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本文旨在考察人-组织匹配对员工离职意向的影响,着重检验组织承诺的中介作用机制。通过对387名来自企业、银行、政府和事业单位的员工进行问卷调查,结果发现:人-组织匹配程度越高,员工的离职意向越低;组织承诺越高,员工的离职意向越低;人-组织匹配对员工离职意向的影响通过情感承诺和规范承诺的部分中介作用来实现。该结果说明:人-组织匹配对员工离职意向具有重要影响,情感承诺和规范承诺在其中发挥了关键作用。  相似文献   

本研究采用配对调查法获得来自上海、杭州、武汉等地366份有效问卷,通过多元线性回归技术分析了员工情绪抑制对其上下级沟通、工作绩效、离职意向的影响,并探究了上下级沟通在员工情绪抑制与其工作绩效、离职意向间的中介作用。结果发现:(1)员工情绪抑制对其工作绩效有负向影响,对其离职意向有正向影响;(2)员工情绪抑制对上下级沟通有负向影响;(3)上下级沟通部分中介了员工情绪抑制与工作绩效间的负向关系,上下级沟通部分中介了员工情绪抑制与离职意向间的正向关系。  相似文献   

刘玥伶 《经济论坛》2014,(5):113-116
如何留住超市员工,降低员工流失率,是超市人力资源管理的紧迫任务。本研究通过对浙江某大型连锁超市员工满意度及员工离职意向的调查问卷数据分析,研究超市员工满意度及离职意向现状,通过回归分析找出导致员工离职的因素,并据此提出相应对策建议。  相似文献   

March和Simon在1958年合著的Organizations中,从宏观的角度对雇员主动离职行为进行了研究,自此之后,学术界对此有了丰富的研究,并出现了大量非常有价值的研究结果。特别是在西方发达国家,关于雇员主动离职的研究提出了很多的理论与模型。国外对员工离职的研究较早,学者们主要围绕离职及离职意向的定义、离职意向与离职行为的关系、影响员工离职意向的因素分析以及离职模型等几方面进行研究。试通过对国外离职行为研究成果的总结分析,为我国员工离职研究提供参考。  相似文献   

自March与Simon(1958)在其合著的《Organization》一书中对员工的主动离职问题进行了宏观层面的研究至今,国外已有不少学者展开了对于离职问题的研究并取得了大量极具价值的研究成果。本文试通过对国外学者在离职及其分类、离职意向及其影响因素与经典离职模型等方面的研究成果进行总结、分析,为我国员工离职问题的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

沈辰 《时代经贸》2013,(20):130-130,132
自March与Simon(1958)在其合著的((Organization))一书中对员工的主动离职问题进行了宏观层面的研究至今,国外已有不少学者展开了对于离职问题的研究并取得了大量极具价值的研究成果。本文试通过对国外学者在离职及其分类、离职意向及其影响因素与经典离职模型等方面的研究成果进行总结、分析,为我国员工离职问题的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

翟金芝 《当代经济》2016,(19):98-101
近些年来我国服务业得到了飞速发展,同时对人才的渴求也更加强烈,但服务行业员工流失率一直居高不下,面对这一难题,学者越来越重视对服务行业员工离职倾向的研究.本文基于心理契约视角即单方面的从企业对员工的责任来探讨企业员工离职倾向,通过文献资料以及现实中的案例分析组织中的心理契约和离职倾向之间的关系,并根据这一问题提出相应的管理建议以减少员工离职.  相似文献   

员工组织公正感、组织信任和离职意愿的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用验证性因素分析的方法检验了组织公正的结构,并探讨了组织公正、组织信任与员工离职意愿之间的相互关系。结果支持了Colquitt组织公正的四维结构。同时,回归分析显示了组织信任在组织公正和员工离职意向之间存在着的中介作用,而对员工离职意愿的影响较大的是组织公正感中的分配公正、信息公正,以及组织信任知觉中对组织特征信任、对同事下级的信任。  相似文献   

