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服务创新系统状态取决于社会网络中知识主体之间的有效连接,服务创新关系优化表现为社会网络知识链结点之间,知识服务关系和创新过程的协同。通过分析基于社会网络拓扑结构的服务创新关系结构特征,从不同维度的结构关系研究其对创新性知识扩散过程产生影响,解析知识扩散过程和创新价值实现的效率。通过构建基于社会网络的SIR知识扩散模型,进一步对基于服务创新关系的知识扩散过程进行数量界定,提出了优化知识扩散效果、促进区域科技成果转化的对策。  相似文献   

This paper argues that what Robert Allen has termed collectiveinvention settings (that is, settings in which competing firmsshare technological knowledge) were a crucial source of innovationduring the early phases of industrialisation. Until now thishas been very little considered in the literature, which hasfocused on the patent system as the main institutional arrangementdriving the rate of innovation. The paper presents one of thesecollective invention settings, the Cornish mining district,in detail. It studies the specific economic and technical circumstancesthat led to the emergence of this collective invention settingand analyses its consequences on the rate of technological innovation.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the question of whether public policy changes and/or the new economy have influenced the social returns to R&D expenditure in UK manufacturing over the three decades up to the end of the millennium. The basic methodology is reasonably straightforward, to estimate a production function in which, in addition to labour and fixed capital, R&D appears separately in a form that directly enables estimates of the social return to investment in knowledge and how it has changed over time. The results suggest that neither changes in government R&D policy nor the new economy have raised social returns to R&D.  相似文献   

以深圳科技工业园社会技术创新和扩散过程中的政府角色为实证基础,扩展了政府替代论,设计了科技工业园创新扩散的政企互动演化模型。结果表明,社会技术作为市场发育的关键因素,在政府替代过程中扮演了重要角色。在社会技术还不成熟时,政府通过供给资源、鼓励创新促进社会技术创新,政府在社会技术成熟之后应采取鼓励扩散和公共化的策略从而及时退出,并且保持与创新者的知识互动,不断提升治理水平,实现从发展型政府向服务型政府的转变。  相似文献   

知识扩散是协同创新项目资源整合的主要途径,知识扩散参与方通过相互之间的任务协作关系嵌入项目网络中,其嵌入特征影响项目知识扩散行为及结果。协同创新项目的任务导向性使组织中的网络嵌入特征及知识扩散行为具有显著特殊性。基于此,构建项目层面的知识扩散仿真模型,并进行网络嵌入性的敏感性分析。仿真结果证实,不同程度的关系嵌入性与结构嵌入性对知识扩散的知识增量与知识水平差异程度两个维度均具有显著影响。从优化知识扩散角度看,协同创新项目组织中适度的关系嵌入性与低水平的结构嵌入性能够最大程度地提升知识扩散效率,实现组织中知识资源充分流动。  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamic nature of innovation diffusion processes, and mechanisms underlying these dynamics is crucial, since such an understanding is potentially very important in designing effective innovation support policies and developing better diffusion forecasts. The role of information diffusion in conditioning the diffusion dynamics of an innovation is the locus of this study. In order to investigate this, a simulation model that distinguishes between the real attributes of the innovation and their perceived levels by the user groups has been developed. The model makes it possible to separately trace the diffusion dynamics of innovation and the information about an innovation. Additionally, the formulation of the model enables the message broadcasted via word-of-mouth to change in nature from positive to negative, or vice versa. This generic model is used in an exploratory way, which is discussed as a novel approach for conducting a simulation-based analysis. Such an exploration covers a wide range of plausible diffusion behaviors, and aims to demonstrate the extent to which information imperfections and dynamics may influence the diffusion process. During experiments it is observed that information imperfections as well as the pace of learning processes may yield significant changes in the diffusion patterns. These changes may be in the form of altering the basic characteristics of the well-known S-shaped diffusion curve, as well as stopping the diffusion at much lower levels than full adoption. The analysis presented in the article shows that exploratory analysis is a promising way to utilize simulation models for developing general insights about dynamics processes.  相似文献   

在深入分析产业层面的创新方法推广应用网络结构的基础上,构建了基于BA无标度网络的SIR模型,分析了知识扩散过程中扩散效果的影响因素和作用机制。结果显示:无标度网络结构特性具有促进知识扩散的独特优势;要加快创新方法在产业中的应用,应重视组织结构和服务平台的构建,设计科学的流程,充分发挥"示范效应",引入激励机制,切实提升创新方法的推广应用效率。  相似文献   

