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为了探讨有效薪酬体系对煤炭企业员工的激励作用,通过构建解释结构模型来分析影响煤炭企业员工薪酬体系的众多因素中存在的因果关系。结果表明:劳动力市场供求状况影响企业的岗位数量,不同岗位对员工的个人绩效会产生一定的影响;企业工资的支付能力与员工对企业的忠诚度互为因果。该研究旨在为煤炭企业在激励员工方面提供一定程度上的借鉴。  相似文献   

本文首先阐述了心理契约的相关概念和理论,结合初创期企业人力资源管理方面的若干特征,提出员工招聘、绩效考核、薪酬管理及员工关系管理等方面的策略。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,知识员工的管理成为企业人力资源管理的核心问题.将心理契约与知识员工的管理相结合,成为学术界研究知识员工管理的一个新的方向.本文建立了知识员工心理契约人口学差异理论模型,并通过对621份知识员工问卷调查数据的分析得出:性别、工作年限和技术职称对知识员工关系型和发展型心理契约感知有显著影响;换单位次数对知识员工交易型心理契约、关系型心理契约和发展型心理契约感知都有显著影响.  相似文献   

心理契约理论认为组织和员工之间达成的心理契约会对员工的工作满意感、组织公民行为、组织承诺、离职倾向等产生显著影响,是员工工作态度和行为的深层激励因素,也是组织变革时代维持组织和员工之间平衡关系的重要力量。本文试图通过高科技企业人才与普通员工的心理契约差异来研究高科技企业人才的心理契约特征,以期为高科技企业人才激励提供新的途径和方法。  相似文献   

正员工福利是单位对员工劳动补偿的辅助方式,是收入分配的重要形式,被认为是现代薪酬体系三大支柱(基本工资、奖金和福利)之一。当单纯的工资薪酬不再是决定员工去留的唯一要素时,科学的员工福利管理正成为企业吸引人才、激励人才、提高员工满意度的重要因素。随着电力企业改革的深入推进,从企业长远发展的战略来看,加强员工福利管理势在必行。福利的概念及界定福利来源于英文Welfare一词,是  相似文献   

同样的薪酬系统,在不同的企业文化中配合不同的环境艺术、差异化艺术,使薪酬在支付中产生无声语言,指挥着你的员工唱出和谐的团队之歌。 员工对愿意接受的薪酬方案、激励体系和公平感都是非常主观的,薪酬与感知及价值观联系紧密,很多的冲突也由此产生。正是在协调、平衡这种冲突的过程中产生了无数种薪酬支付方案,正如世上没有包治百病的灵丹妙药一样,薪酬支付永远也没有标准答案,是不是最好要看是否  相似文献   

心理账户理论研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
心理账户是行为经济学中的一个重要概念,由萨勒教授于1985年正式提出,而基本到了2000年以后中国才开始有了心理账户方面的研究。本文总结了国内外关于心理账户理论的研究及实践,最后提出心理账户理论进一步发展和完善的研究方向。  相似文献   

本文研究心理授权对员工创新行为的影响,并引入了员工感知到的“员工对组织的责任”这一心理契约视角为中介变量,通过对不同行业企业进行调查,共收集312份问卷,进行实证研究发现,工作意义、自我决策、自我效能感、影响力对员工创新行为有正向影响;心理契约在工作意义、自我效能感对员工创新行为的关系中起完全中介作用,在自我决策、影响力对员工创新行为的关系中不起中介作用。  相似文献   

薪酬是员工为企业提供劳动而得到的货币报酬与实物报酬的总和。包括:工资、奖金、津贴、提成工资、劳动分红、福利等。薪酬管理与企业发展是相辅相成的。一方面,薪酬管理的目的是为了在保  相似文献   

基于心理契约的企业员工行为选择博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不完全信息条件下,企业和员工间的心理契约与员工的行为选择之间呈现动态的博弈关系。运用演化博弈理论,研究企业和员工间的心理契约类型对员工行为选择产生的影响,将两者之间的心理契约分为交易型和关系型两类,把员工的行为选择策略分为合作与不合作两种,得到16种演化稳定策略,并对不同条件下的演化稳定策略进行分析。研究认为,建立关系型心理契约的企业应提高员工合作策略下的期望收益和实施弹性工作制度,以确保企业和员工均获得超额收益;建立交易型心理契约的企业在强调任务导向的同时更要重视对员工的人性化关怀。此外,员工也应注重培养心理契约感知能力,提升全面素质,以应对心理契约破裂风险。  相似文献   

关于提高员工满意度问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今,企业管理已从单纯提高工作效率或实现利润最大化转向深层次的方面,比如提高幸福指数、工作满意度等.员工作为企业最宝贵的战略性资产,其满意度的高低决定了工作效率的高低和工作质量的好坏,进而影响着企业的生存与发展.因此,现代企业管理必须坚持以人为本,坚持可持续发展的经营理念,不断增强员工对工作的积极性和满意度,从而提升企业生产和管理水平,增强企业核心竞争力.同时,我认为提高员工满意度不单纯只是管理者、领导者的行为,作为一个社会人、一个企业的有效组成部分的员工本身,也应采取必要的措施进行自我调节,来提升自己的满意程度,这一点是十分必要的.  相似文献   

