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归纳已有的对外直接投资理论,影响一国对外直接投资的因素不外乎有国内资源禀赋的结构、国内市场规模的大小、国际贸易的规模等,而投资国的货币制度以及该国货币是否是国际货币,也是制约对外直接投资的一个重要因素。另一方面,一国企业对外直接投资也推动该国货币国际化的进程,在该国货币国际化过程中起到积极作用。显然,一国对外直接投资与该国货币国际化之间存在必然的联系,二者互相促进,相得益彰,对国内外对外投资与人民币国际化相关文献做了系统的梳理,无疑具有一定的学术价值。  相似文献   

本币升值的压力下,为维持固定汇率,一国买入大量外币,不断增加基础货币投放渠道的外汇比重,直到货币供给被外汇占款控制,该国放弃固定汇率制而转向浮动;该国货币短期内大幅升值拖累了经济增长,逐利的国际游资撤离使经济泡沫的破灭,损害该国经济发展。中国应加强资本管制,深化金融管理,促进人民币自由浮动。  相似文献   

本币升值的压力下,为维持固定汇率,一国买入大量外币,不断增加基础货币投放渠道的外汇比重,直到货币供给被外汇占款控制,该国放弃固定汇率制而转向浮动;该国货币短期内大幅升值拖累了经济增长,逐利的国际游资撤离使经济泡沫的破灭,损害该国经济发展。中国应加强资本管制,深化金融管理,促进人民币自由浮动。  相似文献   

导言透过国际间的分工合作和专业化,国际贸易能有效地增进国与国之间的生产价值和生产效率,使贸易国双方皆有裨益。但在国际贸易环境中,出口商往往受入口国政府的贸易保护主义手段所限制,无法有效地打进该国市场。本文尝试以国际市场策略为基础,向出口商提供对付贸易保护主义的方案。  相似文献   

本文以铸币税收入和汇兑损益代表货币国际化构造跨期均衡模型,探讨货币国际化对一国国际收支的影响.结论表明,货币国际化所带来的铸币税并不影响该国的国际收支,但由于汇兑风险的降低,该国经常项目余额波动性减小,国际收支趋于稳定.  相似文献   

澳大利亚市场并不很大,但它却给外围出口商提供范围极为广泛的出口机会。外国产品要进入澳大利亚市场有几个基本要求必须注意:一是澳大利亚是一个竞争十分激烈的市场,进口商品要想在该市场站住脚根,必须作不懈的推销努力和定期对该市场进行访问;二是外国出口商要与该国进口商保持经常。  相似文献   

一、人民币国际化面临的三大障碍因素1.我国银行体系健全与银行业国际竞争力问题一国货币要成为国际货币,客观上要求该国具有一个健全、先进的银行体系。这是因为一国货币是由该国中央银行发行并通过商业银行“多倍存款创造”的功能及其业务活动而流通于市场的,试想若缺乏一个健全、先进的银行体系,何以能高效地调控货币的发行与回笼?而若货币的发行与回笼都不能有效控制,更难以期盼该币能正常、充分地发挥国际货币的作用。此外,由于银行是经营货币的主体,是货币流通的中介,银行业的国际化必将直接带动该国货币的国际化,因此一国银行的国际…  相似文献   

本文总结了在人民币国际化的大背景下影响出口厂商的定价货币选择行为的宏微观因素,首次尝试利用主成分分析法构建我国出口商PCP(生产者货币定价,Producer Currency Pricing,简称PCP)定价指数,以反映我国出口商选择人民币计价结算的能力。采用出口需求价格弹性、出口市场份额、市场资本化率三个变量来构建我国出口商PCP指数,结果显示:2000年以来我国出口商选择人民币计价结算的能力不断提升,2005年汇改以后,提升能力幅度有所增长。  相似文献   

李翀 《国际贸易》2004,(8):55-57
市场汇率是由外汇市场上供给和需求所决定的汇率,它实际上是用另一种货币来表示的某种货币的名义价格。市场汇率对出口商品价格产生重要影响。在一个国家出口商品价格为一定的条件下,如果该国货币的汇率升值,该国商品在国外的售价将上升,出口商品的数量将减少;相反,该国商品在国外的售价将下降,出口商品的数量将增加。另外,市场汇率还对国际贸易利益造成重要的影响。当一个国家的出口商品在国外  相似文献   

