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中国80后消费者强迫性购买行为实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国80后消费者的强迫性购买现象比较突出,他们的金钱观将对强迫性购买行为起着重要的影响.把金钱看成是感情充实、成功象征、更好的购买手段等态度越明显,强迫性购买行为就越突出,相反,把金钱看成是对未来准备手段的态度越不明显,强迫性购买行为就越不突出.基于这一实证分析结果,有必要对中国80后消费者进行正确的金钱现和价值现教育,这需要社会各界共同努力来完成.  相似文献   

本文基于Oliver的忠诚度理论构建感知网站交互性对电子忠诚的驱动效应模型,并通过实证检验发现:感知网站交互性的三个维度(双向沟通、控制性和同步性)不仅对电子忠诚存在显著的直接正向效应,还会通过满意度间接影响电子忠诚;相比非计划性购物行为的消费者而言,计划性购物消费者的感知控制性与满意度之间的关系更强;消费者网络购物经验越丰富,满意度与电子忠诚之间的关系就越强.研究结果为我国网络零售商的网站设计和网络营销实践提供了决策参考.  相似文献   

文章通过问卷调查和上下级之间的配对样本,探讨上级的辱虐管理对下级员工建言行为的影响及机制,尤其是研究组织自尊在其中的中介作用及员工个性控制点的调节作用.实证结果表明:辱虐管理对员工抑制性建言行为和促进性建言行为均有显著的负向影响,组织自尊在两者之间起到了完全中介的作用;员工个性控制点对辱虐管理和员工组织自尊之间的关系具有显著的调节作用,也就是说员工个性控制点水平越高(越内控),辱虐管理对组织自尊的负面影响就越小;当员工的个性控制点水平越低(越外控),辱虐管理对组织自尊的负面影响就越大.  相似文献   

在我国流通产业集中度不断提高的背景下,大型商贸平台商利用其垄断势力以收取通道费的形式向制造商、经销商和代理商等商户实施垄断行为.文章通过构建拥有竞争优势和处在竞争劣势的两个商贸平台商之间的价格竞争模型,分析这一现象的成因及其对流通产业组织的影响.研究表明:商贸平台的垄断势力和垄断行为之间表现出自我强化的特征,具有竞争优势的商贸平台可以通过向商户收取通道费和对采购者实施低价策略获得更大的市场份额和更高的利润水平,而且其实施低价策略的成本将完全由商户承担.在不受政策等外生变量约束的条件下,伴随着商贸平台商的市场势力增强,必然会出现收取通道费等垄断现象,从而解释为什么流通部分领域会出现了“一家独大”、“越大越强”的局面.因此,政府有必要对这类垄断行为实施规制.  相似文献   

网络技术的高深莫测,对于绝大多数网络使用者来说,的确是件令人望而却步的头疼事,而网络技术的发展趋势又始终朝着方便人机对话这个方向前进。于是,一种奇特的现象就出现了,那就是技术越复杂越尖端,它与使用者接触的界面就越简单越亲和;使用者觉得越易掌握和使用的,技术往往就越集权越垄断。  相似文献   

新书梗概 城市越繁荣就越具有竞争力和吸引力,在当前扩大内需、促进消费的背景下,城市流通生产力的提升显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

本文以TAM模型为基础,增加感知风险和信任两个因素,构建了消费者对网络渠道接受行为的结构模型,并通过实证进行验证。研究发现,消费者对网络渠道越信任,感知风险就会越低,对网络渠道态度也就越肯定;消费者对网络渠道的感知风险高低,不能影响他们感知网络渠道的有用性;消费者对网络渠道的信任,并不能完全影响他们感知网络渠道的易用性和有用性。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的迅猛发展和新科技革命的爆发,高科技产业集群已经成为高科技产业发展最为成功的模式。本文通过对高科技产业集群中的创新网络主体具体利益关系以及知识特性的分析,提出由于合作创新需要共享彼此的知识和资源,这将不可避免地带来企业自身知识与能力的流失与扩散,而知识本身的特性也在无形中促成了知识产权风险的形成。本研究从搭便车行为、契约的不完备性、机会主义行为三个层面阐释了所形成的知识产权风险,并有针对性的构建了创新网络下合作创新知识产权风险防范体系。  相似文献   

产品创新不仅来自企业内部,还来自外部顾客。其中,在线品牌社群被认为是产品创新信息收集的一种重要渠道。基于知识分享——个体创新理论,通过实证方法,研究品牌社群成员关系对顾客创新行为的影响,在二者的关系中,顾客创新自我效能起调节作用。结果表明,当社群成员之间沟通频繁且关系密切,知识、信息的交流、传播等越多,顾客越能够创造出新的知识;并且,当顾客的自我效能越高,这种正向关系效果更明显。  相似文献   