随着研发网络化环境的形成,技术创新网络中节点间知识流动对网络结构演变的影响成为学者们关注的问题。同时,技术创新网络的本质体现为其自身就是一种知识流动的复杂适应系统。因此,从复杂适应系统(CAS)视角分析知识在技术创新网络中知识节点间的不同流动方式,以及在技术扩散过程中知识流动特征与核心节点形成过程,从节点的初始状态、节点间知识流动和节点状态变化等3个方面构建了技术创新网络中节点间知识流动规则,分析了网络中企业间知识流动过程对节点企业核心地位形成的影响,为下一步的仿真研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a new way to capture knowledge diffusion and assimilation in innovation networks by means of an agent-based simulation model. The model incorporates three essential characteristics of knowledge that have not been covered entirely by previous diffusion models: the network character of knowledge, compatibility of new knowledge with already existing knowledge, and the fact that transmission of knowledge requires some form of attention. We employ a network-of- networks approach, where agents are located within an innovation network and each agent itself contains another network composed of knowledge units (KUs). Since social learning is a path-dependent process, in our model, KUs are exchanged among agents and integrated into their respective knowledge networks depending on the received KUs’ compatibility with the currently focused ones. Thereby, we are also able to endogenize attributes such as absorptive capacity that have been treated as an exogenous parameter in some of the previous diffusion models. We use our model to simulate and analyze various scenarios, including cases for different degrees of knowledge diversity and cognitive distance among agents as well as knowledge exploitation vs. exploration strategies. Here, the model is able to distinguish between two levels of knowledge diversity: heterogeneity within and between agents. Additionally, our simulation results give fresh impetus to debates about the interplay of innovation network structure and knowledge diffusion. In summary, our article proposes a novel way of modeling knowledge diffusion, thereby contributing to an advancement of the economics of innovation and knowledge.  相似文献   

In the face of claims that economics is increasingly drivenmerely by fashion, this paper draws out certain similaritiesand differences between two self-consciously progressive anddevelopmental research programmes—namely the LSE approachto econometric modelling and critical realism in economics.The argument is that, while these two programmes of researchshare a common point of departure and possess many common elements,what at root distinguishes them is their adoption of opposingphilosophical orientations. The comparison enables both thenature of each programme, and the relevance of their commonconcerns, to be more easily appreciated and helps clarify thesort of evidence that would provide a basis for selecting oneproject over the other.  相似文献   

Analyzing the innovation process for environmental performance improvement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper elaborates the concept of demand articulation in product innovation to analyze innovation for environmental improvement. A conceptual framework has been developed that allows analysis of social demand articulation, the process that stimulates firms toward environmental innovation. Knowledge and information flows that raise the technological capability and awareness level of firms and consumers for environmental improvement are discerned. Their indicators have been developed based on the number of research papers and newspaper articles on environmental issues, respectively. Statistically significant results have been obtained on the role of knowledge and information flows on environmental innovations. Use of the framework on case studies revealed knowledge and information flows on local air quality and global warming led to the development of high-efficiency, low-emission automobiles. In conclusion, social demand articulation is an effective process by which knowledge and information flows mobilize the requisites needed for a successful environmental innovation.  相似文献   

从众行为影响管理创新扩散已成为共识,社会媒体参与下的从众行为发生了诸多变化,进而影响管理创新扩散的方向和速度。创造性地将从众行为解构为从众搜索、从众转换和信息传播3个要素,分析了社会媒体对3个要素的影响。构建了社会媒体参与下从众行为影响管理创新扩散的系统动力学模型,通过仿真发现:降低从众搜索强度和提高从众转换概率会改变管理创新扩散方向,而变化信息传播结构不会改变扩散方向,但会加速扩散过程。  相似文献   

The human subject plays a central role in the theory of socialreality developed by Tony Lawson in his book Economics and Reality.This theory relies on an account of human cognitive functioningthat distinguishes discursive from tacit knowledge. The presentpaper argues that Lawson's discussion of tacit knowledge inEconomics and Reality is underdeveloped in that it leaves unexploredthe notion of internalised knowledge. John Searle's work onmind, intentionality and the Background is reviewed and proposedas a solution to this problem.  相似文献   

