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本文讨论一种具有新定闭环极点的线性多变量自校正控制的设计方法。给出两种不同形式的多变量自校正控制算法:预测—极点配置算法和直接极点配置算法。本文着重强调多变量自校正控制算法的实际可用性。讨论了消除稳态偏差,极点配置和减少被估计参数个数的方法。  相似文献   

针对不同生产过程的大滞后对象的共同特点,提出一种简单且行之有效的程序控制方法:由时间最优、预估、积分分离PID和Bang-Bang基本控制技术组成复合控制算法,根据偏差和偏差变化率自动切换执行不同的算法。该方法具有编程简单、运算量小、占空间少和实时性强等优点。  相似文献   

1.问题自磨机进料部由进料衬套和中空轴组成,结构见图1,其中Ⅰ、Ⅱ配合面尺寸,上偏差为-0.19mm,下偏差为-0.41mm,中空轴上的配合面上偏差为0,下偏差+0.22mm,对应配合面形成的间隙最大为0.63mm,最小为0.19mm。用12根M24的  相似文献   

为解决复杂曲面测定过程中相关计量精度补偿误差的问题,对基于PSO算法的复杂曲面计量精度补偿方法进行设计。确定复杂曲面补偿螺距,并在PSO算法下建立QR分解补偿阶次,创建偶迭代补偿模型,通过归一特征的控制实现PSO算法下的计量补偿。最终的测试结果表明:在不同的复杂曲面补偿量程范围之下,对比于传统的激光精度补偿测试组,设计的PSO算法精度补偿测试组最终得出的补偿偏差相对较低,表明应变补偿的范围有所变化,计量精度的补偿误差有了明显的降低,使得补偿效果更佳,具有较大的意义。  相似文献   

杨文超 《工业技术经济》2010,29(5):155-160,F0003
对投资者行为偏差的研究一直是市场争论的热点.各种不确定因素存在于现实的证券市场,现代金融理论很难对其做出清楚的解释.文章首先提出投资行为偏差研究的落脚点;接着回顾不同金融理论对投资行为的分析;然后评述国内外关于行为偏差的研究现状;最后展望对投资者行为偏差的未来研究方向.  相似文献   

郝腾飞 《中国核工业》2017,(Z1):218-225
AP1000机械补偿运行策略的使用,改变了传统堆芯平均轴向通量偏差与堆外核测轴向通量偏差之间的校核关系.三门核电厂采用与传统机组不同的堆内外轴向通量偏差校核方法——外围权重单点校核方法,用于确定超温△T、超功率△T停堆保护整定值的堆外轴向通量偏差计算输入.通过BEACON系统应用单点校核方法对三门核电厂首循环堆内外轴向通量偏差校核试验方案进行针对性计算验证,制定出用于确定耦合系数的反应性管理计划,给出首循环首次及后续校核试验的具体实施建议、注意问题及应对方案.  相似文献   

一、目标规划的一般概念目标规划是运筹学规划论的一个分支,它是在线性规划的基础上发展起来的。它的模型结构和算法与线性规划相似,作用也与线性规划一样都是解决资源合理利用和合理调配问题。但是,它又是线性规划的扩展,与线性规划相比,它具有自己的特点。 1.引入了偏差变量的概念。为了解决线性规划约束条件常常出现矛盾方程,使线性规划模型无解的问题,在约束条件中引入偏差变量的概念,这样就使约束条件有了一定的调整幅度,允许超过或达不到限额,使矛盾的方程不再矛盾。在模型中分别以d_i~+,d_i~-来表示第i个约束条件的正、负偏差变量。正偏差变量d_i~+是超过现有资源限额或既定目标的部分;负偏差变量d_i~-是现有资源使用后的剩余部分或既定目标的未完成部分。  相似文献   

偏差电量电费处理是电力交易结算机制设计中的重点问题,本文结合国内现行主要电力交易模式,站在用户侧的角度讨论了偏差电量考核模式下长期协商市场和月度竞价市场中偏差电量对电力用户收益的影响。通过比较不同偏差电量下用户的盈利情况,讨论现行交易规则下考核规则的利弊。最后通过算例,验证了所提方法的有效性和实用性,为电力市场交易规则设计和电力市场分析提供参考。  相似文献   

售电公司单纯依靠代理电量实现营收的空间在逐步收窄,利润空间也随着行业发展不断压缩,为了更好地生存,售电公司迫切需要寻找到新的利润增长途径。自2015年“9号文”出台以来,各区域电力市场发展在区域经济特色的影响下呈现出百花齐放的态势,且在短期内很难彻底改变。无论是从电力市场准入门槛,还是从交易方式、偏差考核规则、结算规则变化看,都明显可以看到各区域在从不同的维度向着电力市场化改革的深水区迈进。  相似文献   