货币国际化,主要是指一国货币越过该国国界,在世界范围内的自由兑换、交易和流通,最终成为国际货币,其实现的基础是货币所在国的经济实力与宏观政策的可信性。  相似文献   

We explore the major driving forces for currency invoicing in international trade with a simple model and a novel dataset covering 24 countries. We contrasts a “coalescing” effect, where exporters minimize the movements of their prices relative to their competitors', with incentives to hedge macroeconomic volatility and transaction costs. The key determinants of invoice currency choice are industry features and country size, with some role for foreign-exchange bid–ask spreads. The coalescing effect also goes a long way to explaining the well-known dominance of the dollar. Trade flows to the United States are predominantly invoiced in dollar, as foreign exporters face competition with U.S. firms. The use of the dollar in trade flows that do not involve the United States reflects trade in homogeneous products where firms need to keep their price in line with their competitors'.  相似文献   

Vehicle currency use in international trade   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We explore the major driving forces for currency invoicing in international trade with a simple model and a novel dataset covering 24 countries. We contrasts a “coalescing” effect, where exporters minimize the movements of their prices relative to their competitors', with incentives to hedge macroeconomic volatility and transaction costs. The key determinants of invoice currency choice are industry features and country size, with some role for foreign-exchange bid-ask spreads. The coalescing effect also goes a long way to explaining the well-known dominance of the dollar. Trade flows to the United States are predominantly invoiced in dollar, as foreign exporters face competition with U.S. firms. The use of the dollar in trade flows that do not involve the United States reflects trade in homogeneous products where firms need to keep their price in line with their competitors'.  相似文献   

A theory of the currency denomination of international trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The currency denomination of international trade has significant macroeconomic and policy implications. In this paper we solve for the optimal invoicing choice by integrating this microeconomic decision at the level of the firm into a general equilibrium open economy model. Strategic interactions between firms play a critical role. We find that the less competition firms face in foreign markets, as reflected in market share and product differentiation, the more likely they will price in their own currency. We also show that when a set of countries forms a monetary union, the new currency is likely to be used more extensively in trade than the sum of the currencies it replaces.  相似文献   

Using comprehensive, shipment‐level merchandise trade data for a small, open economy, we examine heterogeneity in exporters' exchange rate pass‐through (ERPT) behaviour. We draw together two recent studies of ERPT, linking invoice currency decisions and firm performance to heterogeneity in ERPT. Like these studies, we find that the short‐run reaction of export unit values to exchange rate fluctuations is significantly related to both invoice currency choice and exporter characteristics when these are analysed separately. However, we then show that when the two factors are jointly accounted for, the role of exporter characteristics largely disappears. That is, some firm types are more inclined to invoice in the producer currency, while others use either the local or a vehicle currency. In the short run, this translates into differences in exchange rate pass‐through because of price rigidity in the invoice currency. Firm characteristics do not have an independent impact on pass‐through beyond their effect on currency composition. Differences across invoice currencies diminish over time, but do not disappear, as prices adjust to reflect bilateral exchange rate movements.  相似文献   

In this paper, we revisit optimal choice of invoice currency for an exporting firm in the face of exchange rate uncertainty. We demonstrate that when a vehicle currency is available, the optimum choice depends not only on the volatility of the exchange rates but the covariance between them as well. In particular, we show that when the exchange rates between the exporter and importer currencies on the one hand, and the exporter and the vehicle currency on the other, are positively correlated, vehicle currency becomes an attractive choice. The intuition underlying this novel outcome is that this regime dampens profit variability for the exporter.  相似文献   

