluation that is necessary to improve a given trade imbalance as a governments intervention and additional support for the slow improvement of the trade balance in the short run after a devaluation policy known as the J‐Curve effect.  相似文献   

人工智能技术的快速发展正催生第四次工业革命,可能引发全球价值链深度重构和世界经贸格局重大变革。世界主要经济强国将发展人工智能技术作为争夺新一轮产业竞争优势的重要战略抓手。本文基于全球价值链视角研究人工智能技术变革对国际贸易的影响,我们发现人工智能技术变革可能推动国际贸易规模扩大,提升服务贸易份额,并促进国际贸易交易模式平台化、小宗化,可为中小企业创造更多参与国际贸易的机会。然而,人工智能技术变革也可能通过降低企业劳动力需求从而对我国等发展中国家的出口拉动型增长模式造成严重的潜在威胁。为应对人工智能技术变革,我国应部署并强化对人工智能产业发展的政策支持,加快培育制造业国际竞争新优势,大力推动先进制造业与现代生产性服务业深度融合发展,全面促进"中国制造"攀升全球价值链中高端。  相似文献   

随着美国金融危机的出现和加深,世界经济增长放缓,国际市场需求减少,我国出口贸易和国民经济的发展面临巨大的挑战。为此,政府不断运用出口退税政策对对外贸易进行宏观调控,以实现贸易、经济和社会的平稳、较快和可持续发展。至今我国政府已经进行了8次出口退税政策的调整,具体体现在出口退税政策的调整背景、出口退税的税负主体调整、出口退税的税率调整等方面。  相似文献   

贸易逆差是否削弱了一国国际竞争力:美国经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一国贸易逆差通常被认为会损害该国的国际竞争力。本文从美国巨额贸易逆差的成因入手,结合产品市场生命周期理论、国际分工现状两个方面分析逆差与竞争力的关系,认为美国巨额贸易逆差是美国经济增长与旺盛社会需求的结果,同时也是其国际分工、产业结构高级化的产物,由此反映出贸易逆差并未削弱美国竞争力。诸如日本、德国及印度等多国经验也显示贸易差额与一国国际竞争力的分离关系。因此,当前贸易差额已不能成为衡量一国国际竞争力的标准。  相似文献   

我国实施战略性贸易政策的可行性探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
战略性贸易政策为政府在规模经济和不完全竞争条件下进行贸易干预提供了新的理论依据,我国要在转型时期实施这一政策必须满足市场经济体制、规模经济和市场结构三个方面的要求。文章旨在从这三个条件出发,对战略性贸易政策在我国可行性进行探讨。文章对如何运用这一政策提出了政策性建议。  相似文献   

21世纪的世界,经济全球化方兴未艾,中国作为世界贸易大国,也加快了与世界各国交流和贸易的步伐。国际经济合作的日益繁荣,迫切需要一大批既精通语言知识又具有较强商务知识的高级复合型应用型人才。适应世界经济和贸易的发展,高职教育工作者必须审时度势,创新教学观念,改革滞后的商务英语专业教学模式和人才培养模式,逐步建立以实践教学为核心,学商高度结合的新的教学模式,才能培养和造就具有过硬外语能力的高级商务人才,提升商务英语专业人才的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

In the post–Uruguay Round World Trading System and with the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), a new set of agendas on the governance of the world economy has emerged. Among them are the relationship between trade and social policy, trade and the environment, and trade and competition policy. These issues are new in the sense that policymakers have, until now, avoided drawing direct‐policy linkages between them. The main reason for this is that traditionally social and competition policies have been domestic policy domains that international policymakers were prevented from influencing. While environmental policy has been subject to several international negotiations, the link between trade and the environment has been relatively under‐discussed in the GATT. Moreover, there have been few international agreements that have drawn a direct link between trade and the environment.1 The focus of this paper is the relationship between trade and competition policy. In particular, this paper seeks to address the issues related to international competition policy and the concerns and problems faced by international business in this context. 1 An exception being the agreement on trade in endangered species (CITES). © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