根据电阻率仪器进行地层测量数据时随着温度变化产生波动,为了减少数据偏差对工程的影响,提出了一种基于小波神经网络的温度补偿算法,改善了仪器的温度特性,提高了测量数据的准确性和稳定性.  相似文献   

盐酸西替利嗪是羟嗪在人体内的活性代谢产物,它具有多种抗过敏作用。关于它的合成路线已有很多报道:早期都以1-[(4-氯苯基)苯甲基]哌嗪为起始原料进行合成;近期发展包括2方面,一是在原有的基础上对合成路线进行改进,二是选用新原料,采用新工艺进行合成。综述了合成路线及其优缺点。  相似文献   

The authors describe a preliminary study to understand the attitude of engineering students regarding the use of design methods in projects to identify the factors either affecting or influencing the use of these methods by novice engineers. A senior undergraduate capstone design course at Clemson University, consisting of approximately fifty students and nine graduate design coaches, was chosen as the unit of analysis. Results from a survey of the class suggest that, though these novice engineers were convinced that design methods they were eager to learn were of use in helping them make better products, they tended not to use them. The stated reasons for not using them were the effort required to implement the methods, to understand how and when to use the methods, and the pressure to deliver results in a short duration. Recommendations from this study can be useful in designing effective design education programs and to develop more designer-friendly design methods.  相似文献   

通过对国外相关资料的检索和国内主要疏松砂岩油田研究院所防砂用树脂性能评价方法调研,以及大量的室内实验,建立了一套科学可靠的防砂用树脂性能检测方法。主要对树脂性能检测过程中的关键操作方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

生物柴油制备方法的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物柴油作为一种绿色的可再生能源,正逐步成为替代化石能源的研究热点。其制备分物理和化学两大类,在化学法中尤以酯交换法工业应用最为广泛。重点讨论了不同催化剂及其工艺路线下,酸、碱催化剂和生物酶等3种催化剂在酯交换过程中的应用,并对这些制备方法的优劣进行了初步的总结。  相似文献   

This article compares alternative methods of variable selection using data from a real estate assessment project. Various stepwise methods are compared with the all possible regression solution and a variable set selected on a priori considerations. The methods are evaluated by the predictive performance of the estimated regression equation in a holdout sample. One of the major conclusions of the study is that the most expensive and time consuming method, all possible regression, does not yield the best predictions. In addition, the variables selected judgmentally produced predictions that were not appreciably different from the other methods.  相似文献   

Scholarly and practitioner literature have both described the potential benefits of using methods associated with a “design thinking” approach to develop new innovations. Most studies of the main design thinking methods—needfinding, brainstorming, and prototyping—are based either on analyses of experienced designers or examine each method in isolation. If design thinking is to be widely adopted, less‐experienced users will employ these methods together, but we know little about their effect when newly adopted. Drawing on perspectives that consider concept development as broadly consisting of a divergent concept generation phase followed by a convergent concept selection phase, we collected data on 14 cases of novice multidisciplinary product development teams using design methods across both phases. Our hybrid qualitative and quantitative analysis indicate both benefits and limits of formal design methods: First, formal design methods were helpful not only during concept generation, but also during concept selection. Second, while brainstorming was valuable when combined with other methods, increased numbers of brainstorming sessions actually corresponded to lower performance, except in the setting where new members may join a team. And third, increased team reflexivity—such as from debating ideas, processes, or changes to concepts—was associated with more successful outcomes during concept generation but less successful outcomes during concept selection. We develop propositions related to the contingent use of brainstorming and team reflexivity depending on team composition and phase of development. Implications from this study include that novice multidisciplinary teams are more likely to be successful in applying design thinking when they can be guided to combine methods, are aware of the limits of brainstorming, and can transition from more‐ to less‐reflexive practices.  相似文献   

We perform a Monte Carlo experiment to assess the performance of three hospital merger simulation methods. Our analysis proceeds as follows: (i) specify a theoretical model of hospital markets and use it to generate “true” price effects for many simulated mergers; (ii) for each simulated merger, generate data of the kind commonly available in real-world merger analysis and apply the simulation methods to those data; and (iii) compare the predictions of the simulation methods to the true price effects. All three simulation methods perform reasonably well. We also develop a method for predicting price effects that extends Garmon [2017].  相似文献   

介绍了可靠性评定方法的发展动态和应用现状,评述了可靠性评定方法的最新研究成果,归结出各种方法的一些优点及目前尚有待解决的一些问题。提出了石油钻机可靠性评定的方法和步骤及面临的问题。  相似文献   

苯丙氨酸的应用与制备简述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了苯丙氨酸的性质、应用及合成方法 ,并对各种方法进行比较 ,指出了一条更具发展前途的化学合成路线  相似文献   

IE、TQC与VE是从西方国家引进的三种现代化管理方法,我国企业正大力推行。本文用辩证唯物主义观点阐述了三者间的关系,这可使企业在应用它们时,减少重复劳动,做到事半功倍。  相似文献   

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