长期以来,人们只看重货币国际化结果,以占全球贸易计价结算比重、外汇交易比重、国际债券比重、外汇储备比重等相关指标衡量一国货币的国际化程度,而忽视货币跨境流动放松过程,即一国货币的跨境流动自由化程度。货币国际化是一个过程又是一种结果,包含进程和结果两个层面,在货币国际化进程中,过早过快放松本币流出入会引发经济金融风险,某些情形下进程比结果更值得关注。构建人民币跨境自由度指数涉及强度赋值、项目设置和权重确定三方面内容。在梳理2019年第2季度前我国货币政策基础上,对2008年至2019年经常项目下的人民币跨境流动自由度、证券投资项目下的人民币跨境流动自由度以及资本项目下的人民币跨境流动自由度进行评估,并以美国近5年各项目下的资金流动平均占比为权重,构建了人民币跨境流动自由化指数,考察2008—2019年人民币跨境流动自由化程度,结果显示人民币国际化进展较快,跨境流动已得到很大程度放松,而且人民币流入自由程度显著高于流出自由度。我国人民币国际化进程应持续遵循先经常项目后资本项目、先流入后流出、先机构后个人、先大额后小额、先风险小项目后风险大项目的次序,提高人民币跨境流动的稳定性,降低无序流动的投机风险;严格管控证券投资、其他投资、衍生品项目下人民币跨境流动,并依据我国利率市场化程度、金融市场发达程度及审慎监管能力进行调整;大力提升经常项目的人民币结算比重,发展人民币离岸市场,提高非居民间的人民币使用频率和使用规模;充分评估各项目下人民币跨境流动和本外币兑换自由度,提高两者的协同匹配程度,降低因两者不匹配而产生的负面影响。  相似文献   

国际贸易结算货币理论及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着多边贸易和国际货币多元化的不断发展,国际贸易结算货币的选择对降低汇率风险和交易成本,提高经济效益显得越来越重要。本文按三个发展阶段对国际贸易结算货币理论进行了述评,在此基础上探讨了目前我国对外贸易结算货币的选择及人民币作为国际贸易结算货币的可能性。认为,当前美元仍应是我国对外贸易首选结算货币,但我国应积极扩大人民币在边境贸易中的计价结算,并努力创造条件促使人民币在远洋贸易中计价结算,以降低国际贸易的汇率风险及促进人民币国际化的发展。  相似文献   

We report survey results on the currency choice of a random sample of Swedish exporters. We find that for an overwhelming share of exports, the price, invoice and settlement currency is the same. The currency of the customer is the most used, with Swedish kronor and vehicle currencies accounting for approximately equal shares. Currency choice is similar for intra-firm and between-firm trade. We also find that negotiations are important for both the price and for the currency choice. A minority of firms use posted prices for their main exports — the median price adjustment for those firms is once per year.  相似文献   

人民币周边化与东盟国家“货币锚”调整的效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人民币的周边化是一个由计价结算手段生成储备货币的过程,其路径应该是先升值至一个外汇市场上可接受的均衡位置,然后再实行由市场定价的浮动汇率制度。本文对2000年1月1日到2010年8月10日东盟主要国家的货币和国际货币及人民币进行了回归,发现自2005年7月21日人民币升值以来,美元在东盟国家"货币锚"的地位在下降,人民币在东盟确立了强势货币的地位,东盟主要国家的"货币锚"调整为人民币、日元和欧元。东盟国家"货币锚"的多样化,对于应对国际金融危机主要国际货币币值的大幅度波动是有利的。而作为这一过程的另外一个方面,人民币必定会成为东盟国家的储备货币,人民币的国际化进程也会得到加快。  相似文献   

We investigate the determinants of currency invoicing in trade using import and export transactions data between Korea and its 30 major trading partners from 2000 to 2013. We find a noticeably different pattern of currency invoicing from advanced countries. For example, a large market share of Korean exporters in partner countries does not guarantee more use of the Korean won in currency invoicing. This might be attributed to a low degree of Korean won's internationalisation and the strong coalescing effect. We also observe that the higher the level of industry product differentiation, the weaker the coalescing motive. In addition, we verify that the share of invoicing in the currency of Korea's trading partner tends to be higher when the partner country has (i) a larger trade volume, (ii) higher level of financial development, (iii) lower inflation and lower price volatility and (iv) its own currency with lower transaction costs.  相似文献   

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