国际货代行业主动离职制约了货代企业的发展和壮大.本研究在文献检索与分析的基础上,编制调查问卷,邀请福建部分货代企业员工参加问卷调查,运用SPSS统计软件,利用描述性分析、因子分析统计方法对调查问卷进行统计,以了解货代行业员工组织承诺、离职意向的水平,探寻组织承诺与离职意向的相互关系,并为提高组织承诺、降低主动离职意向,稳定员工队伍提出建议,从而促进货代行业的发展.  相似文献   

本研究的主要目的是验证员工帮助计划(EAP)的服务效果,并探索EAP产生效果的作用机制。采用纵向追踪研究,通过问卷调查的方法,测量干预组和未干预组员工在接受EAP服务前、后的组织支持感(POS)、职业倦怠、离职意向的变化,并通过分层回归的统计方法,检验EAP对职业倦怠和离职意向的影响及组织支持感的中介作用。研究结果表明:(1)员工帮助计划能够有效降低职业倦怠的情绪耗竭和玩世不恭,并减少员工的离职意向;(2)组织支持感在员工帮助计划对情绪耗竭的影响过程中起部分中介作用;(3)组织支持感在员工帮助计划对玩世不恭和离职意向的影响过程中起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

在对国外多样性研究做出总结的基础上,考查了不同层级性别多样性变量对于员工离职意图的影响,在对298个样本作统计分析后,发现高层以及基层管理者性别多样性变量对离职意图有显著影响作用,这就为影响离职意图的前因变量中引入了性别多样性变量。  相似文献   

We show that workers' reasons for quitting their job affect their decision to stay in or leave their industry, using survey data among public sector employees in the Netherlands. Workers quitting for e.g. pay, work pressure, or job duties move relatively often to another industry, in contrast to workers quitting for commuting time or the atmosphere at work. This suggests that workers use their experience in the initial job to update their expectations on other jobs in the industry, as the first set of job aspects is more likely to be related among jobs within an industry than the latter. Furthermore, it is shown that workers' reasons to quit fully explain the differences in wage growth between intra- and interindustry job movers. Lastly, we find that workers who quit for pay or management often leave the public sector altogether.  相似文献   

The North Sea oil and gas industry currently faces recruitment and retention difficulties because of a shortage of skilled workers. One means of retaining existing employees is to improve workers’ job satisfaction. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of job satisfaction and intentions to quit within this industry sector. We find that individuals in good financial situations, those whose skills are closely related to their job and those who received training reported higher levels of job satisfaction. Furthermore, we establish the importance of job satisfaction, promotion prospects and training opportunities in determining workers’ intentions to quit their job.  相似文献   

互惠和信任是社会交换的普适准则。本文基于社会交换理论,以中国境内各类企业972位管理人员为样本,试图研究领导风格与员工工作态度之间的关系,尤其是组织与员工间的互惠和员工的组织信任在其中的中介作用。在初步研究的基础上,本文对变革型领导、事务型领导、广义互惠、平衡互惠、员工的组织信任、组织承诺和离职意愿各概念进行了系统的探索性分析和验证性分析,接着检验了这七个核心概念的区分效度。研究结论表明:(1)变革型领导不仅直接对员工的组织信任和组织承诺产生作用,而且通过组织对员工的广义和平衡互惠使员工产生对组织的信任,从而提高员工的组织承诺和降低员工的离职意愿;(2)事务型领导仅仅通过互惠对员工的组织信任和组织承诺产生作用;(3)广义互惠直接影响员工的组织承诺,平衡互惠通过组织信任影响员工的组织承诺。研究结论告诉我国企业领导者,首先,尽可能锻炼自己,努力成为变革型领导者。其次,要努力塑造互惠和信任的企业文化,并且特别着重于建设广义互惠的企业文化和制度环境。  相似文献   