技术多样性是企业创新能力的重要表征,但现有研究对于技术多样性与创新扩散的关系存在争议。对此,区分相关和不相关技术多样性对创新扩散的异质性影响,并检验实质性社会责任信息披露作为一种信号传递机制对上述关系的调节作用。基于2008—2017年中国研发密集型上市企业数据进行实证分析,结果发现:相关技术多样性能够积极影响创新扩散;不相关技术多样性对创新扩散的影响存在滞后效应;实质性社会责任信息披露正向调节不相关技术多样性与创新扩散的关系。结论丰富了创新扩散理论与实证研究,可为企业创新实践提供决策依据。  相似文献   

技术扩散(或知识溢出)是企业集群发展的一个主要诱因,但是技术扩散(或知识溢出)的微观过程依然是一个"黑箱"。将高技术产业集群看成一个系统,应用系统动力学的方法,建立了技术创新动力成长上限基模、技术扩散动力成长上限基模、知识生产与搭便车者两败俱伤基模、知识生产富者愈富基模、集群成长与投资不足基模、集群创新舍本逐末基模、集群发展饮鸩止渴基模共7个系统基模,用以揭示高技术产业集群中技术创新、技术扩散、知识生产、集群成长与集群发展之间因果关系的作用机理及运作机制,并对基模根本解作了政策解析。  相似文献   

What changes must economics undergo, if it is to become a moreadequate discipline, furthering of survival and flourishing?This essay argues that a break must be made from contemporarymainstream economics at the level of ontology (i.e., about thenature of reality). Drawing on neglected traditions of pragmatistphilosophy and process metaphysics, some elements of ‘old’institutionalist economics, and late-twentieth century naturalscience, it demonstrates that ample argument exists for a viewof the world as open, evolving and permeated with value. Furthermore,feminist scholarship offers an explanation for why such a worldviewfaces an uphill battle for acceptance.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the nature of innovation, the innovation process and its associated coordination problems in the subjectivist perspective. It argues that innovation, when viewed in the first person perspective, is not a homogeneous concept. Instead, the degree of newness of an innovation is determined subjectively by adopters. The stages of the innovation process described in the management literature are re-interpreted in light of Schutz' phenomenology. Innovation creates coordination problems. Schumpeterian innovation disrupts plans of market participants and threatens people's sense of reality. The stocks of knowledge of market participants are no longer able to solve new problems brought about by pioneering entrepreneurs. Knowledge taken for granted becomes problematic. As a result, coordination fails. In attempting to remove uncertainty arising from radical innovation, human agents create knowledge surrogates and project acts in the future perfect tense. Through a process of typification, successful actions are crystallised into firm routines and institutions that once again help to serve for coordination. The arguments developed in this paper throw new light on three aspects of business strategies, namely, management of innovation, vertical integration and advertising.  相似文献   

Open Source Software projects base their operation on a collaborative structure for knowledge exchange in the form of provision or reception of information, expertise and feedback on the creation of source code. Here, we address the direction of these knowledge flows among projects throughout social networks and their impact on project success. We identify the roles of membership or contribution that individuals play within projects. We found that connections through contributors who bring their knowledge to the project, improve project success, and that connection through members, who transfer their knowledge towards other projects, enhance project success. Finally, we found that ties through shared membership and contributions hamper project success. The analysis of knowledge flows and their impact on project success imply a translation of returns from investment in social capital, where investment takes the shape of knowledge flows and the returns mean the projects’ diffusion over the network.
Clara E. GarcíaEmail:

The paper analyses whether business cycle fluctuations affectlong-run growth. This hypothesis is tested using quarterly timeseries for the G7-countries. A vector-autoregressive model containingtotal factor productivity and a survey-based direct measureof the business cycle is estimated. In this vector-autoregression,technology and business cycle shocks are identified based onthe assumption that productivity-improving measures need sometime and, thus, there is no contemporaneous response of productivityto a business cycle innovation. The results suggest that positivebusiness cycles shocks have a small negative impact on long-runproductivity. However, the results appear to be not robust againstchanges in the empirical model.(JEL E32, O41)  相似文献   

小世界网络下用户创新扩散效果分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
林略  周力全 《技术经济》2009,28(7):18-21,47
本文对用户创新的概念及相关研究成果进行了阐述,分析了用户创新扩散的特性;运用WS小世界网络模型构建了用户创新扩散的网络模型,并对扩散效果进行了模拟分析。结果表明:用户创新扩散在不同的网络结构下呈现出不同的结果;创新采纳比例在小世界区间达到最大;随着网络随机化程度的加大,平均创新知识水平变得更高,知识的均匀扩散能够更快实现。最后进行了案例分析。  相似文献   

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