产业集群对创新有巨大的促进作用,知识、技术的外溢有利于集群企业快速、持续的创新活动发生。企业的技术创新对同行业企业会产生的示范和激励作用,企业间的距离越近,雇员之间的往来与沟通越便利,这种示范和激励作用就越强烈,新技术的扩散和创新速度也将越快;集群内部创新溢出的发生,导致产业集群创新水平提高,促使产业集群整体竞争力得到增强。  相似文献   

This study untangles the social processes and inter-firm mechanisms underlying human resource management (HRM) knowledge networks. The research questions serve to advance understanding of why HRM knowledge flows between firms under contractual relationships and in the absence of formal relationships. The study analyzes data from a complete network of 51 high-technology firms located in a science and technology park to report the structural properties and relational dimensions of inter-firm flow of HRM knowledge. The results from this social network analysis show that the firms in the study actively engage in the sharing of HRM knowledge. Specifically, the results not only indicate the preeminence of formal ties but also of relational factors relating to firm legitimacy, prestige, and collaborative interaction. Participation in inter-firm knowledge networks appears to be an effective tool for obtaining HRM knowledge as well as for enhancing legitimacy and prestige between firms and developing trust and reciprocity within collaborative relationships.  相似文献   

This study presents an integrative model on the franchisor's choice of knowledge transfer strategy by deriving hypotheses from the knowledge-based theory and the relational governance view. First, based on the knowledge-based view, tacitness of system-specific knowledge influences the choice of the knowledge transfer strategy of the franchisor. The higher the degree of tacitness of knowledge, the more knowledge-transfer mechanisms with a high degree of information richness (HIR) are used, such as training, seminars, visits and formal meetings, and the more likely the franchisor chooses a personalization strategy (P-S). Conversely, the lower the degree of tacitness of system-specific knowledge, the more knowledge transfer mechanisms with a low degree of information richness (LIR) are used, such as reports, emails, intranet, databases, and the more likely the franchisor chooses a codification strategy. Second, based on the relational view of governance, trust influences the choice of knowledge transfer strategy of the franchisor. If trust reduces relational risk, more trust reduces the franchisor's use of HIR-knowledge transfer mechanisms and increases the franchisor's use of LIR-knowledge transfer mechanisms. If trust increases knowledge-sharing between the network partners, it increases the franchisor's use of both HIR- and LIR-knowledge-transfer mechanisms. The hypotheses are tested by using data on the use of the P-S in the Austrian franchise sector. The data provide some support for the hypotheses. A new model on the franchisor's choice of knowledge transfer strategy, using knowledge-based theory and relational view of governance is developed, and specifically, the knowledge-based view of Windsperger and Gorovaia [(2011). Knowledge attributes and the choice of knowledge-transfer mechanisms in networks: The case of franchising. Journal of Management and Governance, 15(4), 617–640] is extended by considering trust as additional explanatory variable of the knowledge-transfer strategy.  相似文献   

构建关系型营销渠道:一个渠道知识共生网络   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘石兰  江若尘 《财贸研究》2006,17(2):128-132
在传统的交易营销理念指导下所形成的交易型营销渠道因现代营销环境的改变和关系营销理念的广泛应用,其地位和作用日益受到挑战和限制。因此,在这样的背景下,改革交易型营销渠道,建立以关系营销理念为指导的关系型营销渠道成为企业界和理论界共同关注的一个重要课题。本文首先综述了西方营销渠道关系理论的研究内容,然后在交易型营销渠道与关系型营销渠道比较的基础上提出了一个构建关系型营销渠道的渠道知识共生网络。  相似文献   

This paper shows how specific technological and relational regimes have shaped the growth of the network of R&D collaborative agreements in pharmaceuticals in the 1990s. Our analysis reveals the existence of a complex set of regimes of firm growth within the network, providing additional evidence supporting prediction that both growth and innovative activities of large and small firms respond, even within a given industry, to considerably different technological and economic factors. Moreover, the paper shows, in the context of a specific industry and by means of a series of preliminary and explorative empirical analyses, that information on the topological properties of a given industrial settings and on roles/positions of organizations within it can be used to disentangle some fundamental generative processes underlying observed processes of growth. This result contributes to the "old" stochastic approach to firm growth, in the direction of building parsimonious and, at the same time, more realistic, representations of processes of industrial growth.  相似文献   