企业高管薪酬一直是学术界热议的话题之一,近几年学者把目光更多地放在了研究高管薪酬与普通员工薪酬差距的方面。产品市场竞争作为一种非标准的外部治理机制,正日益受到越来越多学者的关注。本文以2006-2010年我国上市公司为研究样本,对企业内高管与普通员工薪酬差距越来越大的现象进行实证研究。结果表明,在国有企业中,管理层权力对薪酬差距的影响大于非国有企业,而产品市场竞争程度在非国有企业中对薪酬差距扩大有较好的缓解作用。在产品市场竞争越激烈、管理层权力越高的国有企业,高管与普通员工薪酬的差距依然很大。  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 175 scientists and engineers, this study shows that individual-based rewards (either in the form of merit pay or individual bonuses) are perceived as less effective than aggregate incentive strategies for R & D workers. The pay effectiveness measures used here include pay satisfaction, propensity to leave, project performance, and individual performance. All things considered, team-based bonuses are perceived as the most effective rewards in an R & D setting. The findings also indicate that employees with a low willingness to take risks are more likely to experience withdrawal cognition if they work for a firm that relies on variable compensation.  相似文献   

Employees' perceptions of fair and equitable salary increases is the subject of this article. Factors hypothesized to be the major determinants of the “perceived amount of pay that should be received” in Lawler's model of pay satisfaction are employed as predictor variables in a multiple regression equation context to explain the observed variation in executives' perceptions of fair and equitable salary increases. A national sample of industrial marketing executives were surveyed. A significant relationship was observed between employees perceptions of fair and equitable salary increases and a number of perceived personal job input and job demands related variables, current salary and wage history, and perceived non-monetary outcomes which are theorized in Lawler's model to be among the major determinants of the perceived amount of pay that should be received.  相似文献   

双向视角的员工组织关系探索--I-P/S模型的实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
员工一组织关系(Employee-Organization Relationship,以下简称EOR)是组织对员工的投入与员工为组织的贡献之间的交换关系。国内外理论界对这种交换关系的研究主要运用了两个模型:心理契约模型(PC)和激励/贡献模型(I/C)。心理契约模型主要从员工的角度研究EOR,激励/贡献模型则主要从组织的角度研究EOR。本文在心理契约模型和激励/贡献模型的基础上,构建了从组织和员工两个角度揭示员工与组织互动关系的I-P/S模型,并且探讨了不同类型EOR的具体管理策略与方法。  相似文献   

The paper aims to determine whether or not ceteris paribus women workers are less interested in joining trade unions than male employees by an analysis of the importance of sex for the individuaľs union membership decision. Cross-tabulations and discriminant analyses are used to examine the Work Attitudes and Histories Survey of the Social Change and Economic Life Initiative of1986. An employee's sex is revealed to be related to propensity to unionize, a finding attributable mainly to women's concentration in low-paid occupations and to the significantly lower favourability to trade unions expressed by female workers, compared with male employees.  相似文献   

Using the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, we explore whether the fortunes of employees paid for performance differ from those of fixed pay workers during recession. Only in the bottom quintile of the wage distribution were performance pay employees more likely to experience greater falls in real wages than fixed pay employees. Accounting for fixed unobserved worker characteristics suggests that this was not due to the wage‐setting mechanism itself, but that other factors are likely to be at play. While across most of the earnings distribution there was little evidence of greater wage flexibility among performance pay employees, they did have longer job tenure than fixed pay employees over the recession.  相似文献   

企业年金是以信托关系为法律基础,企业年金基金属于职工的个人资产,是职工的"养命钱",具有定期预缴、延期给付和长期储蓄3个基本特点,伴随职工工作的全过程。企业年金运营和管理的链条长、环节多。借鉴电网安全管理机制,确保国家电网公司系统企业年金的基金安全、信息安全、系统安全、人员安全,是公司系统社保工作者的最大责任。  相似文献   

Mental representation and the discovery of new strategies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Research summary : Managers' mental representations affect the perceived payoffs and alternatives that managers consider. Thus, mental representations affect how managers search for profitable strategies as well as the quality of strategies they discover. To study how mental representation and search interact, we formally model the dual search over possible representations and over policy choices of a strategy “landscape.” We analyze when it is preferable to emphasize searching for the best policies rather than the best mental representation, and vice versa. We show that, in the long run, a balance between the two search modes not only results in better expected performance, but also reduces the variation in performance. Additionally, the article describes conditions under which increased accuracy of mental representations can actually worsen firm performance. Managerial summary : Managers' mental representations affect the perceived payoffs and alternatives that managers consider. Thus, mental representations affect the quality of strategies managers can discover. We analyze a computer simulation of how managers use mental representations to search for strategies. This sheds light on how managers should deal with the trade‐off between searching for policies and searching for representations; that is, whether managers should think creatively about how to represent a strategy problem or whether they should just stick to the current problem understanding, and try to find ways to improve performance as suggested by the current representation. We provide insight regarding the balance between the two search modes and describe conditions under which increasingly accurate mental representations can worsen firm performance. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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