不信任和信任是两个相互关联但不同结构的一对概念,对此,学术界并没有达成共识。本文通过纵向实证研究,以在线购买为情境,再次验证了这一观点;并且发现,不信任和信任及其前因后项在性别、学历水平、互联网使用时间和网购次数、消费金额方面存在显著差异;消费者在线购买信任的产生更多体现在对安全控制的良好感知,而消费者在线购买不信任的产生更多体现在对不隐私保护的认知;安全控制不仅通过信任间接积极地影响购买意图而且对其也有直接强正作用,不隐私保护不仅通过不信任间接地积极影响不购买意图而且对其也有直接强正作用。这些结论与本论文作者2007年相关的研究结论保持基本一致。该结论将再次对电子商务运营商提供重要启示,即要增加消费者的在线购买信任和意图着力点必须在安全控制,而消除不信任和不购买意图更重要是消除不隐私保护。  相似文献   

Trade and Turnover: Theory and Evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Is the pattern of trade correlated with cross‐sector differences in job turnover? Theoretically, external shocks feed through to changes in domestic employment and cross‐sector differences in turnover give rise to compensating wage differentials, which feed through to output prices. Using two different datasets on turnover, we find strong evidence that normalized US net exports by sector are negatively correlated with job destruction and worker separation rates. Weaker evidence suggests a positive correlation between normalized net exports and job acquisition. Using sector‐specific job destruction data for both Canada and the US, we find confirmation of the theoretical prediction that normalized net exports to Canada are negatively related to the ratio of the US job destruction rate to the Canadian job destruction rate.  相似文献   

主题餐厅的活力和利润来源于忠诚的顾客,而影响忠诚顾客的关键因素在于消费意愿。该文从体验消费视角,在清楚界定主题餐厅概念的基础上。选取顾客是否愿意到主题餐厅消费的意愿作为被解释变量,主题餐厅消费主题、消费产品、消费感知物有所值和顾客生活形态特征作为解释变量,构建kgistic二元选择模型,依据对重庆市572位顾客的调查,对其到主题餐厅消费的意愿及影响因素进行分析。研究表明:顾客对主题特色、菜品特色的好奇心,对菜品质量、菜单设计、服务水平、消费成本的合理预期的认可,家庭收入与顾客到主题餐厅消费的意愿选择正相关。顾客对主题餐厅消费信息的了解程度、消费经验与到主题餐厅消费的意愿负相关。菜品品种、接待能力、年龄及受教育程度与是否愿意到主题餐厅消费意愿无显著相关。  相似文献   

In 2001 and 2002, the Korean government dramatically increased cigarette taxes, anti‐smoking advertisements, and smoking prohibitions as part of an anti‐smoking campaign. This paper examines the impacts of these policy changes by modeling quit success and smoking intentions pre‐ and post‐policy and attributing model differences to anti‐smoking policies. Model results provide evidence that national anti‐smoking policies increased both quitting success and intention to quit. However, the impacts of these policies are uneven throughout Korean society. Females and those who exercise for health maintenance experienced higher quit success. Heavy smokers and high frequency alcohol drinkers stated they are less likely to quit smoking post‐policy. One impact of national anti‐smoking policies is reduced provincial differences among Koreans in both quit success and intention to quit. Future anti‐smoking policies should address the different needs of these groups. (JEL D12, I19)  相似文献   

This article develops a simple model of M2/GDP based on the money demand function of Milton Friedman. This model proves that M2/GDP is positively related to the expected wealth and negatively related to the opportunity costs of holding money. China’s extremely high monetization ratio as measured by M2/GDP is the result of a decades-long rapid economic growth and a depressed financial system. Fast economic growth leads to high expected wealth. A depressed financial system leads to low opportunity costs of holding money. The combination of those two factors increases money demand and leads to very high M2/GDP. The model is verified indirectly by testing two implied testable hypothesizes. The study of this article raises questions on the accuracy of M2/GDP as a measure of monetization.  相似文献   

In this paper, a vector error correction model for Euro area money, prices, output, long-term interest rate and short-term interest rate with three identified cointegration relations is specified. It is shown that Euro area money and prices can be considered as variables that are integrated of order two or I(2), that is, they have to be differenced twice to become stationary. Accordingly, the relation between money, prices and other macroeconomic variables is analyzed in an econometric framework which is suited for the analysis of I(2)-variables. Monetary policy implications are derived from the estimated system.First revision received: May 2002/Final revision received: May 2003I thank Helmut Lütkepohl, Jürgen Wolters, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. Financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 373) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

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