This study examines factors that influence the development and transformation of local innovations into global innovations from an emerging market subsidiary. We argue that subsidiaries’ relational embeddedness with the external local network is essential for the development of local innovations. Turning local innovations into global ones is the result of the level of innovativeness evoked by the subsidiary located in an emerging market. However, the transformation of local into global innovations is more likely to happen in the case of subsidiaries having previous reverse knowledge transfers in functional areas. Reverse knowledge transfers indicate internal embeddedness, which is essential for local innovation to be transformed into global innovation. We draw on survey evidence from 131 foreign subsidiaries operating in Brazil. Using a Structural Equation Modeling technique, our results support our hypotheses and show that subsidiaries’ relational embeddedness with the external local network is positively associated with local innovation, which is transformed into global innovation, especially when innovation is developed in the subsidiary´s functional areas with previous reverse knowledge transfers. We draw implications for the field of subsidiary management research, specifically to understand the role of local innovation from foreign subsidiaries in emerging markets.  相似文献   

社会资本对网络群体行为影响的理论和实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络群体行为的影响因素和作用机理是以虚拟社区及其情境为载体的,可以从社会资本不同维度进行研究,这个问题的研究对象、基本架构及相应的理论分析,可通过虚拟社区平台为参照来建构分析模型。文章采用SEM技术对所建构的理论模型进行了分析讨论和实证检验,得出的重要结论是,在网络群体成员的关系网络中,社会资本对网络群体行为具有正向影响作用。文章讨论了西方学者所讨论的社会资本的结构维度、关系维度和认知维度的相关论述,认为社会资本不同维度对网络群体行为的作用是不同的;关系维度对网络群体行为的正向影响最为显著,结构维度对网络群体行为的促进作用要大于认知维度对网络群体行为的促进作用;通过对社会资本三维度影响网络群体行为的研究,文章在理论上对虚拟社区的网络群体行为有了一个从理论逼近现实的认识。  相似文献   

基于灰色关联分析的国内旅游收入影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据1994-2008年我国旅游业数据,应用灰色系统理论中的灰色关联分析法,以灰色综合关联度为量度指标,对影响国内旅游收入的相关因素进行分析。从1994-2000年和2001-2008年两个时期的对比结果可以看出,影响国内旅游收入的主导因素是:城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入、职工年平均工资和人均国内生产总值。这就从实证的角度揭示了国内旅游收入与各影响因素之间的关联程度及其变化规律,从而为政府在制定国内旅游业发展规划和调整产业结构方面提供科学决策的依据。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of relationship learning between customers and suppliers on relational knowledge stores and the moderating role of dyadic trust. The results reveal that relationship-learning activities between customers and suppliers are positive in managing customers' relational knowledge stores, comprising those of interactive, functional, environmental, and interpersonal knowledge. Trust has no moderating effect on the relationship between relationship learning and environmental knowledge stores; while, in contrast, greater levels of trust will advance relationship learning at an escalating rate and trust accordingly plays a moderating role on the other three knowledge stores. The positive effects of relationship learning on interactive, functional, and interpersonal knowledge stores escalate when the level of trust is medium; the effects decreases under conditions of high or low trust. This study confirms the positive relationship between relationship learning and relational knowledge stores and further reveals the threshold effect of trust.  相似文献   

This paper details the emerging need for relational skills in marketing. The challenges of fostering relational resources within marketing practice and pedagogy are then discussed. Next, the paper explores the value of experiential learning approaches in education and considers different experiential models for fostering relational resources. An African Drumming circle was chosen, because it offers exciting opportunities to explore relational principles both through the actual lived experience as well through the active exploration of the metaphor. The paper concludes that the drumming circle offers an interesting access to experiencing the movement from being an individual actor to collaborating as part of a wider network of actors. Thus, insights are generated at the level of lived experience as well as at a more metaphoric one. The paper therefore serves to foreground the role of pedagogy in Relationship Marketing  相似文献   

This paper proposes a conceptual model to test the moderating effect of relational learning on the link between knowledge strategies and innovation. To accomplish this, this study is carried out on healthcare organizations. It has been generally accepted that both explicit and tacit knowledge play a basic role in organizational innovation. However, although there are plenty of research works that study the existing relationship between knowledge management (KM) and the effectiveness of the innovation process, there are certain peculiarities with regard to this link, which have yielded some inconclusive results. This paper revisits this research topic with data on KM, relational learning and innovation outcomes from a sample of Spanish hospitals. The results show that a deep and broad knowledge base leads to better innovation outcomes. In addition, this study found that hospitals and/or units that invest and involve themselves in relational learning mechanisms are more likely to foster innovations.  相似文献   

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