随着经济服务化程度的深化,服务贸易在国际贸易中的地位越来越突出。能否在服务贸易的市场竞争中占领制高点已经成为影响各国在国际竞争中地位的一个重要因素。我国服务贸易业发展存在的问题,主要体现在服务业在国民经济中的比重偏低,服务贸易整体水平差;服务贸易内部结构不合理,发展不平衡,市场过于集中;服务贸易管理滞后,服务贸易立法不健全等方面。应积极促进国内服务业的发展,提高服务产业的竞争力;积极适度地开放服务业市场;积极促进服务贸易进出口结构优化升级;建立完善的服务贸易法律体系,健全服务贸易管理体制。  相似文献   

随着经济服务化程度的深化,服务贸易在国际贸易中的地位越来越突出。能否在服务贸易的市场竞争中占领例高点已经成为影响各国在国际竞争中地位的一个重要因素。我国服务贸易业发展存在的问题,主要体现在服务业在回民经济中的比重偏低。服务贸易整体水平差;服务贸易内部结构不合理,发展不平衡,市场过于集中;服务贸易管理滞后,服务贸易立法不健全等方面。应积极促进国内服务业的发展,提高服务产业的竞争力;积极适度地开放服务业市场;积极促进服务贸易进出口结构优化升级;建立完善的服务贸易法律体系。健全服务贸易管理体制。  相似文献   

美在华直接投资对中美贸易不平衡的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用美在华直接投资和中美贸易的相关数据通过协整检验并构建误差修正模型,较为清晰地说明中美贸易不平衡问题在很大程度上是由美在华直接投资所引致并扩大,这种引致过程主要通过美在华投资企业加工贸易返销美国造成。实质上体现了国际产业结构演进的必然结果,中美贸易不平衡的局面会作为投资贸易一体化趋势下的全球各国经济关系中的重要现象而长期存在。同时,这种贸易不平衡局面会在中国经济各方面快速发展的一个相对长期的过程中趋于平衡。  相似文献   

In this paper we study how the impact of a foreign monetary shock is transmitted between two monopolistically competitive economies engaging in intra-industry trade with differentiated products. Intra-industry trade is the only international link that works through the flexible exchange rate affecting national price levels and a product's internal and external relative prices. While national price levels are subject to purchasing power parity, the two relative prices are determined by the interaction between macro and micro variables. In this context, the exchange rate can insulate a national economy perfectly from a foreign monetary shock provided that monopolists adjust prices. Even if monopolists keep prices rigid, this shock only affects domestic real balances and aggregate demand, leaving domestic aggregate output unchanged because the real balances effect is just offset by the resulting unfavorable relative prices effects under the assumption of Spence-Dixit-Stiglitz preferences.  相似文献   

We develop a dynamic bargaining model in which a leading country endogenously decides whether to sequentially negotiate free trade agreements with subsets of countries or engage in simultaneous multilateral bargaining with all countries at once. We show how the structure of coalition externalities shapes the choice between sequential and multilateral bargaining, and we identify circumstances in which the grand coalition is the equilibrium outcome, leading to worldwide free trade. A model of international trade is then used to illustrate equilibrium outcomes and how they depend on the structure of trade and protection. Global free trade is not achieved when the political-economy motive for protection is sufficiently large. Furthermore, the model generates both “building bloc” and “stumbling bloc” effects of preferential trade agreements. In particular, we describe an equilibrium in which global free trade is attained only when preferential trade agreements are permitted to form (a building bloc effect), and an equilibrium in which global free trade is attained only when preferential trade agreements are forbidden (a stumbling bloc effect). The analysis identifies conditions under which each of these outcomes emerges.  相似文献   

Trade and growth with heterogeneous firms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper explores the impact of trade on growth when firms are heterogeneous. We find that greater openness produces anti- and pro-growth effects. The Hopenhayn-Melitz-model selection effects raises the expected cost of introducing a new variety and this tends to slow the rate of new-variety introduction and hence growth. The pro-growth effect stems from the impact that freer trade has on the marginal cost of innovating. The balance of the two effects is ambiguous with the sign depending upon the exact nature of the innovation technology and its connection to international trade in goods and ideas. We consider five special cases (these include the Grossman-Helpman, the Coe-Helpman, and the Rivera-Batiz-Romer models) two of which suggest that trade harms growth; the others predicting the opposite.  相似文献   

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